
With his game-winning three-pointer at the buzzer, Jeremy Lin (林书豪) finished the New York Knicks' dramatic reversed(扭转) victory to defeat the Toronto Rapters.

The Knicks have won six games in a row, and Jeremy Lin has put up impressive numbers during the continuous period of competitions. Although the season is still young, the Knicks have reversed course in just one week from the NBA's most disappointing team to a playoff (季后赛) contestant. Lin, not team's high-paid stars, has saved the Knicks season and likely coach D'Antoni's job.

After nearly 15 years of disappointing, sometimes unsuccessful seasons, Madison Square Garden is alive again, and New York City can't stop talking about the Knicks. To put things into perspective(角度), consider this: Just several years back, Knicks fans protested nightly outside of the Garden calling for the team's ownership to fire their resented coach Isiah Thomas.

Now, Madison Square Garden Co. shares are at a record high, the Knicks' average household television rating is up 70 percent since Lin joined the starting lineup (首发阵容), and jersey sales are increasing very quickly. I watched the Knicks-Lakers game at a bar in Harlem, and have not felt that kind of energy from fans since the great playoff between the Knicks and Miami Heat in the late 1990s.

Beyond the Knicks, Lin may be saving the NBA as well. Just a few months back, the NBA took a massive credibility(威信)hit during a multi-month lockout(停工), where the owners did not allow the players to go back to play until they accept the new salary levels. As a consequence, the season did not even begin until Christmas Day. Over the past few years, LeBron James' (勒布朗﹒詹姆斯) relatively long and unpleasant free-agent (自由职业球员) events, combined with poor play around the league, have angered fans and damaged the league's brand.

Lin is leading a one-week NBA basketball revival. His legendary story has inspired Asian-Americans, increased NBA sales in China, and turned the basketball world upside down.

1.The passage is mainly about______

A. why the New Yorkers thought well of Jeremy Lin 

B. why Jeremy Lin became a member of the Knicks  

C. how the Knicks defeated its opponents in a great playoff          

D. how Jeremy Lin saved the Knicks, probably including the NBA

2.According to the passage, Jeremy Lin's excellent performance saved the following except___

A. The NBA

B. Coach Isiah Thomas  

C. The Knicks

D. Madison Square Garden Co.’s shares  

3.The underlined word “young” in Paragraph 2 probably means "______"

A. not old yet.  B. not completely grown.

C. in the development  D. in the early stage 

4.The NBA suffered the credibility crisis months ago because____

A. The NBA delayed the season because of players’ wage disagreements

B. the NBA was disappointed at James’ free-agent event.

C. The NBA canceled the basketball match for the coming Christmas

D. James had a bad performance in the basketball court

5.Which one of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. These Knicks’ stars who were paid well saved the Knicks season

B. The Knicks didn’t satisfy its fans for nearly 15 years until this season

C. The fans objected to dismissing Coach Isiah Thomas outside the Garden

D. The owners and the players didn’t agree on raising the TV ratings











1.D 主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段Lin is leading a one-week NBA basketball revival. His legendary story has inspired Asian-Americans, increased NBA sales in China, and turned the basketball world upside down本文叙述的林书豪在纽约尼克斯队的疯狂表现拯救了这支球队,拯救了NBA的形象。故D正确。

2.B 细节题。根据文章第二段这最后一段. Although the season is still young, the Knicks have reversed course in just one week from the NBA's most disappointing team to a playoff (季后赛) contestant. Lin, not team's high-paid stars, has saved the Knicks season and likely coach D'Antoni's job.和His legendary story has inspired Asian-Americans, increased NBA sales in China, and turned the basketball world upside down. 可知他的表现拯救了尼克斯队,拯救了主教练德.安东尼,也可能会拯救NBA联盟。只有B项文章没有提及。

3.D 推理题。根据本句Although the season is still young, the Knicks have reversed course in just one week from the NBA's most disappointing team to a playoff (季后赛) contestant. Lin, not team's high-paid stars, has saved the Knicks season and likely coach D'Antoni's job.可知虽然这个赛季才刚刚开始,但是尼克斯队已经成为这个赛季里NBA最让人失望的球队了。几乎不可能进入季后赛了。故该词是指D项的意思。

4.A 细节题。根据文章倒数第二段1,2行Beyond the Knicks, Lin may be saving the NBA as well. Just a few months back, the NBA took a massive credibility(威信)hit during a multi-month lockout(停工), where the owners did not allow the players to go back to play until they accept the new salary levels可知NBA停摆主要是由于劳资纠纷。故A正确。

5.B 推理题。根据文章第三段1,2行After nearly 15 years of disappointing, sometimes unsuccessful seasons, Madison Square Garden is alive again, and New York City can't stop talking about the Knicks.可知尼克斯队在过去的15年里一直都没有让纽约的球迷满意过。直到最近林书豪的出现。故B正确。




Is there anything more important than health? I don’t think so.“Health is the greatest wealth,” wise people say. __ If you have a headache, toothache, backache, or bad pain in the stomach, if you complain of a bad cough, or if you suffer from high or low blood pressure, I think you go to the doctor.

       The doctor will examine your throat, test your blood pressure, take your temperature, sound your heart and lungs, check your teeth or have your chest X-rayed. __The only thing you have to do is to follow his advice.

       An old gentleman came to see the doctor.The man was very ill.He told the doctor about his weakness, memory loss and serious problems with his heart and lungs.The doctor examined him and said there was no medicine for his disease.He told his patient to go to a quiet place for a month and have a good rest.__In other words, the doctor advised him to follow the rule: “Eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is.” The doctor also said that if the man wanted to be well again, he shouldn’t smoke more than one cigarette a day.

       A month later the gentleman came into the doctor’s office.__.He thanked the doctor and said that he had never felt a healthier man.

       “But you know, doctor,” he said, “it’s not easy to begin smoking at my age”

A.He also advised him to eat a lot of meat, drink two glasses of red wine every day and take long walks.

B.You can’t be good at your studies or work well when you are ill.

C.After that he will advise some treatment or some medicine.

D.All these will cost a lot of money.

E.He looked cheerful and happy.

F.He was more worried about his illness.

G.Speaking about doctor’s advice, I can’t help telling you a funny story.

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