
Mrs. Blake teaches English in a large school in the inner area of a big city on the west of coast. Even since she was a young girl, she has wanted to become a teacher. She has taught eight years now and hasn’t changed her mind. After she graduated from high school, she went on to college. Four years later,she received her bachelor’s degree (B A) in English and her teaching certificate(证书). Then she went to teach in the secondary schools of her state. In the summers,Mrs. Blake takes more classes; she hopes to get a master’s degree (M A). With an MA,she will receive a higher salary and if possible, she hopes to get a doctor’s degree as well. The school day at Mrs. Blake’s high school,like that in many high schools in the United States,is divided into one hour each. Mrs. Blake must teach five of these periods. During her free period,which for her is from 2 to 3 P.M. ,Mrs. Blake must meet with parents,make out examinations,check assignments at all,Mrs. Blake works continuously from the time she arrives at school in the morning till the time she leaves for home late in the afternoon.

1.How long is it since Mrs. Blake graduated from middle school?

A. four years B. eight years

C. twelve years D. twenty years

2.According to the article,which is the right order of the degrees a person can receive after going to university?

A. a doctor’s degree – a bachelor’s degree – a master’s degree

B. a bachelor’s degree – a master’s degree – a doctor’s degree

C. a master’s degree—a bachelor’s degree – a doctor’s degree

D. a bachelor’s degree – a doctor’s degree—a master’s degree

3.How many degrees has Mrs. Blake achieved so far ?

A. one B. two C. threeD. none

4.Which of the following sentences is not true?

A. Mrs. Blake teaches in the inner area of big city on the east of the United Sates

B. Mrs. Blake has turned her wish of becoming a teacher into reality.

C. Mrs. Blake is still studying in her holidays in order to get higher degrees.

D. The working hours in the school where Mrs. Blake works are similar to those of many other high schools in the states.

5.According to the third paragraph,Mrs. Blake is ______ during the school day.

A. lonely B. free C. funny D. busy


Though Ayn Rand died more than twenty-five years ago,many Americans still argue about her.People also continue to talk about her ideas and her interesting life.

As a young child,Alisa loved books.She began to write her own stories,when she was only seven.She took classes in politics,history,law and writing.In 1926,she traveled to the United States and decided she would never leave.She also decided to change her name to“Ayn Rand.”Newly named,Rand moved to Hollywood,California to work in the movie business.Throughout the 1930s,she published two books,but did not earn much critical or popular recognition.

Then,in 1943,Rand’s famous book“The Fountainhead”was published.It took her seven years to write the novel.Twelve publishers rejected the book.However,a man named Archibald Ogden loved the story and convinced the Bobbs-Merrill company to publish it.“The Fountainhead”became a huge SUCCESS around the world.It has sold more than six million copies.It continues to sell about one hundred thousand copies each year.

“The Fountainhead”tells the story of a young building designer named Howard Roark.Roark wants to build interesting,modern-looking buildings.However,most people only want to see traditional designs.Roark loves designing and building more than anything in the world. But he refuses to compromise and make buildings he hates.Several people work against Roark and his goals.But in the end,Roark succeeds.

“The Fountainhead”is an unusual novel for many reasons.It is more than 700 pages long,far longer than most books people read for entertainment.More importantly,it also includes discussions of philosophy,which are not usually found in popular books.Most critics did not like“The Fountainhead”.But readers loved it.In 1949,it was made into a popular movie.

She lived quietly in New York City until she died in 1982.She is still one of the most loved,and hated American thinkers and writers.

1.When did Alisa decide to change her name to Ayn Rand?

A.When she began to write her own stories.

B.When she decided to settle in the US.

C.When she took classes in politics and writing.

D.When she moved to Hollywood,California.

2.Which of the following is true of Rand’s famous book“The Fountainhead”?

A.It cost the author eight years to complete.

B.It was loved by all the twelve publishers.

C.It was finally published by Archibald Ogden.

D.It was a great Success around the world.

3.What can we learn about Howard Roark?

A.He wants to build interesting,traditional buildings.

B.He loves designing and building anything in the world.

C.He has to give in and make buildings he hates.

D.He achieves his goals and eventually gains success.

4.“The Fountainhead”is an unusual novel mainly because_______.

A.it is far longer than most books for entertainment

B.it was well-received by most critics and readers

C.it also includes discussions of philosophy

D.it was made into a popular TV play in 1949


Customer service refers to the way that companies behave towards their customers. 1. However, many a time organizations don’t focus on customer relationship management, and that’s what makes customers angry, which is one of the reasons why companies lose their customers. 2.

First of all, you need to realize the great value of the customers. It’s they who are the boss, and it’s because of them that you get your pay checks. So do take your customers seriously.

3.You need to ask the customers the right kind of questions and think of the possible solutions which you can provide. Understand how they feel according to a particular situation, their body language, tone of voice and words they speak. Never make assumptions (臆断)and think that you know what the customers want.

4. Treat customers as individuals and the best way to do that is using their first name and finding ways of praising them in a sincere way.

