
His play was popular and every time ________ about it, he owed his success to the support of his friends.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
    to talk
  4. D.
    when talking
考查分词做状语。Talk about it与he构成主动关系,故使用现在分词做状语。D项的when与every time重复。句意:他的戏剧非常受欢迎,每次谈论的时候,他都把成功归功于朋友的支持。




W:David, so you are taller than Smith.

M:That’s right.

But I’m shorter than Tom.

1.Who is the shortest of the three?




M:Pop music is really boring to all people.

W:I can’t agree with you.Most of the young people enjoy it.

M:Simply because they are too young.

2.Who is the man?

A.He is a young man.

B.Maybe he is an old man.

C.He is a pop music lover.

M:Mary, have you found a job at the market?

W:No, I wish I were a boy.

3.What does the woman imply?

A.A boy is stronger than a girl.

B.A boy can find a job more easily than a girl.

C.She doesn’t like to be a girl.

W:How many eggs did you buy from the supermarket this morning?

M:A dozen.But four were broken on my way home.

4.How many eggs does the man have now?




W:What do you think of the football game we watched last night?

M:It is no better than the one we are watching now.

5.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.Neither of the football games is good.

B.Both of the football games are good.

C.The football game they are watching is better than the one they watched last night.




M:The American pop star Jackson is in our city.

W:That’s great.

M:I’m very fond of Jackson, so are my parents and my sister.

W:Are you going to the Jackson’s concert?

M:Yes.My family will go there.I’m going to buy tickets for tonight’s concert.

W:Why not buy a ticket for me?I’m busy now, I have to type two letters for my boss, David.

M:With pleasure.

W:100 yuan, please.

M:Oh, your change, twenty yuan, here you are.

6.How many tickets will the man possibly buy for tonight’s Jackson’s concert?




7.What job does the woman probably do?





M:Sit down, please, take it easy.What is your name, please?


M:What is the matter?Madam?

W:My house was broken into last night.

M:Can you describe what happened last night?

W:Yes.At six o’clock, my husband and I left home to attend a friend’s birthday’s party.We didn’t get home until mid-night.When I opened the door, we found that someone had entered our house by the window.

M:Have you got anything stolen?

W:Yes.My diamond necklace is gone, so are my computer and two valuable vases.

M:Can you tell me anything more?

W:Oh, the man living opposite our house said he had heard a sound of glass being broken at about eleven.After a while, he saw a tall man with long hair came out of my house.

M:Well, we will look into the case right away.If we have any news, we will let you know.

8.What in the man in the conversation?

A.A policeman.

B.Alice’s husband.

C.Alice’s neighbor.

9.When was the woman’s house broken into?

A.At twelve last night.

B.At around 11 last night.

C.At seven yesterday evening.


M:Susan, is your cousin beautiful?

W:No, she is not as good-looking as you thought.She is an ordinary girl.But she is very tall.You are taller than I, but she is even taller than you.

M:Does she use any make-up?

W:No, she doesn’t like to.She is very natural.

M:Does she have a good figure?

W:I don’t think so.But she looks very healthy.She is also very lively and very lovely.

M:Do you like her because of that?

W:That’s not the main reason.I like her because she is gentle and understanding.

M:Oh, everyone likes such a girl.

W:Yes.And she always wears a sweet smile.

M:I see.No wonder you’re always talking about her.

10.What did the man used to think of Susan’s cousin?

A.Very beautiful.



11.Who is the shortest of the three people?


B.The man.

C.Susan’s cousin.

12.What is the main reason for Susan’s liking her cousin?

A.Because Susan’s cousin is very tall.

B.Because Susan’s cousin is very healthy.

C.Because Susan’s cousin is gentle and understanding.


M:Mrs Speneer, what time is Mr Black’s flight expected to arrive at Boston Airport?

W:Around 2 p.m.sir.Will you go with the company car to meet him?

M:Yes.So I’d better leave here no later than now.How about the hotel for Mr Black and his party?

W:I made the reservations for them last week and checked again yesterday, to be sure everything is ready.

M:Including the welcome room for tonight’s reception.

W:That’s right.The manager promised me that everything would be exactly as we have requested.

M:Excellent.I want everything to be the very best.

W:I’m sure it will be.That manager has never let us down yet.

M:We want to make a good impression.Not just to be sure that this business deal is a success, but pay back the wonderful treatment we received from them in Tokyo last year.

13.What is the man going to do?

A.Take a flight for Japan.

B.Drive the woman to the hotel.

C.Meet a guest at the airport.

