
18.Diet and way of life are often a problem for teenagers.However,if you eat the right food and exercise(61)regularly(regular),you can feel better,look better and have more energy.So healthy eating along (62)with regular exercise is properly the only way to become fit.
As a teenager,it is important to give your body the energy (63)it needs.For a healthy diet,you should eat mostly rice,bread,vegetables and fruit.You also need to drink a lot of water---six to eight glasses a day.(64)Drinking(drink) enough water will improve your skin and give you (65)healthy(health) hair.
Exercise is something (66)that can help to make you look good,feel good and be healthy.Teenagers should spend at least 30minutes exercising,five times a week.Walking and riding your bike count,and so do school sports.When you exercise,your body produces some(67)chemicals(chemical) that make you feel peaceful and (68)relaxed(relax) and increase your ability to concentrate when you study.These chemicals can even help you sleep better at night.A good amount of sleep every night (69)is(be) also important for your health.Teenagers need eight to ten hours of sleep each night.
If you follow the suggestions above,you will look and feel much(70)better(good) in no time at all.

分析 作者在本文告诉我们健康的饮食和适当的锻炼对人,尤其是青少年是非常有益的.

解答 61.regularly;考查副词,这里用副词作状语修饰动词 exercise.  
62.with;考查介词,along with  是固定短语,意为"同…一起,连同".
63.it;考查代词,此处的代词指代 your body,故用代词it.
69.is;考查主谓一致,A good amount of 作主语时谓语动词用单数形式. 

点评 首先要通读全文,了解大意,抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,仔细分析带空格的句子,明确空格所要填的词义,词型和短语搭配给出所要填的正确形式,然后整体阅读短文,核对答案

8.Sally Donovan is cooking when a paper plane flies across the kitchen and lands at her feet.She picks it up,unfolds it and finds a child's sketch (素描) of a tear-stained face with a speech bubble saying:"I'm sorry I was naughty-I'm a bad person."
   Sally,42,draws a big smiley face on the back of the paper with"I love you,Rose,and we're always going to look after you."Then she folds it up and launches the plane back into the living room where her nine-year-old daughter is watching TV with brother Jamie,13 and dad Rod,40.
Jamie often makes pictures for his parents too-like the one showing a swift river with them on one side and him trapped on the other side.
It's one of the many unusual ways that Sally and Rob have learned to communicate emotionally with their abused children in an astonishing eight-year journey of hope,healing and love.
Jamie was just four and half-sister Rose one when they were adopted by the Donovans in 2005.The youngsters had been taken from their natural mother and placed in foster care after a series of cruelty and neglect.They were left alone,hungry,and witnessed home violence on a regular basis.
Sally and Rob spent three years trying for a baby before deciding to adopt,and were well aware of the youngsters'poor background.But they were still unprepared for raising a child permanently scared by abuse or the lack of support on offer.
But now Sally has written a brilliant and heart-touching account of their family struggle in a book called"No Matter What".Sally said:"These kids come to you with a story that what happened to them was their fault-because they are bad and unlovable.To show them they are loveable and none of it was their fault takes a lot of time.They both still say"I'm bad".Jamie is less stuck on it now but whenever life deals him a knock,he will fall back into‘that happened because I am stupid,I'm rubbish,I'm bad'."
Sally's book is humorous,heart-touching and so wildly honest that academics,charity bosses,parents and adoptees are praising it as a major contribution to child welfare work.
21.Sally and Rob adopted the two children mainly becauseC.
A.they knew the children's background very well
B.they wanted to help the children out of trouble
C.they couldn't have children of their own
D.they couldn't bear the cruelty done to the children
22.Why did the two adopted children still say"I'm bad"?C
A.They know clearly they are not lovable enough.
B.They often put the situation in an embarrassment.
C.What they suffered rooted deep in their minds.
D.They are honest of what they have done.
23.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?B
A.Rose was a baby when adopted by Sally and Rob.
B.Sally has written a book about how to adopt children.
C.Jamie still blames himself for whatever happens to him.
D.There is still a long way to go for helping the children out.
10.Everyone knows what a needle(针) is.Of course there are needles and needles.Needles for sewing machines,needles for injection,you name it.But few people think of the wonder a needle works in the hands of those who practice acupuncture(针刺疗法).
During the past ten years or so,I have been suffering from terrible headache.It seems to be getting from bad to these  days.Last night I got a sudden pain in my head.It was so terrible that I could hardly bear it.Although I swallowed all kinds of painkillers,I didn't feel any better.It seemed that there was nothing I could do but phone for a doctor.
One of our neighbours happened to be with us.He was not a doctor,but he timidly(胆怯地) offered his help,saying"Do you mind if I tried acupuncture on you?These needles may possibly do you some good."I agreed.In a moment,he had taken out a few needles from his purse.Without a moment's delay,he fixed a few needles into the skin on my head here and there.Before long,I felt thoroughly relieved(缓解疼痛).
Just then,the doctor sped through my house and said,"Where is our patient?"
"Sorry,doctor.You are too late.It's killed!"I answered in delight.
It's miracle,isn't it?

49.The underlined phrase"from bad to worse"in the second paragraph refers to the man'sC.
50.The sentences"You are too late.It's killed."mean thatB.
A.the pain was killed because the doctor came late
B.before the doctor came the man's headache was already cured
C.the man was killed because the doctor came too late
D.it was too late and the man had gone way
51.The passage tells us thatC.
A.everyone knows that acupuncture is a miracle
B.the neighbour wanted to use acupuncture on every patient
C.the effect of acupuncture on the man was unbelievable
D.the patient did not believe in acupuncture.
7.Slander is a man from space.He thinks the people and things on the earth are very strange.He is now writing a letter to his friend at home.Here is part of his letter.Read it and answer the questions.
Now I am in a strange world.It is very nice.There are many new things here.There are many earth monsters (地球怪物)here,too.The earth monsters look very funny.They have just one head,two arms and two legs.They have thin black strings (线状物)on their heads.Some earth monsters have brown or yellow strings.The earth monsters have a hole in their face.Every day,they put nice things and balls from the trees into the hole.They put water into the hole,too.The earth monsters do not walk very fast.They move from place to place in tin boxes.
At night,the earth monsters like to look at a square window box.This box has very small earth monsters in it.
13.Slander thinks man on the earth isA.
A.an earth monster    B.a monkey      C.a strange world     D.a tin box
14.The earth monsters don't putA into their holes.
A.fire  B.ballsC.nice things     D.water
15.The earth monster doesn't haveB.
A.heads,arms and legs    
B.a swing on its body
C.a hole on its face        
D.brown or yellow strings on its head.

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