
Agatha Christie went out at night.She never forgot the night when she met a robber many years ago.
That evening, she was invited to a birthday party which lasted until 2 o’clock in the morning.Agatha walked in the quiet street alone. Suddenly from the shadow of a dark building a tall man with a sharp knife in his right hand ran out at her. “Good morning, lady,” the man said in a low voice, “I don't think you wish to die here!”
“What do you want?” Agatha asked.
“Your earrings(耳环). Take them off!”
Agatha suddenly had a bright idea. She tried to cover her necklace with the collar (衣领 ) of her overcoat while she used the other hand to take off both of her earrings and then she quickly threw them on the ground.
“Take them and let me go,” she said. The robber saw that the girl didn’t care for the earrings at all, only trying to protect the necklace. He thought the necklace would cost more, so he said, “Give me your necklace.”
“Oh, sir. It’s not worth much. Please let me keep it.”
“Stopping rubbish(废话). Quick!”
With shaky hands, Agatha took off her necklace. As soon as the robber disappeared, she picked up her earrings and ran as fast as she could to one of her friends.
The earrings cost 480 pounds and the necklace the robber had taken away cost only six pounds.
小题1:Agatha never forgot the night, for she _______.
A.was robbed of her earrings
B.had a good time at the birthday party
C.was robbed of her necklace
D.was robbed, but she fooled the robber
小题2:The birthday party ___________.
A.was over at 2B.didn’t end after 2
C.ended before 2D.didn’t end at 2
小题3:Which of the following is not true? ______.
A.Agatha pretended not to care for her earrings
B.Agatha pretended to care for her necklace
C.Agatha really cared for her earrings
D.Agatha didn’t care for her earrings at all because they were not too expensive
小题4:After reading the story,you may know that Agatha was a _____ girl.
A.brave and famousB.clever and brave

小题2:细节题。根据第二段第一行she was invited to a birthday party which lasted until 2 o’clock in the morning.

How often do you let other people's nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver,impolite waiter,rude boss,or an insensitive employee  36 your day?
One day I was in a taxi and we headed  37  the airport.We were driving in the  38 lane when suddenly a black car drove out of a parking space right in front of us.My taxi driver slammed on his  39 ,slid sideways,and at the very last moment our car stopped and  40  the other car by just inches!The driver of the other car looked around and started  41  at us.
My taxi driver just  42 and waved at the guy.And I mean he was really  43 .So I asked,“Why did you just do that?This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!”This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call“The Law of the Garbage Truck”.
He explained that many people are like garbage trucks.They run around full of   44 ,full of frustration,full of anger,and full of disappointment.As their garbage  45  up,they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on  46 .Don't take it personally;Just smile, wave,wish them well,and move on.
Believe me.You'll be  47 .Don't take their garbage and  48 it to other people at work, at home,or on the streets.Life's too short to wake up in he morning with  49 . The mark of your success is how quickly you can refocus on what's   50  in your life,Roy Baumeister,a psychology researcher from Florida State University,found in his extensive research that you  5l bad things more ofter than good things in your life,you store the bad memories more easily,and you  52 them more frequently.
Therefore,love the people who treat you right and ignore the ones who don't.Life is ten percent what you make it and  ninety percent how you  53  it!
When you follow“The Law of the Garbage Truck”, you take back control of your life! You make room for the good by  54 go of the bad.Have a marvelous,garbage-free day! The seeds you plant today  55 the harvest you will reap tomorrow.
A.latterB.rightC.opposite D.free
A.friendlyB.angryC.tired D.disappointed
A.upsetB.happierC.pitiful D.frightened
A.eontributeB.shareC.explain D.spread
A.funnyB.importantC.strange D.embarrassing
A.rememberB.forgetC.value D.appreciate
A.lettingB.consistingC.making D.dreaming
A.distinguishB.deserveC.deliver D.determine
If you live in a city where everyone rushes, realize that you don't have to be like everyone else.You can be different.
I can't give you a step-by-step guide to moving slower, but here are some things to consider and perhaps adopt, if they work for your life.
1.Do less
Cut back on your projects, on your task list, on how much you try to do each day.Focus not on quantity but on quality.Pick 2 or 3 important things-or even just one important thing- and work on those first.
2.Have fewer meetings
Meetings are usually a big waste of time and make you rush.Try to have blocks of time with no interruptions, so you don't have to rush from one meeting to another.
3.Give yourself time to get ready and get there
If you're constantly rushing to appointments or other places you have to be, it's because you don't allot(分配) enough time in your schedule for preparing and for traveling.Pad your schedule to allow time for this stuff.If you think it only takes you 10 minutes to get ready for work or a date, perhaps give yourself 30 to 45 minutes so you don't have to shave in a rush or put on makeup in the car.
4.Practice being comfortable with sitting doing nothing
When people have to wait, they become impatient or uncomfortable.Try standing in a line and just watching and listening w people around you.It takes practice, but after a while, you’ll do it with a smile.
5.Realize that if it doesn't get done, that's Ok.
There's always tomorrow.And yes, I know that's a frustrating attitude for some of you who don't like laziness or living without firm deadlines, but it's also reality.The world likely won't end if you don't get that task done today.Your boss might get mad, but the company won't collapse and the life will inevitably go on.
Try these things out.Life is better when unrushed.
Remember the quote: If nature can get everything done without rushing, so can you.
小题1:Which can be the best title of the passage?
A.How not to hurry in our life?
B. How to give out our life?
C.What to do with our life?
D.How to change our life?
小题2:If you think you need 10 minutes to get ready for the date with your boyfriend, ______.
A.you don't have to put on makeup
B.you'd better squeeze about 35 minutes out for it
C.you should arrange 10 minutes for it
D.you should rush there
小题3:According to the passage, we can know_______.
A.even if we do as we're told by the author, we can't change anything
B.if we follow the author's advice, our life will be better
C.we should try to do all the things better on our task list
D.there's always tomorrow, so we can put off the thing that must be done today till tomorrow
小题4:The underlined word "collapse" has the similar meaning to "______".
A.develop rapidlyB.pay enough
C.fail completelyD.drop suddenly

