
_____a car, he usually takes the bus to his office, which takes him almost an hour.

A.He doesn't have                    B.Not have

C.Not having                      D.He didn't have


When he was just 19, Michael Dell started the company that would dominate the industry.

At the time, IBM personal computers sold in stores for about $3,000. After taking them apart and rebuilding them, Dell realized the components (零部件) could be bought for one-fourth the price. Soon he was buying components to reduce the cost. A good business decision, but it meant his room was starting to look like a mechanic’s shop.

“I was quite excited about the possibilities for personal computers and how they could change society. I had this idea to sell the products directly to the users over the phone”, he said. College plans and his parents’ expectations bothered him a lot. But Michael Dell was determined. He drove off to the University of Texas at Austin in August 1983 in a car he’d bought with earnings from selling newspapers. He was surprised that his mother wasn’t suspicious about the three computers in the backseat. By November, news reached his parents that he wasn’t attending classes. On a surprise visit to Austin, they caught their son on spot. Michael Dell told his dad that he wanted to compete with IBM.

Although Michael agreed to focus on his studies, the business chances and the timing couldn’t have been better. The public was becoming more interested in computers, but no one was producing them. In early May, a week before his final exams, Michael started Dell computer Corporation with $1,000. He took his exams, and then dropped out of college at the end of his freshman year. It was time to try out his direct-to-customer business model.

“Three years later”, Dell says, “we had already achieved annual sales of about $150 million, I was 22 years old then.”

1.What does the underlined word in paragraph 1 mean?

A. affect                      B. develop                            C. support                            D. lead

2.Which of the following is true according to paragraph 2?

A. Dell discovered a good chance to make money

B. Dell could buy a computer at one-fourth the price

C. IBM made little money from personal computers

D. Dell rebuilt computers in a mechanic’s shop

3.When Dell’s parents learned about his absence from class, they       .

A. tried to help with his business                         

B. were too suspicious to accept it

C. wanted him to go hack to class                        

D. encouraged him to compete with IBM

4.It can be inferred from the article that       .

A. Dell was tired of his college life                       

B. Dell was not devoted to his study at college

C. Dell’s college life helped him greatly     

D. Dell didn’t finish his final exams

5.Dell’s experiences show that       .

A. determination and opportunity lead to success

B. family support plays an import in one’s success

C. there’s no need for all of us to go to college

D. we should insist on whatever we are doing


Cars are an important part of life in the United States. Without a car most people feel that they are poor. And even if a person is poor , he doesn’t feel really poor when he has a car.

Henry Ford was the man who first started making cars in large numbers. He probably didn’t know how much the car was going to change American culture. The car made the United States a nation on wheels. And it helped make the United States what it is today.

There are three main reasons why the car became so popular in the United States. First of all, the country is a big one and Americans like to move around it. The car makes the travel the most comfortable and cheapest. With a car people can go to any place without spending a lot of money.

The second reason cars are popular is the fact that the United States never really developed a practical and cheap public travel system. Long distance trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the world. Now there is a good system of air-service provided by planes. But it is too expensive to be used often.

The third reason is the most important one, though. The American spirit of independence is what really made cars popular. Americans don’t like waiting for a bus, or a train or even a plane. They don’t like to have to follow an exact timetable. A car gives them the freedom to plan their own time. And this is the freedom that Americans want most to have.

Less oil has caused a big problem for Americans. But the answer will not be a bigger system of public transportation. The real answer will have to be a new kind of car, one that does not use so much oil.

1.We can learn from this passage that Americans ______.

A.spend a lot of money traveling by car        B.travel a lot in their cars

C.seldom travel by plane                   D.use public traffic often

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.In the United States even the poor own cars.

B.In the United States all the poor have no cars.

C.When an American has a car, he will never be poor.

D.An American will feel poor unless he has a car.

3.In the writer’s opinion, cars are popular in the United States mainly because ___.

A.Americans like to plan their own time

B.The United States does not have enough public transportation

C.Americans will not feel poor when they travel in their cars

D.Americans cannot move around without their own cars

4.“A nation on wheels” in the second paragraph means that _______.

A.everyone in the United States owns a car

B.the United States produces most of the cars in the world

C.cars play an important part in American’ life

D.the United States depend on car industry for its development



1.Kitty: Dad encouraged me to keep great determination to do anything.

