
     People say teenagers are no good. They make too much noise in shopping malls; they drive recklessly up
and down America's main streets; they carry chips on their shoulders as big as the Sears Tower. And at least
some of the time those things are true. But we shouldn't forget that there are hard moments in the life of a
teenager too.   
     I watched such a moment not long ago at a woman's funeral (葬礼). I didn't expect the event to affect me.
Through much of the ceremony, in fact, I remained unmoved.   
     Then her teenage grandson stepped forward. With his very first deep breath, every heart in that church
was achingly reminded of something we had all forgotten. Softly he began:"I want to share a few values that
Nana taught me. She never failed to see light in any situation. When our family dog would literally attract her,
what would Nana say? 'Oh, what beautiful markings that dog has.' That was Nana.   
     "She was a strong woman who often lived in the shadow of my grandpa, who was a successful
businessman in this city. But she was the one behind the scenes who provided the strength and support for
Grandpa's career," he said, with a voice now trembling."That was Nana's way."   
     Through a muffled sob, he continued. "Whenever she did anything worth recognition, you'd have to hear
about it from a different source, because she was never one to brag."   
     Finally, in a voice breaking free of sorrow, he looked up and said, "Nana taught me courage. She put up
an incredible fight to the end, when she died peacefully, which is how she lived her life. That was Nana's
way, and I hope I can carry on in the same manner."   
     There are no hearts as sensitive as those of teenagers, because everything is happening to them for the
first time. The trouble with teenagers is that they haven't learned to be controlled.   
     When that boy rose to speak about the woman who surely had been his truest ally and dearest friend, his
honest voice dragged each of us out into the open where we could no longer hide in the calm ritual. He
exposed us to the truth about this very real woman who believed in a boy who probably tried the patience of
many adults. He reminded us that his grandmother was more than another dot on the chart of life and death.   
     All over again we felt those powerful losses crisscrossing our own hearts, and we knew that when you
say good-bye to a beloved grandparent, you say good-bye to something happy, something young in yourself.
And that something never really returns, and the pain never really goes away.
1. highly  2. moved 3. influence 4.  valuable 5. showed
6. business 7. drop 8. sorrow 9. mind 10. control
                                                                Learning to Accept
     I learned how to accept life as it is from my father.   1  , he did not teach me acceptance when he was
strong and healthy, but rather when he was   2   and ill.
     My father was   3   a strong man who loved being active, but a terrible illness   4   all that away. Now
he can no longer walk, and he must sit quietly in a chair all day. Even talking is   5  . One night. I went to
visit him with my sisters. We started   6   about life, and I told them about one of my   7  . I said that we
must very often give things up   8  , we grow-our youth, our beauty, our friends-but it always   9   that
after we give something up, we gain something new in its place. Then suddenly my father  10  up. He said,
"But, Peter, I gave up  11 ! What did I gain?" I thought and thought, but I could not think of anything to say, 
 12 , he answered his own question:"I  13  the love of my family." I looked at my sisters and saw tears in
their eyes, along with hope and thankfulness.
     I was also  14  by his words. After that, when I began to feel irritated (恼怒的) at someone, I  15 
remember his words and become  16 . If he could replace his great pain with a feeling of love for others,
then I should be  17  to give up my small irritations. In this  18 . I learned the power of acceptance from
my father.
     Sometimes I  19  what other things I could have learned from him if I had listened more carefully when
I was a boy. For now, though, I am grateful for this one  20 .
(     )1.A. Afterwards  
(     )2.A. tired      
(     )3.A. already     
(     )4.A. took        
(     )5.A. impossible  
(     )6.A. worrying    
(     )7.A. decisions  
(     )8.A. as          
(     )9.A. suggests    
(     )10.A. spoke      
(     )11.A. something  
(     )12.A. Surprisingly  
(     )13.A. had        
(     )14.A. touched    
(     )15.A. should    
(     )16.A. quiet      
(     )17.A. ready      
(     )18.A. case      
(     )19.A. doubt      
(     )20.A. award      
B. Therefore  
B. weak      
B. still      
B. threw      
B. difficult  
B. caring    
B. experiences 
B. since      
B. promises  
B. turned    
B. anything  
B. Immediately 
B. accepted  
B. astonished       
B. could      
B. calm      
B. likely    
B. form      
B. wonder    
B. gift      
C. However      
C. poor      
C. only        
C. sent        
C. stressful     
C. talking    
C. ambitions    
C. before       
C. seems       
C. summed     
C. nothing    
C. Naturally     
C. gained     
C. attracted  
C. would         
C. relaxed     
C. free       
C. method     
C. know       
C. lesson  

D. Meanwhile     
D. slow      
D. once        
D. put         
D. hopeless    
D. asking      
D. beliefs     
D. till        
D. requires      
D. opened    
D. everything              
D. Certainly    
D. enjoyed   
D. warned      
D. might       
D. happy         
D. able        
D. way         
D. guess        
D. word      


     Who is setting your standards (标准) for you?
