
Ⅲ. 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30)

The World Trade Organization (WTO), founded on January 1, 1995, aims to encourage international trade to flow as possible, making sure that trade agreements are respected and that any disputes can be settled.

In the five years since its founding, the WTO has become well known as one of the world’s most powerful economic organizations, taking its place alongside the World Bank and International Money Fund.

The system of global rules for international trade, however, dates back half a century to 1948 when the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was formed after World War II.

As time went by, it became clear that the GATT had two major drawbacks-the limited areas of trade it covered, and the lack of an effective system to settle disputes.

After seven years of trade talks ending in 1994, the so-called Uruguay Round finally give birth to the WTO, complete with an effective system to settle disputes and new rules covering trade in services and intellectual property.

Even after seven years of talks and 22, 500 pages of agreements, there were still problems, especially the difficulty to deal with areas of agriculture and services, which the member nations agreed to revise in 2000. The WTO, with its head office in Geneva, has 135 members with 30 more waiting to join.

36. From the passage we know that the GATT stopped working ________.

A. soon after World War II ended 

B. a little more than 50 years after World War II

C. just in the year 1994         

D. seven years before the Uruguay Round talk

37. Compared with the GATT, the WTO _______.

A. didn’t pay enough attention to services and intellectual property

B. got its members to sign the agreements more easily

C. has got to many areas of international trade to deal with to work effectively

D. can do better to settle disputes in more areas of international trade

38. In the new century the WTO will ________.

A. take the place of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund

B. have more members and settle more problems

C. make complete new rules in every area of international trade

D. have new rules covering trade in services and intellectual property





第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。
While researchers have long shown that tall people earn more than their shorter counterparts, it's not only social discrimination that accounts for this inequality -- tall people are just smarter than their height-challenged peers, a new study finds.
"As early as age three -- before schooling has had a chance to play a role -- and throughout childhood, taller children perform significantly better on cognitive tests," wrote Anne Case and Christina Paxson of Princeton University in a paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
The findings were based primarily on two British studies that followed children born in 1958 and 1970, respectively, through adulthood and a U.S. study on height and occupational choice.
Other studies have pointed to low self-esteem, better health that accompanies greater height, and social discrimination as culprits(罪犯) for lower pay for shorter people.
But researchers Case and Paxson believe the height advantage in the job world is more than just a question of image.
"As adults, taller individuals are more likely to select into higher paying occupations that require more advanced verbal and numerical skills and greater intelligence, for which they earn handsome returns," they wrote.
For both men and women in the United States and the United Kingdom, a height advantage of four inches equated with a 10 percent increase in wages on average.
But the researchers said the differences in performance crop up long before the tall people enter the job force. Prenatal care(产前护理) and the time between birth and the age of 3 are critical periods for determining future cognitive ability and height.
"Prenatal care and prenatal nutrition are just incredibly important, even more so than we already knew," Case said in an interview.
Since the study's data only included populations in the United Kingdom and the United States, the findings could not be applied to other regions, Case said.
And how tall are the researchers?
They are both about 5 feet 8 inches tall, well above the average height of 5 feet 4 inches for American women.
51. What can be learnt from the study of Anne Case and Christina Paxson is that ______.
A. the reason for lower pay for shorter people is social discrimination
B. taller children perform significantly better on cognitive test
C. tall people earn more than shorter counterparts
D. prenatal care and prenatal nutrition are less important than we already knew
52. Which period is the most important for determining future cognitive ability and height?
A. between age 3 and schooling         B. between birth and the age of 3
C. the whole childhood                   D. between 1958 and 1970
53. The underlined phrase “crop up” in the Eighth Paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.
A. get in       B. rise up        C. come up       D. stand up
54. The best title for this passage would be _______.
A. Tall people earn more than shorter counterparts 
B. A study on height and occupational choice
C. The difference between tall people and short people 
D. Taller people are smarter

