

假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Tom喜爱中国文化,你想邀请他除夕(New Year’s Eve)来中国过春节,感受中国文化。请你根据以下要点给Tom写一封电子邮件:

1. 问候Tom并发出邀请;

2. 活动安排:包水饺,看演出,赏灯(lantern)等.

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;


Low-Cost Gifts for Mother's Day

Gift No. 1

Offer to be your mother's health friend. Promise to be there for any and all doctor's visits whether a disease or a regular medical check-up. Most mothers always say "no need," another set of eyes and ears is always a good idea at a doctor's visit. The best part ? This one is free.

Gift No. 2

Help your mother organize all of her medical records, which include the test results and medical information. Put them all in one place. Be sure to make a list of all of her medicines and what times she takes them. "Having all this information in one place could end up saving your mother's life," Dr. Marie Savard said.

Gift No. 3

Enough sleep is connected to general health conditions. "Buy your mother cotton sheets and comfortable pillows to encourage better sleep," Savard said. "We know that good sleep is very important to our health."

Gift No. 4

Some gift companies such as Presents for Purpose allow you to pay it forward this Mother's Day by picking gifts in which 10 percent of the price you pay goes to a charity (慈善机构) Gift givers can choose from a wide variety of useful but inexpensive things -many of which are "green" - and then choose a meaningful charity from a list. When your mother gets the gift, she will be told that she has helped the chosen charity.

1.What are you advised to do for your mother at doctor's visits?

A. Take notes. B. Be with her.

C. Buy medicine. D. Give her gifts.

2.Where can you find a gift idea to improve your mother’s sleep?

A. In Gift No. 1. B. In Gift No. 2.

C. In Gift No. 3. D. In Gift No. 4.

3.Buying gifts from Presents for Purpose all ows mothers to_________

A. enjoy good sleep B. be well-organized

C. bet extra support D. give others help

One of my wonderful memories is about a Christmas gift. Unlike other gifts, it came without wrap(包装)

On September 11th, 1958, Mum gave birth to Richard. After she brought him home from hospital, she put him in my lap, saying,“ I promised you a gift, and here it is.” what an honor! I turned four a month earlier and none of my friends had such a baby doll of their own. I played with it day and night. I sang to it. I sang to it. I told it stories. I told it over and over how much I loved it!

One morning, however, I found its bed empty. My doll was gone! I cried for it . Mum wept and told me that the poor little thing had been sent to a hospital. It had a fever. For several days. I heard Mum and Dad whispering such words as“ hopeless”, “pitiful”, and “dying”, which sounded ominous.

Christmas was coming.“ Don’t expect any presents this year,” Dad said, pointing at the socks I hung in the living room. “If your baby brother lives, that’ll be Christmas enough.” As he spoke, his eyes filled with teas. I’d never seen him cry before.

The phone rang early on Christmas morning. Dad jumped out of bed to answer it answer it. From my bedroom I heard him say, “What? He’s all right?” He hung up and shouted upstairs. “The hospital said we can bring Richard home!”

“Thank God!” I heard Mum cry.

From the upstairs window, I watched my parents rush out to the car. I had never seen them so happy. And I was also full of joy. What a wonderful day! My baby doll would be home. I ran downstairs. My socks still hung there flat. But I knew they were not empty; they were filled with love!

1. What happened to the author on September 11th ,1958 ?

A. He became four years old.

B. He got a Christmas gift.

C. He got a baby brother.

D. He received a doll.

2.What does the underlined word “ominous” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Fearful B. Boring

C. Difficult D. Impossible.

3.Which word can best describe the feeling of the father when Christmas was coming?

A. Excitement. B. Sadness.

C. Happiness. D. Disappointment.

4.What is the passage mainly about ?

A. A sad Christmas day.

B. Life with a lovely baby.

C. Memories of a happy family.

D. A special Christmas gift.

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Sandy Greenberg came from a poor family.He went to Columbia University on a scholarship and there he met his roommate who also was receiving financial .