14.Where will Mr Black stay after his arrival?

A.At a hotel.

B.At the man’s house.

C.At the woman’s house.

15.What will take place that evening?

A.Mr Black’s arrival.

B.A hotel reception.

C.A business meeting.

16.Why does the man want to make a good impression?

A.To repay Mr Black’s kindness.

B.To get invited back to Tokyo.

C.To increase the hotels business.


Bill, Ed and Arnold are three musicians who are discussing ways in which they will perform together on stage in front of an audience.Bill says, “Here’s what I have in mind, when the curtain goes up, I’ll come out and play the violin.Then the curtain goes the piano.Then the curtain goes down.Then the curtain goes up...”

“Wait a minute, ”interrupt the other two.“What are we supposed to do?”Bill says.“The curtain doesn’t go up and down by itself.”

17.What instrument do Ed and Arnold play?

A.The violin.

B.The piano.


18.According to Bill, who will be performing on the stage?

A.Ed and Arnold.

B.Bill, Arnold and Ed.


19.Who asked the question, “What are we supposed to do?”

A.Bill and Ed.

B.Ed and Arnold.

C.Bill, Ed and Arnold.

20.According to Bill, what will Ed do?

A.Pull the curtain up and down.

B.Play he instruments with the other two.

C.Play an instrument by himself.

However important we may regard school life to be, we can’t ignore the fact that children spend more time at home than in the classroom. Therefore the great influence of parents can’t be ignored or discounted by the teacher. They can become strong supports of the school or they can consciously or unconsciously prevent the school from accomplishing its aims.

Administrators have been aware of the need to keep parents apprised of the newer methods used in schools. Many principals have conducted workshops explaining such matters as the reading readiness program and developmental math.

Moreover, the classroom teacher can also play an important role in explaining to parents what they should do. The informal tea and the many interviews carried on during the year, as well as new ways of reporting pupils’ progress, can significantly aid the interchanged of ideas between school and home.

Suppose that a father has been drilling Junior in arithmetic processes night after night. In a friendly interview, the teacher can help the parent change his method. He might be persuaded to let Junior participate in discussing he family budget, buying the food, using a measuring cup at home, setting the clock, calculating mileage on a trip and engaging in scores of other activities that have a mathematical basis.

If the father follows the advice, it is reasonable to assume that he will soon realize his son is making satisfactory progress in math and at the same time, enjoying the work.

Too often, however, teachers’ conferences with parents are devoted to unimportant accounts of children’s wrongdoing, complaints about laziness and poor work habits, and suggestions for punishments and rewards at home.

What is needed is a more creative approach in which the teacher, as a professional advisor, plants ideas in parents’ minds for the best use of the many hours that the child spends out of the classroom. In this way, the school and the home join forces in fostering the fullest development of youngsters’ competence.

The underlined phrase “keep parents apprised of” (Line 1, Para. 2) probably means to let parents         .

A.judge       B.know C.design      D.develop

What is the purpose of the schools’ informal tea and interviews?

A.To improve the relationship between teacher and parents.

B.To explain to parents the change of the school curriculum.

C.To report students’ misdoings and suggestions for punishments.

D.To help develop good communication between school and home.

Why does the author provide all example in Paragraph 4?

A.To help parents to know the importance of home activities.

B.To show how the teacher can guide in home training.

C.To prove parents all non professional advisors.

D.To advice parents to teach kids math at home.

From the passage we learn that the author       .