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
Too often we accuse others of not listening, pretending that we ourselves are faultless, yet in our hearts we know that many of the mistakes we make come about because we haven’t listened carefully enough. We get things wrong because we haven’t listened carefully enough. We get things wrong because we haven’t quite understand what someone meant when they were talking to us. Anyone who has ever taken the minutes of a long meeting will know how hard it is to remember---despite the benefit of notes---exactly what everyone says. But success depends on getting right---and that means listening.
Listening is not the same thing as hearing; it is not an effort actively. It demands attention and concentration. It may mean quizzing the speaker for additional information or for clarification---it is always better to ask than to continue regardless and get things wrong. However, if you allow your mind to wander onto something else, even for a few minutes, you’ll miss what the speaker is saying---probably at the very moment when he or she is saying something critical. And not having heard, you won’t know you’ve missed anything until it’s too late.
The most common bad habit we have is to start thinking of what we are going to say about the subject long before the other speaker has finished. We then stop listening. Even worse, this often adds rudeness to inattentiveness, as once you have decided what to say there is a fair chance you will interrupt to say it. Good listeners don’t interrupt. In fact it is often worth explaining the main idea of what you have listened well.
Above all, be patient and accept that many people are not very good communicators. It’s helpful to remember that the ways people move and position themselves while they are speaking can reveal a great deal about what they are saying. Equally important you should put yourself in the other person’s place, both intellectually and emotionally; it will help you to understand what they are getting at and form a response. But don’t be too clever. Faced with a know-all, many people keep quiet because they see no point in continuing.
51. Which is the best title for this passage?
A. Don’t be too clever                        B. Be a good listener
C. Don’t miss anything critical            D. Think of the speaker
52. In the last paragraph, the underlined sentence “…what they are getting at…” means ______.
A. what they imply        B. what they like    C. what they attack        D. what they achieve
53. According to the passage, which of the following is the writer’s opinion?
A. If you want to be a good listener, you should be very clever and emotional.
B. Speakers won’t continue talking when their listeners explain what they’ve heard.
C. If you don’t want to get things wrong, it’s important to be a good listener.
D. It’s hard to be a good listener because listening tests you on your intelligence.
54. What is the lesson we can learn from this passage?
A. Don’t accuse others of not listening while talking with them.
B. Don’t get anything wrong if you miss what the speaker is saying.
C. Listening inattentively may cost you the loss of your success.
D. Think carefully of what you’re going to say before the speaker finishes.

第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分;满分40分)
第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。
As computers become all the more popular in China, Chinese people are increasingly relying on computer keyboards to input Chinese characters.But if they use the computer too much, they may end up forgetting the exact strokes(笔画)of each Chinese character when writing on paper.Experts suggest people, especially students, write by hand more.
Do you write by hand more or type more? In Beijing, students start using a computer as early as primary school.And computer dependence is more wide-spread among university students.Almost all their assignments and essays are typed on a computer.
All the students interviewed say they usually use a computer.
It's faster and easier to correct if using a computer.And that's why computers are being applied more and more often to modern education.But when people are taking stock in computers increasingly, problems appear.
"When I'm writing with a pen, I find I often can't remember how to write a character, though I feel I’m familiar with it."
"I'm not in the mood to write when faced with a pen and paper."
Many students don't feel this is something to worry about.Now that it's more convenient and efficient to write on a computer, why bother to handwrite?
Many educators think differently.Shi Liwei , the headmaster of a famous primary school in the capital said "Chinese characters enjoy both practical and aesthetic(审美的) value.But those characters typed with computer keyboards only maintain their practical value.All the artistic beauty of the characters is lost.And handwriting contains the writer's emotion.Through one's handwriting, people can get to know one's thinking and personality.Beautiful writing will give people a better first impression of them"
To encourage students to handwrite more, many primary schools in Beijing have made writing classes compulsory(必修的)and in universities, some professors are asking students to turn in their homework and essays written by hand.
56.Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?
A.The Importance of Handwriting and Typing.
B.To Type or To Hand Write
C.Writing By Computer Will Replace Writing By Hand
D.Practical and Aesthetic Value of Chinese Characters.
57.The students interviewed prefer to write using a computer mainly because______.
A.they are usually asked to e-mail their Homework and Essays
B.they can correct the mistakes they make quickly and conveniently 
C.they find it not easy to remember how to write a character
D.computers have become a trend and fashion in China.
58.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of the advantages of handwriting?
A.Handwriting contains the writer's emotion .
B.The writer’s thinking and personality are shown in his or her handwriting,
C.Handwriting can impress people well and build one’s self-confidence
D.Chinese characters enjoy both practical and aesthetic value.
59.The underlind expression “taking stock in”(Paragraph 4) probably means_____.
A.getting bored with     B.getting dependent on 
C.becoming crazy about             D.getting curious about
60.We can draw the conclusion from the passage that_______.
A.more and more students will give up writing on a computer
B.writing by hand will give way to typing by computer one day
C.more and more students will pay attention to handwriting
D.the typing article better expresses one’s emotion and quality

