
1.In terrible fifteen minutes, a large city lay in ruins, with bricks covering the ground like red    (落叶) in the autumn. (fall)

2.I      (本想来拜访)you, but I was too busy then. (think)

3.The PLA men built shelters for the survivors     (家园被毁)in the earthquake. (destroy)

4.When he woke up, he      (发现自己躺)in the hospital. (find)

5.—You look tired.

    —Yes. I       (一直在工作)non-stop since yesterday afternoon, and I still need to work on. (work)

6.If my mother       (叫醒我)on time, I would not have missed the school bus. (wake)

7.You should have explained to us      (这种情况是怎样发生的). (come about)

8.Not only        (他听见)it, but he saw it as well. (hear)

9.To be honest, I doubt       (他会成功). (succeed)

10.       (令我惊讶的)was that I found my house broken in when I got back. (surprise)








Every year 2. 2 million tons of oil are spilled( 散落,溅出 )into the ocean. Actually, this only amounts to a small percentage of the total 1. 6 billion tons of oil shipped around the world each year. However, this spilled oil has terrible effects on ocean life, including the coastlines where the off washes up onto shore. Some of the largest spills in history were caused by oil tankers running into each other or by an oil tanker sailing into shallow water and hitting the bottom of the ocean.

After these spills, officials try to discover who or what was at fault to help prevent similar accidents in the future.

One of the worst oil spills in history occurred along the Alaskan coastline in 1989. In this accident, 42,000 tons of oil spilled from a tanker which resulted in terrible damage to this sensitive natural area. In this spill, the tanker's captain, who was tired from overwork and drinking alcohol, had gone to___________. He gave control of the ship to the third mate. The third mate was unfamiliar with the path the ship took, and he ran the ship onto Blighe Reef. Blighe Reef is a natural underwater rock wall near the Alaskan coast. Damaged by the reef, the ship leaked oil out into the ocean. More than 1,600 kilometers of coastline were affected by the oil spill. Some scientists who studied nature in the area guessed that 580,000 birds and 5,500 others died when the oil from the spill covered their skin. As well, smaller shellfish and other sea creatures were later eaten by seals, whales, and other animals. The most oil ever spilled was actually dumped on purpose as an act of ecological warfare. The term ecological warfare means to fight by doing harm to nature in the area under attack. In 1990, Iraq sent soldiers into Kuwait and set off the Persian Gulf War. As part of the Iraq war plan, 900,000 tons of oil were let out into the Persian Gulf Way Iraq. This oil covered 1,500 square kilometers of water in the Persian Gulf. The oil also damaged 650 kilometers of the coastline of both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. In some places, oil floating on the water was measured to be 43 centimeters thick. Water birds, water plants, and baby fish were all seriously affected by the oil. The long-term effects of this act on the food chain in the area are bound to cause problems tar into the future.

1. What’s the best title of the passage?


2. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?

Officials make efforts to do research into the oil spill accidents and don’t want to see the similar things happen again in the future.


3. Please fill in the blank in the passage with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(within ten words)


4. What do you think of the oil spill accident happening in 1990 in the Persian Gulf ?(within 30 words)


5. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.

It was a cold grey day in late November. The weather had changed overnight, when a backing wind brought a pale sky and a muzzling rain with it, and although it was now only a little after two o’clock in the afternoon the gray of a winter evening seemed to have closed upon the hills, surrounding them in mist. It would be dark by four. The leather seats felt damp to the hands, and there must have been a small crack in the roof, because now and again little drips of rain fell softly through, polluting the leather and leaving a dark – blue stain like a spot of ink. The wind came in, at times shaking the coach as it traveled round the bend of the road, and in the exposed places on the high ground it blew with such force that the whole body of the coach trembled and swayed, rocking between the high wheels like a drunken man.
The driver, muffled (裹住) in a greatcoat to his ears, bent almost double in his seat in a faint endeavor to gain shelter from his own shoulders. The few passengers pressed together for warmth, exclaiming all together when the coach sank into a heavier rut (车辙) than usual, and one old fellow, who had kept up a constant complaint ever since he had joined the coach at Truro, rose from his seat in anger; and, feeling with the window – frame, let the window down with a crash, bringing a shower of rain upon himself and his fellow – passengers. He thrust his head out and shouted up to the driver, scolding him in a angry voice for a rogue and a murderer; that they would all be dead before they reached Bodmin if he persisted in driving at dangerous speed; they had no breath left in their bodies as it was, and he would never travel by coach again.
41.What is the main image the author gives in this description?
A.In terrible weather, a coach was running fast in mud with complaining passengers on it.
B.On a cold and rainy day the coach broke and the driver was repairing it on the road.
C.On a cold night the driver and the passengers felt very cold and struggled in the rain.
D.The bad condition of the road resulted in the bad mood of the passengers.
42.Which of the following is correct according to the text?
A.The windows were tightly closed, so the cold air was kept outside the coach.
B.The spot of ink stained leather, so the seats felt damp to the hands.
C.Most probably the roof of the coach was broken.
D.There was a drunken man swaying constantly on the coach.
43.The expression “muffled in a greatcoat to… his own shoulders” implies         .
A.the driver felt very cold and tried to change his seat
B.the driver felt comfortable by doing in that way
C.The driver felt very cold and tried to gain warmth
D.The driver tried to protect his ears and shoulders
44.We can learn from the text that         .
A.the coach was running slowly due to the bad weather
B.an old passenger who got on the coach at Truro was angry about the windows
C.one of the passengers on the coach was a murderer
D.the few passengers let out exclamations as the coach moved violently