A.thinks teachers should do better as professionals

B.is worried about children’s performance at home

C.is satisfied with the present state of school education

D.believes time spent out of the classroom has been wastedw.^w.k.s.5*u.c.#o@m

Christmas was an exciting season for my six-year-old son. For weeks, he’d been memorizing   36  for the “Winter Ceremony” in his kindergarten class. I went to  37  their rehearsal(排演).
As I waited, students were led into the room. Each class,  38  by their teacher, sat cross-legged on the floor. Then, each group, one by one  39  to perform their song. I didn’t expect anything other than fun.
My son’s class rose to sing “Christmas Love”. Those in the front row on the center stage held up large  40 , one by one, to spell out the  41  of the song. When the class sang: “C is for Christmas,” a child would hold up the letter C, then another would hold up “H” for happy, and on and on,  42  each child was holding up a letter, presenting the  43  message, “Christmas Love”.
The performance was going  44 , until suddenly we noticed her, a small, quiet girl in the  45  row holding the letter “M” upside down-totally  46  that her letter “M” appeared as a “W”. The audience began to laugh at this little girl’s  47 . But she had no idea that they were laughing at her, so she stood tall,  48  holding her “W”.  49  many teachers tried to quiet the children, the  50  continued until the last letter was raised, and we all saw it together. A  51  came over the audience and eyes began to  52 . In that instant we understood the  53  why we were there, and even though it was such a busy holiday, there was a(n)  54  for celebrating Christmas. When the  55  letter was held high, the message read loud and clear: “ CHRIST WAS LOVE”. And I believe that this is why Christmas is so important.
36. A. songs                  B. message                   C. texts                        D. performance
37. A. direct                 B. celebrate                  C. design                      D. attend
38. A. led                            B. accompanied             C. looked                            D. pulled
39. A. stood                  B. turned                      C. rose                         D. came
40. A. letters                 B. words                      C. names                    D. boards
41. A. topic                  B. title                         C. idea                         D. theme
42. A. when                  B. after                        C. until                        D. while
43. A. exact                  B. complete                  C. proper                      D. right
44. A. smoothly            B. happily                    C. heatedly                   D. joyfully
45. A. back                   B. middle                            C. left                          D. front
46. A. ignoring                B. unknown                  C. unaware                   D. recognizing
47. A. action                 B. play                         C. mistake                    D. joke
48. A. highly                B. proudly                    C. clearly                            D. bravely
49. A. Unless                B. As                           C. Although                  D. In spite of
50. A. performance        B. laughter                   C. audience                   D. message
51. A. fear                    B. worry                      C. pride                        D. silence
52. A. widen                 B. close                        C. rise                          D. wink
53. A. cause                  B. reason                      C. way                         D. place
54. A. purpose                     B. excuse                      C. reward                            D. song
55. A. seventh               B. middle                            C. last                         D. full



阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36--55各题所给的四个选项(A. B.C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Mrs. Thompson once taught in an elementary school. On the very first day of school, like most

teachers, she said that she    36  them all the same. But it was a  37    because that was impossible.A little boy named Teddy did not play well with the other children, and with  38 clothes,constantly needed a bath. It got to the point  39  Mrs.Thompson would take delight in  40  hispapers with a broad red pen, making bold X's and putting a big "F" at the top. One day, Mrs. Thompson was required to  41  each child's past records, and she put Teddy's off till last.42,when she reviewed his file, she was in for a  43.She learned he was once a(n)  44  child. Unfortunately,his mother had a terminal illness and died, making Teddy withdrawn. Since then, he hadn't shownmuch    45    in school.

Mrs. Thompson realized the problem and felt  46  From that day on, she paid particularattention to Teddy. As she worked with hiITl, his mind seemed to come  47.The more sheencouraged hlm, the quicker he48.By the end ofthe year, Teddy had become one of the 49 students in the class.

Ten more years passed. One day, Mrs. Thompson received a letter from Teddy saying he wasgoing to be    50  and was wondering if Mrs. Thompson would agree to take the place at thewedding usually  51  for the mother of the groom.

Ofcourse, she agreed. They hugged each otlier and Teddy whispered in her ear, "You are the best

52  Ihave ever had. Thank you for believing in me, making me feel  53  and showing me that I could make a difference."

With tears in her eyes, Mrs. Thompson  54  back, "Teddy, you were the one who taught me I

could make a difference.I didn't know how to  55  until I met you."

36.A.knew       B.loved       C.recognized    D.admired

37.A.promise     B.dream       C.decision     D.lie

38.A. neat        B.costly       C.dirty       D.cheap

39.A.where       B.that         C.which      D.how

40.A.preparing    B.writing      C.examining    D.marking

41.A.review      B.arrange      C.list         D.remark

42.A.Therefore    B.Otherwise    C.However    D.Besides

43.A.delight      B.surprise      C.fear       D.puzzle

44.A.naughty     B.enthusiastic    C.lonely     D.excellent

45.A.power       B.interest     C.honor       D.concern

46.A.ashamed     B.proud       C.curious     D.doubtful

47.A.true         B.w eak       C.alive       D.strong

48.A.responded    B.marched     C.answered    D.went

49.A.worst        B.smartest     C.strongest    D.busiest

50.A.employed     B.registered    C.settled     D.married

51.A.made         B.designed    C.reserved    D.booked

52.A.teacher       B.mother     C.friend      D.classmate

53.A.necessary    B.important    C.negative    D.responsible

54.A.called       B.smiled       C.whispered   D.gestured

55.A.study      B.Iive         C.behave     D.teach


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