
3.It is reported that the ______ in Libya is hotting up.(  )

分析 据报道,在利比亚的暴力活动升温了.

解答 答案B.

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18.Your next Disney obsession has arrived!Zootopia (疯狂动物城)hit theaters on March 4,and it's fun at the movies for the entire family.If you're in the mood to smile,Zootopia is the movie for you.The new Disney movie (25)was released (release) on March 4,starring Jason Bateman,Ginnifer Goodwin,Idris Elba and more.Critics are obsessed (26)with Zootopia--Check out (27)what the critics are saying about Zootopia now!
---Zootopia is the best Disney animated film that I have seen in a long time.This is a movie that works for everyone.(28)It doesn't matter whether you're 4years old or 40years old.
---I love the characters.They do such a great job of building up Judy Hopps(兔子朱迪) from the moment she comes on screen and I think I will remember her as one of my favorite Disney characters.
---Zootopia is smart,funny,and is mature in its storytelling and in its message.It's very nice to see a movie directed at kids that has respect and treats kids as people who(29)can understand complex themes,not mindless creatures that need simple cliched(刻板的) messages.
---I predict that Zootopia will be one of the (30)best-known (well-known) animated films of the following years.The film does what every animated film should do; it tells a solid story with a lot of emotional depth,and a message that can hopefully teach kids important lessons.The film is also funny,smart,beautifully animated,(31)filled (fill) with great characters,and features great voice work.If you have kids,and they(32)haven't seen (not see) this film yet,it's safe to say they'd enjoy it,but they may possibly take an important life lesson away from seeing it too.
13.When we see men paying attention to their appearance,it's easy to assume that they're just trying to get partners.But our research on beards shows that beards probably evolved at least partly to help men strengthen their standing among other men.
Men and women on average look very different from each other-partly thanks to men's facial hair.And when we see differences between males and females,the explanation often boils down to evolution through sexual selection-the process that favours something that increases mating opportunities.
But interestingly,women don't seem that interested in beards.While some studies have found that women like a bit or even a lot of facial hair on men,other studies have reported that they prefer the clean-shaven look.The lack of consistent evidence means we can't conclude that beards evolved because women were attracted to them.
Researchers have therefore suggested that a second type of sexual selection may hold the answer.To reproduce,it's often not enough to simply be attractive.You also have to compete with the same sex for mating opportunities.The funny,shy guy at the back of the bar isn't going to stand a chance when competing with his aggressive brothers otherwise.And there's evidence that beards evolved to help men do just that.
In times with a greater proportion of single men competing for fewer women,beards and moustaches became more fashionable.A man's ability to grow a thick beard isn't actually neatly linked to his testosterone (男性荷尔蒙) levels.Despite this,a number of studies have suggested that both men and women regard men with beards as older,stronger and more aggressive than others.And dominant men can get more mating opportunities by frightening rivals to stand aside.

32.What makes men differ from women?D
A.Men's expressions.
B.Men's appearance.
C.Men's ability.
D.Men's facial hair.
33.According to the Researchers beardsC.
A.differ men from women
B.are preferred to be clean-shaven
C.help a man win sexual selection
D.make the shy guy stand behind the bar
34.What happened when there were more single men but fewer women?A
A.Beards were more popular.
B.Men were not aggressive.
C.More men could not get married.
D.People liked dominant men.
35.What do we learn about beards from the text?B
A.They are used to attract females.
B.They make men dominant.
C.They interest women.
D.They are not important now.
8.Books are typically written first,then narrated (朗读) for audio (有声) books.Until now.Audible,the largest company of audio books,has begun asking well-known writers to create works specifically for audio,instead of inviting people to narrate already existing print books.It's a new chapter for the book industry.
    Audible now has about 30 totally new audio works in production.And it turns out that audio books,which have long been regarded as less important than e-books,have actually been doing quite well.They are a $1,000,000,000 industry,with more than 35,000 titles published in 2013alone.
    What promotes that progress is not only an evolution of technology,but more importantly,the rise of the celebrity (名人) narrator.Narrators are key to the success of an audio book and these days,producers are signing on more and more celebrities.Celebrities'narration is like a private performance to customers,who get a feeling of closeness in listening to their voices.Many of the customers buy audio books based on the narrator.They will listen to anything a specific actor or actress reads.
That is why Audible is taking the risk of not producing print books at all but starting totally new audio works.There's another reason why the company is expecting its risk-taking action to pay off:humans have been telling stories since the beginning of time.We are taking part in a little habit that goes back thousands and thousands of years-before the first mark was ever made on a stone.Long before writing,people were telling each other stories and the audio book goes all the way back to that tradition.As Peter Allen sang softly in the 1970s,everything old is new again.
32.The"new chapter"(Para.1)refers to a time ofA.
A.producing totally new audio works
B.starting audio companies
C.narrating print books for audio
D.creating electronic books
33.What does Paragraph 2 tell about audio books?D
A.Their difference from e-books.
B.Their previous production.
C.Their great importance.
D.Their bright future.
34.Customers like celebrities'narration becauseD.
A.celebrities help them understand the stories
B.celebrities have more attractive voices
C.celebrities have better narra ting skills
D.celebrities seem to be within their reach
35.Audible believes its risk-taking action will be rewarding becauseA.
A.the action agrees with the story-telling tradition
B.customers play an active role in the action
C.the company has spent a lot on the action
D.the action has lasted for a long time.
15.Scientists Detect Gravitational Waves
What is gravitational waves (引力波)?Scientists have for the first time observed ripples in the fabric of space time (时空涟漪) called gravitational waves,arriving at the earth from a severely destructive event in the distant universe.It confirms a major prediction of Albert Einstein's 1915general theory of relativity and opens a unique new window onto the universe,according to a group of scientists at a press conference in Washington on Thursday.
"This is truly scientific moonshot.We did it.We landed on the moon,"declared David Reitz,executive director of the LIGO Laboratory at Caltech,at the conference in the National Press Club.
According to the National Science Foundation (NSF) experts,gravitational waves carry information about their dramatic origins and about the nature of gravity that cannot be obtained from elsewhere.Physicists have concluded that the detected gravitational waves were produced during the final fraction of a second (千分之一秒) of the combination of two black holes to produce a single,much bigger turning black hole.This fierce shock of two black holes had been predicted but never observed by NSF.
The gravitational waves were detected on Sept 14,2015at 5:51am EDT by both of the twin Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors,located in Livingston,Louisiana,and Hanford,Washington.
Based on the observed signals,LIGO scientists estimate that the black holes for this event were about 29and 36times the weight of the sun,and the event took place 1.3billion years ago.About three times the weight of the sun was changed into gravitational waves in a fraction of a second--with a peak power output about 50times that of the whole visible universe.By looking at the time of arrival of the signals--the detector in Livingston recorded the event 7milliseconds (毫秒) before the detector in Hanford--scientists can say that the source was located in the Southern Hemisphere,according to a press release from NSF,which funded the research.
This new LIGO discovery is the first observation of gravitational waves themselves,made by measuring the tiny disturbances the waves make to space and time as they pass through the earth."Our observation of gravitational waves accomplishes an ambitious goal set out over five decades ago to directly detect this puzzling phenomenon and better understand the universe,and,properly,fulfills Einstein's prediction on the 100th anniversary of his general theory of relativity,"Reitze said.

