Writers used to approach publishers to have their work read by the public. Now they can simply post them and find millions of instant audience.

After breaking up with her boyfriend, Bao Jingjing started “making up” a love story simply to distract her attention. Her story of a girl suffering the pain like hers progressed quickly, attracting many readers.

When Bao stopped writing as she reunited with her boyfriend, she was urged to continue, as readers wanted to know what happened next. Bao finished it soon. It became so popular that it was turned into a best-seller. To cap it all off, Bao’s novel was later adapted into a successful movie.

Bao’s story is only one of many Internet novels that have landed deals for physical books, TV shows and films. Unlike traditional writers who buried themselves in their books for years, some young writers like Bao have got readers rapidly online and found overnight success.

Bao admits her success was unexpected. She still remembers how surprised her parents were when she proudly gave them her copyright earnings. Online literature forums(论坛) are platforms for grassroots writers to succeed.

In recent years, Zhang Wei, known as “Tangjiasanshao”, has earned 177 million yuan by his fingers though working as an author was beyond his dreams. He topped the list of wealthiest Chinese Internet novelists twice and was the only online writer to be listed on the 2014 Forbes “Chinese Celebrity List”.

He admits that he is one of the few writers at the top of the pyramid while most online writers remain unknown. However, he urged that his success can be achieved by others, as long as “they write hard enough”.

1.According to the passage, we know that ________.

A. Bao Jingjing’s parents didn’t want her to be a writer

B. Bao Jingjing didn’t really expect her success overnight

C. Bao Jingjing didn’t finish her first online love story

D. Bao Jingjing’s first online story was turned into a TV show

2.The author mentioned Zhang Wei’s example mainly to ________.

A. introduce another online writer to the readers

B. show the example of another online writer’s success

C. encourage readers to become online writers

D. express his admiration for online writer Zhang Wei

3.What can we infer from what Zhang Wei says in the last paragraph?

A. Few words, many deeds. B. First try, and then trust.

C. Harm set, harm get. D. No pains, no gains.


It’s been a difficult year. My daughter, my dog and I lost our home. We’ve depended upon the kindness of others to provide temporary shelter.

1. At one point, I felt as though my daughter might be better off without me. If she were placed with a rich family, she would have a good life. I was unable to provide a good life for her. However, she never complains, although she has every right to. She went from having a beautifully decorated bedroom of her own, to having temporary shelter. 2.

I dug through the change at the bottom of my purse and bought her a lollipop at the store today. She’d had her eye on it the entire time we were in line to pay for our purchase. It was an old-fashioned one that cost $1.00.3. It was the end of the month and I only had $1.35 left to my name. However, she’d been such a good girl, and I really thought she deserved a special treat.

I reached into my purse and counted out enough for the lollipop. You would have thought I gave her the key to the magic kingdom! “Thank you, Mommy! You’re the best mommy!”4.

All at once, the cloud of despair that had hung over me lifted.5. I was ready to continue my journey, willing to face whatever challenges may lie ahead.

A.I really couldn’t afford it.

B.I became upset at my loss.

C.I could see tears shining in her eyes.

D.I wouldn’t have any money coming until the first of next month.

E.She screamed with joy as she hugged me with all her strength.

F.I knew without a doubt in that very instant that I was the family that my little girl needed.

G.She doesn’t complain that I can’t afford to give her the extra things she would love to have.

For more than twenty years scientists have been searching for signs of life on other planets. Most of these searches have been done over the radio. The hope is that someone in outer space may be trying to get in touch with us. Scientists also have sent radio and television messages on spaceships traveling through space, on the chance that someone may be receptive (善于接受的) to such messages.

Scientists are using powerful radio telescope to listen to signals from about 1,000 stars, all within 100 light years of earth. In addition, they will scan (扫视) the entire sky to “listen” for radio messages from more distant stars. Using a computer, they will be able to monitor more than eight channels at one time. Scientists are looking for any signal that stands out from the background noise.

Of the 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy (银河星系), scientists find that five percent are like our sun. Perhaps half of them have a planet like earth. Such a planet would be a reasonable distance from the star for temperatures to be right for the evolution of life. Based on the inhabitable (that can be lived in) planets in our galaxy, most scientists agree that chances are likely that one or more of these planets support some life.

However, many scientists wonder whether intelligent (有智力的) life exists on other planets. Some believe that twenty years of searching without any intelligible (可理解的) messages shows that no one is out there. They say that the evolution of intelligence comparable to ours is unlikely.

Other scientists believe that our search hasn’t been long enough to rule out the possibility that intelligent life exists in our galaxy. Although our sun family in only about five billion years old, our galaxy is about 20 billions years old. In that time, some scientists think it is likely that civilizations are much more advanced than ours. Perhaps these civilizations send us no signals; perhaps we have not recognized the signals they have sent us. If we hope to find intelligent life, these scientists believe that we have to keep looking.

1.According to the passage, how many planets in our galaxy might human beings live?

A. 5 billion B. 10 billion C. 15 billion D. 200 billion

2.The first paragraph in this passage is mainly about ______.

A. where scientists are looking for signs of life on other planets

B. why scientists are looking for signs of life on other planets

C. how scientists are looking for signs of life on other planets

D. when scientists are looking for signs of life on other planets

3. The underlined word “monitor” in the passage means “______”.

A. find B. follow C. study D. form

4. Which of the statements is TRUE based on the information in the passage?

A. The earth is one of the oldest planets in our galaxy.

B. Most scientists believe that there is intelligent life on other planet.

C. Scientists don’t believe that there might be life on other planets.

D. Scientists are trying different ways to find signs of life on other planet.

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