
Good Genes Mean Long Life
Scientists have discovered that living to the age of 100 may have nothing to do with the lifestyle you lead and everything to do with the type of genes you have.
For the lucky carriers of “Methuselah” genes, worries over smoking, eating unhealthily and not getting enough exercise may not be as necessary as to those of us without the special gene pattern (组合).
The “Methuselah” genes could give extra protection against the diseases of old age such as cancer and heart disease. They could also protect people against the effects of the unhealthy lifestyles that we believe will lead us to an early death, scientists say. However, the genes are very rare.
The genes include ADIPOQ, which is found in about 10 percent of young people but in nearly 30 percent of people living past 100. They also include the CETP and the ApoC3 genes, which are found in 10 percent of young people, but in about 20 percent of people over 100 years old.
Some of those genes were discovered by a research group at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, led by Professor Nir Barzilai. The team studied the genes of over 500 people over 100 years old, and their children.
The studies show that tiny mutations (变异) in the make-up of some genes can greatly increase a person’s lifespan (寿命). Barzilai told a Royal Society conference that the discovery of such genes gave scientists clear targets for developing drugs that could prevent age-related diseases, allow people to live longer and stay healthy.
David Gems, a researcher at University College London, believes that drugs to slow ageing will become widespread.
“If we know which genes control longevity (长寿) then we can … target them with drugs. That makes it possible to slow down ageing,” he told The Times.
“Much of the pain and suffering in the world are caused by ageing. If we can find a way to reduce that, then we are obliged (义不容辞的) to take it.”

  1. 1.

    According to the article, which of the following is the most important if a person is to live to the age of 100?

    1. A.
      Eating healthy food every day.
    2. B.
      Having the right types of genes.
    3. C.
      Having a healthy lifestyle.
    4. D.
      Taking drugs that prevent ageing.
  2. 2.

    According to the article, the ApoC3 gene is found in ________ of people over 100 years old.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    Which of the following statements is TRUE of the research led by Professor Nir Barzilai?

    1. A.
      The team studied the genes of over 100 people over 100 years of age.
    2. B.
      The researchers found that mutations in certain genes lead to longer life.
    3. C.
      The researchers found ways to develop drugs that could cure age-related diseases.
    4. D.
      The study suggested that most people have genes that could lengthen their lives.
  4. 4.

    According to David Gems, ________.

    1. A.
      drugs to slow ageing will be very expensive
    2. B.
      modern science will be able to find more longevity genes
    3. C.
      it is the duty of medical scientists to fight the problems of ageing
    4. D.
      scientists can make new genes that will allow longer life

Good Genes Mean Long Life
Scientists have discovered that living to the age of 100 may have nothing to do with the lifestyle you lead and everything to do with the type of genes you have.
For the lucky carriers of “Methuselah” genes, worries over smoking, eating unhealthily and not getting enough exercise may not be as necessary as to those of us without the special gene pattern (组合).
The “Methuselah” genes could give extra protection against the diseases of old age such as cancer and heart disease. They could also protect people against the effects of the unhealthy lifestyles that we believe will lead us to an early death, scientists say. However, the genes are very rare.
The genes include ADIPOQ, which is found in about 10 percent of young people but in nearly 30 percent of people living past 100. They also include the CETP and the ApoC3 genes, which are found in 10 percent of young people, but in about 20 percent of people over 100 years old.
Some of those genes were discovered by a research group at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, led by Professor Nir Barzilai. The team studied the genes of over 500 people over 100 years old, and their children.
The studies show that tiny mutations (变异) in the make-up of some genes can greatly increase a person’s lifespan (寿命). Barzilai told a Royal Society conference that the discovery of such genes gave scientists clear targets for developing drugs that could prevent age-related diseases, allow people to live longer and stay healthy.
David Gems, a researcher at University College London, believes that drugs to slow ageing will become widespread.
“If we know which genes control longevity (长寿) then we can … target them with drugs. That makes it possible to slow down ageing,” he told The Times.
“Much of the pain and suffering in the world are caused by ageing. If we can find a way to reduce that, then we are obliged (义不容辞的) to take it.”
【小题1】According to the article, which of the following is the most important if a person is to live to the age of 100?