Unfortunately, Sandy had a(n) disease during his second year at Columbia University, and finally he became blind.But for Sandy, something else also happened to him — his roommate would his textbooks to him, every night after he lost his sight.

As a result, Sandy went on to with honors.He went off to study at Oxford.He was still quite poor, but he had managed to about five hundred dollars as he went along.

His roommate went on to graduate school.One day, Sandy got a from him at Oxford.His former roommate said, "Sandy, I'm really .I really don't like being in graduate school, and I don't want to do this."

"Well, what do you want to do? " Sandy .

His roommate told him, "Sandy, I really love to .I have a high school friend who plays the guitar.And we would really like to our hands in the music business.But we need to make a promo record, and in order to that I need $500."

Sandy took all his life savings without and sent it to his roommate.Well, his roommate was the famous singer, Art Garfunkel, and he up with another musician, Paul Simon.That $500 them make a record that finally became The Sound of Silence.

How we are able to deal with in our lives will be influenced by how we deal with others .the way.What we get will depend a lot on what we .And that's the end of the story of doing well by doing good.

1.A.aid B.advice C.crisis D.pressure

2.A.eye B.ear C.nose D.bone

3.A.finally B.luckily C.sadly D.excitedly

4.A.lend B.offer C.read D.return

5.A.survive B.research C.leave D.graduate

6.A.save B.earn C.keep D.borrow

7.A.never B.still C.either D.also

8.A.message B.call C.card D.report

9.A.unhappy B.unhealthy C.homesick D.lonely

10.A.suggested B.answered C.asked D.laughed

11.A.work B.sing C.dance D.travel

12.A.wave B.wash C.try D.clean

13.A.win B.do C.prove D.earn

14.A.permission B.consideration C.hesitation D.expectation

15.A.other B.present C.former D.later

16.A.teamed B.came C.showed D.let

17.A.saw B.helped C.hoped D.let

18.A.interests B.opportunities C.difficulties D.feelings

19.A.across B.in C.by D.along

20.A.take B.give C.like D.learn

People with an impulsive personality refer to those who tend to do things without considering the possible dangers or problems first. According to a new study by researchers at the University of Georgia, such people may be more likely to have food addiction. The study found that people exhibiting impulsive behavior weren’t necessarily overweight, but impulsiveness was related to a direct relationship with food, and therefore, less healthy weight.

Food addiction has been compared to addictive drug use. Studies have linked the dopamine (多巴胺) release that occurs after tasting delicious food to the dopamine release that happens when people consume other addictive substances.

Impulsive behavior involves several personality traits (特点). Two of these traits, known as negative urgency and lack of perseverance, were particularly associated with food addiction and high BMI (身体质量指数) during the study.

Negative urgency is characterized by the tendency to behave impulsively when experiencing negative emotions. Some people might drink alcohol or take drugs. For others, it could mean eating to feel better. Lack of perseverance is when a person has a hard time finishing hard or boring tasks. People with a lack of perseverance might have difficulty attempting to change addictive eating behavior, which could also cause obesity.

“Impulsiveness might be one reason why some people eat in an addictive way despite motivation to lose weight,” said Dr. Ashley Gearhardt, a clinical psychologist. He was involved in developing the Yale Food Addiction Scale in aid of those people. “We are theorizing that if food addiction is really a thing, then our measure, the Yale Food Addiction Scale, should be related to helping control impulsive action,” said Gearhardt.

Clinical psychologist Dr. James MacKillop, whose lab was conducting the study, believes that therapies used to treat addictive drug behavior could help people who suffer from addictive eating habits.

“Most of the programs for weight loss at this point focus on the most obvious things, which are clearly diet and exercise,” MacKillop said. “It seems that managing strong desires to eat would naturally fit in with the skills a person would need to eat healthily.”

1.According to Paragraph 1, the result of food addiction is ________.

