
  Can plants eat people? Probably not,but there are many plants that eat meat. Some of them are big,and they can eat small animals. One famous meat-eating plant is Venus Flytrap(捕蝇草).

  Venus Flytrap is a very strange plant. It grows in dry parts of theUnited  States. Its leaves are like the pages of a book. They can open and close very quickly. Inside the leaves,there are three small hairs. If a fly touches one of the hairs,the leaf closes quickly so the fly cannot get out. In about half an hour,the leaf presses the fly until it is dead. Then,the plant covers the fly and slowly eats it.

  Why do plants do that? Most plants get what they need from the sun,the air,and the ground. In some places,the ground is very poor. It doesn't have all these important things,especially nitrogen(氤).Animal meat has a lot of nitrogen,so some plants eat meat to get what they need. Let's hope that bigger plants don't get the same idea!
(   ) 1. Venus Flytrap is a kind of         .

A. plant    B. animal      C. food   D. meat

(   ) 2. Venus Flytrap grows in         .

A. most parts of the world    B. parts of Africa

C. dry parts of the United States    D. wet parts ofEngland
(   ) 3. From the passage,we learn that         .

A. all plants can eat people    B. all plants can eat animals

C. some plants can eat people    D. some plants can eat animals
(   ) 4. The word "presses" probably means         in Chinese.

A.挤压     B.关上     C.打开    D.松开

(   ) 5. Why do some plants eat animal meat? Because         .

A. plants are dangerous to animals

B.     animals are dangerous to plants

C.     plants want to get what they need from animal meat

D.     plants want to protect themselves against animals

1. A    2. C    3. D    4. A     5. C 


   Some years ago,on a hot summer day in south Florida,a little boy decided to go for a swim in the river in front of his house.

  In a (1) to dive into the cool river,he ran out through the back door,leaving (2) his shoes and shirt as he went. He dived into the water, not (3) that as he swam toward the middle of the river, an alligator(短吻If) was swimming (4) him. Inside the house, his mother was looking out by the window. She saw the two as they got closer and closer. In great fear,she rushed out of the house and (5) toward the water, (6) to her son as loudly as she could.

  Hearing her voice, the little boy became alarmed and made a (7) to swim to his mother. It was too    (8) Just as the mother reached her son, so did the alligator.

  From the bank,the mother caught the boy by the (9) while the alligator snatched his leg. Then began an unbelievable tug-of-war(拔河比赛)between the two. The alligator was much (10) than the mother, but the mother wouldn't give up.

  A farmer (11) to drive by. He heard the cry,raced from his truck, took aim and shot the alligator.

After weeks and weeks in hospital, the little boy was in good (12) again. But on his legs there were scars(伤疱) (13) by the animal and,on his arms,there were also scars left by his mother in her effort to hold on to the son she loved.

  A newspaper reporter asked the boy (14) he would show his scars. The boy lifted his legs. And then,with clear(15),he said to the reporter, "But look at my arms,I have great scars on my arms,too. I have them because my mother wouldn't let go."
(   ) 1. A. hurry    B. dream    C. hungry    D. time

(   ) 2. A. for    B. over      C. behind    D. out

(   ) 3. A. hearing    B. understanding    C. feeling    D. realizing

(   ) 4. A. backward    B. downward     C. toward    D. upward

(   ) 5. A. ran        B. walked       C. jumped    D. moved

(   ) 6. A. smiling    B. shouting    C. talking    D. nodding

(   ) 7. A. change    B. mistake    C. face    D. turn

(   ) 8. A. dangerous    B. close    C. late    D. early

(   ) 9. A. legs       B. arms      C. hands    D. feet

(   ) 10. A. faster    B. taller    C. bigger    D. stronger

(   ) 11. A. happened    B. came    C. noticed    D. stopped

(   ) 12. A. shape    B. health     C. look    D. build

(   ) 13. A. followed    B. written    C. left    D. broken

(   ) 14. A. where         B. how      C. when    D. whether

(   ) 15. A. sadness    B. pride     C.purpose  D. service


  Editor needed to direct the work of New Music Magazine. At least two years of editorial experience is needed. Hours: 8 :00 a. m. to 5 : 00 p. m. Some overtime required. Send your personal information to: P. O. Box 213,Fairview, IN.46243.

