

       To "sacrifice" means to give up something for the sake of something else.We decided to sacrifice our luxurious city life to move to a seaside village with our children aged 9 and 3.In the city, we had a beautiful home and plenty of money but little real security because crime was on the increase every day.We never knew if we would all make it home safely each night.

       We were very happy in the new town but life was very difficult economically.Our income was very much dependent on tourism and the jobs at other times are few.Although many of the long-standing residents live well, it is a very competitive environment for newcomers.

       Reading the newspapers from big cities assured us that we had made the right choice.There is so much violence and crime there! However, it was not always easy to explain to the children why they could no longer have what they used to have, especially when our "rich" friends came from the city to visit us.Generally, they have so much but think they have so little and are always looking for more.

       One day, one of our rich friends came to visit us.His son preferred riding in the back of our beat-up little pickup (小卡车) to his father' s big modern car.Our little daughter called me and said, “Mom, please help me to explain to James the reason why he is wrong.He said, ' today, if you don't have money you are nothing.' I know that is not true.If you do have money you share it with your friends and if they don't have money, you share it with them.That is what makes us all rich." This made me realize that the sacrifice was well worth it.Our kids understand that they may not have all the spoils of city life but they do have a solid set of values and they know that our most precious gifts are our good friends and a wonderful environment.

1.What was the reason why the family moved away from the city?

       A.They were tired of city life.

       B.The city was not safe enough.

       C.The people in the city were not friendly.

       D.The cost of living in the city was too high.

2.Why was it "a very competitive environment" for them according to the author?

       A.The residents were all very poor.

       B.It was hard to make a living.

       C.Their children couldn't get what they had in the city.

       D.They had few friends in their new environment.

3.What assured the author that they had made the right choice according to the passage?

       A.What she read in the newspaper.

       B.The beautiful scenery of countryside.

       C.The residents' living conditions.

       D.That fact that they had been accustomed to the new place.

4.What did the family gain from their sacrifice?

       A.They had a beautiful house in the seaside village.

       B.They made a lot of money during the tourist seasons.

       C.The parents got very good jobs in the new town.

       D.The children developed good values.









To take the apple as a forbidden fruit is the most unlikely story the Christians (基督教徒) ever cooked up. For them, the forbidden fruit from Eden is evil. So when Colu brought the tomato back from South America, a land mistakenly considered to be Eden, everyone jumped to the obvious conclusion. Wrongly taken as the apple of Eden, the tomato was shut out of the door of Europeans.

What made it particularly terrifying was its similarity to the mandrake, a plant that was thought to have come from Hell. What earned the plant its awful reputation was its roots which looked like a dried-up human body occupied by evil spirits. Though the tomato and the man were quite different except that both had bright red or yellow fruit, the general population considered them one and the same, too terrible to touch.

Cautious Europeans long ignored the tomato, and until the early 1700s most of the Western people continued to drag their feet. In the 1880s, the daughter of a well-known plant expert wrote that the most interesting part of an afternoon tea at her father's house had been the "introduction of this wonderful new fruit -- or is it a vegetable?" As late as the twentieth century some writers still classed tomatoes with mandrakes as an "evil fruit".

But in the end tomatoes carried the day. The hero of the tomato was an American named Robert Johnson, and when he was publicly going to eat the tomato in 1820, people journeyed for hundreds of miles to watch him drop dead. "What are you afraid of?" he shouted. "I'll show you fools these things are good to eat!" Then he bit into the tomato. Some people fainted. But he survived and, according to a local story, set up a tomato-canning factory.

1.The tomato was shut out of the door of early Europeans mainly because _______.

A.it made Christians evil                    B.it was the apple of Eden

C.it came from a forbidden land              D.it was religiously unacceptable

2.What can we infer from the underlined part in Paragraph 3?

A.The process of ignoring the tomato slowed down.

B.There was little progress in the study of the tomato.

C.The tomato was still refused in most western countries.

D.Most western people continued to get rid of the tomato.

3.What is the main reason for Robert Johnson to eat the tomato publicly?

A.To make himself a hero.

B.To remove people's fear of the tomato.

C.To speed up the popularity of the tomato.

D.To persuade people to buy products from his factory.

4.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To challenge people's fixed concept of the tomato.

B.To give an explanation to people's dislike of the tomato.

C.To present the change of people's attitudes to the tomato.

D.To introduce the establishment of the first tomato-canning factory.


