Gadgets make study fun
Now in a world piled high with smartphones, tablets (平板电脑)and e-readers, technology has entered the classroom in ways unimaginable. Taking classes can be fun too. All you have to do is swipe your fingers on your phone screen and download some apps (应用程序), which can make your study more fun and efficient . Balancing study and play in a college setting has never been easy-and with the following few apps, it’ll be tough to tell the two apart.
Can be used on: iPhone/iPad/iPod touch, Android , BlackBerry, Palm OS and Windows , Phone 7 price :free
If you take notes to stay organized,then Evernote is for you. The main thing about Evernote  is that all of your notes are automatically sent into the cloud-and then you can access them from any web-connected computer via the Evernote app or a web browser(浏览器). Evernote also supports audio and photo notes-rather handy if you want to record your lecture or take photos of any projected notes. But, of course, ask for permission first.
Use:research database
Can be used on: iPhone/iPad/iPod touch
Price :free ( Wikipanion Plus for $4.99,or 31.87 yuan )
Now , you don’t necessarily have to go to a library or anywhere with computer services to do research work for your paper anymore. You can get access to the research databases just on your smartphone or tablet.
Conquering Bilingual News Listening in 7 Days
Use: English learning application
Can be used on : iPhone/iPad/iPod touch
Price:For a limited time you can get the App for only $0.99—half price.Still learning English with a workbook? If so, you are behind the times.Get 21st Century Newspaper’s new iPhone App, “Conquering Bilingual News Listening in 7 Days”.When you download the App on your iPhone, you can listen to the hottest bilingual news selected from the newspaper’s official website ( read by native speakers, “Conquering Bilingual News Listening in 7 Days” has ranked No 1 on the Chinese education App list. For a limited time you can get the App for only $0.99—half price.
【小题1】The purpose of this passage to                   
A.make your study more fun and efficient
B.introduce some apps used on gadgets
C.advertise high-tech teaching ways
D.promote new application programs
【小题2】According to the passage, we can know that             
A.the three apps all support audio and photo forms. study is undoubtedly full of ease and fun students used to do research work in the library or via computers
D.students can record lectures and send them to the cloud without permission
【小题3】Which of the following is true about the apps?
A.They can only be used on smartphones.
B.Evemote and Wikipanion Plus are free.
C.Evemote can merely be used on a computer.
D.They improve learning efficiency and pleasure.


Gadgets make study fun

Now in a world piled high with smartphones, tablets (平板电脑)and e-readers, technology has entered the classroom in ways unimaginable. Taking classes can be fun too. All you have to do is swipe your fingers on your phone screen and download some apps (应用程序), which can make your study more fun and efficient . Balancing study and play in a college setting has never been easy-and with the following few apps, it’ll be tough to tell the two apart.



Can be used on: iPhone/iPad/iPod touch, Android , BlackBerry, Palm OS and Windows , Phone 7 price :free

If you take notes to stay organized,then Evernote is for you. The main thing about Evernote  is that all of your notes are automatically sent into the cloud-and then you can access them from any web-connected computer via the Evernote app or a web browser(浏览器). Evernote also supports audio and photo notes-rather handy if you want to record your lecture or take photos of any projected notes. But, of course, ask for permission first.


Use:research database

Can be used on: iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

Price :free ( Wikipanion Plus for $4.99,or 31.87 yuan )

Now , you don’t necessarily have to go to a library or anywhere with computer services to do research work for your paper anymore. You can get access to the research databases just on your smartphone or tablet.

Conquering Bilingual News Listening in 7 Days

Use: English learning application

Can be used on : iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

Price:For a limited time you can get the App for only $0.99—half price.Still learning English with a workbook? If so, you are behind the times.Get 21st Century Newspaper’s new iPhone App, “Conquering Bilingual News Listening in 7 Days”.When you download the App on your iPhone, you can listen to the hottest bilingual news selected from the newspaper’s official website ( read by native speakers, “Conquering Bilingual News Listening in 7 Days” has ranked No 1 on the Chinese education App list. For a limited time you can get the App for only $0.99—half price.

