

86. 自来水公司接到指令,不能再让人们接触被污染的水了。

The water companies were instructed not to e        people ________ polluted water any more.

87. 不要总是把失败归咎于别人。有时该怪你自己。

   Don’t always owe your failure to others. Sometimes you yourself are ________ ________.

88. 当洗衣机忽然出故障的时候,我真不知道该怎么办。

   When suddenly the washing machine ________ ________, I really had no idea what I could do.

89. 她朗诵这首诗的时候漏了三个词。

   She ________ ________ three words when she recited the poem.

90. 恐怕这套沙发会占据太多的空间。

   I’m afraid this set of sofas will ________ ________ too much space.

91. 小男孩偷偷溜进会议室,没人注意到他。

   The little boy ________ ________ the meeting room without being noticed.

92. 我们的成功取决于我们是否努力工作。

   Our success ________ ________ whether we work hard or not.

93. 母亲反复唱着歌直到孩子睡着。

   The mother sang the song ________ ________ ________ ________ until her child fell asleep.

94. 一旦所有的桌椅都摆放妥当了,我们就可以让人进来了。

   Once all the desks and chairs are ________ ________, we can let the people in.


76. which    77. importance    78. would    79. chatting        80. communicate    81. reasons    82. able    83. more/worse   84.makes    85. our


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