
6.In today's American society,background checks have become a routine part of hiring process.employers use them to(50)Bpotential workers,judging whether they are qualified for the posts.Through background checks,employers can also make sure that the information applicants provide is truthful,which(51)Dthe applicants'moral quality.
Then what do background checks investigate?Many include a review of the employee's employment history trying to confirm whether the employee has ever been fired or forced to(52)C.Employers also pay attention to the length of unemployment,afraid that long-time(53)Afrom work may bring negative influence to the employee's performance.Sometimes,an applicant's residential history is also an issue.Jobs With state or local governments often require that the employee live in certain areas,reducing the chances for them to have contact with(54)Bpeople.Besides living near the work place is always welcome as it saves time and fares on(55)D.Another item which can't be neglected is the applicant's criminal history as in whether he has ever been arrested or put into prison.Although(56)Alike traffic ticketing or queue jumping are usually pardoned,breaking a criminal law is rarely(57)Band,in most cases,is sure to result in the ending of the employment.Then comes the social history.A background check that involves the applicant's social history is(58)Bneeded for government posts or employment in finance and law industries that require greater self(59)C.A small mistake in these posts may result in huge loss.The investigation usually checks drug use,family relationships and social contacts,in order to(60)Dhiring someone unsuitable for the posts.Background investigators who(61)Csocial history may interview neighbors and professional references(62)Aby the applicant.
Finally in the field Of education background,an application form may ask for copies of licenses or University diplomas to show the applicant's(63)Bperformances.In many instances,an education background check is so(64)Dabout details that investigators even confirm the date on which the employee earned his degree to determine if it agrees With the information the employee provided On his application.
50.A.qualifyB.assessC.treatD.  reward
51.A.practisesB.suppliesC.destroysD.  suggests
52.A.cheatB.applyC.resignD.  complain
53.A.absenceB.reviewC.independenceD.  silence
56.A.minor offencesB.serious faultsC.personal experiencsD.public inconveniences
61.A.look afterB.look onC.look intoD.look in
64.A.carelessB.curious jellyfishC.realisticD.particular

分析 在今天的美国社会,背景检查已成为雇佣过程的一个常规部分.

解答 50-54 BDCAB        55-59DABBC      60-64  DCABD
50.B考查动词词义辨析 在今天的美国社会,背景检查已成为雇佣过程的一个常规部分.assess评定; 估价
51.D 考查名词词义辨析 一个大学学位并不能保证一个工作,找工作本身要求整套技能.guarantee保证
52.C考查名词词义辨析 failuure 失败,句意:如果一轮面试没通过,问你自己发生什么了?这是沟通失败还是你缺乏一些技能,
53.A根据上下文 找出你需要什么把自己提高到这个水平,让你对他们来说更具有吸引力.qualification 资格,条件,合格证书
54.B 细节理解,如果你被一份工作拒绝了,不要气馁,应选B.
55.D 考查形容词词义辨析,那些复试的人可能和你研究相同的内容,并且能力层次差不多.故选D.similar 相似的
57.B 考查习惯用语,不要把评论太过当真. take atat face value value 根据外表(或表面价值)判断; 故选B
58.B 考查名词词义,character人物,性格; personality个性; behavior行为; drive驾车,驱动力.根据上下文,呆的太久的话,雇主会怀疑你的动力和抱负.故选B.
59.C考查名词词义辨析.knowledge知识;experience经验,经历;skill 技巧;loyalty忠诚.对于一个毕业生来说,如果你能充分利用所得到的经验的话,在一个公司呆五六年并不算长,故选C
60.D 考查名词词义辨析 根据上文.不要用这个作为没有兴趣和热情的借口,故选D,excuse借口
61.C考查固定短语,move on 继续前进,句意:充分利用公司的资源或者你想继续前进,这都取决于你自己.故选C.
62.A考查生活常识 想一想你需要哪方面的经验对于你找到一个梦想的工作很有好处.dream梦想的
63.B细节理解题 由后文和语境可知,在事业的早期阶段,你需要达到目标的一个明确的策略.故选B.
64.D考查名词词义辨析 你必须培养担任任何工作的耐心.故选D.patience耐心

点评 完型填空,解题时要抓住文章的脉络,一定要读懂全文,弄清文章要表达的思想,注意前后段落之间的关系.答题中,一定要认真分析,注意选项与上下文的关系,与前后单词的关系.对于一时没有太大的把握的题可以放到最后再来完成,因为有时答案可以从下文内容体现出来.答完后再通读一篇文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通顺,语意连贯.