A. less healthy weight B. motivation to lose weight

C. negative emotions D. taking alcohol or drugs

2.How does the author introduce the two personality traits in Paragraph 4?

A. By making comparisons and conclusions.

B. By explaining causes and effects.

C. By presenting questions and answers.

D. By giving definitions and examples.

3.What can be inferred about the Yale Food Addiction Scale from the text?

A. It has been successfully carried out among overweight people.

B. It might help some impulsive people with food addiction to lose weight.

C. It will prove whether food addiction is a problem to impulsive people.

D. It is theoretically a proper treatment for addictive food and drug behavior.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Dopamine release caused by food addiction

B. Food addiction compared to drug use

C. Impulsive personality linked to food addition

D. Food addiction contributing to obesity



I live in a big city with a lot of homeless people. Luckily there’re small ways of helping them and you needn’t have a lot of ________ . One way to help is to buy their monthly magazine. ________ doing this one day,I got to ________ a young homeless man. He was often ________ the magazine at the train station.

He was a poor farmer from another country. After a while,I discovered that his________ was close to mine. It ________ that we were born in the same month.

I met him last year________ after his birthday,and after congratulating(祝贺) him,without ________ ,I asked if he had had a good day. He ________ and said that he hadn’t really celebrated. I felt so ________ .

I just couldn’t bear the thought of(不敢想) this nice,young man being ________on his 25th birthday with no presents,no cake,nothing!So I went home and looked in my yarn(纱线) basket. ________ for me,I had enough yarn ________. I set to work and knitted(编织) a ________ for the young man. The yarn had become a little dirty ________I didn’t knit very often. Then I washed the yarn so the scarf would be ________ when he got it.

I met him on my own birthday as I was going shopping. I had ________ to meet him so I had ________ the scarf and a piece of my own birthday ________ around with me. He was very happy with these gifts and so was I.The ________ in his eyes was the best present he could have given me!

1.A.work B.energy C.money D.experience

2.A.In B.On C.Besides D.By

3.A.realize B.ignore C.know D.recognize

4.A.selling B.reading C.covering D.buying

5.A.birthday B.house C.height D.hobby

6.A.said B.found C.guessed D.meant

7.A.long B.shortly C.ever D.even

8.A.stopping B.helping C.praising D.thinking

9.A.looked up B.turned up C.looked down D.got down

10.A.foolish B.excited C.clever D.worried

11.A.calm B.happy C.alone D.hungry

12.A.Suddenly B.Luckily C.Badly D.However

13.A.used B.done C.left D.produced

14.A.scarf B.cap C.sock D.glove

15.A.when B.because C.so D.and

16.A.different B.dry C.wet D.clean

17.A.liked B.hoped C.promised D.agreed

18.A.made B.thrown C.received D.carried

19.A.cake B.present C.song D.party

20.A.light B.pain C.sight D.tear


Public Speaking Training

·Get a coach

1. ,so get help. Since there are about a billion companies out there all ready to offer you public speaking training and courses, here are some things to look for when deciding the training that's right for you.

·Focus on positives

Any training you do to become more effective at public speaking should always focus on the positive aspects of what you already do well. Nothing can hurt confidence more than being told that you aren't doing well. 2. , so good public speaking training should develop those instead of telling you what you shouldn't do.

· 3.

If you find a public speaking course that looks as though it's going to give you lots of dos and don'ts, walk away! Your brain is so full of what you're going to be talking about.

4. . As far as we're concerned, there are basically no hard and fast rules about public speaking. Your audience can be your friends.

·You are a special person not a clone

Most importantly, good public speaking training should treat you as a special one, with your own personal habits. 5. . Your training course should help you bring out your

personality, not try to turn you into someone you're not.

A. You aren't like anybody else

B. You already do lots of things well

C. Turn your back on too many rules

D. Check the rules about dos and don'ts

E. Whatever the presentation, public speaking is tough

F .The one thing you don't want is for them to fall asleep

G. So trying to force a whole set of rules into it will just make things worse

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