
Does stress cause gray hair?Many people believe that tension and stress can cause your hair to lose its color.In fact,it is an_old_wives’_tale that being upset all the time can result in premature graying.Here is a closer look at this situation and why some believe that this old wives’ tale could be true.

As one ages,the hairs on the head also age.In fact,just about everything on the human body begins to show signs of wear and tear after a while.The joints wear and become stiff and skin wears and becomes wrinkled.Hairs on the head grow and eventually die.They are replaced,but in the process something else happens.

When new hairs are replaced,the color or pigment (色素) is also added to them.However,as one ages,this pigment becomes less and less available.At first,hairs will have a limited amount of pigment and they will appear to be grayish in color.In time,they will lose all of their pigment and will be white.Many things are known to cause graying,and genetics is a very powerful factor.If one of your parents turns gray at an early age,there is a good chance that you will too.Some people begin the graying process in high school,while others may be over the age of forty.

Constant worry and tension can have many harmful effects on the human body.It is a known fact that stressful times can cause one to suffer hair loss.It would make sense that if it can cause these problems,perhaps it also may contribute to graying.However,there is no sound evidence to support this.

On the other hand,many medical professionals believe that there may be a link between graying and a constant state of anxiety or tension.Does stress cause gray hair?There is no scientific evidence to support the theory,but it is best to avoid stressful situations.

1.The underlined phrase in the first paragraph most probably means ________.

A.clever remarks B.silly remarks

C.exciting remarks D.disappointed remarks

2.The second paragraph mainly tells us ________.

A.every part of body is replaced with age

B.hairs will grow weak but not die

C.skin becomes wrinkled with age

D.every part of body ages with age

3.What might play the most important role in the graying process?

A.Genetics and the amount of sleeping time.

B.The amount of food people eat and living environment.

C.The amount of pigment and genetics.

D.Genetics and the amount of water people drink

4.According to the passage,continuous pressure may result in ________.

A.a person’s fatness B.a person’s fitness

C.a person’s weight loss D.a person’s hair loss

5.From the passage we can infer that ________.

A.stress causing gray hair is still in question

B.gray hair has nothing to do with tension

C.stressful situations can be of benefit

D.sound evidence has been found

Friendship Day in India falls on the first Sunday of August every year. It is celebrated with many activities.

Young people in India spend the day with their closest friends and have fun together. Most youngsters in India plan a movie or have a meal with their friends. Many friends may go on a drive to tourist places or make a plan for camping. Some friends go to the supermarket to do some shopping. On Friendship Day, most stores offer discounted prices for customers and it is the perfect day to buy something for friends.

Some friends go to parties that are organized by many restaurants in order to attract youngsters. Such parties are very enjoyable. You can get food at a discounted price. Some friends just decide to meet up (碰头,相聚) at someone’s home and talk about their happy time. The time good friends spend sitting together and talking over a cup of coffee is precious and unforgettable.

Long-distance friends call up each other on this day and wish each other with warm feelings. Some of them even plan to meet up on this particular day. Yet some others plan a surprising visit just to see their friend gasp (喘息) in shock!

In 2009, Friendship Day in India falls on August 2nd. So don’t forget to celebrate it with your friends.

1.When is Friendship Day celebrated in India?

A. On August 2nd every year.

B. On the third weekend of August every year.

C. On August 1st every year.

D. On the first weekend of August every year.

2.According to the text, which of the following is the most popular way that youngsters in India celebrate Friendship Day?

A. Traveling with friends.

B. Seeing a film with friends.

C. Dancing with friends.

D. Going shopping with friends.

3.How many ways are discussed in Paragraph 3 that friends spend Friendship Day together?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

4.The underlined phrase “a surprising visit” in Paragraph 4 refers to “________”.

A. a visit to a friend who hasn’t expected it

B. a visit to a friend who has dreamed of it for a long time

C. a visit to a friend who tries to avoid it

D. a visit to a friend who lives in a faraway place

After I made it to the city center, I started to feel it might be easy for a foreigner to deal with the great size of Beijing. With growing confidence, I decided to take the subway to the hotel, not realizing that the network didn’t go that far. Impressed with the cleanliness of the station, I bought a ticket and boarded the first train that came along.