16.Not all great meals come from restaurants.Some are served from carts and stalls,and eaten on the go.So-called street food is not only delicious,but can be found in nearly every country,rich or poor,says Carla Diamanti,co-author of Street Food:Authentic Snacks from Around the World."It's a way to get to know the people and the flavor of a place,"says the Italian writer,who has nibbled her way around the globe.She shares some favorite snacks and snacking places with us.
Pizza:Pizza may be the closest thing to a global food,but Diamanti says there's nothing like the way it's prepared in Naples.The dish is often ordered from a window counter and quickly baked for customers.If you're eating it on the go,you fold it up for pizza al portafoglio,literally wallet style."Our pizza is quick and simple,"she says.www.inaples.it
New York
Hot dogs:When foreigners first visit America,one of the first things many want to try is the country's typical snack food,the hot dog."It's like the flag of America-both inexpensive and democratic,"Diamanti says."You expect to see kids queuing at a hot dog stall."212-484-1200; www.nycgo.com
Bento boxes:Diamanti says the best time and place to eat this portable Japanese meal is under a blooming cherry tree in the spring.Bento boxes are filled with different dishes:often fish,meat,pickled vegetables,rice or tofu."It's really just a taste,"she says.While the containers are often elaborate wooden serving trays,they can be also cardboard boxes ordered to go.212-757-5640; www.jnto.go.jp
Jamaa el Fna Square,Marrakech,Morocco
Food stalls:When the sun begins to set,this central square comes to life as crowds gather to sing,dance and eat.Hundreds of stalls serve grilled meat,chicken and rice."There is plenty of smoke with hundreds of people cooking at the same time,"Diamanti says.212-221-1 583; www.visitmorocco.com/index.php/eng/

