
Starting a new book is a risk, just like falling in love. You have to ____ to it. You open the pages knowing a little bit about it, maybe from the back or from a blurb(宣传信息)on the front. But who ____, right? Those bits and pieces aren’t always right.
Sometimes people ____ themselves as one thing and then when you get deep into it you realize that they’re something completely different. Either there was some good marketing ____ to a terrible book, or the story was only explained in a(n) ____ way and once you reach the middle of the book, you realize there’s so much more to this book than anyone could ever have told you.
You start off slow. The story is beginning to ____. You’re unsure. It’s a big commitment reading this tome(巨著). Maybe this book won’t be that great but you’ll feel ____ about putting it down. Maybe it’ll be so awful you’ll set it down immediately and never pick it up again. Or maybe you’ll come back to it some night, drunk or lonely—needing something to ____ the time, but it won’t be any better than it was when you first started reading it.
Maybe you’re ____. You’ve read tons of books before. Maybe you’ve taken some time off from reading because the last few books you read just weren’t ____ it. Do they even write new, great works of literature anymore? Maybe it’s a once in a lifetime feeling and you’re never going to find it again.
Or something ____ could happen. Maybe this will become your new favorite book. There’s always a possibility, right? That’s the ____ of risk. You ____ your time and your brain power in the words and what you get back is a new understanding and pure wonder.
How could someone possibly know you like this? Some stranger, some author, some character. It’s like they’re seeing inside your ____. This book existed inside some book store, on a shelf, maybe handled by other people and really it was just ____ for you to pick it up. It was waiting to speak to you. To say, “You are not ____.”
You just want more of the story. You want to keep reading, maybe everything this author has ever ____. You wish it would never end. The closer it gets to the smaller side of the pages, the  ____ you read, wanting to savor(品味) it all. This book is now one of your favorites forever. You will always wish you could go back to ____ having read it and pick it up fresh again, but also you know you’re better for having this close, inside you, ____ your heart and mind.
Reading a book is just like falling in love. Once you get in deep enough, you know you could never put this book down.
A.contribute B.commitC.subscribe D.react
A.attached B.comparedC.usedD.related
A.worried B.contentC.guiltyD.serious
A.fill B.spareC.saveD.take
A.worn outB.run outC.given outD.made out
A.price B.beautyC.dangerD.style
A.aloneB.yourselfC.busy D.crazy


小题1:考查动词辨析:A. contribute贡献,捐献,B. commit承诺,犯…,投入,C. subscribe 同意,订阅,D. react反应,从上文的:Starting a new book is a risk, just like falling in love.可知 读一本新书恰似坠入爱河,是场冒险。你得全身心投入进去。选B
小题2:考查动词辨析:A. tells告诉,B. cares关心,C. writes写,D. knows知道,从上文的:You open the pages knowing a little bit about it, maybe from the back or from a blurb(宣传信息)on the front.可知谁又知道呢?选D
小题3:考查动词辨析:A. advertise做广告,B. believe相信,C. behave  举止,D. mistake错误,有时候你会发现,人们自我推销时是一种形象,等你再深入了解后,他们又完全是另一种模样了。选A
小题4:考查动词辨析:A. attached附上,B. compared比较,C. used使用,D. related联系,有时拙作却配有出色的市场推销,attach…to…将…附在…上,选A
小题5:考查形容词辨析: A. artificial人工的,B. superficial表面(上)的,肤浅的,缺乏深度的,C. theoretical理论上的,D. confidential秘密的,机密的,表示信任的,从下文的:you realize there’s so much more to this book than anyone could ever have told you.可知故事的叙述却流于表面,阅读过半后,你方才发觉:这本书真是出乎意料地妙不可言,选B
小题6:考查动词辨析: A. repeat重复,B. change改变,C. conflict冲突,D. unfold展开,你慢慢翻页,故事开始缓慢展开,选D
小题7:考查形容词辨析:A. worried担心的,B. content满意的,C. guilty有罪的,内疚的,D. serious严肃的,从上文的:Maybe this book won’t be that great可知或许它并不是你想象中的伟大的作品,奈何半途弃读会使你觉得内疚。选C
小题8:考查动词辨析:A. fill填满,B. spare腾出,匀出,C. save拯救,攒下,D. take拿走,抑或某个酒醉或孤寂的夜晚,你又重新捡起这本书来——但只为打发时光。Fill the time“打发时光”,选A
小题9:考查动词短语辨析:A. worn out穿破,用旧,精疲力竭,B. run out用完,C. given out分发,用尽,D. made out辨认出,理解,从下文的:You’ve read tons of books before. Maybe you’ve taken some time off from reading because the last few books you read just weren’t ____ it.可知 或许你已疲惫至极。你曾阅览无数,有些无足轻重无甚重要,选A
