
In many parts of the world,cars play an important role in daily life and many societies would not exist without them.So the idea that in 20 years’ time, no one will own cars may be hard to believe.But this is the prediction made by a team of transport researchers who are taken seriously, not only by government but also by ear manufacturers.

The Human Science and Advanced Technology Institute at Loughborough in the UK is part of an international research program.The team there believes that by 2020 all cars will be computerized,which will mean much saving,no accidents and better use of roads.The superintelligent car of the 21st century will drive itself, and it will not be owned by one individual.Instead,we will have a choice of cars and change them as frequently as we change our clothing.

According to Dr.David Davis,who leads the research team,these predictions are based on the rising cost of the car culture,which had blocked up our cities,polluted our air, and caused more deaths than both world wars put together.

Davis says,cars will be fitted with some intelligent devices to regulate the distance between one car and another.The car will automatically speed up,or slow down,to match the speed of the car in front.Computers are much safer drivers than people,so cars in a road train will be able to drive much closer together than cars driven by people.

By 2010,Dr.David Davis believes,car technology will give motorists a clear view of the road,whatever the weather conditions,by projecting an image of the road ahead on to the car’s windscreen.And by 2020,cars will travel in_convoy,_linked to each other electronically.Cars will be connected by an electronic tow bar to the car in front to form “roadtrains”.“The front vehicle in such a train burns the normal amount.”says Davis.“But all the others in the train would burn about ten percent of the normal amount,and so produce about ten percent of the pollution.”

1.Which of the following will be the characteristic of the cars of 2020?

A. The car will speed up out of control.

B. We will own as many cars as we want.

C. All cars will be driven by computers.

D. Cars will produce more pollution than present ones.

2.The leader of the research team believes that the present car culture will change because________.

A. cars play a very important role in daily life

B. many societies would stop functioning without cars

C. cars should not be owned by one individual

D. it causes many deaths to human society

3.The expression closest in meaning to the phrase “in convoy” in the last paragraph is________.

A. in line B. sidelong

C. side by side D. shoulder to shoulder

4.What will happen if cars are joined to each other electro- nically in 2020?

A. Motorists will get a clear view of the road.

B. There will be less pollution caused by car.

C. The weather condition will not have effect on motorists.

D. All trains will bum less fuel than present.


Adventure is in my blood. And I had been considering how I was going to ______ my high school graduation. I didn’t just want a small party in the backyard. I started thinking about doing a solo ______ somewhere out of the ordinary. I took out maps and drew the 1,500-mile route along which I would be ______ from the northernmost point in Norway to the southernmost section of Sweden. When I ______ my plans with my dad, he ______ as I thought he would. Because I get my ______ spirits from him, he was ______ it.

I had only been away from my home three days now, but there was an inner ______ going on inside of me. Part of me was ______ and doubting whether I ______ could make it. The other part of me was ready to ______ to myself and my family that I could do it by myself.

On the road, I met another bicyclist who was quite a bit older than I was. He had started his journey ______ by bike at the southern part of Norway and had just finished. I could tell he had a great sense of ______. It encouraged me not to ______.

As I listened to my ______ artists on my MP4 player, I pedaled (踩踏板) with my feet. There was ______ around me for miles. ______, that wasn’t entirely true. There were mosquitoes—millions of them. My arms were so dotted with ______ that they looked like a topographical map (地形图). But, however ______ it would be, nothing could stop my advance ______ the destination. As you know, adventure is in my blood.

1.A. celebrate B. finish C. spend D. organize

2.A. flight B. activity C. performance D. trip

3.A. walking B. flying C. biking D. jogging

4.A. provided B. shared C. exchanged D. compared

5.A. agreed B. sighed C. teased D. obtained

6.A. aggressive B. adventurous C. optimistic D. athletic

7.A. in fear of B. in charge of C. in favor of D. in need of

8.A. battle B. dilemma C. request D. discussion

9.A. stubborn B. ambitious C. homesick D. astonished

10.A. naturally B. really C. extremely D. obviously

11.A. submit B. turn C. prove D. adapt

12.A. alone B. practically C. patiently D. sincerely

13.A. humor B. direction C. balance D. satisfaction

14.A. calm down B. break down C. keep on D. give up

15.A. personal B. favourite C. professional D. grateful

16.A. nobody B. everybody C. anything D. everything

17.A. Simply B. Actually C. Eventually D. Fortunately

18.A. wounds B. cuts C. bites D. burns

19.A. boring B. confusing C. complex D. tough

20.A. from B. with C. in D. towards

The pupils of Grangetown High have been busy getting to know their newest and tallest classmate — a 7-meter-tall giraffe outside their school.

The giraffe is a huge sculpture (雕像) made by a local artist. The school's headmaster noticed the sculpture in the artist's garden as he drove past one day, and thought it would be perfect for his school. “I knew everyone would love it,” he said, “because our basketball team is known as the Grangetown Giraffes, and they wear giraffes on their shirts. So I asked them to write a letter to the artist, asking how much it would cost to buy the giraffe. He was very kind and got it ready to deliver (递送) in six weeks — all for nothing! It was expected to arrive one Sunday morning, so that the pupils would see it when they got to school on Monday — at that time they had no idea that we were getting it.”