A.Eating healthy food every day.B.Having the right types of genes.
C.Having a healthy lifestyle.D.Taking drugs that prevent ageing.
【小题2】According to the article, the ApoC3 gene is found in ________ of people over 100 years old.
A.10% B.20%C.30% D.50%
【小题3】Which of the following statements is TRUE of the research led by Professor Nir Barzilai?
A.The team studied the genes of over 100 people over 100 years of age.
B.The researchers found that mutations in certain genes lead to longer life.
C.The researchers found ways to develop drugs that could cure age-related diseases.
D.The study suggested that most people have genes that could lengthen their lives.
【小题4】 According to David Gems, ________.
A.drugs to slow ageing will be very expensive
B.modern science will be able to find more longevity genes
C.it is the duty of medical scientists to fight the problems of ageing
D.scientists can make new genes that will allow longer life

Jeanne Calment, a French woman, became a record breaker on 17 October, 1995 when at the age of 120 years and 238 days, she became the longest-lived human being on record. A Japanese man died in 1986 at the age of 120 years and 237 days.
Jeanne Calment lives in a small old people's home in the south of France; her husband, her only child and her grandson have all died. She is nearly blind and deaf and is always in a wheelchair, but her doctor describes her as being more like a 90?year?old woman in good health than someone of 120. She still has a lively sense of humor. When asked on her 120th birthday what she expected of the future, she replied: A very short one. She also remarked that she thought the good Lord had forgotten all about her.
So what is the key to a long life? According to some doctors, diet, exercise and no smoking are the three important factors. Jeanne Calment has followed two of the tips. She has always eaten a healthy diet, and she used to do exercises every day until she broke her leg at the age of 115. However, until recently she drank two glasses of strong red wine a day, and she does smoke (now only a little). Besides, Jeanne Calment might have got very good genes(基因) from her parents. Her father lived to the age of 94 and her mother to 86.
A local lawyer bought her house when she was 80 under an agreement that he would pay her some money every year until her death. It must have seemed a good move at the time, but so far the lawyer has paid her at least three times the value of the house. Every year on her birthday Jeanne Calment sends him a card saying: Sorry, I’m still alive!
56. How does Jeanne Calment feel about her old age?
A. She is miserable and unhappy.
B. She is cheerful and humorous.
C. She would like to live much longer.
D. She feels she is going to die very soon.
57. We can owe Jeanne Calment's good health and long life to_______.
A. smoking only a little every day
B. her giving up smoking and drinking
C. drinking two glasses of strong red wine every day
D. the good genes from her parents, a healthy diet and some exercise
58. Which of the following word could best replace the word "move" in the fourth paragraph?
A. deal     B. trick          C. march     D. sport
59. Why does Jeanne Calment say "Sorry, I'm still alive" to the local lawyer every year on her birthday?
A. Because she had an agreement at 80 with the lawyer which was to her advantage.
B. Because she has asked the lawyer to pay her more rent than they first agreed.
C. Because the lawyer has paid her much more money than the value of the house.
D. Because the house she sold to the lawyer isn’t worth the money he has already paid.

Jeanne Calment, a French woman, became a record breaker on 17 October of 1995, when at the age of 120 years and 238 days, she became the longest-lived human being on record. A Japanese man died in 1986 at the age of 120 years and 237 days.
Jeanne Calment lives in a small old people’s home in the south of France; her husband, her only child and her grandson have all died. She is nearly blind and deaf and is always in a wheelchair, but her doctor describes her as being more like a 90-year-old in good health than someone of 120.She still has a lively sense of humor. When asked on her 120th birthday what she expected of the future, she replied: A very short one. She also remarked that she thought the good Lord had forgotten all about her. 
So what is the key to a long life? According to some doctors, diet, exercise and no smoking are the three important factors. Jeanne Calment has followed two of the tips(窍门). She has always eaten a healthy diet, and she used to do exercises every day until she broke her leg at the age of 115.However, until recently she drank two glassed of strong red wine a day, and she does smoke (now only a little). Besides, Jeanne Calment might have got very good genes(基因) from her parents. Her father lived to the age of 94 and her mother to 86.
A local lawyer bought her house when she was 80 under an agreement that he would pay her some money every year until her death. It must have seemed a good move at the time, but so far the lawyer has paid her at least three times the value of the house. Every year on her birthday Jeanne Calment sends him a card saying:
Sorry, I’m still alive!
69.How does Jeanne Calment feel about her old age?
A. She is miserable and unhappy.       
B. She is cheerful and humorous.
C. She would like to live much longer.      
D. She feels she is going to die very soon.
70.Jeanne Calment owes her good health and long life to _______.
A. smoking only a little every day
B. her giving up smoking and drinking
C. drinking two glasses of strong red wine every day
D. the good genes from her parents, a healthy diet and some exercises
71.Which of the following could best replace the word “move” in the fourth paragraph?
A. deal    B.trick  C.march      D.sport
72.Why does Jeanne Calment say “Sorry, I’m still alive” to the local lawyer every year on her birthday?
A. Because she had an agreement at 80 with the lawyer which was to her advantage.
B. Because she has asked the lawyer to pay her more rent than they first agreed.
C. Because the lawyer has paid her much more money than the value of the house.
D. Because the house she sold to the lawyer isn’t worth the money he has already paid.