At 7:49 a.m. local time on Wednesday, April 14th, a huge earthquake struck Yushu County in Qinghai, China, described as “end of the earth” in a famous poem of the Tang Dynasty.
The earthquake destroyed many houses, cut off power and caused over 2,000 deaths and injuries. On the night when the earthquake happened, many survivors had to sit or lie on the ground in terrible darkness. Some brought their own tents and others turned on the lights of motorcycles. It seemed that the earth was at an end. But their natural character made them get together to fight the early spring’s cold nights. Facing the disaster, they chose to be stronger and standing still and firmly like Yushu, the name of their hometown meaning “Standing like Trees”.
The disaster drew much attention both at home and abroad. Our country leaders ordered rescuers(营救人员) to value every life and never to give up. Thousands of rescuers and medical teams rushed to Yushu from many areas of China, bringing machines, medicines and something necessary to the quake-hit town. They entered every village to search for survivors. Governments, organizations and volunteers are offering money and materials to the areas.
We believe that under the leadership of the Central Government, people in the disaster areas are sure to restore production and rebuild homeland as soon as possible. And the overall victory can be achieved in the earthquake rescue work.
In Paragraph 2, the writer refers to the meaning of “Yushu” to show that _______.

A.the strong trees stand still to fight the early spring’s cold nights
B.some trees were cut down to make tents to live through the disaster
C.the big tree standing still brings the local people good luck
D.people there are brave and strong when facing the earthquake
Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A.Yushu, a young town, was destroyed in the terrible earthquake.
B.A huge earthquake once hit Yushu County in the Tang Dynasty.
C.The whole nation does its best to help rebuild the new homeland.
D.There was still electricity after the earthquake struck the town.
The underlined word “restore” in Paragraph 4 probably means _______.


  What comes as a shock to many Westerners may be the unfriendly way that some Chinese treat waiters and waitresses in restaurants and bars. Over the last few years,as many in Beijing have made fortunes,I and many of my foreign friends have noticed a downturn in the treatment of those who work all hours and often live in terrible conditions to bring us our food,guard our homes and sell us clothes.It's not the common citizens,but the young nouveau riches(暴发户) Chinese in Beijing who are mostly guilty of this both social and human misbehavior.

  It is not unusual to see and hear these people,especially the young women among their ranks,speaking rudely to the waiters and waitresses,as they sit there in the misguided belief that the latest mobile phone,a new car and designer clothes give them the right to talk to people like dirt.In one recent incident(事件) in an expensive restaurant near where I live ,I overheard the table next to me,two guys and a girl,tell the waitress "You really are stupid ",because she had brought them two glasses instead of three.They all burst into loud laughter as the young girl ran away to fetch another.In anther incident I saw a waitress reduced to tears as four well-dressed girls criticized everything from her accent to her looks.

  Lately I have noticed that this rather unpleasant aspect of the nouveau riches has been taken up by many of their foreign peers(同类人).So I ask Beijing's bright young things to set a good example,and treat all people with equal respect.And I urge foreigners to follow the good examples of their Chinese language teachers and textbooks while adding some of the pleasantries of their own cultures,so that cultural interpenetration(相互渗透) has a positive influence and not a negative one.

  Here I'd like to leave you with the words from Confucius:"What you do not wish for yourself, do not "do to others."

  64.The writer has noticed that less respect is shown to _______ in Beijing in recent years.

   A.common citizens          B.waiters and the like

   C.young nouveau riches      D.some foreigners

  65.The two incidents mentioned in Paragraph 2 are used to show ______.

   A.waiters and waitresses can make excusable mistakes

   B.waitresses are usually too shy to be laughed at

   C.some Beijingers are too particular about restaurant service

   D.what's being talked about is not rare

  66.The young Beijingers are asked to set a good example in order to ______

   A.have good influence over foreigners

   B.leave a good impression on foreigners

   C.educate younger Chinese

   D.develop traditional Chinese culture

  67.The origial title of the article is most likely to be _______.

   A.One Dark Side of the Bright Chinese Capital

   B.Beijing's Young Nouveau Riches,Watch Out

   C.Dno't Throw Away Good Manners,Please

   D.People Like Waiters Live at Bottom of Society


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