Streit was an experienced safecracker who never used force —either against people or safes (保险箱). He was a real artist of his trade and it took him only 19 minutes to open the most difficult safe he had ever encountered. In about 10 years, helped by his brother Stefan and two friends, he took about $330,000 —from the safes of 28 banks in Austria. On his last job, early in 1999, he left the safe door open and $80,000 behind. With the money ws a note, "We don’t need all that much."

     A witness (目击者) recognized his car and Streit was caught by the police. Then he was sent to Austria’s Stein Prison to serve a six-year sentence. He boasted (吹嘘) at his trial that he would continue breaking the law, "I am a thief and I shall use every opportunity." Despite the warn-ing, prison officials moved Streit to the prison’s blacksmith (铁匠) shop. One day during the week before Christmas, Streit disappeared. Searchers found all his doors were well locked. Streit had managed to make a set of keys and let himself out.

     Not to freedom, though. After crossing into Bavaria, Streit attracted the suspicion (怀疑) of German customs police on purpose and got himself arrested. "I want to be in a German prison,"he explained to the surprised police. "As German courts give much milder (温和的) sentences for crimes like mine and will reduce the time I would otherwise have served in Stein Prison."

     In prison, Streit persuaded his keepers to let him make a Christmas Eve telephone call to his former keeper, Karl Schreiner of Stein Prison. "I’m sorry if I caused trouble. I didn’t want to embarrass anybody by escaping. Conditions weren’t that bad. In fact the food was better than it is here."

1.The underlined word "safecracker" in the first paragraph means "_________".

A.prisoner          B.criminal           C.stealer            D.Robber

2.What’s the correct order of the following events?

a. Streit was caught by German customs police.

b. Streit left a note in the bank.

c. Streit was sent to Stein Prison.

d. Streit worked in a blacksmith shop.

e. Streit escaped from prison.

A.d-b-a-c-e          B.b-a-c-d-e          C.b-c-d-e-a          D.d-b-c-e-a

3.What helped Streit escape from prison?

A.His living alone in prison.                  B.His good relations with the prison officials. C.His cooperation with other prisoners.                    D.His working in the blacksmith shop.

4.Streit was finally caught because _______.

A.his car was recognized by someone         B.he left a note in the bank safe   C.he was recognized by customs police D.he made a phone call to his former keeper

5.Streit preferred to serve his time in Germany because _______.

A.he hated working in the blacksmith shop in the Austrian prison        B.the life of prisoners in Germany was better than those in Austria’s            C.he wouldn’t have to stay that long in a German prison   D.he could escape more easily from a German prison


February 4, 2012 saw the take-off of a new rising NBA star-Jeremy Lin.

         Among professional basketball players, Jeremy Lin's background is not typical. He graduated from Harvard University, which sends few players to the NBA, and he is the only Chinese-American NBA player.

         Lin's enjoyment of basketball actually began in Taiwan. When Lin's father moved to U.S., his interest in the sport only grew and he passed on this love of basketball to his son, introducing him to the game at the age of five. The young Lin spent much of his youth playing basketball for fun.

         In high school, Lin dreamed of playing in the NBA. When he applied for college, he was not offered a single sports scholarship. However, after his admission to Harvard, he was offered a place on its college basketball team.

         During Lin's time at Harvard, his basketball career began to speed up. He scored 1,482 points, making him one of the highest scorers in Ivy League history.

         When he graduated, no professional teams offered Lin a contract, but he was invited to play in the NBA Summer League. He played well and ended up eagerly signing a contract with the Golden State Warriors.

    At first,playing in professional games filled Lin with excitement. He treasured opportunities to meet players he had been watching on TV for years. But slowly, the excitement wore off and was replaced by anxiety. In a few very difficult months, he was cut by two teams before the New York Knicks picked him up.

    But he had the courage and determination to stick to his dream, so he put himself into hard training to get ready for his opportunity to come. Then his moment arrived on February 4, 2012,on which his excellent performance made him famous overnight. After that, he led the Knicks to their fifth straight victory. Knicks fans developed the nickname for him "Linsanity" (林发疯). Time magazine released its 2012 list of the 100 "Most Influential People in the World", Jeremy Lin included.

1.Which of the following is of little help in Lin’s success?

A. his father’s influence          B. his devotion to basketball

C. his years of hard work         D. his graduation from Harvard University

2. What does the phrases "wore off" in seventh paragraph probably mean?

A. arose      B. disappeared        C. grew        D. remained

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Lin learned to play basketball when he was eight.