小题10:考查词义辨析: A. like象,B. worth值得,C. beyond超出,D. beneath在…下面,从上文的:Maybe you’ve taken some time off from reading可知或许因为上次读的书索然无味(不值得读),你已暂时避开阅读时光。选B
小题11:考查形容词辨析:A. exciting  令人兴奋的,B. familiar熟悉的,C. rare罕见的,D. tough困难的,从下文的:Maybe this will become your new favorite book. 可知生活总会有令人兴奋的事发生,你也会有新的爱书。选A
小题12:考查名词辨析:A. price价格,B. beauty美丽,C. danger 危险,D. style风格,从下文的:You __48__ your time and your brain power in the words and what you get back is a new understanding and pure wonder.可知这正是冒险的魅力。选B
小题13:考查名词辨析:A. balance平衡,B. waste浪费,C. harvest收获,D. invest投资,投入,你在字里行间投入时间和心思,自然便可收获新的感悟、理解与遐思。选D
小题14:考查名词辨析:A. soul灵魂,B. book书,C. body身体,D. eyes眼睛,他们似乎能看透你的心思。选A
小题15:考查动词辨析:A. asking  问,B. looking看,C. standing站,D. waiting等待,从下文的:It was waiting to speak to you. To say, “You are not ____.”可知它陈列在某隅书店的书架上、它经人辗转,真的就像是在等你捧起翻阅,选D
小题16:考查形容词辨析:A. alone单独的,B. yourself你自己,C. busy繁忙的,D. crazy疯狂的,等着向你低语:“你不是孤单的。”选A
小题17:考查动词辨析:A. devoted投入,B. agreed同意,C. written写,D. enjoyed享受,你渴望更多故事,你继续阅读,甚至搜集这位作者写的所有作品。选C
小题18:考查形容词辨析:A. slower更慢,B. faster更快,C. more   更多,D. less更少,从下文的:wanting to savor(品味) it all.可知你也越读越慢,选 A
小题19:考查副词辨析:A. always  总是,B. ever  曾经,C. once一旦,D. never 从不,从下文的:pick it up fresh again,可知当你再次拿起书的时候,希望以前从没有读过,象新的一样,选D
小题20:考查动词辨析:A. covering覆盖,涉及,B. breaking打破,C. separating分离,D. blocking堵塞,因为内心深处的每一缕思绪被它这覆盖着,你已变得更加美好。选A
The way people hold to the belief that a fun-filled, and pain-free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness then pain must be equal to unhappiness. But in fact, the opposite is true: more often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain.
As a result, many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain inevitably(不可避免的) brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment (义务), self - improvement.
Ask a bachelor(单身汉) why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If he is honest he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment. For commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is filled with fun, adventure, excitement. Marriage has such moments, but they are not its most distinguishing features.
Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole night’s sleep or a three - day vacation. I don’t know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising children. But couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild.
Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations. It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness. It liberates (解放)money: buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And it liberates us from envy: we now understand that all those who are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all.
小题1:According to the author, a bachelor resists marriage chiefly because _______ .
A.he is reluctant to take on family responsibilities
B.he believes that life will be more cheerful if he remains single
C.he finds more fun in dating than in marriage
D.he fears it will put an end to all his fun adventure and excitement
小题2:From the last paragraph, we learn that envy sometimes stems from ________ .
A.hatredB.misunderstanding C.prejudiceD.ignorance
小题3:What is the author trying to tell us?
A.Happiness often goes hand in hand with pain.
B.One must know how to attain happiness.
C.It is important to make commitments.
D.It is pain that leads to happiness.
One of my fondest memories as a child is going by the river and sitting idly on the bank. There I would enjoy the peace and quiet, watch the water rush downstream and listen to the singing of birds and the rustling of leaves in the trees. I would also watch the bamboo trees bend under pressure from the wind and watch them return gracefully to their original position after the wind had died down.
When I think    about the  bamboo trees’ ability to bounce back  or return  to its original position, the word “resilience” comes to my mind. When used in reference to a person, this word means the ability to readily recover from shock, depression or any other negative situation that stretches the limits of a person’s emotions.
