If you’re in your 20s or even 30s, you might feel a lot of uncertainty all the time. You may be not sure what your life purpose is.1.This is normal.
We all want to have a certain life purpose. We all want to feel we’re on the right path. We all want to perfect our habits, our routines, or our productivity. We all want to feel more certain, and perfect in what we’re doing.
There is a struggle between the comfort of certainty and perfection and the fear of uncertainty and being suboptimal(不最理想的).
Let me let you in on a secret: no one is free from this struggle. Look at the most successful people you can think of —Bill Gates, Obama, Taylor Swift. 2.Do you think they have certainty and a feeling of reaching perfection? Not a chance. There is not one of us alive, not me or anyone else, who ever feels certainty about their purpose or path. If they do, they’re fooling themselves. 3.
No one ever feels they’ve found the perfect productivity routine, the perfect version of themselves. 4.
We all feel uncertainty, all day, and we all struggle with it. Some people have grown more comfortable with it than others, but in general no one likes uncertainty.
5.That’s perfectly OK, perfectly normal. Don’t run from it. Instead, stay with this uncomfortable, unappealing uncertainty. It’s here in you, a part of this moment, a part of you but not the whole of you.
A.Because it doesn’t exist.
B.Do you think they have it all figured out?
C.This uncertainty you’re feeling is unpleasant.
D.But if they’re honest, they don’t feel that certainty.
E.See if you can tell what you’re being uncertain about.
F.So focus on what you actually have right in front of you.
G.You may be uncertain about what path you should take in life.