UFOs -- a forbidden subject in Chairman Mao's day -- have been studied more closely in China since the late 1970s. China had its first important UFO sighting on the night of July 24, 1981. The population of 14 provinces in our country sighted this phenomenon. Modern research shows, however, that UFOs are not a new phenomenon in China. Historical records say strange objects in space during the Tang, Yuan, and Ming dynasties. A few examples were published in 1982 in the Chinese government publication Beijing Information, in the article ‘UFOs Were Already Observed in Ancient China’, which discussed several cases that happened during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644).
When the modern UFO time began 50 years ago in 1947, flying saucers were reported in China. However, they were quickly forgotten when the country was in a civil war. All mention of UFOs was strictly forbidden during Mao's times, when China was mostly closed to foreign countries.
Chinese study of UFOs restarted in the late 1970s during Deng Xioping's program of economic reforms. In November 1978, The People's Daily finally gave the official green light for UFO reporting. Other reporters began to cover(报道) UFO news, and by 1980, a group of students from Wuhan University formed the China UFO Research Organization (CURO) and got support from the National Academy of Social Sciences. A newsstand(报亭) magazine, The Journal(杂志) of UFO Research, was launched in February 1981. --- By J. Antonio Huneeus
1. What’s the best title of the passage?
A. UFOs in New China B. UFOs in Old China
C. UFOs behind the Great Wall D. History of UFOs
2. What happened on the night of July 24, 1981?
A. Aliens came to China by UFO. B. Aliens took people away in China.
C. All people in China sighted UFOs. D. Witnesses reported seeing UFOs.
3. ‘Historical records’ are given in the text to show ____________.
A. UFOs are not important B. UFOs are not new in China.
C. UFOs are not strange D. UFOs are not dangerous
4. In 1947, flying saucers were reported in China but were quickly forgotten because ____________.
A. the topic of UFOs was forbidden then B. people were not interested in them
C. China was in war then D. people didn’t know what they were
5. ‘The official green light for UFO reporting’ means __________.
A. UFO news can be covered B. UFO news are kept secret
C. reporters have no right to cover UFOs D. reporters are allowed to watch UFOs