Have you ever felt like you are about to lose control of your emotions? Have you ever felt like you are at your breaking point? Thankfully, you have survived the experience to live to talk about it.
During the  experience you probably    felt a  mix of emotions    that threatened your health.You felt emotionally
tired, mentally exhausted and   you most likely bored unpleasant physical symptoms.
Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments. The next time you are experiencing one of those bad times or unhappy moments that take you close to your breaking point, bend, but don’t break. Try your best not to let the situation get the best of you.
A measure of hope will take you through the unpleasant moments. Will hope for a better tomorrow or a better situation, things may not be as bad as they seem to be. The unpleasant moment may be easier to deal with if the end result is worth having.
If the situation gets tough and    you    are at your breaking point, show resilience. Like the bamboo trees, bend, but don’t break!
小题1:What does the underlined word “resilience” mean in Paragraph 2?
A.The ability to overcome any difficulty.
B.The quality of hoping for a better tomorrow.
C.The quality of being brave at the breaking point.
D.The ability to recover easily and quickly from unpleasant or damaging events.
小题2:Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A.Life is like a bamboo tree that never breaks.
B.Whatever difficulties we may meet with in our life, we can bend, but can never break.
C.Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments.
D.If you get over your breaking point, you can survive to live longer and more happily than others.
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.The author was an idle child when he was living near the river.
B.We should try our best not to let our bad times get the best of us.
C.Our being likely to lose control of our emotions is common in our life.
D.We should always believe things may not be as bad as they seem to be.
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A.Bend, but don’t break.B. My wonderful childhood.
C.The bamboo trees.D. Love the bamboo trees and your life.
During my elementary school years, I used to compare my mom with my best friend Tiffany’s mom.  
Tiffany’s mom always gave her lots of money to buy the most fashionable clothes and favorite food. Her mom allowed her to do anything she liked. I really admired Tiffany. My mom didn’t give me much pocket money and she always told me that I should behave myself. I was annoyed with her.
Whenever I didn’t get what I wanted, I would complain to my mom, Tiffany’s mom would give her that! I wish she were my mom. Every time, my mom would calmly say “Poor Tiffany”. I couldn’t understand her. “She shouldn’t be feeling sorry for Tiffany!” I thought. “She should be feeling sorry for me.”
One day, I couldn’t help saying to Mom, “Poor Tiffany? Lucky Tiffany! She gets everything she wants! Why do you feel sorry for her?” I burst out crying.
My mom sat down next to me and said softly. “Yes, I do feel sorry for her. I have been teaching you a lesson that she will never be taught.”
I looked up at her. “What are you talking about?”   
Mom said with care, “One day she will really want something. Maybe she’ll find out that she can’t have it. Her mother won’t always be around to give her money, and what’s more, money can’t buy everything.”  

It took some time, but I eventually understood my mom’s words. Now I am a happy and successful woman.   
小题1:During the author’s elementary school years, she __________.
A.wished that her mom were as good as Tiffany’s
B.went to school with Tiffany every day
C.usually compared her lesson with Tiffany’s
D.sometimes gave lots of money to Tiffany
小题2:Why did the author’s mom always say “Poor Tiffany”? 
A.She felt sorry for Tiffany because Tiffany was poor.
B.She wanted to tell a lie to comfort the author.
C.She thought that Tiffany was spoiled by her mother.
D.She told the author this and wanted her to help Tiffany.
小题3:What do we learn about the author’s mother? 
A.She was strict and taught the author to be independent.
B.She cared for other people’s children more than her own.
C.She thought that life lessons were as important as money.
D.She was so poor that she couldn’t give the author much money.
小题4:What can we infer from the passage? 
A.The author was quite annoyed with her mother in the past.
B.The author’s mother felt sorry for Tiffany.
C.Tiffany’s mother took the author’s mother’s advice.
D.The author is thankful to her mother now.
A few months ago as I wandered through my parents’ house,the same house I grew up in,I had a sudden,scary realization.When my parents bought the house,in 1982,they were only two years older than I am now.I tried to imagine myself in two years, ready to settle down and buy the house I’d still be living in almost 30 years later.
It seemed ridiculous.On a practical level,there’s no way I could afford to buy a house anytime soon.More importantly,I wouldn’t want to.I’m not sure where I’ll be living in two years,or what kind of job I’ll have.And I don’t think I’ll be ready to settle down and stay in one place.
So this is probably the generation gap that divides my friends and me from our parents.When our parents were our age,they’d got their education,chosen a career,and were starting to settle into responsible adult lives.