21.It can be learned from the text that Carla DiamantiB.
A.doesn't like street food.               B.has traveled a lot.
C.has set up the website www.inaples.it  D.likes the pizza most.
22.What is special about the pizza in Naples,Italy?D
A.its attractive taste.  B.its low price.
C.its unique ingredients.D.the way it's prepared.
23.For those who want to eat under blooming cherry trees in the spring,they'd better go toC.
A.Naples,Italy   B.New York  C.Japan  D.Morocco.
17.When your child is supposed to doing homework,they chatting,their friends on Facebook or playing games'!If you want your child to do a good job with their homework and get good grades then you may want to start teaching them that this isn't the best idea.Many studies have shown that multitasking(多任务化)doesn't work,even though your child is probably proudly claiming they can do ten things at once!Many people believe that they can perform two or more tasks meanwhile,but Dr Edward Hallowell says this is a myth.The reality is that shifting tasks results in poor job performance.
New devices such as smartphone,iPads,games and social networking sites make it very easy to multitask and"attention share"resulting in difficulty focusing on the task at hand such as listening in the classroom or doing homework."Unfortunately.the brain actually rewards kids for multitasking even though performance on every task gets worse and worse.Kids don't know that they are doing worse because they feel better when they multitask,"says Dr Edward Hallowell.
Since the appearance of hand-held devices and social networking sites like Facebook,teachers have noticed a difference in academic performance,critical thinking skills and how information is processed."Multitasking prevents people from gaining a deep understanding of the information they are trying to learn,"says Dr Edward Hallowell.Kids have a difficult time sticking with a"difficult to understand"topic and are more likely to allow themselves to be distracted(分散精力),to tune out and switch over to Facebook or using their cell phones rather than working harder at understanding a difficult subject or problem.In the long run,the shifting of attention by multitasking affects grades.One study showed that kids that use the Internet while in class did poorly on tests resulting in lower grades.
33.What does the passage mainly talk about?C
A.Multitasking is not truth but myth.
B.The multitasking generation.
C.Multitasking results in poor grades.
D.Children are proud of multitasking.
34.What view does the author hold according to the last paragraph?D
A.Multitasking doesn't affect kids'grades in the long run.
B.Kids multitasking are better at shifting attention.
C.Kids should avoid a most difficult problem.
D.The Internet doesn't help kids learn in class.'
35.What is probably discussed in the paragraph following the.passage?C
A.Different attitudes towards multitasking.
B.Why children like multitasking.
C.What to do with children multitasking.
D.The disadvantages of multitasking.
14.NASA will be hosting a huge face-to-face Angry Birds exhibit at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral,Florida for the next year and a half in an effort to help get kids interested in physics and space!
The exhibit is called Angry Birds Space Dating.It has 1.2-metre-high (3.9-foot-high) slingshots(弹弓) that kids can use to fire mini Angry Birds at the green pigs,and there is also a laser-beam obstacle course!The exhibit lets kids make their own personalized Angry Birds games while they learn about gravity's effect on an object's track.
"Gravity will attract an object if it's moving in a straight line,and it will no longer move in a straight line because it gets bent and it goes in a curved track,"astronaut Donald Pettit explains in the video below.
"Astronauts have to worry about these thing  s because if you're in a rocket and you're trying to get from one orbit and arrive at a targeted space station,you end up going in curved tracks and you need to know how to fire your rocket engines so that you can go exactly from where you are to where you want to be."
Pettit said that the exhibit is a great opportunity for kids who are fans of the game to learn some science,math,and physics while playing instead of just playing an"empty brain-draining video game that crowds out the creativity from the minds of young people."
41.NASA holds the Angry Birds exhibit toA
A.interest kids in science
B.help kids get interests
C.get kids interested in a gamev
D.teach kids to play a game
42.Kids can do all the following things in the exhibit EXCEPTB.
A.firing mini Angry Birds at the green pigs
B.playing a video game called Angry Birds
C.making their own special Angry Birds games
D.learning how gravity affects an object's moving track
43.The underlined word"curved"in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to"A".
A.bent         B.straight         C.round        D.smooth
44.Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?C
A.Objects'moving tracks will be affected by gravity.
B.Astronauts should pay attention to the effects of gravity.
C.Only fans of Angry Birds can go to the exhibit.
D.Playing the video game may make a kid dull.
45.What is the best title for the passage?D
A.An exhibit for kids.
B.Come and Play with Angry Birds.
C.Gravity changes an object's track.
D.NASA connected with Angry Birds.
1.This is our country,America.The country where everyone is supposed to have a shot at financial success.The country of dreams and ambition.Yet,caused by the endless pursuit of individual profit,our country is a mess.And we owe it all to capitalism.
We live in a society where people are forced to live without health coverage.A country where the poor can hardly feed themselves while the rich decide which one of their 10homes to stay at for the night.All of these sad things arise out of capitalism.
Sadly,our country values little more than money.It motivates our decisions and even influences entire political parties.We have gotten to the point in society where a human life comes secondary to our financial security.Any rational society would value life above all else and realize that health is a basic human right.Yet in our world,money comes first.
I never once have claimed to be an economist and have no interest in debating the financial advantages of any economic system.Yet socialism surely looks better than what we have.
If we lived in a socialist society,we would be a country without such an unfair wealth distribution.We would value friendship over business and we would treat one another as humans.Most importantly,however,is that money would stop controlling our lives and we could act how humans should act.
Capitalism has created an"every man for himself"existence.Everything is a battle for limited resources and fuels.We have become so accustomed to the life value that we will do whatever we have to look out for ourselves.Yet is this really the kind of life we want?
We have become so illusioned.We are tired of the misdirection.All economic systems have their issues,but I feel like ours is turning our country into something it shouldn't be.The good of man falls secondary to money.In our world,it is all about dollars and cents,which,unfortunately for most,makes no sense.

