Nearly everyone is attached to water, whether it be the sea, canals, rivers or the village pond.Beautiful as it is, water should be regarded with respect as it can be hazardous. Around 300 children up to the age of ten die each year from drowning. It should be every parent’s responsibility to ensure that both he and the child can swim and that as the child gets older, he has some knowledge of life—saving and artificial respiration(人工呼吸).The basic rules of water safety are:
——don’t leave small children playing alone in water.
——never swim an hour before or an hour after a main meal.
——if it’s a danger area, find out before you start swimming where the life- guard is or where a lifebelt is available(可提供的).
——as children get older, try to teach them to remain calm in an emergency(紧急情况).
——look out for warning signs to see whether
you’re in a danger area(see under this)
——Be especially careful of inland stretches of water - pools, reservoirs(水库) and dykes(沟)
——where there are often fewer people about than at the seaside.
THE NATIONAL CODE FOR BATHERS— the code deals only with warnings that indicate(标示)"Unsafe to Bathe"
1. Color: red, UNSAFE TO BATHE- do not enter the water.
2. Color: red board, white lettering. UN- SAFE TO BATHE AT ALL TIMES. Lifesaving equipment is also painted red for easy identification(识别).
3. Color: red and yellow. PATROLLED(巡逻) BATHING AREAS. Bathing areas with lifesaving facilities(设施) provided by patrols of lifeguards.
4. Color: black and white color. SURFING(冲浪) AREA.Area set aside for surf or Malibu board (冲浪板) riding.
5. Color: white and blue. The divers’ flag means DIVERS DOWN. Boat users keep well clear of this area.
1. What does the writer of this article feel about water?
A.Everyone is attracted to the water in the village pond.
B.It is attractive but dangerous.
C.It is beautiful and respected by everybody.
D.The sea, the canals, the rivers affect the weather.
2. We can infer from the text that "Hints on safety" used as the title means ________.
A.Useful advice
B.Expert opinions
C.Public comments
D.Indire? l?xEN-US style='mso-bidi-font-size: 10.5pt;color:black'>have the same varnish as the old ones
5. Some scientists believe the old Italian violins have a special ________.
ct suggestions
3. What does the writer say about the danger to children?
A.Around 30 ten - year - olds die every year.
B.Ten children each year die from drowning.
C.There are about 300 children, aged ten or under, who are drowned every year.
D.The 300 children who are drowned every year are usually more than ten years old.
4. What does the writer think that parents should make sure their children know?
A.How to be able to save his or her own life.
B.How to get older through knowledge of artificial respiration.
C.How to swim and breathe under water.
D.How to swim and how to save other people’s lives if they get into trouble in the water.
5. Which of the following should you not do?
A.Let small children play in the water.
B.Swim after a heavy meal.
C.Swim in an inland pool.
D.Swim with your children.
6. What does this sign mean?
A.Do not use a surfboard here.
B.Lifeguards patrol this area.
C.This area is not for ordinary swimming.
D.Unsafe to bathe at all times.
2. hints on safety安全提示,选择A 3. 文中说到每年有三百个十岁以下的孩子淹死,up to一直到 4. 在第一段最后一句话提到了,父母应该让孩子学会游泳也要学会救生 5. 在第一段后面的basic rules里面提到了,饭后或饭前一个小时内不能游泳 6. 黑白色的标志代表这里是冲浪地区,选择C,不适合普通游泳