                                BANK MANAGER

  Town Bank is looking for a bank manager to head its downtown branch(分行).A person with 5+ years' experience is needed. Working Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mail to <newbank@ gol.com>for more information.

                               TEACHERS NEEDED

  Language Centre needs experienced teachers for its new English teaching program. PT/ET(兼/ 专职)positions available. No more than 25 teaching hours a week. AM/PM changes. Teachers with background in computer skills is preferred(优先).Tel: 567-1243.

                                NURSES IN NEED

  Child Care Centre serves children from 3 to 6 years of age. It provides care five days a week,and is open about ten hours a day. It is in great need of nurses with the experience of guiding (指导)different activities such as indoor and outdoor games. Call at 432-3745 or visit our website:www. vps. msu. edu/cfcr.

(   ) 1. A person with       of experience is needed to head the bank.
A. at least two years    B. twenty-five years

C. three to six years    D. more than five years

(   ) 2. You should work for      if you become an editor of the magazine.

A. just nine hours a day    B. no less than nine hours a day

C. about ten hours a day    D. less than 25 hours a week

(   ) 3. If you want to be a teacher, you can      for more information.

A. call at 567-1243         B. mail to < newbank@ gol. com >

C. phone 432-3745       D. write to P. O. Box 213,Fairview

(   ) 4. You need to have the experience of directing different activities to      

A. be an editor of the music magazine    B. head a bank branch of Town Bank

C. teach English in Language Centre    D. work as a nurse in Child Care Centre

(   ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Child Care Centre doesn't provide care for children of all ages.

B. Teachers are wanted to teach English in the Language Centre.

C. One with computer skills will be preferred to head the bank.

D. Your own information is needed for the position of the editor.

 When I was growing up,I had an old neighbor,Dr. Gibbs. He didn't look like any doctor I'd ever known. He never invited us to play in his yard,but he was a very kind person.

  When Dr. Gibbs wasn't saving lives,he was planting trees. He owned a large field and wanted to make it a forest.

The good doctor had some interesting ideas about planting trees. He never watered his new trees. Once I asked him why. He said that watering plants spoiled them,and that if you watered them,each baby tree would grow weaker and weaker,so you had to make things difficult for them and pick out the weaker trees early on.

He talked about how watering trees made for shallow(浅的)roots,and how trees that weren't watered had to grow deep roots in search of water under the earth by themselves.

 Deep roots were very important. So he never watered his trees- He'd planted an oak,and instead of watering it every morning,he'd beat it with a rolled-up newspaper. I asked him why he did that,and he said it was to get the tree's attention.

  Dr. Gibbs died several years after I left home. Every now and then , I walked by his house and looked at the trees that I watched him plant about twenty-five years ago. They're very big and strong now.

  I planted some trees a few years back and carried water to them for a whole summer. After two years of caring too much,whenever a cold wind blows in,they shake a lot.

  Every night before I go to bed,I check on my two sons. Mostly I pray(祈祷)that their lives will be easy. But lately Fve been thinking that it's time to change my prayer. I know my children are going to face difficulties. There's always a cold wind blowing somewhere,so what we need to do is to pray for roots that reach deep into the brave heart,so when the rains fall and the winds blow,we could face it strongly and won't be beaten down.
(   ) 1. We know from the reading the doctor        .

A.     didn't know how to plant trees at all

B.     wasn't good at his own medical job

C.     had his own ways of planting trees

D.     had nothing to do but plant trees

(   ) 2. When Dr. Gibbs said "pick out the weaker trees early on" , he meant that        .

A.     some weak trees would be easily found out at the beginning

B.     he would choose the weak trees to water earlier

C.     the weak trees would be sent to his patients later

D.     he would not plant weak trees so early any more
(   ) 3. The passage tells us that the writer        .

A.     should beat his trees with a rolled-up newspaper

B.     didn't often water his trees

C.     didn't have a large field

D.     took too much care of his trees

(   ) 4. The writer wants to change his prayer,hoping that        .