51.In the author's opinion,the root cause of the present situation in his country isD.
A.money                 B.people's value     
C.social unfairness     D.social system
52.According to the passage,which is NOT the characteristic of capitalism?C
A.individualism       B.endless pursuit of wealth
C.humanism            D.great gap between the rich and the poor
53.How does the author feel about his country?A
A.concerned          B.angry   
C.skeptical          D.hopeless
54.Which of the following would the author agree with?A
A.Life should be placed at the top of our considerations.
B.Socialism is perfect.
C.Health is equally important as wealth.
D.The pursuit for wealth should be restricted.
55.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?C
A.How to Save America             B.Capitalism Is in Trouble
C.Why Is America in Trouble       D.America Is in Trouble.
11.Animals Can Sense Natural Disasters
Among the dead in South Asia's tsunami(海啸)were many tourists at Sri Lanka's national wildlife park at Yala.But very few of the park's animals-elephants,buffaloes,monkeys and wild cats-appear to have died.There are theories that animals can sense natural disasters and run away to safety.
First,it's possible that the animals may have heard the quake before the tsunami hit.The underwater burst produced sound waves known as infrasound(次声).Humans can't hear infrasound,but many animals including dogs,elephants,tigers and pigeons can.
A second early warning sign the animals might have sensed is ground vibration(震动).The great quake would have produced vibrational waves known as Rayleigh waves.These vibrations move through the ground like waves moving on the surface of the ocean but faster.They travel at ten times the speed of sound.The Rayleigh waves would have reached Sri Lanka hours before the water hit.Mammals,birds,insects and spiders can sense Rayleigh waves.So the animals at Yala might have felt the Rayleigh waves and then run to higher ground.
But what about humans?While we can't hear infrasound,we can feel it,although we don't necessarily know we're feeling it.We also experience Rayleigh waves by special sensors in our joints(关节),which exist just for that purpose.Sadly,it seems we don't pay attention to the information when we get it.Maybe we screen it out because there's so much going on before our eyes and in our ears.

56.Why did few animals at Yala die when the tsunamis that caused a huge number of human deaths hit?D
A.Because human beings cannot hear the infrasonic sound.
B.Because the animals were staying at a higher place in the park.
C.Because the animals were able to run much faster than human beings.
D.Because the animals might have picked up the danger signals and ran away.
57.Which of the statements about"Rayleigh waves"is true?A
A.Rayleigh waves can be felt both by animals and human beings.
B.Rayleigh waves,just like infrasonic sound,can only be felt by animals.
C.Rayleigh waves are vibrational waves that usually cause quakes or tsunamis.
D.Rayleigh waves move on the ocean surface at a speed ten times that of sound waves.
58.According to the passage,which of the statement is true?B
A.We can't feel the infrasound so we can't be informed of the danger.
B.We ignore the information of tsunami's coming even though we can also get it.
C.We were so busy on our minds that we feel neither infrasound nor Rayleigh waves.
D.We can feel Rayleigh waves and infrasound so we can escape the danger like animals.
15.As a professor I have grown accustomed to the opinion regarding American education.We are repeatedly told that American schools are failing,that colleges are not teaching,and that the students of today are not as good as the students of the past.
There are,of course,problems with the education system.Because of economic inequality some schools are significantly better than others and the ideas of equality of education and equality of opportunity are cruel jokes.However,the mere fact that there are some serious problems does not mean that all the dire claims are true.
One stock (陈腐的) claim is that America has fallen behind the world in education in terms of performance on various tests.While the fact that America is behind other countries is a point of concern,there are at least three points worth considering here.The first is the above-mentioned economic inequality which will tend to result in poorer performance when taking the average for America.The second is that many countries have put considerable effort into improving their education systems and hence it is worth considering that America's decline is also due to the improvement of others.The third is the matter of the measures-do they,in fact,present an accurate picture of the situation?I am not claiming that the data is bad.I am merely raising a reasonable concern about how accurate our picture of education is at this time.
Another stock claim is that American students are doing badly on standardized tests.While there is clearly value in assessment,it is reasonable to consider whether or not such tests are a proper and adequate measure of education.It is also worth considering whether the puzzle with these tests is itself causing damage to education.That is,as teachers teach for the test and students learn for the test,it might be the case that what is being taught is not what should be taught and what is being learned is not what should be learned.

28.According to the professor,many people's attitude towards American colleges isB.
A.positive   B.negative   C.approving   D.indifferent
29.What does the underlined word"dire"in the second paragraph mean?D
A.Fair or objective.B.Exact or precise.
C.Long and boring.D.Extremely serious or terrible.
30.Judging by the text,the claims are centered onC.
A.what should be taught in the American classroom
B.fair judgment of American education
C.American students'performance on tests
D.an accurate picture of American colleges
31.The passage is written mainly toA.
A.defend American education
B.show dissatisfaction with American education
C.explain why American students do badly on tests
D.offer advice on American education reform.

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