My friends and I--“Generation Y”--still aren’t sure what we want to do with our lives.Whatever we end up doing,we want to make sure we’re happy doing it.We’d rather take risks first,try out different jobs,and move from one city to another until we find our favorite place.We’d rather spend our money on travel than put it in a savings account.
This casual attitude toward responsibility has caused some critics to call my generation “arrogant”(自大的), “impatient”, and “overprotected”.Some of these complaints have a point.As children, we were encouraged to succeed in school,but also to have fun.We grew up in a world full of technological innovation: cell phones,the Internet,instant messaging,and video games.
Our parents looked to rise vertically(垂直的)--starting at the bottom of the ladder and slowly making their way to the top, on the same track, often for the same company. That doesn’t apply to my generation.
Because of that, it may take us longer than our parents to arrive at responsible, stable adulthood. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. In our desire to find satisfaction, we will work harder, strive for ways to keep life interesting, and gain a broader set of experiences and knowledge than our parents’ generation did.
小题1:When the author walked through her parents’ house,she  _______.
A.had no idea what she wanted from life
B.realized I should buy a house
C.started to think about her own life
D.wondered why her parents had settled down early
小题2:What is the main “generation gap” between the author and her friends and their parents according to the article?
A.Their attitude toward responsibility.
B.Their ways of making their way to the top.
C.Their ways of gaining experience.
D.Their attitude towards high technology.
小题3:Which of the following might the author agree with?
A.It’s better to take adult responsibility earlier.
B. It’s all right to try more before settling down.
C.It involves too much effort to rise vertically.
D.It’s ridiculous to call her generation “arrogant”.
小题4:What is the main theme of the article?
A.The sudden realization of growing up.
B.Criticisms of the young generation.
C.A comparison between lifestyles of generations.
D.The factors that have changed the young generation.
There was once a lonely girl who longed so much for love.One day while she was walking in the woods she found two starving songbirds.She took them home and put them in a small cage,caring them with love.Luckily,the birds grew strong little by little.Every morning they greeted her with a wonderful song.The girl felt great love for the birds.
One day the girl left the door to the cage open accidentally.The larger and stronger of the two birds flew from the cage.The girl was so frightened that he would fly away so as he flew close,she grasped him wildly.Her heart felt glad at her success in capturing him.Suddenly,she felt the bird go limp,so she opened her hand and stared in horror at the dead bird.It was her desperate love that had killed him.
She noticed the other bird moving back and forth on the edge of the cage.She could feel his strong desire-needing to fly into the clear,blue sky.Unwillingly,she lifted him from the cage and tossed him softly into the air.The lucky bird circled once,twice,three times.
The girl watched delightedly at the bird.Her heart was no longer concerned with her loss.What she wanted to see was that the bird could fly happily.Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder.It sang the sweetest tune that she had ever heard.
Remember,the fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tight;the best way to keep love is to give it wings!
小题1:After the girl found the two birds,she________.
A.became delighted at once
B.treated them for a long time
C.took them to their home
D.fed them and raised them
小题2:Why did the girl grasp the stronger bird wildly?
A.Because the girl disliked the bird any longer.
B.Because the bird wanted to fly alone.
C.Because the girl loved the bird deeply.
D.Because the bird intended to found some food.
小题3:The underlined word “tossed” in the passage means________.
A.throw someting with slightly force
B.give up something happily
C.hold something fast
D.cast something without patient
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Catch what you can catch on your way to success.
B.Going too far is as bad as not going far enough.
C.The best things come when you least expect them to.
D.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
I moved from Chicago to Brooklyn in July of 2010,just in time to watch my mother die. Our parents were both gone now; I took with me as many things they had left behind as I could.
I was out walking one Saturday later that summer when something caught my eye - a pale green dress. Laid out on the pavement was stuff like earrings, glass candle-holders, books. Hanging on the fence behind were a few pairs of jeans and a green cotton dress.
The woman, the host o£ the stoop (门廊)sale, looked like she was getting rid of a past she didn’t need or want. A dress that was too big for her. A chest of drawers that took up too much space, space she needed, maybe, to heal ,recover, or grow.
I wasn’t planning on buying anything really, but now I needed to show her that I appreciated her things and I would give them a safe home. Then I had my first stoop sale —I paid her 20 dollars for her green cotton dress and her blue candle-holder,
From that day on, I became interested in stoop sales. Some of my favorite things are from someone else’s life. I find no joy in shopping at regular stores any more. I love trying to sniff out a memory from a bud vase or a drawer. It is comforting to know that someone has breathed and laughed inside a sweater before me.