第三部分 阅读理解(共两节。满分30分)
On a recent morning in Clearwater, Florida, Maja Kazazic jumped down into water. From a distance, the dolphin seemed friendly enough. Still, Kazazic felt a little panic slide into her excitement. In spite of her fear, she felt strong wearing her new leg.
In second grade in Bosnia, Kazazic lost her cousin, Jasmina. Kazazic promised she would honor Jasmina by swimming with a dolphin, an animal that both girls loved. “Jasmina never got the chance to do it,” says Kazazic, “so I decided that someday I’d do it for her.”
However, in 1993, during the Bosnian civil war, Kazazic was badly injured. Her left leg was cut just below the knee and she received her first artificial(人工的) leg in the US. Because there was so little bone left, and with her right leg also damaged, walking was rather painful, but she managed to graduate from college. She was able to play golf or tennis.
Then one day a young dolphin, Winter, who had lost her tail, caught Kazazic’s eye. Trainers were fitting Winter with a high-tech tail. When they were done, Winter dashed off through the water.
Kazazic was excited. If she can do this, there’s no way I can’t, she thought. Within ten days, she had a new leg with the help of the inventor. Eight months later, Kazazic was ready to keep the promise. “After being in a war, this should be a piece of cake,” Kazazic said as she lowered herself into the tank. Then and there the two went on an hour-long swim around the pool.
When Kazazic climbed out, she quietly said, “I feel like I owed(欠) somebody something, and now I’ve paid my debt.” Out in the parking lot, she got into her car and cried till she lost her voice.
52. Which of the following might serve as the best title of the passage?
A. Kazazic’s Promise.              B. Jasmina’s Death.
C. Kazazic’s Debt.                           D. A Dolphin’s Tail.
53. What does the underlined word “panic” mean in the first paragraph?
A. Fear.          B. Surprise.        C. Excitement.    D. Satisfaction.
54. Which is the correct order of the following events?
a. Kazazic was treated and received a new leg in the US.
b. Kazazic made a promise to swim with a dolphin.
c. Jasmina died in Bosnia when Kazazic was in second grade.
d. Kazazic overcame difficulties and carried out her promise.
e. Kazazic was badly injured in her legs during the war.
A. b, c, e, a, d     B. b, e, c, d, a      C. c, b, e, a, d      D. c, e, b, d, a
55. Kazazic cried in her car after she swam with the dolphin because ______.
A. she was sad her cousin couldn’t do it with her.
B. she was excited her promise had come true.
C. she was afraid she would lose the other leg.
D. she was proud she didn’t owe money to anybody.

第三部分 阅读理解(共两节。满分30分)



My Best Enemy

Once again, I was in a new school. So was a girl in my class named Lisa. That’s where the similarities ended.

I was tall and she was small. My thick black hair had been recently cut short into an untidy style. Her natural blonde hair flowed to her waist and looked great. I was 12 and one of the oldest in the class while she was 11 and the youngest. I was awkward and shy. She wasn’t. I couldn’t stand her, considering her my enemy. But she liked me and wanted to be friends.

One day, she invited me over and I said yes—I was too shocked to answer any other way. My family had moved six times in six years, and I had never managed to develop any friendships. But this girl who wore the latest fashions wanted me to go home with her after school.

She lived in a fun part of town that had two pizza places, an all-night bookstore, a movie theater and a park. As we walked from the school bus stop through her neighborhood, I tried to guess which house might be hers. Was it the white one with the perfect lawn or the three –story house with a front porch? I got very surprised when she led me into an old apartment building. She lived on the fourth floor in a two-room place with her mother, her stepfather, her two brothers and her sister.

When we got into the room she shared with her sister, she took out a big case of Barbies, which was my next surprise. I had never played with them. We sat on the floor, laughing as we made up crazy stories about the Barbies. We found out that we both wanted to be writers when we were older and both had wild imaginations. We had a great day that afternoon.

Lisa was loved by the whole neighborhood. The bookstore owners lent her fashion magazines; the movie theater gave her free tickets…. Soon I was included in her magic world. We slept over at each other’s houses and spent every free moment together.

Lisa, my first real friend since childhood, helped me get through the rough years of early adolescence(青春期)and taught me an amazing and very surprising thing about making friends: you worst enemy can turn out to be your best friend.

52.The writer and Lisa were similar in the way that_________.

A.they were both new students   B.they had the same hair styles

C.they were both tall   D.they were of the same age

53.One day Lisa invited the writer_________.

A.to go to the movie   B.to go to her home

C.to go to walk in a park    D.to go to a pizza place

54.In the passage the writer described Lisa as a girl who was_________

A.awkward and shy            B.rich and happy

C.quiet and lonely              D.friendly and lovely

55.Which of the following did the writer learn form Lisa?

A.How to make up stories.     B.How to deal with enemies.

C.How to make friends.         D.How to live a better life.


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