Millions of people visit Yosemite National Park every year to see the tall waterfalls and mountains. These mountains are a splendid sight when viewed form the valley floor. Lots of stores, hotels, and restaurants are needed to handle the crowds. Also, water, roads, and other service systems are part of the infrastructure (基础设施) that must be maintained.

Unfortunately, these systems are starting to break down. It’s not just in Yosemite but in national parks around the nation.    

Yosemite is thirty years old according to Dennis Galvin, a National Park Service worker. The Park is not only old but worn out. Two or three times as many visitors come every year. That is too many visitors for the park to deal with.

Four years ago a storm washed out a water pipeline in the Grand Canyon. The National Park Service had to send water trucks to provide water for the visitors. Last month pipes almost broke again and roads had to be closed for a while.

Why hasn’t the National Park Service kept up the park repairs? There is a lack of money. The United States has 378 monuments, parks, and wilderness areas. Between three and four billion dollars are needed for repairs.

Yosemite is one national park that does have money for repairs. It has two hundred million dollars but cannot spend it any way it chooses. When the park workers started widening the road, they were forced to stop by the Sierra Club. The club claimed that the road work was damaging the Merced River that runs through the park.

A sierra Club lawyer, Julia Olson, feels that the infrastructure needs to be moved out of Yosemite. That way less pressure will be put on the already crowded park.

According to the text, the mountains in Yosemite look most splendid when they are

appreciated from ______.    

A. the bottom of the valleys                              B. the top of the mountains

C. the side of the mountains                              D. the edge of the valleys

National parks like Yosemite in the U.S. find it increasingly difficult to meet the need of

visitors because ______.

A. their transport management needs improving

B. they spend too much on their service systems

C. their service systems frequently go out of order

D. they need help from environmental organizations

The main problem of Yosemite National Park is its ______.

A. rundown water pipes                                    B. overcrowdedness

C. lack of money                                              D. narrow roads

According to the text, the Sierra Club is most likely to be ______.

A. an environmental group                                B. an information center

C. a travel service                                             D. a law firm



Living in a foreign country is fun but it isn’t always easy. There are many differences between cultures and although some of these differences are unimportant, some can cause a lot of embarrassment. In addition to the obvious language problems of living in a foreign country, I certainly experienced culture shock when I was living in Paris. I know I’m not the only one so I spoke to a few foreign friends about how they experienced culture shock in China.

   Aubin arrived two months ago from Europe to take part in a language programme in Shanghai. Before he left, he was actually taught the differences between European and Chinese Cultures, including everything from table manners to classroom behavior. However, some things have still taken him by surprise. For example, he couldn’t understand why waiters did not want to accept the tips he gave them after meals in restaurants. He said that in Europe waiters got angry if you didn’t leave them a tip! I had to explain to him that people don’t usually tip in China and that this comes from the Confucian idea that one must avoid accepting any undue income.

   Another friend, Julia, came to Guangzhou from London to teach at a language school. After a month, she told me that she was really let down by her students. I asked her why and she told me that they were so quiet that she was the only person talking in class and it felt like the children were being respectful but she said it would be more respectful if they answered her questions. I think we should be proud of the Chinese tradition that stresses politeness but I do think Julia has a good point.

   And it is not only the West and the East that have cultural differences. Even Korea and China, two countries that are very close to each other, have differences too. “I thought Chinese and Korean people were the same,” said my friend Ji-Hyun in perfect Chinese, “but I was wrong . In ancient times the Chinese used to take their shoes off. They don’t do that any more, but Korean people still do! I keep getting that wrong even though I’ve been here for five years!”

   Luckily, whether we take our shoes off or not, or leave unnecessary tips, the world still runs perfectly. In my opinion, cultural differences should simply be seen as a way of making life interesting. Imagine how boring it would be if we all did everything exactly the same way! Learning to understand and respect differences is, after all, what life is all about.  


Living with Differences


One problem of living abroad is to experience cultural    71    .  

Experiences and reasons

Waiters    72     to accept tips under the    73    of the Confucian idea.

Students are    74    in class because they are    75    to teachers.

Chinese don’t    76     their shoes as they    77    to.

Right    78     to cultural differences

Learn to understand and    79     them.

   80     of them as fun in life.

Millions of people visit Yosemite National Park every year to see the tall waterfalls and mountains. The mountains are a splendid sight when viewed from the valley floor. Lots of stores, hotels, and restaurants are needed to handle the crowds. Also, water, roads, and other service systems are part of the infrastructure(基础设施)that must be maintained.

Unfortunately, these systems are starting to break down. It’s not just in Yosemite but in national parks around the nation.

Yosemite is thirty years old according to Dennis Galvin, a National Park Service worker. The park is not only old but worn out. Two or three times as many visitors come every year. That is too many visitors for the park to deal with.

Four years ago a storm washed out a water pipeline in the Grand Canyon. The National Park service had to send water trucks to provide water for the visitors. Last month pipes almost broke again and roads had to be closed for a while.

Why hasn’t the National Park Service kept up the park repairs? There is a lack of money. The United States has 378 monuments, parks, and wilderness areas. Between three and four billion dollars are needed for repairs.

