Tanzania Tarangire is a national Park which lies in Tanzania.The park itself covers an area of around 2,850 square kilometers, making it the sixth largest park of its kind in the country.I recently visited Tarangire to see what it was like….
One of the first sightings upon entering the park which I found was a huge herd(群)of elephants. Our guide told us that Tagrangire was probably the best place in Tanzania to find large herds of elephants, and that their population in the park was around 2,500.We continued to watch the elephants as they stood under trees and scratched themselves against the trees to hit the spot of an itch(痒处).
To the right of the elephant herd, we noticed a big tree! Our guide informed us that this was a Baobab tree and that they could live for hundreds of years.Compared with this tree, the elephant just looked like dwarfs(侏儒)! We were informed that Tarangire was one of the best National Parks in Africa to see so many Baobab trees.
As we continued our drive through the park, we finally reached a watering hole.Our guide warned us that there were lions all around us.It took us all a while to find them, but there they were! Most of them are resting in the shade under brushes, but there was one that was drinking from the watering hole directly in front of us.We then noticed just to our right, there were a couple of fresh zebra corpses(尸体)— it seemed as if the lions which were resting had killed them! We were unlucky not to have seen the actual kill, as our guide had mentioned that the zebra corpses were fresh and the kill had occurred within the last hour.
Our final big sighting was one that none of us were expecting to see, even our guide! We pulled over to where there was a large gathering of cars, with a sleeping leopard(美洲豹)there! We took photos happily and excitedly and observed its surprising body before returning to our hotel as it was getting late.
So, I hope you enjoyed my description of Tarangire, and that I have inspired you to add this amazing park to your very own Tanzania travel route.
【小题1】Which statement is correct about the park?

A.It covers an area of about 2,580 square kilometers
B.It is the largest park of its kind in the country
C.Their population in the park was around 2,000
D.There are a lot of Baobab trees in it.
【小题2】How did the writer travel in Tanzania Tarangire?
A.On footB.On horsebackC.By carD.By bicycle
【小题3】What did they see when they stopped with some other cars?
A.A large herd of elephantsB.Some lions
C.Some zebrasD.A leopard
【小题4】What does the writer think of his trip in Tanzania Tarangire?

I was in a strange city and I didn't know the city at all and what is more,I could not speak a word of the language. After having spent my first day in the town-centre,I decided to lose my way on my second day, since I believed that this was the simplest way of getting to know the strange city.
I got on the first bus that passed, rode on it for several stops then got it off and walked on. The first two hours passed pleasantly enough. Then I decided to turn back to my hotel for lunch. After walking about for some time, I decided I had better ask the way. The trouble was that the only word I knew of the language was the name of the street in which I lived and even then I pronounced it badly.
I stopped to ask a friendly-looking newspaper-seller. He smiled and handed me a paper. I shook my head and repeated the name of the street and he put the paper into my hands. I had to give him some money and went on my way. The next person I asked was a policeman. The policeman listened to me carefully, smiled and gently took me by the arm. There was a strange look in his eyes as he pointed left and right and left again. I thanked him politely and began walking in the direction he pointed.
About an hour passed and I noticed that the houses were getting fewer and fewer and green fields were appearing on either side of me. I had come all the way into the countryside.
The only thing left for me to do was to find the nearest railway station,
【小题1】The writer believed that if you wanted to get to know a strange city         .

A.you should go everywhere on foot
B.you should have a map
C.you should ask people the way
D.you should get lost
【小题2】The newspaper-seller ________
A.could understand what he said
B.didn't know what he said
C.laughed at him
D.didn't want to take the money
【小题3】The writer's real trouble was that            .
A.he couldn't speak the language
B.he followed the policeman's direction
C.he took the wrong bus
D.he left the town-centre
【小题4】The policeman        .
A.didn't help him
B.pointed at him
C.didn't understand what he really meant
D.didn’t know the way

One morning Mrs Smith was driving home after she had done shopping. When she drove near a rubbish dump, she noticed a microwave oven(微波炉) not far from the side of the road.“John is a good electrician!”she said to herself.“Perhaps he can repair this. I'll take it home and let him try.”She picked up the oven and put it in the boot of her car. Then she drove on happily. A few kilometers later, she heard the siren (警报器)of a police car behind her. She looked in the driving mirror and saw a policeman waving to her to tell her to pull over and stop.
 Mrs Smith was very puzzled. She slowed down at the side of the road. A traffic policeman got out of the police car and walked up to her. 
“Can I see your driving license and insurance certificate(保险证),please? ”he asked her. He copied down details of her name, address and the number of the car.“What's wrong, officer?” Mrs Smith asked. The policeman did not reply. He looked in the car and then at the back.      “Open the boot, please.”he said to Mrs Smith.
 Mrs Smith was still puzzled. She opened the boot and pointed to the microwave oven. "I found this old microwave oven a few minutes ago," she said. "I'm just taking it home to see if my husband can repair it." The policeman stared at her for a moment to see if she was telling the truth. "That's not a microwave oven." he said at last. "That's our radar set(雷达装置). It was the start of a speed trap. Do you mind if we have it back?"   Mrs Smith's face turned red. "Oh", she said," I'm very sorry. I wouldn't have touched it if I'd known what it was."
【小题1】Why did Mrs Smith pick up the police's radar set and want to take it home?

A.She had no microwave oven and wanted one.
B.She took it for a waste microwave oven.
C.She saw nobody was looking.
D.She just wanted to steal it.
【小题2】The underlined word "boot" in the third paragraph means_____ .
A.the outer covering for the foot
B.the outer covering for the car
C.the place for luggage at the back of a car
D.the place for metal equipment for protection
【小题3】Choose the right order of the events(事件) given in the passage.
a. The policeman wrote down Mrs Smith's name, address and the car number.
b. Mrs Smith picked up a radar set and put it in the boot of her car.
c. The policeman took back the radar set.
d. Mrs Smith went shopping.
e. A policeman signed Mrs Smith to stop her car.
f. The policeman found the radar set in the boot of Mrs Smith's car.

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