After a few minutes I asked in English of course a young man seated next to me where I should get off closest to the Friendship Hotel. Wearing a smart business suit and tie, he would surely speak English, wouldn’t he? Unfortunately, he couldn’t understand me but seemed very friendly. I showed him the room card with all the information of the Friendship Hotel in Chinese characters. He looked at it, and then his eyes moved quickly to the carriage (车厢) subway map. Next, he raised three fingers of his right hand.

In Australia, raising fingers at someone is not usually nice, but this man wasn’t smiling. At the next station he showed me two fingers. Now in Australia, that’s really rude, but I got the message. When we stopped at the third station, he didn’t just point to the door, but got up, took me out of the train, and led me to the top of the stairs, and out onto the street. Then he stopped a taxi and told the driver where to take me.

All this came from a man who couldn’t speak my language, and I couldn’t speak his. I was now speechless, especially when he refused my offer of money. I felt a little embarrassed having even thought he would accept a tip.

This experience made it clear I had to learn some Chinese quickly or my adventures might start turning into bad luck.

1.The author decided to take the subway because ________.

A.he lived near the city center

B.the network covered most of the stops

C.he believed in his ability to deal with the trip

D.he had a good impression of its cleanliness

2.Having been shown the room card, the young man ________.

A.understood the author well

B.still remained puzzled

C.answered the author directly

D.pointed at the subway map

3.Which of the following can’t be used to describe the young man?

A.helpful. B.rude.

C.warmhearted. D.caring.

4.The author’s purpose of writing this passage is mainly to ________.

A.prove the importance of being careful

B.appreciate the kindness of the young man

C.complain some cultural misunderstanding

D.describe one of his adventurous experiences


“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become certain.” Christopher Reeve

Recently, for the first time in 5 years I simply went out back, put my cane down, and started walking. I made it 42 yards.

Today I walked 5 miles.

My medical team had said this would be impossible. My brain could no longer send the signals for walking because those nerves in it had been destroyed. Though certainly unintentional, my doctors did take something very important away from me: hope.

A while back, a psychologist pal of mine urged me to try to help myself. I was angry. I said, “They’re four of Boston’s leading neurologists. They all said I’d never get any better.”

“They could have all been wrong.”

“They said there’s nothing I can do! No rehabilitation(复原). No physical therapy(治疗). I’m not putting any effort into trying to walk and then be miserable when I fail.”

“Trying is never failure.”

What made me finally try? The answer is simpler than I’d have ever imagined. That day I tried walking on my own, I had simply said to myself, “Why not?”

When I walk I have a Frankenstein-style gait. I get embarrassed so I explain. I met a gal who said, “Stop excusing yourself. Walk proud!” She’s just one of the many who’ve taught me that if I open my heart to acceptance, the world is filled with support teams.

One morning my husband, Bob, said there was a huge present for me in our driveway. He had researched “bicycles for disabled people.” It was a 300 pound cycle for two. The seats were side by side. He could pedal while I sat by him and enjoyed the outdoors again.

Um... did I mention it came assembled with a set of pedals for me too?

Now, hundreds of miles later, after exhaustive hours of pedaling along beautiful bike trails, I only wish that we owned stock in Bengay.

1.What’s the best title of this passage?

A. Having a tour

B. Realizing an Impossible dream

C. Walking with a cane

D. Suffering from disability

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. My doctor concluded that I can walk again.

B. My brain could no longer send signals.

C. They're four famous doctors in my medical team.

D. My medical team’s conclusion took my hope away.

3.The author didn’t want to try walking because _______.

A. her doctors said he couldn’t get any better

B. her friend’s words is unbelievable

C. she was miserable when he failed that time

D. trying is never failure

4.The bicycle Bob found can be _____.

