

1.Days and nights z___________ by and everything changed before my eyes.

2. After a hard day of work, the man arrived home and his face looked tired and w________. 

3. Firefighters could use RealCine to train safely, without the risk of getting i_________.

4.In defeat, the Kangaroos found something more ____________(珍贵的)than victory.

5.It was said that he had been __________(允许)into Nanjing University.

6. Single women were allowed to take part in their own c___________ at a separate festival.

7.I have been invited to your school to talk to you about the s____________ of the Olympic games.

8. When the woman could not completed her long distance phone call, she called one of the _____________(操作人员)for help.

9. The woman ___________(起诉)of stealing in a grocery proved innocent at last. 

10. He became captain of the Brazilian football team and scored the w_________ goal.





2. worn 

3. injured 


5. admitted

6.. competition 


8.. operators 

9. accused 

10. winning 


【解析】 略



What kind of person becomes an addict? Someone  21  , with a lot of friends; or someone who is  22 from the rest, with only a few friends, or none at all? The 23 I am trying to make is that anyone can become an addict.
The only way that I  24  this out was by becoming an addict myself. I used to be a guy who was  25  in the popular crowd. Right before high school began, I started being  26  by most of my friends. I had never lived with the  27  that I had no friends, so I did almost anything to  28  the two good friends I still had. One of the things I did was  29  drugs for the first time. This was a big  30  from the way I lived when I was younger. I was a(n) 31 , and the last thing I thought I would get into was drugs. Drugs  32 me from being the best sports player I could be.
I  33  to smoke drugs after I entered high school because that was what my new "cool" friends were  34 . The next three years were filled with many  35 , I was arrested twice, and lost my license for two years. This made me sad and  36 .
I realized I could not live this way; I must stop the  37  of using drugs.
Since then, my  38  and actions have changed and so has my direction in life. I do see a future in water skiing.   39, I haven’t killed my chance in  40 . I know that I must keep a clear head first. Keep Coming Back. It works if you work it.

A.interestingB.anxiousC.popular D.eager
A.known B.attractedC.preferredD.rejected


A.collect B.buyC.tryD.check

A.preventedB.protected C.discouragedD.sheltered
A.decided B.intended C.continuedD.pretended
【小题14】A.at     B.into     C.on  D from
A.highs and lowsB.pros and cons
C.causes and effectsD.days and nights
A.lonelyB.afraidC.confused D.depressed
A. athleticsB.actingC.academicsD.promotion


    A poor young man lost his job and had no one to help him. Helpless, homeless and hopeless, he decided to commit suicide. He   36   all the coins he had with him and bought a ripe banana wrapped in an old newspaper. He opened the packet and started to eat his last food   37   an old beggar approached him. With trembling lips, the beggar told him that he hadn’t had anything to eat for several days and was too weak to walk. The young man felt   38  . So he didn’t eat the banana.   39  , he gave the banana to the beggar. The beggar ate it with great joy and   40__   him. While leaving, the beggar gave him a very old coin, saying, “Thank you very much. You gave me everything you had. Kindly accept this coin as my gift   41   your kindness.”

After the old man left, he   42   glanced at the piece of paper used to wrap the fruit. There he saw a(n)  43   from an agency dealing with old coins. Anyone   44   old coins was invited to visit the agency and receive suitable price for their old coins on the spot. Out of simple   45  , he carried the coin to the agency after   46   it by phone. He showed the coin gifted by the beggar. The person who   47   the agency stared at it and told him in excitement, “What a   __48   ! It is very   49   and several centuries old. It is worth a(n)   50   !” Jumping with joy on receiving the   51   amount of money, he searched everywhere to find the old man who gifted him the coin. He wanted to   52   his joy and the money with the beggar. But he could not find him anywhere. Since then, he started a new life with renewed   53   and enthusiasm about the future.

Kindness will be   54  . It always comes back! As William Wordsworth wrote,“ The best part of a good life is the little, nameless, unremembered acts of   55   and love.”

1.A. collect         B. spread         C. spotted        D. donated

2.A. while         B. when               C. before          D. until

3.A. worried              B. nervous          C. pity      D. guilty

4.A. Still            B. Thus                 C. Besides        D. Instead

5.A. scolded              B. admired          C. respected             D. thanked

6.A. in search for     B. in terms of         C. in return for     D. in favor of

7.A. carelessly       B. purposely           C. Immediately     D. normally

8.A. suggestion       B. advertisement      C. appeal        D. requirement

9.A.possessing       B. seeing                 C. ordering      D. deserving

10.A. distrust        B. curiosity              C. wonder        D. hobby

11.A. replying       B. repeating             C. contacting             D. begging

12.A. charged           B. consisted                 C. attended      D. managed

13.A. shame              B. prize                C. surprise       D. pleasure

14.A. private         B. fresh         C. rare              D. casual

15.A. value                B. fortune           C. wealth          D. effort

16.A. unexpected     B. unlucky             C. unlimited              D. unnoticed

17.A. hide                  B. share               C. cover            D. spare

18.A. wisdom       B. chance         C. hope             D. luck

19.A.changed       B. damaged              C. lost   D. rewarded

20.A. courage          B. promise            C. memory       D. kindness


What kind of person becomes an addict? Someone  21  , with a lot of friends; or someone who is  22 from the rest, with only a few friends, or none at all? The 23 I am trying to make is that anyone can become an addict.