B. Lin was excited for professional games and did a good job at the beginning.

C. Before Lin there was no Chinese-American NBA players.

D. Lin is the most outstanding player in NBA.

4. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A. Lin didn’t have a smooth road in NBA.

B. Lin got an easy entry into NBA.

C. Lin didn’t show his basketball talents in Harvard University.

D. NBA prefers graduates from Harvard University.


I began to grow up that winter night when my parents and I were returning from my aunt's house, and my mother said that we might soon be leaving for America. We were on the bus then . I was crying, and some people on the bus were turning around to look at me. I remember that I could not bear the thought of never hearing again the radio program for school children to which I listened every morning.

I do not remember myself crying for this reason again. In fact, I think I cried very little when I was saying goodbye to my friends and relatives. When we were leaving I thought about all the places I was going to see-the strange and magical places I had known only from books and pictures. The country I was leaving never to come back was hardly in my head then.

The four years that followed taught me the importance of optimism, but the idea did not come to me at once. For the first two years in New York I was really lost-having to study in three schools as a result of family moves. I did not quite know what I was or what I should be. Mother remarried, and things became even more complex for me. Some time passed before my stepfather and I got used to each other. I was often sad, and saw no end to "the hard times".

My responsibilities in the family increased a lot since I knew English better than everyone else at home. I wrote letters, filled out forms, translated at interviews with Immigration officers, took my grandparents to the doctor and translated there, and even discussed telephone bills with company representatives.

From my experiences I have learned one important rule: almost all common troubles eventually go away! Something good is certain to happen in the end when you do not give up , and just wait a little! I believe that my life will turn out all right, even though it will not be that easy.

1.What can we learn about the author from paragraph 4?

A.She worked as a translator.

B.She attended a lot of job interviews.

C.She paid telephone bills for her family.

D.She helped her family with her English.

2.The author believes that _________________ .

A.her future will be free from troubles

B.it is difficult to learn to become patient

C.there are more good things than bad things

D.good things will happen if one keeps trying

3.What is the best title of the passage?

A, how I turn to be optimistic            B. I am leaving for America

C. my life in America                  D. the importance of optimism





Most people don't know the true story of the little boy who came to be known as Douglas Craig. He was found wandering around the streets of Washington, D.C. He could not hear or speak. At night, he drew the knees up to his body in doorways and slept. Sometimes people pitied him and gave him food and clothing. If not, he ate what he could find in garbage cans.

Dr. E. M. Gallaudet at Gallaudet College let him stay in the Kendall School until he was old enough to work. He became the best "handy man" that Gallaudet had ever had. He had many duties, such as picking up mail at the post office, mowing grass, tending the flower beds, and carrying notes from the boys to the girls. Clearly, he was a familiar sight on campus.

It is said that Douglas courted(求爱) a black woman from Baltimore. Since his courtship required letter-writing, and he was illiterate, he had a student in the college act as his "private secretary." Though that relationship did not work out, he did marry a black deaf woman. The wedding took place in a church, and most of the college faculty and teachers were present. Douglas was dressed in a full-dress suit with a white tie and white gloves. The happy couple went to Baltimore for a honeymoon, but the honeymoon only lasted for one day. Their plans were cut short when his pocketbook containing about $300 was either lost or stolen.

He once went to Norfolk, Virginia on a vacation, but he did not know what a vacation was. He spent the entire time working around the docks of Norfolk. He came home with a pocketful of money, and told everyone that he had a fine vacation.

Douglas' last public duty was to raise the flag to the top of the new flagpole. He was very weak and sat in an armchair during the ceremonies. He died in 1936, but left a legend at Gallaudet that would live forever.

1. The main idea of the story is that_____:

A. Craig liked no women except those from universities.

B. Gallaudet is the best place for an orphan to grow up.

C. No one ever found out exactly what happened to Craig’s family.

D. Craig, a man with an unusual background, worked at Gallaudet for many years.

2. It is most likely that Douglas Craig enjoyed working at Gallaudet because_____:

A. Gallaudet was a good place to collect junk.    B. he found it easy to communicate with people.

C. people felt sorry for him so he didn't have to work hard.     D. he didn't have a home.

3. Craig and his new wife's honeymoon did not last long because_______:

A. their money was lost or stolen.     B. Craig missed Gallaudet and wanted to come back early.

C. they spent all their money.        D. their baggage and clothing was lost or stolen.


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