
12.When I was young,I never had a special Christmas gift that I dreamed of and was crazy about.
I know I(36)Ba lot of great Christmas presents as I grew up.Chatty Cathy,Baby Thumbelina,
Little Miss No-Name…I just remember (37)Athem.Although my parents had their financial(38)B,they always made Christmas special for their four children.Dad worked a(n) (39)Djob as a referee in high school basketball games to (40)Ca little more cash,and Mom was the queen of bargain shopping.The gifts(41)Ahave been inexpensive,but there was more than enough under the tree.
    Stored in happy memories are the family (42)C:helping Mom and Dad drag the Christmas  decorations out of the attic,going with Dad to (43)Bthe tree from the Kiwanis,and decorating the tree (44)Dstrings of blue lights and Christmas lasting days and days and days.The piles of (45)D
under our tree wrapped in newspaper aye more memorable than (46)Cwas wrapped.The act itself of unwrapping and (47)Aseeing what was beneath the newspaper was(48)Band memorable.But the most clear are the images of smiles,the sounds of(49)Dand"oh,thank you thank you thank you",not the images of toys or clothes.
It's the(50)Cof Christmas.The best moments,the happy moments were not the gifts,(51)Athe togetherness,the love of family.Even in the occasional quarrels of brothers and sisters,even in the(52)Aof late nights,even in the sometime stress of it all.
Christmas should not(53)Con what's on our gift lists.For it's not about what gifts we (54)Bor receive,but about what we do,what we experience.
Those are the happy moments that (55)D

40.A.apply forB.give awayC.bring inD.set down

分析 圣诞节送的礼物,收的礼物不是很重要,重要的是家人分享的幸福时刻.

解答 36-40BABDC  41-45 ACBDD   46-50 CABDC   51-55AACBD
36.B 考查动词词义辨析.当我成长的时候,我收到了很多圣诞礼物.故选B.
37.A 考查动词词义辨析,我收到了很多圣诞礼物,我就记得打开它们的时候.故选A.opening打开
38.B 根据下文,父亲做裁判挣一些额外的钱补贴家用,可见家里经济不宽裕,故选B,struggle 挣扎
39.D考查形容词词义辨析 extra额外的.句意:父亲做裁判挣一些额外的钱补贴家用.故选D
40.C考查动词短语 根据上文.父亲做裁判挣一些额外的钱补贴家用,故选C,bring in引进,挣钱.
41.A考查情态动词 由上文可知,家里经济不宽裕,所以这些礼物可能并不是很贵重,故选A May可能.
42.C 考查生活常识 圣诞节装饰圣诞树,应该是传统,故选C,
43 B 考查动词词义辨析 由后文和语境可知,孩子们和父亲一起去挑选圣诞树,故选select 选择
44.D 考查介词辨析 decorate…with 用…装饰.作者和父亲一起去挑选圣诞树后,应该是装饰圣诞树.
45.D 考查名词词义辨析presents礼物,句意:圣诞树下放的应该是一堆礼物.
46.C考查名词性从句 than 后是宾语从句,宾语从句中缺主语,心意比包裹在里面的东西更重要.
47.A 考查副词词义辨析 打开包裹,最后看到里面的礼物,这个行为是令人兴奋,美好的,也是令人难忘的,故选A
48.B 根据上文 打开包裹,这个行为是令人兴奋,美好的,也是令人难忘的.
49.D考查名词词义辨析 laughter笑 分享礼物的过程,大家脸上的笑容,笑声令人难忘的,故选D
50.C 考查名语辨析 这些就是圣诞节的经历,故选C.experience
51.A 考查连词词义辨析 幸福时刻不是礼物本身,而是家人的团聚,故选but转折连词
52.A 考查名词词义辨析  准备圣诞节的种种事宜可能会让人疲劳,累,但作者乐此不彼.
53.C考查固定短语 center on 集中在,以…为中心,圣诞节的幸福时刻不是集中在礼物上,而是家人的团聚,故选C.
54.B 细节理解,圣诞节送的礼物,收的礼物不是很重要,重要的是家人分享的幸福时刻.应选B.give
55.D 考查动词词义辨析,matter重要,根据语境,圣诞节送的礼物,收的礼物不是很重要,重要的是家人分享的幸福时刻.故选D.

