
【题目】The movie Dearest directed by Peter Chan, brought in over 0.3 billion yuan in 2014, which was ________ new height in ________ director’s career.

A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the



试题分析:不定冠词a/an表示泛指,意为“一个,某个”;定冠词the表示特指,意为“那个,这个”,或指双方都知道的人或物。一个新的高度,即a new height,是泛指特指电影亲爱的》的导演,用定冠词the故选B。


【题目】Fatu Kekula is a hero. The 22-year-old Liberian nursing student, in her final year, managed to save the members of her immediate family from the Ebola virus, all without the help and convenience of a hospital.

Kekula reduced the rate to 25 percent. Four of her family members were infected with the virus. Her father, Moses, her mother, Victoria, her sister, Vivian and her 14-year-old cousin, Alfred Winnie. Sadly, Kekula’s cousin succumbed to the virus. It’s also impressive to note that while Kekula was treating her family members she managed to avoid Ebola entirely.

On July 27, Kekula’s father, Moses, went to a hospital in Kanata, after his blood pressure rose sharply. The only reason the hospital had a bed to offer him was because someone had just died. But the staff in the hospital didn’t realize the patient died from an Ebola infection. Shortly, after he was admitted to the hospital, Moses developed a fever, started vomiting and was suffering from diarrhea. Once nurses started dying of Ebola, the hospital shut down and Moses had to leave. Kekula drove 90 minutes to Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, to seek treatment. Three hospitals turned them away because there is no spare bed for patients at all.

Kekula made the drive back to Kanata to another hospital. They told Moses he had typhoid fever and did very little to treat him. So Kekula took him home. Once he was there, he infected three other family members. Her mother, sister and their cousin who was living with them.

Kekula only lost one patient, her cousin. Her method proved so effective that international aid workers, including UNICEF, began teaching it to others in West Africa who may not be able to get to hospitals for treatment.

Her father, mother and sister were already recovering when space became available at the JFK Medical Center on August 17. Alfred passed away at the hospital the next day. Kekula’s father, Moses said, “I’m very, very proud. She saved my life through the almighty God.”

【1】What is the best title for the passage?

A. A courageous and selfless nurse.

B. Give her a medal: Woman saves family members from Ebola.

C. A family survived Ebola with the help of government.

D. The dreadful disease Ebola.

【2What does the underlined word succumbed to” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. was affected with B. survived

C. died of D. fight against

【3】Why Kekula took her father home?

A. Because a patient died from an Ebola infection in the hospital in Kanata.

B. Because they were turned down by hospitals and little can be done to her father.

C. Because Moses were already recovering when he was admitted to the JFK Medical Center.

D. Because nurses started dying of Ebola and many hospitals were shut down.

【题目】My 18-month-old son, Adam, called from the front door“Look, Mama! Doggie!” I dropped what I was doing and stuck my head out the doorBrandy, our next-door neighbor’s 11-year-old dog, was over again“Go away!” I shouted

Brandy’s owner had died about a month earlierThe woman’s family had emptied the house and stuck a “For Sale” sign in the front yard, but the family had left old Brandy behindFor weeks, she’d been wandering around the neighborhood

It wasn’t that I disliked dogs or anything like thatI just didn’t think about them very muchI never had a dog growing up and had never thought to get one

Brandy went away and I stayed outside with AdamThen the phone rangI went inside to take the callWhen I came back, Adam was goneI searched the yard, front and back, then the basketball court and public poolNo trace of himI was so nervous that I ran home and called the police, then my husband

Police searched the neighborhoodSuddenly I heard another sound: a dog barking“It’s coming from the woods,” one of my neighbors saidWe followed the barking to a wooded cliff(悬崖).There we found my son, and he was just inches away from the edges of the cliff, fast asleepBrandy was beside him, leaning(倚靠)against him to keep him away from the edgeWhen I picked Adam up, Brandy sank down on her side, breathing quicklyShe must have been holding Adam there for hours!

