
  It was at least two months before Christmas when nine-year-old Almie Rose told her father and me that she wanted a new bicycle.As Christmas drew near, her desire for a bicycle seemed to fade, or so we thought.We bought the latest rages.Baby-Sitter’s Club dolls, and a doll house.Then, much to our surprise, on December 23rd, she said that she “really wanted a bike more than anything else.”

  It was just too late, what will all the details of preparing Christmas dinner and buying last-minute gifts, to take the time to select the “right bike” for our little girl.So here we were-Christmas Eve around 9∶00 p. m., with Almie and her six-year-old brother, Dylan, nested snug in their beds.Now we could only think of the bicycle and the disappointment of our child.“What if the bicycle out of clay(a kind of earth)and write a note that she could trade the clay model in for a real bike?” her dad asked.“This is an expensive item and she is ‘such a big girl,’ and it would be much better for her to pick it out.”So he spent the next four hours painstakingly working with clay to make a tiny bike.

  On Christmas morning, we were excited for Almie to open the little heart-shaped package with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note.Finally, she opened it and read the note aloud.“Does this mean that I trade in this bike that Daddy made me for a real one?”Beaming, I said,“Yes.”Almie had tears in her eyes when she replied,“I could never trade in this beautiful bicycle that Daddy made me.I’d rather keep this than get a real bike.”At that moment, we would have moved heaven and earth to buy every bicycle on the planet!


Which is the right time order of the following events?

a.The girl asked for a new bike

b.The girl opened the little heart-shaped package

c.The parents bought the girl a modern and popular doll.

d.The father made the girl a bike with clay.

e.The girl would rather keep the clay bike than get a real one.

[  ]


b, c, e ,d


a, c, d, b, e


a, c, b, d, e


a, b, d, c, e


Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


The parents wanted the girl to have the clay bike forever.


Tears were in the girl’s eyes because she didn’t like the present at all.


The girl never lost her desire for a bike.


The parents paid little attention to the daughter’s desire for a bike.


Why did Dad make the clay bicycle?

[  ]


Because he wanted to buy a real one, but he had no money.


Because he didn’t want to disappoint his daughter.


Because he thought his daughter would like it.


Because he wanted to give his daughter a surprise.


What can be inferred from the last sentence of the text?

[  ]


The parents were happy and encouraged.


The parents felt comfortable and relaxed.


The parents were moved and felt proud of the girl.


The parents felt disappointed and sorry for the girl.

There are many ways to keep kids of all ages physically fit besides sports.

If your child is a natural athlete or ___1____ lover, he or she is probably already active and __2___ easy to get moving. But if, like me, you are the parent of a junior sofa potato, complete with a(n) __3____ controller in one hand and a bag of potato chips in the other, you know what it is like to have your ___4__ to go outside to play met with, at best, silence or at worst, cry and ___5___.

If logic, threats and lectures on health don’t work, turn to __6___: trick him or her into liking by making it into fun. __7____ enjoyment, not pressure or physical fitness or anything that seems to be “good for you”. That is where the dancing and nature walks ___8____. Health experts say that the answer to the question, “Which type of exercise is best for my child?” is “Whichever one he or she likes best.” It doesn’t have to be swimming or soccer or gymnastics. ____9___ play, especially with the rest of the family, will ___10___ the body’s requirements for regular aerobic movement (有氧运动) just well, and won’t ever seem like exercising.

___11____, if nature is an interest, walk vigorously around finding every leaf, insect, and _12___ print in the park. If rock radio is the station of choice, ___13____ to the music. Get the family members playing catch, touch football together. Organize a(n) __14____ science group to walk around your neighborhood and pick your rubbish. Make every trip to the pool an excuse for playing games in the water together.

Remember that the goal is to set a pattern for lifelong fitness. And if you don’t make it _15___, kids are never going to keep it up.















B.cooking stove





























A.give in

B.come in

C.result in

D.believe in















A.For example

B.By contrast

C.In proportion

D.At most


























Are you tired of looking for love in all the usual places? Nowadays, millions of lonely singles are now going online instead.The World Wide Web is quickly becoming the world’s most popular matchmaker.With so many singles online, dozens of dating sites like Yahoo Personals and Match.com are helping singles find that special someone.Around the world, from America to China, love is now very much online.

       Singles are flocking to the Internet mainly because their busy lifestyles leave them little time to look for a significant other.Using dating sites is quick and convenient.They can “meet” a lot more people online than they could by hanging out at a club.Besides , many singles say the regular dating scene has just led them from one bad experience to another and are ready to try something else.They also appreciate the first distance of online dating, which allows them to hide themselves until they are ready to meet someone face to face.Dating sites also make it easy to avoid someone you are not interested in.In the real world, however, ignoring someone you don’t like can be awkward.

       Despite all the advantages, online dating also presents its own set of problems.People aren’t always who they claim to be in their online profiles.For instance, someone who tells you he is “handsome, successful and single” might turn out to be homely, unemployed and married.Safety is another concern.You are just as likely to find a criminal online as you are Mr or Miss Right.

       Even so, supporters of online dating see things in a positive way.In their opinion, singles can safely play the online dating game with a little common sense.Online dating experts recommend following a few safety tips:

       Guard your personal information.Never give out your personal information online.This includes your last name, phone number, home address and place of work.

       Watch for red flags.Do any of the people you are chatting with make disrespectful comments? Do they try to control you? Do they give false information about themselves? If so, forget them!