      A true story has it that Mr. Miller, who was 70 years old, decided to    1    around the local high school
football field. As he ran along, a group of football players were in    2   .
     The players soon started sprinting (速跑) up and down the    3  . Mr.Miller told himself, "I'll just keep
running until they    4   ." So he ran. And they ran. He ran some more. And they    5    running too. He
kept running until he could finally run no more. Mr.Miller stopped. One of the     6    , equally tired, came up
to him and said, "Well, I'm glad you    7   stopped. Our coach (教练) told us we had to keep running    8   
you were running!"
     Mr.Miller was watching them and they were    9   him, too. He was letting them   10   his standards.
And the same time they   11   him to set theirs.
     After telling the story, some questions occur in my mind:Are you keeping   12   with somebody else?
Are you allowing other people to set your standards   13   you? Do you keep pace with those around you,
or do you   14   yourself just how you will   15   your life? You should know that it is you who must be 
 16   to determine what your standards will be. Set your standards too   17  , and you'll feel bored. Set
high standards   18   you can llive a   19    life. For only when you reach for the best that is within yourself,
will you   20  a wonderful life.

(     )1. A. march     
(     )2. A. sight     
(     )3. A. field     
(     )4. A. tire      
(     )5. A .tried     
(     )6. A. players   
(     )7. A. finally   
(     )8. A. even though
(     )9. A. leading   
(     )10. A. set      
(     )11. A. advised  
(     )12. A. touch    
(     )13. A. against  
(     )14. A. decide   
(     )15. A. change   
(     )16. A. free     
(     )17. A. busy     
(     )18. A. where    
(     )19. A. serious  
(     )20. A. experience

B. walk        
B. trouble    
B. road       
B. stop       
B. finished   
B. teachers   
B. simply     
B. as long as  
B. respecting    
B. reach     
B. required  
B. pace       
B. to        
B. draw      
B. save      
B. able    
B. hard       
B. when       
B. hard      
B. find    

C. run         
C. line      
C. playground 
C. sweat      
C. kept      
C. walkers   
C. really    
C. in case     
C. watching      
C. meet       
C. invited 
C. distance  
C. for       
C. imagine   
C. live       
C. happy    
C. low       
C. and         
C. poor       
C. get   
D. travel         
D. practice   
D. yard     
D. fail        
D.  enjoyed   
D. boys       
D. equally   
D. as if        
D. following                 
D.  raise       
D. allowed  
D. balance    
D. of          
D. sing        
D. affect     
D. patient    
D. new       
D. but          
D. full        
D. lose    
    I once had a teacher whose husband died suddenly of heart attack. About a week after
his death, she   1   some of her thoughts with a classroom of students. As the late
afternoon sunlight shone   2   the classroom windows, and when the class was nearly over,
she   3   a few things aside on the edge of her desk and sat down.
    With a   4   look on her face, she paused and said, "  5   class in over, I'd like to
share with all of you a deep   6   which I feel is very important. Each of us is put here
on   7   to learn, share, love, appreciate and give of ourselves.   8   of us knows when
this fantastic experience will   9  . It can be taken away at any moment. Perhaps this is
the God's  10  of telling us that we must make the  11  of every single day."
    Her eyes were beginning to  12 , but she went on, "So I would like you all to make me
 13 : From now on, on your way to school, or on your way home, find something beautiful
to  14 . It doesn't have to be something you see. It could be a  15  of freshly baked
bread floating out of someone's house, or it could be the sound of the soft  16  rustling
(使发出沙沙声) the leaves in the trees…Please look for these things, and  17  them, for
at anytime they can all be taken away…"
    The class was completely  18 . We all picked up our books and went out of the room
silently. That  19 , I observed many more beautiful things on my way home from school than
    Remember: Life is not  20  by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that
take our breath away.