点评 完型填空,解题时要抓住文章的脉络,一定要读懂全文,弄清文章要表达的思想,注意前后段落之间的关系.答题中,一定要认真分析,注意选项与上下文的关系,与前后单词的关系.对于一时没有太大的把握的题可以放到最后再来完成,因为有时答案可以从下文内容体现出来.答完后再通读一篇文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通顺,语意连贯.

7.Charles Dickens is probably England's most popular author.He was born in Portsmouth,England in 1812.He started attending school at the age of nine,but was forced to leave when he was 12because his father had been put in prison for getting into debt after carelessly spending his money.Dickens worked in a shoe factory during his father's time in prison.Fortunately,his father was released from prison later the same year and Dickens was able to return to schooL
At the age of 15,Dickens started to work as a clerk.Then he was given a better-paid job as a law court reporter,because he could write quickly.
In 1836,he then decided to write his first book,Pickwick Papers,a kind of comic for adults.This book was followed by many more including Oliver Twist,Nicholas Nickleby,and so on.With these books,Dickens continued to describe the poor conditions that the working classes and poor people had to live under.He hoped that by doing so,things could change for the better but the situation just seemed to get worse.
In 1842,Dickens went to America and lectured in favor of international copyright,so that authors could get paid when their books were published in another country.By 1857,Dickens was famous for his writing and he had gained many international fans.He became very rich and was able to tour America and Europe to talk about his works.
In 1860,Dickens wrote one of his most popular stories,Great Expectations,the story of a young boy,with no money,who aspired to become rich one day.Perhaps Dickens was thinking about his own early life when deciding on the topic of the story.
On 8th June,1870,having spent the day working on what was to be his last novel,The Mystery of Edwin Drood,Dickens suddenly fell down at the dinner table and died the next evening.
21.What was the first job Dickens took in his life?A
A.A factory worker.
B.An office clerk.
C.A news reporter.
D.A writer.
22.What did Dickens mainly describe in his books?B
A.Comic adult life.
B.Common people living in hardship.
C.The transformation of people from poor to rich.
D.The better living conditions of the working classes.
23.What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?C
A.Nobody supported copyright in the 19th century in England.
B.Dickens gave speeches all over the world to support copyright.
C.Dickens benefited a lot from the law of copyright.
D Copyright was a familiar concept to most people in Dickens'time.
24.Which book do you think represents the early life of Dickens?D
A.Pickwick Papers                   
B.Nicholas Nickleby
C.The Mystery of Edwin Drood         
D.Great Expectations.
4.A woman named Emily renewing her driver's license at the County Clerk's office was asked to state her occupation.She hesitated,uncertain how to classify herself.
"What I mean is,"explained the recorder,"do you have a job,or are you just a …"
"Of course I have a job,"said Emily."I'm a mother."
"We don't list‘mother'as an occupation…‘housewife'covers it,"said the recorder.
One day I found myself in the same situation.The clerk was obviously a career woman,confident and possessed of a high sounding title."What is your occupation?"she asked.
The words simply popped out."I'm a Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations."
The clerk paused,ballpoint pen frozen in midair.
I repeated the title slowly,then I stared with wonder as my statement was written in bold,black ink on the official questionnaire.
"Might I ask,"said the clerk with new interest,"Just what you do in this field?"
Coolly,without any trace of panic in my voice,I heard myself reply,"I have a continuing program of research (what mother doesn't),in the lab and in the field (normally I would have said indoors and out).Of course,the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities (any mother care to disagree?),and I often work 14hours a day (24is more like it).But the job is more challenging than most careers and rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money."
There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she completed the form,stood up,and showed me out.
As I drove into our driveway,buoyed up (受鼓舞) by my glamorous new career,I was greeted by my lab assistants---ages 13,7,and 3.
Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model (a 6month old baby),in the child-development program,testing out a new vocal pattern.
I felt proud!I had gone on the official records as someone more distinguished and indispensable (不可缺少的) to mankind than"just another mother."
Motherhood…What a glorious career!Especially when there's a title on the door.