       Meet in a safe place.When meeting someone in person, choose a public location with other people around.

       Following these tips and you might be able to find the person of your dreams.

1.According to the passage, many lonely singles don’t appreciate the regular dating scene because it is ___.

       A.unpopular       B.troublesome    C.convenient     D.forgettable

2.This passage is mainly about   

       A.getting tired of falling in love in a usual way

       B.people with false information on the Internet

       C.new technology to find love through the Interent

       D.web sites such as Yahoo Personals and Match.com

3.Which of the following is NOT a suitable place for meeting someone you get to know through the Internet for the first time according to the text?

       A.At his/her house.           B.At a museum.

       C.At McDonald’s.      D.At a bookstore.

4.From this passage ,we can infer that   

       A.there are mostly homely and unemployed people online

       B.the police had better find criminals online

       C.we can find love only through the dating sites

       D.following safety tips ensure a safe online dating experience


The Inventionof Hugo Cabret,by Brian Selznick,is a novel like no other.There are pages of exciting events and then suddenly,wait! A picture with tiny details,then a big picture that takes up the whole page-and the next page,and the next page,and the next!The pictures are actually telling the story.It’s like a book and a movie all in one.
I recently had the opportunity to talk with Selznick about his unique novel.I wanted to know just how he came up with the concept of writing a novel that reads like a picture book.
“Because the book was so much about movies and the history of cinema,I also wanted to figure out how to make a book that was also like a movie,” Selznick said.
Writing and illustrating the book was a long and hard process,Selznick said.One of the challenges was figuring out what the story was really about and what happens to the main character,Hugo.Selznick also had to figure out how to make the narrative and the pictures work together to tell the story.
Working with pictures was natural for Selznick.He has actually spent most of his career as an illustrator and really considers himself more of an artist than a writer.
But sometimes figuring out what was going to happen in the story was not easy,he told me.He had no idea what the story was going to be about when he started writing.He didn’t know if it was going to be sad,adventurous,or exciting.For now,Selznick doesn’t plan on writing a sequel (续集) to the book,but he warns,“You can never say never.”

  1. 1.

    The Inventionof Hugo Cabret is ________.

    1. A.
      a novel on which a popular movie has been based
    2. B.
      a novel only using pictures explaining series of events
    3. C.
      a book which tells children how to draw pictures
    4. D.
      a book packed with pictures-a combination of words and drawings
  2. 2.

    What does Brian Selznick think of writing the novel?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    By saying “You can never say never”,Selznick means ________.

    1. A.
      it’s hard to say whether he will continue writing the book
    2. B.
      it is such a difficult book that he won’t continue it
    3. C.
      he will never give up writing a sequel to the book
    4. D.
      he will never write a novel like The Inventionof Hugo Cabret
  4. 4.

    It can be inferred that the text is ________.

    1. A.
      an introduction to an unusual novel
    2. B.
      a summary record of an interview
    3. C.
      a biography of the novelist Brian Selznick
    4. D.
      an ad persuading kids into buying the novel


The Invention of Hugo Cabret,by Brian Selzniek,is a novel like no other.There are pages of exciting events and then suddenly wait! A picture with tiny details,then a big picture that takes up the whole page--and the next page,and the next page,and the next! The pictures are actually telling the story.It’s like a book and a movie all in one.

    I recently had the opportunity to talk with Selzniek about his unique novel.I wanted to know just how he came up with the concept of writing a novel that reads like a picture book.

“Because the book is so much about movies and the history of cinema,I also wanted to figure

out how to make a book that is also 1ike a movie,”said Selzniek.

   Writing and illustrating(作插图)the book was a long and hard process,Selzniek said.One of the challenges was figuring not what the story was really about and what happened to the main character,Hugo.Selzniek also had to figure out how to make the narrative and the pictures work together to tell the story.

  Selzniek has actually spent most of his career as an illustrator and really considers himself more of an artist than a writer.‘‘I’ve always drawn,ever since I was a little kid.I was encouraged to draw,and so that’s what I feel most comfortable with,”he said.

    He still enjoys many of the things he liked as a kid.That’s why it's not so hard for him to think about what kids would like to read in a book.In fact,sometimes he feels like a kid himself.

    But sometimes figuring out what was going to happen in the story was not easy,he told me.He had no idea what the story was going to be about when he started writing.He didn’t know if it was going to be sad,adventurous,or exciting.Selzniek turned to friends for advice on the book.For now,Selzniek doesn’t plan on writing a sequel(续篇)to the book,but he warns,“You can never say never.”

1.The Invention of Hugo Cabret is           

A.a novel on which a movie has been based

B.a novel only using pictures explaining series of events

C.a book which tells children how to draw pictures

D.a book packed with pictures—a combination of words and drawings

2.It can be inferred that the text is          

  A.an introduction to an unusual novel

  B.a summary record of an interview

  C.a biography of the novelist Brian Selzniek

  D.an ad persuading kids into buying the novel

3.According to paragraph 4,working with pictures is    for Selzniek.

  A.difficult     B.embarrassing     C.natural      D.troublesome

4.What does Selzniek mean by saying “You can never say never”?

  A.It’s hard to say whether he will continue writing the book.

  B.It is such a difficult book that he won’t continue it.

  C.He will never give up writing a sequel to the book.

  D.He will never write a novel like The Invention of Hugo Cabert

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