(     )1. A. learned   
(     )2. A. onto     
(     )3. A. removed   
(     )4. A. surprised 
(     )5. A. After     
(     )6. A. feeling  
(     )7. A. business 
(     )8. A. None     
(     )9. A. happen   
(     )10. A. way       
(     )11. A. least     
(     )12. A. ache     
(     )13. A. promise   
(     )14. A. buy       
(     )15. A. smell     
(     )16. A. wind     
(     )17. A. get       
(     )18. A. puzzled   
(     )19. A. morning   
(     )20. A. wasted   
B. shared        
B. into          
B. brushed      
B. worried      
B. Unless        
B. understanding 
B. time          
B. All          
B. begin        
B. signal        
B. worst        
B. water        
B. choice        
B. enjoy        
B. gift          
B. hand           
B. appreciate    
B. excited      
B. night        
B. measured      
C. argued     
C. across  
C. swept  
C. gentle  
C. Before  
C. love    
C. duty    
C. Each    
C. end    
C. plan    
C. lowest 
C. shine 
C. wish    
C. take    
C. taste   
C. light   
C. hide    
C. quiet   
C. noon    
C. saved 
D. discussed       
D. through           
D. pulled        
D. strange         
D. If              
D. memory          
D. earth           
D. Neither           
D. gain          
D. arrangement           
D. most              
D. dry           
D. rule            
D. learn             
D. sight           
D. color         
D. follow            
D. anxious          
D. afternoon       
D. lost          
     A lot of people are their own enemies. They regard themselves as unlikely to succeed in college and
often feel that there have been no accomplishments (成就) in their lives. In my first year of college
especially, I saw people get themselves down too quickly. There were two students in my class who failed the first test and seemed to give up immediately. From that day on, they walked into the classroom carrying defeat on their shoulders the way other students carried textbooks under their arms. When they
disappeared for good(长久地), no one took much notice, for they had already disappeared in spirit after
that first test.
     I have really wanted to shake them by the shoulders and say: "You are not dead. Be proud and pleased that you have brought yourself here to college. Breathe. Hope. Act." Such people should not use
self-doubts as an excuse for not trying. They should pull themselves together and get to work. They should start taking notes in class and trying to learn. Above all, they should not give up without even trying.
1. The phrase "get themselves down" (Para. 1) probably means ______.
A. tell lies  
B. lose confidence    
C. avoid dangers    
D. waste time
2. When the two students dropped out (退学), no one took much notice because ______.
A. they had long lost heart in class performance
B. they were absent from class too often
C. they didn't get on well with other students
D. they were so much cut off from the rest of the class
3. According to the passage, the two students failed in their study because of their ______.
A. shyness    
B. proudness    
C. self-doubt    
D. laziness
4. The author thinks that the two students should ______.
A. give up their college education        
B. learn from other students
C. feel happy because they are in college      
D. try hard before giving up
     Decisions, decisions! Our lives are full of them, from the small ones to the life-changing. The right to
choose is central to everyone. Yet sometimes we make bad decisions that leave us unhappy or full of regret.
Can science help?
     Most of us know little about the mental processes that lie behind our decisions. Luckily, what psychologists
are finding may help us all make better choices. Here are some of their amazing discoveries to help you make
up your mind.
     Consider your emotions. You might think that emotions are the enemy of decision-making, but in fact they
are a part of it. Whenever you make up your mind, your brain's emotional centre is active. University of
Southern California scientist, Antonio Damasia, has studied people with damage to only the emotional parts of
their brains, and found that they were unable to make basic choices about what to wear or eat. Damasia thinks
this may be because our brains store emotional memories of past choice, which we use to help the present
     However, making choices under the influence of an emotion can greatly affect the result. Take anger for
example. A study by Nitika Garg of the University of Mississippi and other scientists found the angry shoppers
were more likely to choose the first thing they were offered rather than considering other choices. It seems
that anger can lead us to make quick decisions without much thinking.
     All emotions affect our thinking and motivation,so it may be best to avoid making important decisions under
their influence. Yet strangely there is one emotion that seems to help us make good choices. The American
researchers found that sad people took time to consider the various choices on offer, and ended up making the
best choices. In fact many studies show that people who feel unhappy have the most reasonable view of the
1. What does the underlined word "central" mean?
[     ]
A. in the middle
B. easy to reach
C. important
D. having power
2. Damasia's study suggests that _____.
[     ]
A. emotions are the enemy of decision-making.
B. our brain has nothing to do with decision-making.
C. people with physical damage find it hard to make up their minds.
D. our emotional memories of past choices can affect present decisions.
3. According to the text, what may help us make better decisions?
[     ]
A. To think about happy times.
B. To make many decisions at a time.
C. To stop feeling regretful about the past.
D. To learn about the process of decision-making.
4. Why are angry shoppers more likely to choose the first thing they are offered?
[     ]
A. They often forget their past choices.
B. They make decisions without much thinking.
C. They tend to save time when shopping.
D. They are too angry to bargain.
5. What do we learn from the text?
[     ]
A. Emotions are a part of decision-making.
B. Sad people always make worse choices.
C. No emotion seems to help us make good choices.
D. Only sad feelings affect our thinking and motivation.
     You know those days when it seems the world isn't on your side? When everything seems to go wrong.
However trivial (乏味的)? Well, now there's a cure-a website with the sole aim of putting a smile on your
face. The site 1000 awesomethings.com. lists those small, everyday pleasures which make life worthwhile
from finding a missing sock to pushing the button for the lift and finding that it is already waiting.