Laws to stop tigers, camels, zebras and snakes being used as performing animals in circuses have been announced by the government.
The environment minister, Jim Paice, hoped the laws would be brought in before the end of the parliament in 2015, which is the main law-making institution of the UK. At present between 35 and 50 wild animals are thought to be used by circuses in England and Defra offered to help find new homes for the retired performers.
The announcement follows a campaign by animal charity organization for the ban (禁令), which became worse when a video appeared last year of a circus elephant being beaten by a worker. Campaigners were angry when Paice previously announced tougher licensing instead.
Circus Mondao, whose website shows zebra and camels, said it would probably challenge the suggested ban. The circus is a member of the European Circus Association, which previously challenged Austria's ban, saying there was no scientific evidence (证据) that the animals were harmed by the travelling or conditions. On its website, Mondao says that when it travels animals are the last to be loaded and the first to be unloaded; they are moved to tents within an hour of arriving, and are usually moved 20-50 miles.
Animal charities welcomed the move, but called for ministers to speed up the laws. Asked why circuses would be banned from keeping wild animals but not domestic animals such as horses, a Defra spokesman said a key difference was that domesticated animals were more used to conditions such as travelling. "Wild animals aren't domesticated: we feel it's not right ethically (伦理上) for wild animals to perform," he said.
小题1:What is the proper order of the following events ?
a. Tougher licensing was announced by the environment minister.
b. A campaign for a ban was launched by an animal charity.
c. Laws were announced by the government.
d. The suggested ban was challenged by Circus Mondao.
A.b, d, c, aB.c, b, a, dC.b, a, c, dD.c, a, d, b
小题2:According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?
A.Retired performers are taken good care of in their new homes.
B.The environment minister expected to introduce the law during the present parliament.
C.Austria’s ban has been seriously challenged by all the European circuses.
D.Animal charities were not satisfied with the suggested laws at all.
小题3:“Domestic animals ” are probably      .
A.animals that provide meat for people
B.animals that are introduced from other countries
C.animals that are well trained by a circus
D.animals that live on farm or in people’s home

Michel is a young girl who works for the police   36  a handwriting expert. She has helped   37  many criminals (罪犯) by using her special talents.
When she was fourteen, Michel was already   38  interested in the differences in her friends'   39  that she would spend hours  40 them. After 41 college she went to France for a   42  two-year class in handwriting at the School of Police Science.
Michel says that it is  43  for people to hide their handwriting. She can discover _44  of what she needs to know simply   45  looking at the writing with her own eyes,   46  she also has machines   47   help her make    48  different kinds of paper and ink. This knowledge is often   49  great help to the police.
Michel believes that handwriting is a good   50  of what kind of person the 51  is. "I wouldn't go out with a fellow    52  I didn't like his handwriting." She says. But she   53 she fell in love with her future husband, a young policeman   54  she studied his handwriting. It is later proved to be    55 , however.
A.with B.byC.like    D.as
A.search    B.followC.catch    D.judge
A.so     B.tooC.quite   D.extra
A.books    B.letterC.tongues   D.handwriting
A.writing    B.studyingC.settling  D.uncovering
A.attending  B.finishingC.starting  D.stepping into
A.powerful   B.naturalC.special  D.common
A.main     B.safeC.easy    D.impossible
A.most     B.nothingC.little   D.sight
A.with     B.by     C.of     D.about
A.so     B.forC.thus    D.but
A.they     B.in whichC.that    D.those
A.up     B.outC.for     D.into
A.of     B.toC.with    D.for
A.test    B.sign C.means    D.habit
A.thief     B.criminalC.writer   D.policeman
A.whether    B.unlessC.if     D.after
A.adds     B.tellsC.repeats   D.cries
A.before   B.afterC.so    D.and
A.necessaryB.all rightC.important  D.quite easy

