
Online Money Earning

Yes, you can earn money online without any investment or without anytime limit. I have many useful easy methods for earning easy money while we all spend our useful time on the Internet by surfing, chatting, downloading and other work. There is no need to stop any other work. We can earn with or without our daily routine. Here I tell you the complete method for online earning.

First Method

Earn money with“Bux. to”. You can earn money through “Bux.to” by clicking on ads on“Bux. To” site. First you need to open an account at“Bux. To”.

“Bux. To” is a new international and free English based service that allows advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their ads on our“Surf Ads”page. An exact calculated percentage of all advertising income is paid to our members. “Bux. to” makes money through advertising.

How you make money

You view websites in 30 seconds through the “Surf Ads” page. Once the 30 seconds is up, you’ll either get a green tick(对号) sign or a red “x”. The green tick sign means you’ve earned $0.01and the “x” means you have not earned money for the visit. You’ll get red “x”s when you have more than one website from the “Surf Ads” page open. When this happens, you get no credit.

Earnings example

You click 10 ads per day =$0.10

20 referrals(转送) click 10 ads per day =$2.00

Your daily earnings =$2.10

Your weekly earnings =$14.70

Your monthly earnings =$63.00

How to get paid

If you have at least $10.00 accumulated, you can click on your account balance within your states area and it will meet your request. At present, it only makes payments through “AlertPay”. It will soon be using other methods of payment.

AlertPay is the payment processing solution that we use to pay members. Your AlertPay address is the e-mail address you use to register with AlertPay. You can get a free AlertPay account at http:// alertpay. com.

Method 2 will publish soon…

1. What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage?

A. To tell an interesting story.

B. To introduce a surprising way to earn money.

C. To solve a puzzling problem.

D. To present an exciting research.

2. You can earn money by ________.

A. chatting online

B. advertising some products

C. clicking on advertisements

D. choosing green ticks or “x”s

3. The underlined word “accumulated” can be replaced by “________”.

A. wasted. B. spent.

C. lost. D. gathered.







1. 主旨题。根据Online Money Earning可知作者写这篇文章的目的是介绍了一种令人吃惊的挣钱方法。

2. C 细节题:根据You can earn money through “Bux.to” by clicking on ads on“Bux. To” site.可知选C。

3. D 猜词题:根据If you have at least $10.00 accumulated, you can click on your account balance within your states area and it will meet your request. At present, it only makes payments through “AlertPay”. It will soon be using other methods of payment.可猜出“accumulated”的意思是收集。



There are quite a few advantages of wearing school uniforms.The idea may seem disagreeable at first,but considering all the positive effects coming from wearing uniforms you would be more likely to enjoy them.

Teachers love school uniforms because it helps provide an orderly learning environment.Having students dressed in uniforms may teach them how to present themselves in a neat and professional manner.It gives students the opportunity to learn how to dress like young ladies and gentleman.And they can focus their attention on academics rather than style.

Purchasing(购买) school uniforms is easy and needs less hesitation and consideration.No matter what the school's policy is,there are only specific essential(基本的) pieces to the wardrobe(服装) that are necessary,so it won’t break the bank.A few wardrobe items can last a long time.Parents could also enjoy an easy morning,as it will take less time to choose a set of clothes for the school day.

Students wearing uniforms will feel less pressure about what to wear or not to wear when their classmates are dressed similarly.Getting dressed before school becomes less of a chore(琐事) when students are limited in their choices,so there shouldn’t be any trouble about choosing an outfit the day and getting ready quickly.Some students may not like the lack of individuality(个性) with a uniform,but some school dress code policies may offer them the opportunities to show their unique styles.

Uniforms today are also becoming trendier and can be seen in many areas of pop culture.Celebrities(名人)and fashion designers are using uniforms as inspiration for new looks which also appeal to students.

1.What would be the best title for the text?

A.How to dress properly.

B.The history of school uniforms.

C.The advantages of school uniforms.

D.How to deal with pressure in school.

2.Teachers think that wearing school uniforms __________.

A.is just a tradition that students should follow

B.makes students feel less pressure in study

C.helps students put more effort into their studies

D.makes students lose their independence and identity

3.The underlined part “it won't break the bank” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_______”.

A.a school uniform doesn’t cost a lot of money

B.a school uniform should be worn every day

C.parents will have to go to the bank many times

D.parents who work in a bank can afford the uniform

4.We can infer from the text that school uniform __________.

A.are not popular with fashion designers

B.were not accepted by parents in the past

C.will be designed by students themselves

D.will be more fashionable in the future


Lunch hour is crazy at SAME Cafe, the 40-seat restaurant my husband and I run in Denver.