2.Kelly: Dad gave me a new life which is full of love and happiness.

3.Aidan: Dad is the person who introduced me to my sports career (生涯).

4.Bruce: Dad taught me to share housework and take family responsibility.

A.Dear Daddy, you stepped into my life years ago, and became my dad, a man who raised three fatherless kids and adopted (收养) another. You did everything for us, and you managed to have taken care of Mom, who has been sick, and the grandkids as well. Lessons learned are love, and kindness. We love you dearly.

B.My dad taught me how to play basketball. Now I am a professional player at basketball. Although I sometimes didn’t play well, my dad always encouraged me not to lose heart. Now I have a dream of being able to play basketball on the Celtics. I love my dad!

C.The most important thing that my dad ever taught me was “Never do anything halfway”. He always told me to do my best to show my ability and character. “It shows what kind of person you are,” my dad would say. “People will remember and respect you for that.”

D.My dad has taught me love, hope, respect and the value of hard work. He has taught me never to be afraid; he has taught me the value of a job well done; he has taught me how to ride a bike, then to drive a car. He always tells me that he believes in me and that I can manage to deal with the things around me.

E. My dad and I have a funny company called “Priority”. He has taught me how to take care of the pool (Priority Pool), how to plan family birthday parties (Priority Parties), and how to clean the computer (Priority Computers). The list goes on. I’m proud of my dad and grateful for my time with him. We have a lot of fun doing daily housework together.



Desmond, Carls, Russel, Malcolm, Warren正计划买一辆小车。阅读他们的情况和下面六种小车的介绍(选项A、B、C、D、E、F),选出符合各自需求的最佳选项(选项中有一项是多余选项)。请将答案用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔写在非选择题答题卷标号为56—60的相应位置上。

56.Desmond is young and promising athlete. Having won a champion in an important international game, he decides to buy a car to develop a brighter future. Of course, the car must be extremely fast and is especially fit for him, a sportsman.

57.Carls has just been admitted to a famous university hundred of kilometers away from her hometown and has been permitted to buy a car. As a young girl, she certainly put safety factors above all.

58.Russel, a farmer in a mountainous area, is growing hundreds of acres of crops. To transport his goods to town timely, he wants to buy a car. He hopes the car will run very fast and, first of all, must meet the natural conditions.

59.Fighting in the commercial circle (商界) and getting a great success, Malcolm makes a fortune. With an aggressive ambition, he decides to buy a luxury car to develop an even brighter future.

60.Warren is a merchant traveling to different parts of the country in any weather situation, good or bad. He expects to have a satisfactory car to make his career better.




Provided by an advanced – design Triton engine, with a perfect cooling system, and plenty of pulling power. Passenger safety is excellently strengthened by the Second Generation double airbags and side door intrusion beams. Luxury packages with deluxe accommodation (良好的空间


Was it wind? Or was it fear? Chances are the both. Equipped with the first four – cam 32 – valve  V8 engine offered in a sport – utility (实用) vehicle. An advanced source of power generating 320 Ib – ft of twisting force and 230 horsepower.



A spirited package that takes the zoom – zoom (疾行声) ethos into the mainstream(主流社会). An aggressive, confident look, one that’s backed by impressive dynamics. Engaging all the senses in the driving experience. Bottom line: If you’re in the market for a sedan. Stop by our store and  try on one of ours. Good luck will be with you


Style quality and high technology are the ingredients (要素) which have enabled Maserati to create some of the fastest and most advanced road cars in the world.

   It’s one thing to climb a Mountain. It’s quite another look good doing it.


302–hp best–in–classV8   3rd – row seating. And available climate –controlled front seats. The new Lincoln Aviator. Like Navigator, just smaller, Proof that magnificence comes in all size. There are those who travel and those who travel well.


The cars with shapes we’d seen only in our dreams. The land – based rocket ships. With cockpits (驾驶座) full of computers and video screens. The cars that are invisible to the wind. Where are the cars we were promised?


计划买车的人         供选择的汽车

56.Desmond     A.Car A

57.Carls             B.Car B

58.Russel          C.Car C

59.Malcolm      D.Car D

60.Warren        E.Car E

                           F.Car F



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