
Can you walk in a straight line? The question is much more difficult to answer than you think. Believe it or not, your eyes and ears help you to walk!

A recent experiment held in Japan shows that it is almost impossible for people to walk exactly straight for 60 meters.

  The Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology asked 20 healthy men to walk as straight as possible for 60 meters at normal speed.

Each man had to wear socks soaked with red ink and walk on white paper fixed flat to the floor. The footprints showed that all walked in a winding rather than a straight line.

Researchers found that people readjust their direction of walking regularly. The amount of meandering(曲折前行) differed from subject to subject.

This suggests that none of us can walk in a strictly straight line. Rather, we meander, mainly due to a slight structural or functional imbalance of our legs. So steps by the left and right legs of a person are different.

As a result, although we may start walking in a straight line, several steps afterwards we have changed direction. Eyesight helps us to correct the direction of walking and leads us to the target.

Your ears also help you walk. After turning around a lot with your eyes closed, you can hardly stand still or walk straight. It's all because your ears are still spinning and can't help you keep your balance. Inside your inner ear is a structure containing liquids. Inside your ears are many minute hair-like structures that move around as the liquid flows.

When you spin the liquid inside also spins. The difference is that when you stop, the liquid continues to spin for a while. Dizziness(眩晕) is the result.

  For the moment, although your eyesight tells you to walk in a straight line your brain listens to your spinning ears, thus you don't walk in a straight line!

1.When you walk for 60 meters, you         .

       A.can walk straight without effort           

       B.meander at first, and in while walk in a straight line

       C.can’t walk exactly straight at any time

       D.can almost not cover the distance in a straight line

2.Why most time can we only wind our way?

       A.Because our eyes direct us to.

       B.Because our ears direct us to.

       C.Because of a slight structural or functional imbalance of our legs.

       D.Because our eyesight and ears aren’t always in harmony with each other.

3.According to the research, we can be led to the target mainly due to         .

       A.our eyesight         B.our brain             C.our inner ear        D.our sense of direction

4.Which of the following can prove that your ears help you walk according to the passage?

       A.Your are always meandering most time, but you can arrive where you want to go.

       B.After you turn around a lot with your eyes closed, you almost can’t keep balance.

       C.When you walk to a target, you readjust your direction of walking regularly.

       D.You start walking in a straight line, several steps afterwards you’ll change direction.


Recently a Beijing father sent in a question at an Internet forum (论坛) asking what "PK" meant.
"My family has been watching the 'Super Girl' singing competition TV program. My little daughter asked me what 'PK' meant, but I had no idea," explained the puzzled father.
To a lot of Chinese young people who have been playing games online, it is impossible not to know this term. In such Internet games, "PK" is short for "Player Kill", in which two players fight until one ends the life of the other.
In the case of the "Super Girl" singing competition, "PK" was used to refer to the stage where two singers have to compete with each other for only one chance to go up in competition ranking.
Like this father, Chinese teachers at high schools have also been finding their students' compositions using Internet words which are difficult to understand. A high school teacher from Tianjin asked her students to write compositions with simple language, but they came up with a lot of Internet words that she didn't understand.
"My 'GG' came back this summer from college. He told me I've grown up to be a 'PLMM'. I loved to 'FB' with him together; he always took me to the 'KPM'," went one composition.
"GG" means Ge Ge (Chinese pinyin for brother). "PLMM" refers to Piao Liang Mei Mei (beautiful girl). "FB" means Fu Bai (corruption). "KPM" is short for KFC, Pizza Hut and McDonald's.                            
Some specialists welcome Internet words as a new development in language.
If you do not even know what a Kong Long (dinosaur, referring to an ugly looking female) or a Qing Wa (frog, referring to an ugly looking male) is, you will possibly be regarded as a Cai Niao!
【小题1】By writing the article, the writer tries to ________ .

A.explain some Internet languageB.suggest common Internet language
C.laugh at the Beijing fatherD.draw our attention to Internet language
【小题2】What does the writer think about the term "PK"?
A.Fathers can't possibly know it.B.The daughter should understand it.
C.Online game players may know it. D."Super Girl" shouldn't have used it.
【小题3】The examples of the Beijing father and the Tianjin teacher are used to show that Internet words ________ .
A.are used not only onlineB.can be understood very well
C.are welcomed by all the peopleD.cause trouble to our mother tongue
【小题4】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.A puzzled fatherB.Do you speak Internetish?
C.Keep away from InternetishD.Kong Long or Qing Wa?