Mr Brown lives in Sydney. His house is about five kilometers ____41___ his office and the bus can ____42___ him there. He likes football very much and wants to ___43___ the football matches. His wife likes to buy nice clothes and ___44___ her husband give all his wages to her and he has to do ___45___ she says. Then she always __46___ some fares (车费) back to him. Of course Mr Brown doesn’t have any money to buy the ___47___. One evening he went to watch a football match. He bought a ticket ___48___ all his money and he ___49__to go home ___50__ foot. When he ___51___ home, he was tired, but felt ___52___. Since then he began to go to work on foot. But he is ___53__ to tell his wife about it.
This morning when he was having breakfast, he ____54__ a piece of news over the radio: the bus fares were going to __55__ in price. He hurried to turn it __56__, but it was too __57___. His wife asked, “What did the radio say?”
He had to ___58__ her all he heard. Then he became sad and said, “ What a Pity!”
“You must be happy, I think,” said his wife. “You will save some ___59___.”
“Sorry, I can’t ___60__ with you.” said Mr Brown. “I won’t be able to watch two matches a month!” 
A.far B.awayC.far awayD.away from
A.seeB.lookC.look atD.watch
A.putsB.gives C.getsD.carries
A.withB.forC.to D.by
A.arrived atB.got toC.reached toD.got
A.heardB.listened C.sawD.wrote
A.overB.on C.upD.off
A.timeB.work C.ideaD.money

British paychologists have found evidence of a link between excessive(过度的) Internet use and depression, a research has shown.
Leeds University researchers, writing in the Psychopathology journal, said a small part of Internet users were classed as Internet addicts and that people in this group were more likely to be depressed than non-addicted users.
The article on the relationship between excessive Internet use and depression is from a questionnaire-based study of 1,319 young people and adults.
The respondents answered questions about how much time they spent on the Internet and what they used it for; they also complete the Beck Depression Inventory---a series of questions designed to measure the seriousness of depression.
The six—page report, by the university’s Institute of Psychological Science, said 18 of the people who complete the questionnaire were Internet addict.“Our research indicates that excessive Internet use is associated with depression, but what we don’t know is which comes first—are depressed people drawn to the Internet or does the Internet cause depression?” the article’s lead author Dr Catriona Morrison said.”What is clear is that, for a small part of people, excessive use of the Internet could be warning signal for depressive tendencies.”
The age range of all respondents was between 16 and 51 years, with an average age of 21.24. The average age of the 18 Internet addicts was 18.3 years. By comparing the levels of depression within this group to that within a group of 18 non—addicted Internet users, researchers found the Internet addicts had a higher chance of developing depression than non-addicts. They also discovered that addicts spent more time visiting sexually pleasing website, online gaming sites and online communities.
“The public speculation(推测)was further proved by this study. That’s to say, over-engaging in websites which serve to replace normal social function might be linked to psychological disorders like depression and addiction,” Morrison said.”We now need to consider the wider social influence of this relationship and clearly prove the effects of excessive Internet use on mental health.”
小题1:Internet addicts are people who ______ according to the passage.
A.use the Internet more than enough
B.feel depressed when using the Internet
C.seldom connect to the Internet
D.feel depressed without the Internet
小题2:What is confirmed by the study according to the passage?
A.Depression leads to excessive use of Internet
B.Depression results from excessive use of Internet
C.Excessive use of internet usually accompanies depression
D.Excessive use of internet is usually earlier to depression
小题3:It is thought by the public that online communities______.
A.can never replace normal social function
B.are intended to replace normal social function
C.are associated with psychological disorders
D.shouldn’t take the blame for psychological disorders
小题4:According to Dr Catriona Morrison, the public speculation________.
A.lacks scientific evidenceB.helps clarify their study
C.finds a theoretical basisD.has little scientific value
完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
Year after year my brothers, sister and I would lie in bed awake on Christmas morning. We were just  36   to hear my father’s voice saying it was all right to    37   . Usually I was the first one jumped out of bed. I can still    38   my growing eagerness(渴望) for the    39   every year.
Even now as I    40   the boxes of Christmas decorations(装饰品) I can see the familiar ones: the presents with our birth years on them, our five stockings, four for the    41   , one for the dog. It used to be easy for us to    42   when to put up the decorations. But now since we all have    43   and social lives, it is usually a hurried activity.
As we get older, the season almost brings a    44   to a little place in our hearts. The worst was year after my grandparents had    45   . We couldn’t go to their house to celebrate the holiday anymore.    46   , we just had a get-together in my house. Now when I    47   to it, I miss the special    48   my grandfather gave me for Christmas. I even miss him    49   me “Jessie”, even though I can’t    50   when people call me that.
Things change, not always for the good,    51   not always for the bad either. And the things that don’t    52   have the most important meaning to us, and I am sure they will be there for the    53   of our lives. After all, every time I hear my father’s    54   “All right you guys, come on down, nice and slow” and we go down the stairs, first my brother, then me, then my sister, then my older brother, I still    55   the true Christmas spirit.
A.come upB.come downC.come onD.come out
A.throw awayB.set downC.look throughD.give up
A.move backB.turn backC.step backD.think back

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