A woman in a(n)_ suit stepped in. "Hi, Libby." she said.Wow, what a ! The first time she came to the cafe two years ago, she had no money to pay. many customers, she volunteered to wash dishes and .' Look at her now: confident and hopeful.Wasn't this what we'd hoped for?

In 2003, we'd this crazy dream: start a restaurant with a donation box instead of a cash register(收款台). Right away we hit hurdles(阻碍). "There is no such thing as a lunch," one potential landlord (房东) sniffed. I met brokers, bankers and suppliers, only to watch them , shaking their heads. No bank would lend us the money to open a restaurant with no .The only fund we could get was our individual retirement account. we rented space from a landlord on Colfax Street.We put flyers(传单) around the neighborhood, asked friends to the word, and held our breath.

Word traveled fast, stories in the papers and on TV. Soon we had more than 50customers a day.A few ate without paying or an hour of work.But most gave what they could, it was just a doilar.Those with money gave, and then more.One of our customers left a for 500 dollars.Another bought 1000 dollars in gift certificates. another donated a truck so we could transport from suppliers.

People came here partly for what our cafe —SAME: So A11 May Eat, We treat everyone with .We hoped to develop a sense of community- so that we might one another.The woman in business suit was one of them.Our to open the cafe was worth it,

1.A. dinnerB. eveningC. businessD. summer

2.A. changeB. beautyC. foolD. coincidence

3.A. WithB. LikeC. BesidesD. Towards

4.A. waitB. singC. performD. sweep

5.A. livedB. hatchedC. ignoredD. achieved

6.A. packedB. deliciousC. freeD. delivered

7.A. crowd togetherB. flood inC. walk awayD. turn up

8.A. staff supportB. regular customersC. lunch boxesD. cash register

9.A. UnfortunatelyB. FinallyC. InterestinglyD. Illegally

10.A. analyzeB. readC. spreadD. approve

11.A. thanks toB. apart fromC. ahead ofD. according to

12.A. regrettingB. gainingC.donatingD. balancing

13.A. only whenB. and foreverC.so thatD. even if

14.A. rewardB. checkC. billD. list

15.A. StillB. InsteadC. OtherwiseD. Thus

16.A. lunchB. customersC. dishesD. produce

17.A. stood forB. applied forC. benefited fromD. depended on

18.A. patienceB. generosityC. confidenceD. dignity

19.A. protectB. trustC. helpD. treasure

20.A. dreamB. struggleC. managementD. style


Submitting Assignment Online

In order to upload an assignment (work given to students) to the system properly, you must save the assignment using one of the following applications: Microsoft Word, Corel WordPerfect, or Microsoft Excel.

After you complete an assignment, it is important to save your work. This ensures that assignment being uploaded to the system is the most updated version. Your word processing program may attempt to save the assignment to a folder on your computer. We recommend creating a new folder, named after your course, in a location that is easy to remember, such as “My Documents.”

File Name Requirements

Select a file name for the assignment that is easy to remember. The file name must NOT contain spaces. Any spaces used in the file name will prevent the file from uploading to the system. File names using the extensions .rtf, .html, .zip, .jpg, or .exe are NOT allowed.

Assignment Upload Procedure

Make sure you save the assignment using one of the applications previously identified and ensure that it meets the file name requirements described above. When the file is ready to upload, follow these steps:

1. Sign in the system.

2. Enter your address information and click the CONTINUE button. You will be routed to the “Directions” screen.

3. Review the directions and click the CONTINUE button. You will be routed to the “Special Assignment Upload” screen.

4. Click the SEARCH button. The “Choose File” pop-up window appears.

5. Find the location on your computer where you saved your assignment, and select the file.

After you have selected the file, click the UPLOAD button to upload your assignment to the system. Assignment Submission Dates

Assignments must be submitted by midnight on the specified due date. Submit your assignment on time so that it reaches the system on or before the due date. No late assignments will be accepted or marked. Assignments delivered after the due date will not be assessed and will be failed. Please manage your time carefully as family and work demands will not be accepted as excuses for late or non-submissions. Tutors and administrators do not have the authority to grant extensions.


1.Which of the following file names is acceptable for submitting assignment?

A. research paper.doc B. research paper.pdf

C. researchpaper.doc D. researchpaper.rtf

2.Students are advised to save an assignment to a specific folder in order to _____.

A. sign in the system

B. remember where the document is

C. choose the appropriate application

D. remember the document name quickly

3. If you summit your assignment late, you _____.

A. can have a second chance

B. should ask a tutor for help

C. may apply for an extension

D. will get a fail for the work


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