41.What can we infer from the conversation between the woman and the recorder at the beginning of the passage?D
A.The recorder was impatient and rude.
B.The woman felt ashamed to admit what her job was.
C.The author was upset about the situation that mothers faced.
D.Motherhood was not recognized and respected as a job by society.
42.How did the female clerk feel at first when the author told her occupation?C
A.curious        B.indifferent       C.puzzled       D.interested
43.Why did the woman clerk show more respect for the author?B
A.Because the author cared little about rewards.
B.Because she thought the author did admirable work.
C.Because she admired the author's research work in the lab.
D.Because the writer did something she had little knowledge of.
44.What is the author's purpose of writing the passage?B
A.To show how you describe your job affects your feelings toward it.
B.To argue that motherhood is a worthy career and deserves respect.
C.To show that the author had a greater job than Emily.
D.To show that being a mother is hard and boring work.
1.Last night was the last game for my eight-year-old son's soccer team.It was the final quarter.The score was two to one,my son's team in the lead.Parents surrounded the playground,offering encouragement.
With less than ten seconds remaining,the ball suddenly rolled in front of my son's teammate,Mickey O'Donnel.With shouts of"Kick it!"echoing across the playground,Mickey turned around and gave it everything he had.All around me the crowd erupted.O'Donnel had scored!
Then there was silence.Mickey had scored all right,but in the wrong goal,ending the game in a tie.For a moment there was a total hush.You see,Mickey has Down syndrome(唐氏综合症)and for him there is no such thing as a wrong goal.All goals were celebrated by a joyous hug from Mickey.He had even been known to hug the opposing players when they scored.
The silence was finally broken when Mickey,his face filled with joy,hugged my son tightly and shouted,"I scored!I scored!Everybody won!Everybody won!"For a moment I held my breath,not sure how my son would react.I need not have worried.I watched,through tears,as my son threw up his hand in the classic high-five(致礼)salute and started chanting,"Way to go Mickey!Way to go Mickey!"Within moments both teams surrounded Mickey,joining in the chant and congratulating him on his goal.
Later that night,when my daughter asked who had won,I smiled as I replied,"It was a tie.Everybody won."
50.Which is the most correct description of the author's son?He wasB.
A.brave             B.sympathetic      C.honest               D.proud
51.The underlined word"hush"in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to"C".
A.cheer             B.laughter             C.silence              D.cry
52.Why did the author hold his breath when Mickey scored and hugged his son?A
A.Because his son might get angry with Mike    
B.Because Mickey cheated everyone 
C.Because his son would accept the fact        
D.Because the score was out of his expectation
53.We can infer from the passage that MickeyD.
A.was hated by his own team
B.was excited when he realized the fault
C.was warm-hearted and played soccer for both teams
D.was cared about by his teammates.
2.Most people cannot live to 100.Those who do can hardly walk,let alone (更不用说) take part in any activities.A few people,however,take part in dangerous activities even though they are more than 100 years old-They keep going and going!There's a great grandmother who likes challenging herself although she is 101 years old this year.
Mary Hardison believes that people should always be cheerful and more importantly,take on all kinds of adventures while they physically still can.So,instead of celebrating her 101st birthday with a boring party,she decided to go paragliding (高崖跳伞运动)-an idea she got from her 75-year-old son who recently took it up as a hobby.
So on her birthday,cheered on by her big family,she tied herself up together with expert instructor (专业指导者) Kevin Hintze,and jumped down fearlessly from the skies near her home in Ogden,Utah.And,it was not just a simple jump either.According to Kevin Hintze,the grandmother encouraged him to turn around,as they made their way down.
This is not the first time that Mary has done something"wild"and"crazy".For her 90th birthday she rode all the adult tides at Disneyland.And,she is not done yet-For her 102nd birthday she hopes to go down the 3,000 foot Alpine Slide at Utah's Park City Mountain Resort!
Not surprisingly,this great action has made Mary Hardison very famous and also earned her a place in the Guinness World Records where she broke a 2007 record set by a 100-year-old British woman.Pretty amazing!
51.What do we know about Mary Hardison?B
A.She took up paragliding as her hobby at the age of 75.
B.She is a 101-year-old lady who likes challenging herself.
C.She was recorded in the Guinness World Records in 2007.
D.She is the oldest woman in the Guinness World Records.
52.From whom did Mary get the idea of going paragliding?D
A.A 100-year-old British woman
B.Kevin Hintze.
C.Her great grandson
D.Her 75-year-old son.
53.It can be learned from the text that Mary HardisonC.
A.finished paragliding safely by herself
B.practised paragliding with the help of her son
C.has set another goal for her 102nd birthday
D.likes dangerous activities even though she can hardly walk
54.How does the author feel about Mary's action?A
55.The text is likely to appear inA.
A.a news report                        
B.an advertisement
C.a novel                          
D.a science textbook.

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