The artist, Tom Bennett, was a university professor (教授) of chemistry before he left that job in 2006 and only took up metalwork a couple of years ago. “I've always drawn pictures,” he said. “I can even remember doing it on my first day at school — I drew a horse. I wanted it to be the best horse picture ever, but I don't think I succeeded.” Tom's first metalwork was a bicycle for two that he and his wife could go cycling on together. “It was the most uncomfortable bike ever created,” he said, “so I gave up making bicycles and went into sculpture instead.”

Meanwhile the pupils at Grangetown High are very happy with their new classmate. “We're going to hold a competition to give it a proper name,” said one girl. “Everyone likes the expression on its face, so perhaps that will give us some ideas.”

1.According to the text, the giraffe _____.

A. was as tall as a basketball player

B. was given to Grangetown High for free

C. was sent to Grangetown High on Monday

D. was specially made for a basketball team

2.When the pupils got to school on Monday, they probably felt _____.

A. shy B. sad

C. excited D. confident

3.What can we learn about Tom Bennett?

A. He showed interest in art at an early age.

B. He was good at drawing, especially horses.

C. He visited Grangetown High as a professor.

D. He learned a lot about sculpture at university.

4.What's the main idea of the text?

A. It was a difficult job to name a giraffe.

B. Tom Bennett is well-known as a sculptor.

C. The Grangetown Giraffes is a strong team.

D. A metal giraffe arrived at Grangetown High.

Every year, billions of kilograms of fresh produce are wasted in the United States. Meanwhile, millions of poor Americans go hungry, without access to healthy and affordable meals.

Evan Lutz, CEO and founder of Hungry Harvest, was inspired to act after seeing extreme

poverty in areas of Baltimore, Maryland. He wants to reduce the so-called food desert in that area. His work is to make sure no food goes to waste and no person is ever hungry in America. And he

combines that goal with a love for business.

Hungry Harvest is a business which collects and sells "ugly produce". These are fruits and

vegetables that most food companies will throw away. More than six billion pounds are wasted each year due to "ugly" surface. Everything doesn't grow the same way on a farm. But all that is too big or too small gets thrown out. That is why everything in a grocery store looks similar, shiny and perfect. Hungry Harvest will box those imperfect ones and deliver them to customers once a week.

For Evan Lutz, giving back to others came from his upbringing.

When I was growing up my parents taught me the values of giving back, and giving is a lot

more powerful than receiving. We sell produce with a purpose and that doesn't just mean we reduce food from going to waste. We hire people that were formerly in prison and were formerly injured or sick living in homeless shelters. They really wanted to get back on their feet for a second chance in life."

In January 2016, Lutz appeared on the American business competition television show "Shark Tank" and got even more than he expected: $100,000. Lutz is using the money to realize his great mission that can really revolutionize the food industry in America.

1.The underlined part "food desert" in the second paragraph means .

A. food that grows in the desert B. the poor areas in Baltimore

C. a lack of fresh and healthy food D. the desert where food can grow

2.The food delivered by Hungry Harvest is .

A. popular with local fruit farmers B. easy to be found in grocery stores

C. fresh but hard to keep for food companies D. healthy and available to hungry people

3.Which of the following words can be used to describe Evan Lutz?

A. Strong-willed and smart. B. Kind-hearted and creative.

C. Warm-hearted and strict. D. Open-minded and humorous.

4.What can be a suitable title for this passage?

A. Giving Unused Produce a Purpose B. Making Profits from Shiny Produce

C. Creating Jobs for the Less Fortunate D. Helping the People in Hungry World

India is an ancient civilization with rich cultural heritage (遗产), and its cultural heritage has something to do with all major religions (宗教)of the world. Here we take a look at some of the top heritage destinations in India.

Sun Temple, Konark

As the name suggests this temple is all about the power of the sun God. A huge chariot (二轮战车) drawn by seven horses and twelve pairs of wheels reflect(反映) the importance which ancient people placed on the power of the sun. The pictures of animals and humans give this place a special look.

Churches Goa

Goa is the only Indian state which was controlled by the Portuguese (葡萄牙人), so the scene in Goa is dotted with (点缀着) Portuguese style churches. Some of the famous churches include the church of Saint Catherine, church of Saint Augustine and church of saint Francis of Assisi. These churches show beautiful paintings and flower designs which make them a must visit.

Ajanta and Ellora Caves

These caves contain well designed paintings which are widely regarded as the most outstanding works of Buddhist religious art.

Taj Mahal, Agra

Built on the bank of the Yamuna River, it is an excellent building. The writing and paintings on the outside structure provide the finest examples of the outstanding style of buildings.


Sanchi is a UNESCO world heritage site with numerous Buddhist temples dating back to the seventh and eighth centuries.

On your visit to India, be sure to visit some of these heritage destinations. An Indian journey is not wonderful without experiencing the beauty of these heritage destinations.

1.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Indian cultural heritage has something to do with religions.

B. The Portuguese controlled the whole India two centuries ago.

C. Ellora Caves only have statues of animals.

D. The church of Saint Catherine is the earliest one in the world.

2.The ancient Indians thought that ___________ was important .

A. animals B. ancient civilization

C. ancient temples D. the sun’s power

3.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Introducing several top heritage destinations in India.

B. The great effect that Indian religion has on culture.

C. India has rich cultural heritage in the world.

D. India is famous for its cultural heritage.

4.If you want to know something about Buddhist monument you can visit_________

A. Sun Temple, Konark, B. Chuches Goa,

C. Ajanta and Ellora Caves, D. Sanchi

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