
5.However, in using the results of such tests, the engineer must remember that they       . (apply)


5.apply only to the test conditions


  The principal of New Milford High School has nearly 12,300 Twitter followers. He and his teachers use Facebook to communicate with students and parents,and students use it to plan e-vents. In class, teachers routinely ask kids to power up their cellphones to respond to classroom quizzes. Rather than ban cellphones, Sheninger calls them "mobile learning devices".

  "The Internet as we know it is the 21st century," he says. "It is what these students have known their whole lives. They're connected, they're creating, they're discussing."

He and others say working online also pushes education beyond the limits of school, allowing kids to broaden discussion of their work. And it forces them to do "authentic" work that gets tested out in the real world, as outside viewers see it and respond to it.

  "Being literate in 2011 means being digitally literate. " says Chris Lehmann. "It is naive (天真的) to think that kids raised online will respond to school the same way as previous genera?tions. Kids are coming to us bored, disconnected, and it's a challenge for us to figure out how to use the tools inherent in the real-time Web.”

  Perhaps the biggest objection to widespread use of social sites is the likelihood that kids will meet irrelevant or even offensive material―a fear that many teachers say is overblown.

  "We as educators need to do a better job of advertising and sharing the meaningful work done with social media," says Matt Levinson. "If you keep it out,kids are creating their own cultures in this space with no guidance from adults―and that's not responsible.”

  "The other big misconception is that schools with open Web access are simply letting kids play freely as if there's no structure," says Lisa Highfill, a longtime devotee of YouTuhe. She used it recently to show her students videos of tornadoes. Highfill says she chooses videos in ad?vance.

  "I don't just search in front of the kids," says Highfill. She admits that even with careful planning,learning online carries risks. But the risks shouldn't be overstated. " When we go on a field trip,when we go anywhere," she says, "we warn students of the dangers of where we're going.”

(   ) 5. In the opinion of Sheninger, social networking        .

   A.is almost the whole life of many kids

   B.gets kids to learn something schools forbid

   C.allows kids to complain about their learning

   D.has kids get feedback on their online work

(   ) 6. According to Chris,teachers are challenged to know        .

   A.how to make full use of social sites in class

   B.how to avoid looking foolish in using social sites

   C.how to connect kids with social media effectively

   D.how to deal with a digital generation in class

(   ) 7. The example of Highfill's using YouTube proves        .

   A.online learning is full of unexpected things

   B.it is a risk to open the Web to students at school

   C.teachers provide guidance on the Web access

    D.kids play freely if having access to the Web

(   ) 8. What might be the most suitable title for the passage?

   A.Social networking helps online learning

   B.Social sites are a wonderful place for kids

   C.Social networking sites are blocked at schools

   D.Social media find place in class

 When I was 23 years old I was in a dangerous relationship with my fiance (未婚夫) at the time. I was being physically and verbally abused(辱骂) on a daily basis. I was financially tied to him after he spent all my savings to pay his debts but I wanted to be free!

  For the longest time I was too embarrassed to tell my mother about the situation. She had warned me about him. But,eventually, I worked up the courage to tell her and she sent me the money I needed to leave.

  Before the money arrived he found out what I planned to do. I was so scared of what he might do,so I decided to leave all my things and just get out of there.

  Then,on my way to the safety, my car died!I had automobile insurance so I called the AAA and had them pull the car to a garage. It turned out that the repair was going to cost $80. 00 and the money my mom sent hadn't arrived by that time.

  The owner of the garage must have known something was up because he asked what was wrong. I told him a brief description of my story and told him I could pay him in two days.

  He never told me his name but I will never forget him or what he did for me that day!He fixed the car immediately and told me he would not accept any payment―ever!He said he had a daughter almost my age and would like to think that if she ever needed help in the future then some stranger might do the same for her.

  Since then I have tried to help people in my own way. Now I have a beautiful twelve-year-old daughter and I hope throughout her life she can help others and be helped when she needs it, like I was!

(   ) 5. The author left home without taking anything with her mainly because .

   A.she preferred light travels

   B.she was absolutely in a hurry

   C.she took enough money with her

   D.she didn't want her fiance to know it

(   ) 6. What happened to the author on her way to the safety?

   A.She had a traffic accident.

   B.Her car broke down all of a sudden.

   C.The insurance company helped her repair her car.

   D.The cost of the repair was paid by the insurance company.

(   ) 7. The owner of the garage didn't tell his name to the author in order to show that

   A.he never wanted her to pay back

   B.she should contact his daughter

   C.he was a very kind and rich man

   D.he expected her to do kind things

(   ) 8. It is implied in the passage that        .

   A.the author managed to pay for the owner of the garage at last

   B.the author hoped kindness would be passed down

   C.the author's mother thought highly of her fiance

   D.the daughter of the owner always accepted help

 Japanese households are being urged to go to bed one hour earlier than normal in order to help tackle climate change.

  The Japanese government has launched a campaign encouraging people to go to bed and get up extra early in order to reduce household carbon dioxide emissions.

The Morning Challenge campaign, launched by the Japanese Environment Ministry, is based on the belief that swapping late night electricity for an extra hour of morning sunlight could significantly cut the nation's carbon footprint.

  A typical family can reduce its carbon dioxide footprint by 85kg a year if everyone goes to bed and gets up one hour earlier, according to the campaign.

The amount of carbon dioxide emissions potentially saved from going to bed an hour early equals 20 percent of annual emissions from household lights," Many Japanese people waste elec?tric power at night time,for example by watching TV until very late, "a ministry spokesperson told The Daily Telegraph.

  But going to bed early and getting up early can avoid wasting electrical power which causes carbon dioxide emissions. If people change their lifestyle, we can save energy and reduce emis?sions. The campaign also proposes that people take advantage of an extra hour of morning sun?light by improving their lifestyles in general by running,doing yoga and eating a nutritious breakfast.

  It is the latest initiative(倡议) tackling climate change by the Japanese environment minis?try,which is faced with the challenge of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 25 percent from 1990 levels within the next three decades.

  It was the same government department that launched the high-profile(备受关注的) Cool Biz campaign five years ago,which encourages workers to wear short-sleeved shirts and offices not to turn air conditioner lower than 28 degrees Celsius during summer. 

(   ) 5. The campaign mentioned in the passage is aimed at        .

   A.saving electricity

   B.taking full advantage of morning sunshine

   C.improving Japanese people's lifestyle

   D.reducing household carbon dioxide emissions

(   ) 6. The underlined phrase "carbon footprint" in Paragraph 3 probably means        .

   A.the footsteps the Japanese make

   B.carbon painting

   C.carbon dioxide emissions

   D.carbon paper

(   ) 7. By 2020, the Japanese hope to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the level of 1990 by        .

   A. 20%        B. 25%      C. 28%          D. 85%

(   ) 8. What can we learn about the Cool Biz campaign according to the passage?

    A.It was started by the Japanese Environment Ministry last year.

   B.It was intended to save energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

   C.It demanded that workers should not wear short-sleeved shirts.

   D.It discouraged the workers from turning on air conditioner during summer.

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