1.The purpose of this passage to                   

A.make your study more fun and efficient

B.introduce some apps used on gadgets

C.advertise high-tech teaching ways

D.promote new application programs

2.According to the passage, we can know that             

A.the three apps all support audio and photo forms. study is undoubtedly full of ease and fun students used to do research work in the library or via computers

D.students can record lectures and send them to the cloud without permission

3.Which of the following is true about the apps?

A.They can only be used on smartphones.

B.Evemote and Wikipanion Plus are free.

C.Evemote can merely be used on a computer.

D.They improve learning efficiency and pleasure.


COURSE: Introduction to American History

INSTRUCTOR: Dr Jane Klammer

OFFICE: 305 Marshall Hall

OFFICE HOURS: 11: 15~12: 30 M W F (Monday Wednesday Friday)

CLASS: 363 Marshall Hall 3: 35~5: 00 T Th (Tuesday Thursday); 10: 10~ 11: 00 M W F; Other time by appointment

TELEPHONE: 255 4786

TEXTBOOK: The American Tradition: A History of the United States (written by Green& Robert. Published by Ohio State University Press, 1973), which is bought at the College Bookstore.

Attendance is not required, but you are responsible for all the information given in the class lectures. In the lectures I will talk about the chapters in the textbook and other materials that I choose to add to the course. The exams will cover all this information. Therefore, I advise you to come to the class as much as possible. If you have to miss a class, be sure to get the class notes from another student.

Your homework assignments are listed on the next page. If there are any changes in the assigned homework reading, I will announce them in class.

You are supposed to read the chapter about which I will be lecturing before you come to class. This is to make sure that you understand as much as possible while taking notes in my lectures. Be prepared when you come to class.

The term paper is 40% of your final grade. It should not be more than fifteen pages(Another thinking of majoring in history may write twenty-five pages). Before the midterm exam you will choose the topic for your paper.

72. If a student wants to know what the homework assignments are, ______.

A. Prof. Klammer announces them in class

B. he(she)reads the list on the next page

C. Pro. Klammer gives a list every week in class

D. he(she)goes to the professor’s office

73. If a student cannot see Prof. Klammer during her office hours, he ______.

A. sees her after class              B. calls her at home

C. makes an appointment with her     D. asks another student

74. According to the passage, which of the following is probably TRUE?

A. The textbook is written by Dr Klammer.

B. If you have to miss a class, be sure to say sorry to Prof. Klammer.

C. The students can buy “Introduction to American History” at the College Bookstore.

D. Prof. Klammer encourages his students to take notes in her class.

75. It can be judged that ______.

A. before the final exam, you will choose the topic for you paper

B. the students who will take the course had better attend the lectures as much as possible

C. your term paper should be more than fifteen pages

D. you will have a class at 11:15~12:30 on Sunday



(M=Mark   W=Wang Ling)

M: Hi Wang Ling, how are your studies going?

W: Well exciting, but sometimes I find them very (1)d ____.                   1._____

       Most of the other students can understand the lectures (2)w ____              2._____

       difficulty, but I have to listen carefully and take lots of notes.

M: Yes, I know what you mean.Have you (3)c ____ recording the lecture?     3._____

W: No, I didn't think we were (4)a____ to.                                 4._____

M: Oh it's no (5)p ____, you just have to ask the lecturer's permission.       5._____

W: Oh, that's a good idea.And I don't get used to the teaching (6)m _____.   6._____

       We are often asked to have discussions.You know we seldom did this in China.

M: Well, discussions are really difficult for you at the (7)b ____,                   7._____

       but they are really a good way of learning.The other students have

       different (8)o____and you can learn much from them.So                 8._____

       during a discussion listen carefully.If there's something you don't

       understand, you can raise questions.

W: I see.

M: Anyway, don't always worry about your studies.You need to

(9)r____yourself.Say travel to some places in Britain.                           9._____

W: That sounds like a good idea.I am so glad to have a (10)f____                 10._____

like you in Britain.Thank you very much.

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