
【小题1】I ___________(认出) Tom the moment I came across him in the street last week, though we hadn’t met each other for years.
【小题2】What he said _______________(证明是) to be true .
【小题3】Tomorrow, my mother will take me to the hospital and have my body e____________.
【小题4】How much do you c_______ for repairing my CD player?
【小题5】She is c___________, because she has got an “A” in the exam.
【小题6】Suddenly it started to rain. They had to take _________(庇护) under a big tree.
【小题7】Time is p__________ to us. We must make the best of it。 .
【小题8】It seems that living green is   _____  (惊人地)easy and affordable( 负担得起的). A small step makes a big difference. 
【小题9】What are the____________ (功能)of minerals in our body.
【小题10】As we all know, the majority of the s___________ of the earth is covered by water.


解析【小题1】recognised 根据所给中文含义选填recognised,根据后面的came,用过去时
【小题2】proves/proved 根据所给中文,本题用过去时或一般现在时皆可。
【小题3】examined 根据句子意思,去医院检查身体,使用短语:have...done
【小题4】charge 根据句子意思,是指修理我的CD机你要价多少?所以填 charge
【小题5】cheerful 根据句子意思,因为她得了个A,所以她很高兴。而c开头的表示高兴的只有cheerful
【小题6】shelter 根据中文意思,填shelter
【小题7】precious 根据后面的我们应该充分利用它,可知时间很珍贵。所以填precious
【小题8】surprisingly 根据意思填surprising,但这里修饰easy,所以填其副词形式
【小题9】functions 根据中文意思填 function,根据前面的are 所以用复数形式
【小题10】surface. 根据整个句子的意思,指地球的表面,所以填surface


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