A few weeks ago, I carried my mother’s dresses to a friend’s stoop. These were her best items ,which were once worn by the most important person in my life. For many hours, I watched from across the path people advancing the stoop, some leaving with Mom1S dress. I used to think that her stuff was as forever sacred (神圣的)as my memory of her, I know now that once I love a scarf or shirt too dearly,it needs to find a new home. Even that green dress is long gone by now.
小题1:The author took her mother*s dresses after her death because ______
A.she valued the things used by her mom
B.she didn’t want to throw them, away
C. she could sell them later
D. they were her mom’s best items
小题2:From the passage, we know that ______.
A. the things the author bought from the woman are too big
B. the author is fond of imagining others’ life experiences
C. the author will never shop at regular stores any more
D. the author still keeps most of her mom’s things
小题3:In the last paragraph ,the author tries to tell us that ______.
A her mom is the number one person in her life
B.  she didn’t really want to sell her mom’s dresses
C. she still thinks of her mother quite often
D. love doesn’t mean holding on to something tightly
小题4:It can be inferred that the author will ______.
A. not sell her own things at stoop sales
B.keep her mom in her mind in another way
C. be sad about all the memory of her mom
D. move to another city for a new life
My grandmother often said to me, “You can count the number of your true friends on the fingers of one hand.” For a long time I thought this was true. However, I’ve now discovered my grandmother was only half right. Maybe we do only make a few “best” friends in our lifetime, but those aren’t the only people that we can call friends. There are many different types. Let me tell you about a few of them.
One type of friends is the type I call the “football mom friend”. My neighbor Sally is a good example. We both have kids who play football in a football club, and someone has to take them to practice and pick them up. Sally and I and two other mothers take turns to do this. We meet sometimes and have tea and talk about what our kids are doing, but those are the only times that we meet each other. I enjoy being with these women, but we don’t do anything else together.
Another type is called the “hobby friend”. That’s the person you share an interest or a hobby with. Michael and Cater, who are brothers, are a good example of this type. We’re all in a bird watching club. Every few weekends the members of the club go on a trip to watch different kinds of birds. There’s nothing romantic(浪漫的)about my relationship with Michael and Cater, of course. We just share interest in birds.
Then there’s the “other half of the couple” type of friends. Jim is married to Rose, a friend that I’ve known since college. When Rose married Jim, I realized that I would have to be Jim’s friend if I want to continue to be Rose’s. Jim and I don’t share so many interests, but we do have a friendly relationship.
小题1:What does the first paragraph tell us about?
A.We need true friends in our lifetime.
B.We have few best friends in our lifetime.
C.We should make new friends.
D.We must be friendly to all our friends.
小题2:Many people are mentioned in this passage. Who is the writer’s true friend?
A.Sally.B. Michael.C. Jim.D. Rose.
小题3:Which of the following statements is RIGHT?
A.Finally the writer agrees with her grandmother.
B.Michael and Cater both fall in love with the writer.
C.The writer herself sometimes takes her kid to the football club.
D.Sally and the writer are close friends.
小题4:How many types of friends are mentioned in the passage?
A.2.B. 3.C. 4.D.5
小题5:From the last paragraph we learn that ________.
A.the writer made friends with Jim only because of Rose
B.Jim was the writer’s good friend at college
C.Rose didn’t want the writer to be a friend of her husband
D.the writer made friends with Rose because of Jim
It was a busy morning about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital. I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for an appointment at 9:30. The nurse had him take a       in the waiting area,     him it would be at least 40 minutes      someone would be able to see him. I saw him     his watch and decided, since I was     busy ---my patient didn’t     at the appointed hour, I would examine his wound. While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor’s appointment. The gentleman said no and told me that he      to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his     . He told me she had been       for a while and she had a special disease. I asked if she would be      if he was a bit late. He replied that she      knew who he was, and that she had not been able to     him for five years. I was      , and asked him, “And you     go every morning, even though she doesn’t know who you are?”  He smiled and said, “She doesn’t know me, but I know who she is.” I had to hold back      as he left.
Now I      that in marriages, true love is     of all that is.  The happiest people don’t      have the best of everything; They just      the best use of everything they have.      isn’t about how to live through the storm,  but how to dance in the rain.
A.taking offB.fixingC.looking atD.winding
A.turn upB.show offC.come onD.go away
A.so farB.neitherC.no longerD.already

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