74.By saying"This is truly scientific moonshot.We did it.We landed on the moon,"what does David Reitz mean?D
A.We humans truly landed on the moon this time.
B.The theory of relativity was not proved until today.
C.Gravitational waves arrived at the earth in the end.
D.Scientists successfully observed gravitational waves.
75.What do NSF experts talk about in the third paragraph?C
A.Gravitational waves carry information about the origins of nature.
B.The nature of gravity cannot be obtained from gravitational waves.
C.The combination of two black holes can produce a single,much bigger turning black hole.
D.Gravitational waves only appear at the final fraction of a second of the shock of two black holes.
76.According to the observed signals,LIGO scientists find out thatC.
A.the two black holes which brought about this event were much bigger than the sun
B.about three times the weight of the sun became gravitational waves in this event
C.the event produced by the observed signals took place 1.3billion years ago
D.the peak power output was about 50times that of the whole universe
77.From this passage,a conclusion can be drawn thatA.
A.gravitational waves can make disturbances to space and time
B.Einstein predicted the observed gravitational waves in the universe
C.gravitational waves is not a puzzling phenomenon to the world any more
D.this new LIGO discovery was made to test the general theory of relativity.
5.Many French academics,teachers and parents complain because they feel that intellectual levels are falling rapidly!The figures prove it:young people visit museums less,spend their lives chatting on the Internet,read nothing but Stephen King,while watching American soaps such as Friends or reality shows like Star Academy on television,music player glued to their cars,and the games console handy.
It is,however,easy to see these habits  in a positive light.Music is the favorite leisure activity:86% of 14-to18-year-olds put it at the top of their activities,above the cinema(71%),clubbing(68%),sport(56%) and television(48%).For 90% of young people aged 14to 18,radio is also very popular:they listen to it every day without exception.International popular music has a strong showing,but songs in French are still in the majority(60%).
Young people do,of course,watch a lot of television,but less than their elders,and if they tend to choose mostly soaps and reality TV shows,that is because these are the programs people talk about,which encourages social interaction.Do young people read less than they used to?Maybe,but that's also true of the elders.Young people still read more than their elders.When asked,"Do you like reading?",94% of 14-to-18-year-olds say they do,and 81% are convinced that computers will never replace books.
Contrary to popular belief,reading continues to occupy an extremely important place in leisure-time activities,but the reading matter young people choose has changed considerably:there is a greater variety of media(computers and new technologies) and young people admit to taste they would perhaps have been ashamed of in the past.For example,comic strips,Stenphen King or other authors not recognized by mainstream culture,such as Betty Mahmoody (Not Without My Daughter),Mary Higgins Clark or Jostein Gaader (Sophie's World).As Beatrice Toulon,Editor in Chief of the magazine Phosphore,see it,"They don't read the same things as their parents did,but they are not afraid to admit it.They have their own culture,which they flaunt(炫耀) openly!"

51.The underlined part"in a positive light"in Paragraph 2can best be replaced byC.
A.in the long term
B.during the daytime
C.from an optimistic angle
D.beyond reasonable doubt
52.Which activity is the most popular with young French people?A
53.We can infer that young French peopleB.
A.are ashamed of their tastes
B.are proud of their own culture
C.share their parents'tastes in reading
D.admit that they read less than their parents
54.What is the author's attitude towards intellectual levels in France?D
55.Which of the following can be best title for the passage?C
A.The Future of Books
B.More Books,Less TV
C.Young People and Culture in France
D.Young People and Their Elders in France.

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