Yosemite is one national park that does have money for repairs. It has two hundred million dollars but cannot spend it any way it chooses. When the park workers started widening the road, they were forced to stop by the Sierra Club. The club claimed that the road work was damaging the Merced River that runs through the park.

A Sierra Club lawyer, Julia Olson, feels that the infrastructure needs to be moved out of Yosemite. That way less pressure will be put on the already crowded park.

According to the text, the mountains in Yosemite look most splendid when they are appreciated from _______.

A. the bottom of the valleys         B. the top of the mountains

C. the side of the mountains         D. the edge of the valleys

National parks like Yosemite in the U.S. find it increasingly difficult to meet the need of visitors because ________.

A. the transport management needs improving 

B. they spend too much on their service systems

C. their service systems frequently go out of order

D. they need help from environmental organizations

The main problem of Yosemite National Park is its _______.

A. rundown water pipes   B. overcrowdedness   C. lack of money   D. narrow roads

According to the text, the Sierra Club is most likely to be ______.

A. an environmental group              B. an information center 

C. a travel service                     D. a law firm

I was born in Korea, and my family came over to America when I was 10. I’m the middle child of three girls, and my parents moved so we would experience a different life. They did it for our education and to give us more of a chance than they had. We moved to Staten Island, and I went to the High School of Performing Arts in New York City. My parents didn’t agree with me when I told them I wanted to be an actress. My father suggested I try premed(医学预科). But after they saw me in plays they were really proud.
I graduated from Boston University and was doing theater in New York when I got cast in a Korean miniseries(电视连续剧). We started shooting the show in New York, and then went to Korea to finish it up. They said I would be there for three weeks, but it ended up being two months. The miniseries took off, and overnight, I became recognizable. It was sort of like Lost. It blew up. Then amazing projects were offered to me. I kept thinking, “ I’ll do one more and then go back to the US.” I ended up staying for seven years.
Some people described me as the Julia Roberts of Korea, which is a bad comparison because she’s the queen of romantic comedy. I became famous in Korea for a dramatic role in a film called Shiri. I played a “La Femme Nikita” type of role. I was the girl with gun—all action.
(   )65. The writer’s parents moved to America so as to _________.
A. offer a good chance to their children.
B. receive a good education in performing
C. seek a good life in America
D. film a Korean miniseries
(   )66. When the writer announced her decision to become an actress, her parents_____.
A. were both in favor of her   B. felt very ashamed of her
C. didn’t agree at first         D. took it for granted
(   )67. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A. The author’s performing life in America.
B. The difficulties of filming abroad.
C. The popularity of the miniseries Lost.
D. The author’s first performing breakthrough.
(   )68. The writer referred to the Julia Roberts of Korea as a bad comparison to show______.
A. she looked down upon Julia Roberts.
B. she disliked to compare with others
C. she had a different style of performing
D. she was better at dramatic roles than Julia

Name: Julia Rosetti
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Drugs: No
Alcohol: No
Sports/ Activities: I used to do a lot of ballet and stage work, my ambition was to be a professional dancer before I got sick. Nowadays I love to read, and other stuff like that, as well as spending a lot of time with my family and friends.
Grades: I finished high school last year, and I haven’t started college because I’ve been sick. But I got subject prizes in three subjects and high as in the rest.
Favorite Subject: I loved Music, English, History and Biology. Hard to pick a favorite – they’re all so different.
Volunteer Work: It all depends on what you call “volunteer”. Nothing really official, but I spend a lot of my time working and playing with really sick kids, and they come to me for advice a lot.
What My Future Goals Are: I’d either like to go on to do stage work, or work with kids with serious illnesses. I haven’t decided which, yet.
What I do in My Spare Time: Talk to my friends and my family. Hang around with my hospital friends. Watch TV. Go to the movies when I can. I love going on picnics and other outdoorsy stuff.
How I’d Change the World: No question. Cure cancer. Eradicate it forever.
Largest Problem: Sometimes, I think it’s having too many choices, and having too many expectations and others having too many expectations of you. And all the implications (牵连) of this.
Why Would I Make a Good Counselor (顾问): I really want to help other people. I’ve made that my life’s ambition, to help as many people as I can.
Qualifications: I spend a lot of time doing this sort of stuff “unofficially” – I am the Discussion Manager on a discussion list for seriously ill young people. People also write to me because of my homepage, often wanting advice, which I try to give them.
【小题1】What can we infer about Julia Rosetti?

A.She is ill now with a cancer.
B.She has had an operation.
C.She is curing people of cancer.
D.She is working in a hospital.
【小题2】The underlined word “eradicate” most probably means _____.
A.get out ofB.put an end ofC.break upD.set aside
【小题3】The underlined word “you” stands for _____.
A.Julia Rosetti herself
B.all her friends in her life
C.the person she refers to
D.everyone including herself
【小题4】Which of the following statements is true about Julia Rosetti?
A.She had wanted to become a doctor.
B.She had done very well at college.
C.She often visits hospitals in her spare time.
D.She has her own homepage on the Internet.

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