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By the end of last month, I attended a celebration meeting hold in our school. At the meeting, 25 advanced teachers were praised and those had completed 30 years of teaching were given medals. Mr. Yang was among one of those praised. After the meeting, our classmates and I went to see him. Seeing us, the grey-haired teacher looked exciting. When some of us said we wanted to be teachers and devote ourselves to education in the future, he nodded with satisfactions. He said in a very firmly voice, ¡°Teach is a noble job. Man would be very stupid without education.¡± We all agreed and greatly encouraged by his words.
By the end of last month, I attended a celebration meeting hold in our school. At the meeting, 25
At held
teachers were praised and those¡Ä had completed 30 years of teaching were given medals. Mr.
Yang was among one of those praised. After the meeting, our classmates and I went to see him.
È¥µô my
Seeing us, the grey-haired teacher looked exciting. When some of us said we wanted to be teachers
and devote ourselves to education in the future, he nodded with satisfactions. He said in very a firmly
satisfactions firm
voice, ¡° Teach is a noble job. Man would be very stupid without education.¡± We all agreed and
¡Ägreatly encouraged by his words.