Recently a Beijing father sent in a question at an Internet forum (论坛) asking what "PK" meant.
"My family has been watching the 'Super Girl' singing competition TV programme. My little daughter asked me what 'PK' meant, but I had no idea," explained the puzzled father.
To a lot of Chinese young people who have been playing games online, it is impossible not to know this term. In such Internet games, "PK" is short for "Player Kill", in which two players fight until one ends the life of the other.
In the case of the "Super Girl" singing competition, "PK" was used to refer to the stage where two singers have to compete with each other for only one chance to go up in competition ranking.
Like this father, Chinese teachers at high schools have also been finding their students' compositions using Internet jargons which are difficult to understand. A high school teacher from Tianjin asked her students to write compositions with simple language, but they came up with a lot of Internet jargons that she didn't understand.
"My 'GG' came back this summer from college. He told me I've grown up to be a 'PLMM'. I loved to 'FB' with him together; he always took me to the 'KPM'," went one composition.
"GG" means Ge Ge (Chinese pinyin for brother). "PLMM" refers to Piao Liang Mei Mei (beautiful girl). "FB" means Fu Bai (corruption). "KPM" is short for KFC, Pizza Hut and McDonald's.
Some specialists welcome Internet jargons as a new development in language.
If you do not even know what a Kong Long (dinosaur, referring to an ugly looking female) or a Qing Wa (frog, referring to an ugly looking male) is, you will possibly be regarded as a Cai Niao!
【小题1】By writing the article, the writer tries to  ________ .

A.explain some Internet language
B.suggest common Internet language
C.laugh at the Beijing father
D.draw our attention to Internet language
【小题2】What does the writer think about the term "PK"?
A.Fathers can't possibly know it.
B.The daughter should understand it.
C.Online game players may know it.
D."Super Girl" shouldn't have used it.
【小题3】The examples of the Beijing father and the Tianjin teacher are used to show that Internet jargons ________ .
A.are used not only online
B.can be understood very well
C.are welcomed by all the people
D.cause trouble to our mother tongue
【小题4】The underlined word "jargons" means " ________ " in Chinese.

Recently a Beijing father sent in a question at an Internet forum (论坛) asking what "PK" meant.

"My family has been watching the 'Super Girl' singing competition TV program. My little daughter asked me what 'PK' meant, but I had no idea," explained the puzzled father.

To a lot of Chinese young people who have been playing games online, it is impossible not to know this term. In such Internet games, "PK" is short for "Player Kill", in which two players fight until one ends the life of the other.

In the case of the "Super Girl" singing competition, "PK" was used to refer to the stage where two singers have to compete with each other for only one chance to go up in competition ranking.

Like this father, Chinese teachers at high schools have also been finding their students' compositions using Internet words which are difficult to understand. A high school teacher from Tianjin asked her students to write compositions with simple language, but they came up with a lot of Internet words that she didn't understand.

"My 'GG' came back this summer from college. He told me I've grown up to be a 'PLMM'. I loved to 'FB' with him together; he always took me to the 'KPM'," went one composition.

"GG" means Ge Ge (Chinese pinyin for brother). "PLMM" refers to Piao Liang Mei Mei (beautiful girl). "FB" means Fu Bai (corruption). "KPM" is short for KFC, Pizza Hut and McDonald's.                            

Some specialists welcome Internet words as a new development in language.

If you do not even know what a Kong Long (dinosaur, referring to an ugly looking female) or a Qing Wa (frog, referring to an ugly looking male) is, you will possibly be regarded as a Cai Niao!

1.By writing the article, the writer tries to ________ .

A.explain some Internet language

B.suggest common Internet language

C.laugh at the Beijing father

D.draw our attention to Internet language

2.What does the writer think about the term "PK"?

A.Fathers can't possibly know it.

B.The daughter should understand it.

C.Online game players may know it.

D."Super Girl" shouldn't have used it.

3.The examples of the Beijing father and the Tianjin teacher are used to show that Internet words ________ .

A.are used not only online

B.can be understood very well

C.are welcomed by all the people

D.cause trouble to our mother tongue

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.A puzzled father

B.Do you speak Internetish?