When Jeanne Calment entered the world in 1875, telephones and automobiles still lay in the future. Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso were not yet born. The Eiffel Tower was 14 years from being built. As a teenager, she met Vincent Van Gogh, near her home in Arles, in the south of France. He was “very ugly, ungracious (举止粗俗的), impolite, sick—I forgive him, they called him loco (精神失常的)”, she recalled. When she died last week at age 122, she was the world’s eldest person. (There are others who claimed to the title, but only Calment had the official documents to prove her age.)
Each February 21, her birthday, she would share the secrets of long life. Some years it was “a sense of humour”, others it was “keeping busy”. “God must have forgotten me,” she once explained. The truth probably was that she had good genes: her mother reportedly lived to be 86 and her father 94.
Her life had its sadness: she outlived her husband, her only daughter and her grandson. According to a friend, she was imperturbable. “If you can’t do anything about it,” she reportedly said, “don’t worry about it.”
In her last years she was nearly blind and deaf, but her health remained good. She ate a few bars of chocolate each week and continued smoking until a few years ago, when she could no longer light her own cigarettes. She never lost her sense of humour. On her 110th birthday, she commented, “I’ve only ever had one wrinkle, and I’m sitting on it. “Her longevity made her famous; her spirit made her eternal (永恒的).
【小题1】Why does the author mention Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso and the Eiffel Tower?

A.To show that Calment had seen famous people and things.
B.To emphasize that Calment was born a long time ago.
C.To indicate that Calment is just as famous.
D.To admire the knowledge that Calment had.
【小题2】The author believed that Calment’s longevity is mainly due to ______.
A.a sense of humorB.being kept busy
C.belief in GodD.good genes
【小题3】The underlined word “imperturbable” means ________.
【小题4】Toward the end of the story, the author seems to be impressed by Callment ’s _________.
A.spiritB.religious beliefC.knowledgeD.longevity

Jeanne Calment, a French woman, become a record breaker on 17 October 1995, when at the age of 120 years and 238 days, she became the longest-lived human being on record. A Japanese man died in 1986 at the age of 120 years and 237 days.

Jeanne Calment lives in a small old people’s home in the south of France, her husband, her only child and her grandson have all died. She is nearly blind and deaf and is always in a wheelchair, but her doctor describes here as being “more like a 90-year-old in good health” than someone of 120. She still has a lively sense of humor. When asked on the 120th birthday what she expected of the future, she replied, “A very short one.” She also remarked that she thought the good Lord had forgotten all about her.

So what is the key to a long life? According to some doctors, diet, exercise and no smoking are the three important factors. Jeanne Calment has followed two of the tips. She has always eaten a healthy diet, and she used to do exercises every day until she broke her leg at the age of 115. However, until recently she drank two glasses of strong red wine a say, and she does smoke (now only a little). Besides, Jeanne Calment might have got very good genes from her parents. Her father lived to the age of 94 and her mother to 86.

A local lawyer bought her house when she was 80 under an agreement that he would pay her some money every year until her death. It must have seemed a good move at the time, but so far the lawyer has paid her at least three times the value of the house. Every year on her birthday Jeanne Calment sends him a card saying: “Sorry, I’m still alive!”

1. How does Jeanne Calment feel about her old age?

A.She feels upset and unhappy.

B.She is cheerful and humorous.

C.She likes to live much longer.

D.She feels she is going to die very soon.

2. The text seems to suggest that Jeanne Calment owes her good health and long life to______.

A.smoking only little every day

B.neither smoking nor drinking

C.always drinking two glasses of strong red wine a day and never smoking

D.the good genes from her parents, a healthy diet and some exercises

3. Which of the following could best explain the underlined word “genes” in the third paragraph?

A.good habits of body-building.

B.Some materials that control the development of a living thing.

C.Comfortable living conditions.

D.Something necessary for a person to keep his life.

4.Why did Jeanne Calment say “Sorry, I’m still alive!” to the local lawyer?

A.She had an agreement with the lawyer when she was 80.

B.The lawyer has not paid her enough rent yet.

C.The lawyer has paid her more money than the value of the house.

D.The house she sold to the lawyer was worth the money already paid.


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