I thanked the police and brought Adam and Brandy back to our houseShe hesitated a moment on our doorstep, no doubt remembering the time I’d driven her away

“Come on, girl,” I said“This is your home now” Brandy stepped in, and once she saw she was really welcome, she relaxed and lay down on the floor just inside the doorShe’d done a great thing, and I wondered if she knew it She’d certainly touched me in a way that no animal ever hadWhat a pity a dog like Brandy had been left behind!

1What is the correct order for the events in the story about Brandy?

aShe was left behind by her owner’s family

bShe stepped into the woman’s house

cShe appeared at the woman’s front door

dShe stayed beside the woman’s son for hours

A. d, a, b, c B. a, c, b, d

C. c, d, b, a D. a, c, d, b

2What did the woman do when she first saw Brandy?

A. She gave her some food

B. She drove her away

C. She took her home

D. She said thank you to her

3Why did the woman call the police?

A. Her son was lost

B. Brandy was gone

C. Brandy appeared in her yard

D. She got a scary call

4How were they able to know that the woman’s son was near the cliff?

A. By searching the neighborhood

B. By hearing a dog barking

C. By following a dog’s footsteps

D. By hearing her son’s crying

【题目】Not being the greatest fan in the world of live performance, I took a deep breath before I en tered the building, the castle theatre, and prepared myself to be bored, expecting to find it more interesting to watch the audience than the show. Then I got the shock of my life.

Wadaiko Inchiro are a group of ten young Japanese men and women using traditional drums with a history going back more than 1500 years. The drums were once used for festivals and religious ceremonies and also as a means of communication during wars. Today they give an ear-blasting performance which punches out rhythms with the power to wind you. They’re a welcome relief from the Scottish pipers.

Unlike other performances, the best seats are at the back of the house. Not only will your ears be protected from full blast, but you will get a fantastic view of the whole set. On stage are some of the biggest drums you will ever see and a cast wearing red, white and black headscarf.

There had been almost no publicity for the show, but the house was full of people desperate, one could only assume, for something a bit different from the unrelenting performances appearing at this world-famous festival. The solid 60-minutes show starts as it means to go on. The drums rumble into fever-pitch action as the ten-strong company strike their sticks with startling control. Their rhythmic frenzy almost immediately drugs you into submission. Trapped inside the beating of the drums, you carried swiftly through warrior war cries to emotional rhapsodies(狂想曲). Not only is this display musically impressive, but the dance is strikingly beautiful. Moving between the enormity(巨大)of the drums, the slight Japanese characters have complete synchronicity(同步性)with the flying of their sticks, which they ceremonially cross and use to command.

The biggest drum is played only by Inchiro, the leader of the group. When I ask why this is so, he refuses to admit that he is being precious about this monster of an instrument and says, “When someone else can play it as I do, I will happily move aside.” Dressed all in red, he stands before it as thought he is worshipping at an altar; as he raises his sticks to the drum, he touches it sometimes tenderly and sometimes murderously. Inchiro and his drum produce a range of sounds from thunder to the trickle of rain.

【1The writer took a deep breath before entering the building because she__________ .

A. was excited

B. knew it would be hot in the theatre

C. was nervous

D. was preparing herself to be bored

【2According to the writer, there were many people watching the performance because________.

A. the drummers are dressed in different colors

B. they wanted to see something unusual

C. the people in the group are famous

D. the show had been well advertised

【3We can learn from the passage that .

A. the drums have been linked with religion for a long time

B. the show was more exciting at the beginning than at the end

C. the drummers make controlled movements with their drums

D. the best place to see the show is the seats nearest to the drummers

【4Inchiro feels that____________.

A. no one else should ever play the biggest drum

B. he must always make loud noises on his biggest drum

C. he is now the only one who can play the biggest drum well enough

D. it is very important for him to teach someone else to play the biggest drum

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