     It is the brainchild of Neil Pasricha, 30, who, beset by personal problems (his wife left him, for a start),
decided to write down one happy thought every day for 1 000 days.
     Since Neil launched the website in June 2008, it has had 17 million visitors and currently attracts more
than 50 000 people a day. Here are some of the most fanciful ideas but heart-warming thoughts...
     -Drawing on steamed-up mirrors with your fingers
     -Seeing on the television that the weather is much worse somewhere else
     -Throwing something at the rubbish bin and getting it in
     -When a book opens on the page you were looking for
     -Brushing your teeth with a new toothbrush
     -When the phone rings and it's the person you were just thinking about
     -When the thing you were already going to buy is reduced in the sale
     -Laughing at friends' passport photographs
1. What can make life worthwhile in the author's opinion?
A. Earning more money than others.
B. Establishing your own website.
C. Achieving your goal of being a celebrity.
D. A long hug when you need it.
2. Neil Pasricha launched the website because _____.
A. he decided to get rid of his personal problems
B. he wanted to find a new wife
C. he wanted to share his troubles with others
D. people are not as happy as before
3. What are the thoughts listed on the website like?
A. Common, fanciful and heart-warming.
B. Rare, small and pleasing.
C. Attractive, common and unforgettable.
D. Happy, humourous and coincidental.
     Nearly everyone is shy in some ways. If shyness is making you uncomfortable, it may be time for a few
lessons in self-confidence. You can build your confidence by following some suggestions from doctors and
     Make a decision not to hold back in conversations. What you have to say is just as important as what other
people say. And don't turn down party invitations just because of your shyness.
     Prepare for yourself for being with others in groups. Make a list of the good qualities you have. Then make
a list of ideas, experiences, and skills you would like to share with other people. I think about what you would
like to say in advance. Then say it.
     If you start feeling self-conscious in a group, take a deep breath and focus your attention on other people,
Remember, you are not alone. Other people are concerned about the impression they are making, too.
     No one ever gets over being shy completely, but most people do learn to live with their shyness. Even
entertainers admit that they often feel shy. They work at fighting their shy feelings so that they can face the
cameras and the public. Just making the effort to control shyness can have many rewards. But perhaps the
best reason to fight shyness is to give other people a chance to know about you.
1. The main purpose of the article is to _____.
A. explain how shyness developed.
B. recommend ways of dealing with shyness
C. persuade readers that shyness is natural.
D. prove that shyness can be overcome
2. Which of these can you conclude from reading the article?
A. Shy people never have any fun.
B. Entertainers choose their work to fight shyness.
C. The attempt to overcome shyness is always successful.
D. The attempt to overcome shyness is always rewarding.
3. Who probably gives the suggestion for fighting shyness?
A. The author of the article
B. Shy men and women
C. Doctors and psychologists
D. Popular entertainers
     Every day life is made and lost. Every day, life goes on. Every day we experience some of the most
important parts of life and may not even realize it: love, generosity, and perseverance. These values aren't
just important to us; they make the world what it is.
     Scientists say that gravitational (重力的) force makes the world turn, but some people say that love
makes it go round. Love can be found anywhere: in families, friends, and even complete strangers. Even
if you can't see it, you know it's there.
     Love may connect people all over the world, but what would the world be without generosity? Whether
after a national disaster, or a school fund-raiser, one thing is certain-it is better to give than to receive.
Generosity is found everywhere and whether it's a large or small act, it makes a difference. Most of all,
being generous is not something you need any qualifications for, but no matter what you do, it can make
a difference. Sometimes, though, it takes effort to be generous, which leads us to perseverance.
     Founding a country, riding a bike, or finishing an essay, these are all finished with perseverance.
Perseverance is the one thing that can help us achieve whatever we want. It is what helps scientists to
discover cures for diseases, and athletes to become champions. You may fail, but every time you make
a mistake, that's one less to make the next time.
     There is an infinite (无穷的) number of things we value, but without love, generosity and perseverance,
we just don't think that our life or the world would be the way it is.
1. The underlined word "it" in the second paragraph refers to "_____".
[     ]
A. the world
B. gravitational force
C. value
D. experience
2. To be generous, the author thinks _____.
[     ]
A. you needn't make efforts
B. you should be qualified
C. you should give all you have
D. you will find it good to give
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
[     ]
A. Perseverance is the only thing that can help us to achieve success.
B. People don't understand the life they are experiencing at all.
C. We can find love in complete strangers sometimes.
D. What the world is like depends on gravity and love.
4. What would be the best title for the passage?
[     ]
A. Success and Failure
B. Three Values
C. Endless Love
D. Life Full of Hope
5. We find the passage conveys a(n) _____ attitude to us when we read between the lines.
[     ]
A. negative
B. positive
C. indifferent (漠不关心的)
D. worried

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