A.     his trees will be stronger than Dr. Gibbs'

B.     his trees will not be beaten down

C.     his sons will be better at planting trees

D.     his sons will be able to face difficulties 

(   ) 5. Which can be the best title of the reading?

A. Watering Trees    B. Growing Roots

C.Doctor and His Neighbor D. Father and His Children

  Sometimes,even the best friends have fights. They disagree with each other and begin to argue. Sometimes,they even stop talking to each other.

  What can be done to help the two friends make up? Finding a good friend who knows both of them very well to be a peacemaker is a good way. Maybe one day you will be a peacemaker for your good friends. Here are some useful communication strategies for you to use:

 State your feelings clearly but don,t criticize them. Begin with "I feel. . . " instead of "You always...”

  Don't stop or finish the other person's sentences.

  Listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Try to see the other person's side of the disagreement.

 Look at the other person in the eyes when you are talking.

 Ask questions to make sure that you understand the other person. 

  Repeat the other person's ideas as you understand them.

  Never put anyone down. Saying things like "You're stupid" makes communication difficult.

  Try to find a solution that makes the two friends happy. Never decide who is right and who is wrong. Instead,help them to find their own "win-win" solution. A "win-win" solution allows each of them to feel good. In this way,their friendship can be continued. 

(   ) 1. Who can be a good peacemaker to stop fights between two friends?

A. One of their parents. B. One of their friends.

C. One of their teachers. D. One of their classmates.

(   ) 2. Which of the following is the suitable language for a peacemaker?

A. I feel. . . B. You always...

C. You are stupid. D. It's not right...

(   ) 3. How should the peacemaker behave when talking with the two friends?

A.     Stop the other person's sentences in time.

B.     Repeat his own ideas to make himself understood.

C.     Listen to the other person carefully and ask some questions.

D.     Look at the sky when the other person is talking.

(   ) 4. What does the phrase "put anyone down" mean in the article?

A.令人失望   B.提醒人     C.羞辱人   D.让人觉得累

(   ) 5. How do you understand a "win-win" solution?

A.     It is a way that helps make new friends.

B.     It is a way that makes both people pleased.

C.     It is a way that tells who is right and who is wrong.

D.     It is a way that makes you successful.

 My parents taught me not to waste food. My mom always found ways to make leftovers(剩余食物)taste good. I went to Ilan to learn about their special foods. As I was there,I learned about both the food and the history of the area. I learned that people in Ilan don't waste food,either,and they make good use of leftovers !

  Many years ago,there was not enough food for everyone. People learned to cook and eat almost everything. They had to think of ways to make special dishes. One of these dishes is kao zha. It's made with leftovers like meat,soup,oil and fat. That might not sound very good,but it does taste good. Today, kao zha is a special dish at big banquets(宴会;).

  Another famous dish is called zao bing. It's made with fruit,meat and other things. I really like it!But I don't want to eat too much. It has a lot of fat in it.

  I smelled something burning and I saw smoke , so I found another special food of the Ilan area―duck meat. The duck meat is put in a big oven (炉子)to cook. Smoke keeps the meat fresh. I don't usually eat meat,but this duck meat is delicious! It tastes sweet.

  Ilan is a great place with delicious food. I hope I can come back again ! 

(   ) 1. The writer learns from her parents     .

A. not to eat leftovers    B. to eat good food

C. not to waste food    D. to make good food

(   ) 2. She finds that people in Ilan       

A. always waste food    B. don't use leftovers

C. don't have enough food D. can cook special food

(   ) 3. Kao zha is a good dish that is made with         .

A. fruit,meat and other things  B. fresh and sweet duck meat

C. some different leftovers    D. meat,soup and fruit

(   ) 4. There are         kinds of special foods mentioned in the passage.

A. two    B. three C. four    D. five

(   ) 5. From the passage,we know that         .

A.     there was not enough food in Ilan long ago

B.     leftovers can't be used to cook delicious food

C.     zao bing is a famous dish without any fat in it

D.     the writer is interested in very big banquets

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