
18.His problem is not physical butmental.( 精神的).

分析 他的问题不是身体上的,而是精神上的.

解答 答案是mental.本题考查语境中选用恰当的词或短语的适当形式.mental adj.精神上的;心理上的,与physical (身体上的)相对,故答案是mental.

点评 翻译填空要根据所提供的汉语意思结合语境和句子结构选择恰当的词、短语或句型;同时注意句子结构和所选词的形式变化.

8.In 1997,I found myself in a situation I never thought I'd be in:alone and begging for money in New York.My father had been separated from our family,and my mother had recently died from complications related to AIDS.What I remember most about such nights is lying on the cold marble floor and using my backpack for a pillow.
Even though I had lost my family,I made choices every single day to turn my life around.There was the haven for homeless teenagers called the Door,a non-profit organization that provided me with guidance,medical care and food,all of which kept me going while I completed my homework in train stations and under hallway lights.Perhaps the most surprising help though,I did not seek out﹔it found me.The New York Times told my story.In the weeks that followed,dozens of strangers reached out to me from all across the United States.At my high school,I began receiving handwritten letters of encouragement.Strangers showed up bearing clothes,books,and even hugs.Since the article mentioned I was applying to Harvard,one woman knitted a blanket for me.She attached this note to the box it was posted in:"It gets cold in those dorms.May you warm yourself knowing that people care about you".
With the help of these people,my life today bears no resemblance at all to my life then.I graduated not only from high school but also from Harvard University.
Before these people-some of them nameless-I just didn't realize how good people could be.But now I do,and I can say that the people who helped me have forever changed me.They are the reason behind my decision to join the board at the Door so that I can be part of a small team of people opening a high school for homeless teenagers.They are the reason I dedicate my life to opening pathways for others.And they are the reason I travel around the world helping people transform their own lives.
1.According to the passage,the authorA.
A.tried to change her life
B.often slept m friends'homes
C.felt lonely because of her illness
D.felt quite desperate for her father
2.What can we learn about the Door?A
A.It is an organization  helping homeless teenagers.
B.It is an organization seeking profits.
C.It provides entertainment for children.
D.It reports the stories about the homeless.
3.Which of the following is the correct order to describe the author's life?C
a.The newspaper reported her story.
b.She graduated from Harvard University.
c.She slept on the cold floor at night.
d.She joined the committee at the Door.
e.Her mother died from the illness.
4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?B
A.Patience is a virtue.
B.Love can be passed on.
C.Time waits for no man.
D.Honesty leads to success.
6.Did you see snow in your hometown last winter?Did you feel it was warmer than before?"There have been 21 warm winters in China since 1986,"said scientists.They also said that in the past 100 years,as the global (全球的) temperatures went up by 0.74°C,the temperature in North China has climbed 1.4°C in only 50 years.China needs to take quick action to cut carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) emission (排放),because it's the main reason for global warming.The good news is that China has seen the importance of going green.China set the goal of cutting energy use by 20 and pollution emission by 10 in the 11th Five-Year Plan Can you slow global warming?Sure!You and your family can take st eps to cut the amount of carbon dioxide that is sent out into the air.
Here are some pieces of advice to help you save the earth.Wear used clothes.Wearing your brother's,sister's or dad's old T-shirt means you save the energy.Change your light bulbs (灯泡).Use energy-saving light bulbs.And don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave a room and turn off your television and computer when they are not in use!Ride the bus.Taking a bus saves a lot of oil every year.Say no to plastic bags.The next time your parents go to the market,ask them to use baskets. Open a window.Don't use the air conditioner (空调),and let some fresh air in.When you have to use the conditioner,set the temperature higher in the summer and lo wer in the winter to save energy Make small changes in your daily life.Don't use paper cups,bags and boxes.
It's time for all of us to do something to save the earth.
1.The main reason for global warming isB.
A.the oil                               
B.carbon dioxide
C.paper cups,bags and boxes           
D.televisions and computers
2.The word"energy"in the second paragraph means"D"
3.How many pieces of advice are there in this passage?D
D Six
4.The passage is mainly about the ways toA.
A.slow down global warming                
B.make energy
C.change our daily life                
D.change the world weather.
7.WorldSki is aimed at finding the best ski offers on hotels in Europe and across North America.It provides a wide range of ski hotels.With various ski offers we are sure to make cost-effective arrangements.
Cheval Blanc,France
The five-star Cheval Blanc in Jardin Alpin has 36 well decorated rooms.There's also a four-star restaurant,a charming bar and a smoking area.Every guest has to pay $ 2555,which i ncludes private transportation.
Reservation through the website:oxfordski.com
Crystal Inn Hotel,Utah,USA
The modern,four-star hotel is only two blocks away from the town and a 30-45 minute drive to all of the ski resorts.And after skiing,the huge heated pool is great.Sleeping from one to ten guests,all rooms have fully equipped kitchens.Accommodation can also be booked through the resort,which costs $2480 including flights.
Reservation through the website:eaglepointresort.com
Chesa Grischuna,Switzerland
The cozy,three-star Chesa Grischu na is five-minute walk to the cable car.Previous guests include Winston Churchill,Audrey Hepburn and Prince Charles.Every guest has to spend $ 2880 on his accommodation,including ski hosting service.
Reservation through the website:ptski.Com
Cristallo Hotel,Italy
One of cortina's two five-star hotels,the Cristallo Hotel is set in private gardens a few minutes from resorts (旅游胜地),with a free shuttle into town and to the lifts.It's decorated in the style of hand painted woodwork.A guest is required to pay $ 2350 including flights.
21.What service does Crystal Inn hotel offer?B
A.A smoking area   
B.A heated pool   
C.A charming bar    
D.A free shuttle
22.Which of the following once received some famous guests?B
A.Crystal Inn Hotel     
B.Chasa Grischuna   
C.Cheval Blanc.
D.Cristallo Hotel
23.Where does this passage probably come from?A
A.A travel magazine  
B.A science fiction  
C.A student textbook  
D.A business report.
8.Everyone can't live without money.(26)C However,money cannot buy everything.You can't buy the following things only relying on money you have.
Money is a tool for trade.We spend most of our time on this earth getting,spending,worrying and fantasying about money.(27)DInstead,money takes away your time that could have been spent playing with your children or having a long walk with your friends.When the sun sets,a day goes away from our life forever.No money has power to bring that back to life.
There are a lot of examples to prove that no money can buy self-respect.(28)B If you are your worst enemy,lots of money can't save you from the self-destruction you add to yourself.
As I write this,I find out that one of my best friends has brain cancer,and it is in the last period.(29)E But no money can buy insurance for his life.We buy insurance for just about everything including our life but money can never bring life back.
This is controversial(有争议的).Money can buy happiness if it is spent bringing greater financial safety for the family.(30)GGoing after money every day can never find its destination with frequent eagerness to get more.

A.Show your respect for others.
B.Self-respect is got from within.
C.Money can buy a lot of things.
D.You can't buy the time or save it in your storeroom.
E.Of course money can get him the best health care possible.
F.So you should not try your best to earn money without caring about your health.
G.But money can't buy happiness if the purpose is to make money to make other people happy.

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