In addition, there are some other skills which will help you in serving your customers better. For example, once you finish solving the problem for the customers, before ending the call, always remember to ask if there is anything else you can do for them. End the call with a “thank you”. If the customers are angry, let them express their anger completely. 5.Once they’ve finished speaking, try to calm them down by apologizing.

In a word, always remember that if the customers remain happy, you’ll be in business.

A. Never interrupt or start speaking until they’ve finished.

B. You can bring in as many new customers as you want.

C. So customer service is important and you should know how to improve it.

D. Finding out the needs of the customers is another important customer service tip.

E. Making customers feel they are important is an excellent way to serve them better.

F. It’s the quality of service that determines whether the customer remains with the company.

G. More companies are finding that their customer service should not be limited to stores.


There is one word that is on the lips of Americans, day and night, “Sorry”.

Once as I was walking on the street, a young man ran by ________, brushing against my handbag. ________ he continued on his way, he ________ back and said “sorry” to me. Even in a rush, he didn’t forget to apologize.

One day, after I bought some apples, the salesman was giving me the change, ________ I wasn’t ready for it, and ________ dropped on the ground, “I’m sorry,” he said while bending down to pick it up. I was ________—why would he apologize when it was my ________?

Another time, I ________ on a man’s foot in an escalator (电梯). At the same time , we both said “sorry”. I thought it ________ at first: was it really ________ for him apologize?

Later on, an American friend ________ to me that according to the American ________, the escalator is a(n) ________ place which everyone should be able to stand in. After someone occupies(占据)a position in the escalator, making it ________ for someone else to find a place to stand in, isn’t it necessary to ________ an apology?

During my stay in America, I gradually ________ that when friction (摩擦) occurs in daily life, Americans don’t care much about who is ________. If someone is ________, a “sorry” is always necessary. Even if the other person is hurt, the “sorry” would ________ tempers(脾气). Perhaps this is ________ I never saw anyone quarreling on the buses, subways or streets in America.

1.A. excitedlyB. hurriedlyC. happilyD. fast

2.A. ThoughB. AfterC. Even asD. Even if

3.A. stoppedB. heldC. watchedD. turned

4.A. orB. andC. butD. so

5.A. a coinB. the applesC. The walletD. a bill

6.A. impressedB. movedC. annoyedD. puzzled

7.A. problemB. matterC. faultD. business

8.A. movedB. steppedC. walkedD. knocked

9.A. interestingB. acceptableC. excitingD. reasonable

10.A. politeB. importantC. surprisingD. necessary

11.A. announcedB. explainedC. suggestedD. admitted

12.A. ideasB. rulesC. opinionsD. senses

13.A. openB. commonC. publicD. free

14.A. unfitB. impossibleC. narrowD. difficult

15.A. expressB. speakC. sayD. tell

16.A. realizedB. rememberedC. recognizedD. meant

17.A. mistakenB. responsibleC. carelessD. correct

18.A. nervousB. sickC. worriedD. troubled

19.A. reduceB. coolC. loseD. change

20.A. thatB. whenC. whyD. how

One afternoon,as I was driving back home, I stopped at a busy intersection as the traffic light turned red. I waited ____ for the light to turn green,so that I could ____ my journey.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, an old woman ____ and started asking for ___. That day, I had unknowingly ____ off the air conditioner in the car and my window was down. The old woman was standing very close to my car. As she begged for alms(施舍物), I closely ____ her weather-beaten face, which had lots of wrinkles on it. Her eyes ____ lots of sadness and her whole body was ____. I sensed that this elderly lady had ____ some incredibly hard times in her life and at this time there was no one to look after her, ____ forced her to beg on the streets.

Seeing her condition, I immediately felt from ____ my being a huge surge (汹涌)of ____ for her. It was coming deep from within my heart. I normally gave loose ____ to beggars, however, that day my inner self strongly ____ me that I give her something substantial(大量的)so that she ____ have a decent meal.

Without any ____ I took out a substantial amount from my wallet and ____ it in her hand. Her weather-beaten face lit up with a toothless smile and she ____ me and went on her way. In the ____ the traffic light had turned green, and it was time to move on.

As I drove back home I felt within myself a sense of joy and ____ surging through me because I was able to do something for at least one person on this planet.

1.A. carefully B. worriedly C. patiently D. narrowly

2.A. continue B. stop C. take D. start

3.A. escaped B. disappeared C. appeared D. fled

4.A. food B. note C. direction D. money

5.A. carried B. switched C. put D. broke

6.A. observed B. noticed C. stared D. found

7.A. presented B. suggested C. showed D. possessed

8.A. moving B. turning C. falling D. shaking

9.A. heard B. gone through C. met D. look through

10.A. that B. who C. what D. which[

11.A. in B. beyond C. within D. across

12.A. passion B. pity C. emotion D. sympathy

13.A. pound B. change C. dollar D. allowance

14.A. urged B. suggested C. ordered D. requested

15.A. will B. might C. could D. must

16.A. permission B. hesitation C. discussion D. decision

17.A. placed B. lied C. existed D. pushed

18.A. blessed B. called C. forced D. required

19.A. daytime B. meantime C. trap D. world

20.A. sadness B. sorrow C. happiness D. mixture

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