C.Keep away from Internetish

D.Kong Long or Qing Wa?


Recently a Beijing father sent in a question at an Internet forum (论坛) asking what "PK" meant. "My family has been watching the 'Super Girl' singing competition TV program . My little daughter asked me what 'PK' meant, but I had no idea," explained the puzzled father.

To a lot of Chinese young people who have been playing games online, it is impossible not to know this term. In such Internet games, "PK" is short for "Player Kill", in which two players fight until one ends the life of the other.

In the case of the "Super Girl" singing competition, "PK" was used to refer to the stage where two singers have to compete with each other for only one chance to go up in competition ranking.

Like this father, Chinese teachers at high schools have also been finding their students' compositions using Internet jargons (行话) which are difficult to understand. A high school teacher from Tianjin asked her students to write compositions with simple language, but they came up with a lot of Internet jargons that she didn't understand.

"My 'GG' came back this summer from college. He told me I've grown up to be a 'PLMM'. I loved to 'FB' with him together; he always took me to the 'KPM'," went one composition.

"GG" means Ge Ge (Chinese pinyin for brother). "PLMM" refers to Piao Liang Mei Mei (beautiful girl). "FB" means Fu Bai (corruption). "KPM" is short for KFC, Pizza Hut and McDonald's.

Some specialists welcome Internet jargons as a new development in language.

If you do not even know what a Kong Long (dinosaur, referring to an ugly looking female) or a Qing Wa (frog, referring to an ugly looking male) is, you will possibly be regarded as a Cai Niao!

1.By writing the article, the writer tries to  ________ .

A.explain some Internet language

B.suggest common Internet language

C.laugh at the Beijing father

D.draw our attention to Internet language

2.What does the writer think about the term "PK"?

A.Fathers can't possibly know it.

B.The daughter should understand it.

C.Online game players may know it.

D."Super Girl" shouldn't have used it.

3.The examples of the Beijing father and the Tianjin teacher are used to show that Internet jargons ________ .

A.are used not only online

B.can be understood very well

C.are welcomed by all the people

D.cause trouble to our mother tongue

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.A puzzled father

B.Do you speak Internet-ish?

C.Keep away from Internet-ish

D.Kong Long or Qing Wa?


Recently a Beijing father sent in a question at an Internet forum (论坛) asking what "PK" meant.

"My family has been watching the 'Super Girl' singing competition TV program. My little daughter asked me what 'PK' meant, but I had no idea," explained the puzzled father.

To a lot of Chinese young people who have been playing games online, it is impossible not to know this term. In such Internet games, "PK" is short for "Player Kill", in which two players fight until one ends the life of the other.

In the case of the "Super Girl" singing competition, "PK" was used to refer to the stage where two singers have to compete with each other for only one chance to go up in competition ranking.

Like this father, Chinese teachers at high schools have also been finding their students' compositions using Internet jargons which are difficult to understand. A high school teacher from Tianjin asked her students to write compositions with simple language, but they came up with a lot of Internet jargons that she didn't understand.

"My 'GG' came back this summer from college. He told me I've grown up to be a 'PLMM'. I loved to 'FB' with him together; he always took me to the 'KPM'," went one composition. "GG" means Ge Ge (Chinese pinyin for brother). "PLMM" refers to Piao Liang Mei Mei (beautiful girl). "FB" means Fu Bai (corruption). "KPM" is short for KFC, Pizza Hut and McDonald's.

Some specialists welcome Internet jargons as a new development in language.

If you do not even know what a Kong Long (dinosaur, referring to an ugly looking female) or a Qing Wa (frog, referring to an ugly looking male) is, you will possibly be regarded as a Cai Niao!

45. By writing the article, the writer tries to  ________ .

A. explain some Internet language          B. suggest common Internet language

C. laugh at the Beijing father               D. draw our attention to Internet language

46. What does the writer think about the term "PK"?

A. Fathers can't possibly know it.          B. The daughter should understand it.

C. Online game players may know it.       D. "Super Girl" shouldn't have used it.

47. The examples of the Beijing father and the Tianjin teacher are used to show that Internet jargons ________ .

A. are used not only online                   B. can be understood very well

C. are welcomed by all the people          D. cause trouble to our mother tongue

48. The underlined word "jargons" means " ________ " in Chinese.

A. 行话               B. 粗口              C. 歌词               D. 趋势


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