A. a 150 pound cycle for one

B. a bicycle for disabled people

C. a huge present that he sent.

D. of the same size as a normal one.


Life can be so difficult these days. It is the time that you all should admit need help in organizing your lives. Here are some tips that will help you.

Write everything down and do not rely on your memory. 1. If you want to remember things, put them in writing, or in a digital notebook. Keeping your to-do lists and other information written somewhere allows you to look back at them anytime, ever when you have hit your head and forgotten your own name.

2. Try this experiment before buying one thing, throw out something old or something you do not use. Or, if you are a really pack rat, just throw out one old thing a day until you can not find any more items to throw.

Recycle and donate. Is your closet full of unopened bags and clothes that still have their tags on? Is your bookshelf full of unread books? Chances are that if you have not read, worn, or used whatever they are, then you are probably not going to use them at all. 3.

Create daily, weekly and monthly timetables for cleaning. Organize your cleaning timetable.

4. Distribute tasks evenly, so for example, dish washing could be done daily; while vacuuming could be done weekly and cleaning the windows done monthly.

Whichever of these tasks you decide to do, remember that you can not completely organize your life in one go. 5. Just decide to get organized now, and then take baby steps. Soon enough, you will be making a habit out of it all.

A.Practice putting things away immediately

B.Throw one thing before buying something.

C.It is a long and never-ending process, so be patient.

D.Give them to a charity or sell on the internet.

E.It is extremely exhausting to clean everything all at once.

F.To keep up with tasks, you need to work with your family.

G.We all agree most of us have a tough time remembering things.


Dad had a green comb(梳子). He bought it when he married Mum. Every night, he would hand me his ________ and say, "Good girl, help Daddy clean it, OK?"

I was ________ to do it. At age five, this boring task brought me such ________. I would excitedly turn the tap ________ and brush the comb carefully. Satisfied that I'd done a good job, I would happily return the comb to Dad. He would ________ affectionately(慈祥地) at me and place the comb on his wallet.

Two years later, Dad started his own ________, which wasn't doing so well. That was when things started to ________. Dad didn't come home as early and as much as he used to. Mum and I became ________ with him for placing our family in trouble. With ________ passing, an uncomfortable silence grew between us.

After my graduation, Dad's business was getting back on track. On my 28th birthday, Dad came home ________. As usual, I helped him carry his bags into his study. When I turned to leave, he said, "Hey, would you help me ________ my comb?" I looked at him a while, then ________ the comb and headed to the sink(水槽).

It hit me then: why, as a child, ________ Dad clean his comb was such a pleasure. That routine(习惯) meant Dad was home early to ________ the evening with Mum and me. It ________ a happy and loving family.

I passed the clean comb back to Dad. He smiled at me and ________ placed his comb on his wallet. But this time, I noticed something ________. Dad had aged. He had wrinkles(皱纹) next to his eyes when he smiled, ________ his smile was still as ________ as before, the smile of a father who just wanted a good ________ for his family.

1.A. brushB. bagC. walletD. comb

2.A. pleasedB. annoyedC. comfortableD. shy

3.A. painB. joyC. sadnessD. courage

4.A. onB. outC. overD. in

5.A. laughB. stareC. smileD. shout

6.A. journeyB. familyC. businessD. task

7.A. formB. progressC. changeD. improve

8.A. strictB. satisfiedC. delightedD. mad

9.A. comfortableB. timeC. patienceD. speed

10.A. hardlyB. sometimesC. earlyD. often

11.A. keepB. sharpenC. repairD. clean

12.A. threwB. droppedC. tookD. handed

13.A. hearingB. watchingC. lettingD. helping

14.A. spendB. findC. loseD. waste

15.A. supportedB. affectedC. brokeD. meant

16.A. carefullyB. firmlyC. hurriedlyD. easily

17.A. urgentB. differentC. excitingD. interesting

18.A. yetB. forC. orD. so

19.A. pureB. happyC. heartwarmingD. serious

20.A. educationB. originC. lifeD. reputation

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