The only way that I  24  this out was by becoming an addict myself. I used to be a guy who was  25  in the popular crowd. Right before high school began, I started being  26  by most of my friends. I had never lived with the  27  that I had no friends, so I did almost anything to  28  the two good friends I still had. One of the things I did was  29  drugs for the first time. This was a big  30  from the way I lived when I was younger. I was a(n) 31 , and the last thing I thought I would get into was drugs. Drugs  32 me from being the best sports player I could be.

I  33  to smoke drugs after I entered high school because that was what my new "cool" friends were  34 . The next three years were filled with many  35 , I was arrested twice, and lost my license for two years. This made me sad and  36 .

I realized I could not live this way; I must stop the  37  of using drugs.

Since then, my  38  and actions have changed and so has my direction in life. I do see a future in water skiing.   39, I haven't killed my chance in  40 . I know that I must keep a clear head first. Keep Coming Back. It works if you work it.


1.A.interesting      B.anxious        C.popular          D.eager

2.A.free             B.safe           C.absent           D.different

3.A.point            B.sense          C.subject          D.promise 

4.A.brought          B.figured        C.held             D.kept

5.A.always           B.seldom         C.almost           D.already

6.A.known            B.attracted      C.preferred        D.rejected

7.A.doubt            B.hope           C.fear             D.danger

8.A.meet             B.keep           C.leave            D.move 

9.A.collect          B.buy            C.try              D.check 

10.A.chance          B.change         C.decision         D.advance

11.A.doctor          B.teenager       C.amateur          D.athlete

12.A.prevented       B.protected      C.discouraged      D.sheltered

13.A.decided         B.intended       C.continued        D.pretended

14.A.at              B.into           C.on               D from

15.A.highs and lows                    B.pros and cons

     C.causes and effects              D.days and nights

16.A.lonely          B.afraid         C.confused        D.depressed 

17.A.manner          B.habit          C.spread          D.approach

18.A.position        B.heart          C.attitude        D.speech 

19.A.Virtually       B.Hopefully      C.Similarly       D.Luckily

20.A.  athletics    B.acting       C.academics    D.promotion


     What kind of person becomes an addict?Someone_1_with a lot of friends; or someone who is_2_
from the rest, with only a few friends, or none at all.The_3_I am trying to make is that anyone can
become an addict. The only way that I_4_this out was by becoming an addict myself.I used to be a guy
who was_5_in the popular crowd.Right before high school began, I started being_6_by most of my friends.
     I had never lived with the_7_that I had no friends, so I did almost anything to_8_the two good friends
     I still had.One of the things I did was_9_drugs for the first time.This was a big 10   from the way I lived
when I was younger.I was a(n)  11  , and the last thing I thought I would get into was drugs.Drugs  12 
me from being the best sports player I could be. I  13   to smoke drugs after I entered high school
because that was what my new "cool"  friends were 14  .The next three years were filled with many  15  .
     I was arrested twice, and lost my license for two years.This made me sad and  16  . I realized I could
not live this way; I must stop the  17   of using drugs. Since then, my  18   and actions have changed and so
has my direction in life.I do see a future in water skiing.  19  , I haven't killed my chance in  20  . I know
that I must keep a clear head first.Keep coming back. It works if you work it.
(     )1. A. interesting      
(     )2. A. free          
(     )3. A. point            
(     )4. A. brought          
(     )5. A. always          
(     )6. A. known            
(     )7. A. doubt            
(     )8. A. meet          
(     )9. A. collect          
(     )10. A. chance          
(     )11. A. doctor          
(     )12. A. prevented      
(     )13. A. decided        
(     )14. A. at              
(     )15. A. highs and lows  
(     )16. A. lonely          
(     )17. A. manner          
(     )18. A. position        
(     )19. A. Virtually      
(     )20. A. athletics      
B. anxious      
B. safe          
B. sense        
B. figured      
B. seldom        
B. attracted    
B. hope          
B. keep          
B. buy          
B. change        
B. teenager      
B. protected    
B. intended      
B. into          
B. pros and cons
B. afraid        
B. habit        
B. heart        
B. Hopefully    
B. acting        
C. popular            
C. absent              
C. subject            
C. held                
C. almost              
C. preferred          
C. fear                
C. leave              
C. try                
C. decision            
C. amateur            
C. discouraged        
C. continued          
C. on                  
C. causes and effects  
C. confused            
C. spread              
C. attitude            
C. Similarly          
C. academics          
D . eager              
D. different          
D. promise            
D. kept                
D. already            
D. rejected            
D. danger              
D. move                
D. check              
D. advance            
D. athlete            
D. sheltered          
D. pretended          
D. from                
D. days and nights    
D. depressed          
D. practice            
D. speech              
D. Luc kily            
D. promotion          

I Passed My Drive Test!

I’d been 16 for six days and was already prepared to deal with failure.

    I remember that, when my mum    1    me that morning, her voice wasn’t as screaming as it usually was. She had been    2    for more than one hour getting everything ready, and I could feel she was   3    me at the same time.

    I stayed in bed for a few minutes. I was    4   to leave its warmth and    5   to face the suffering that I’d rather let myself forget for the past months. Finally, I dragged myself    6   .

    The first thing I thought of after getting up was to    7   . I went to the kitchen and prepared a breakfast that was fairly    8   , but was still too big for my appetite(食欲,胃口) that day. I kept telling myself that I    9    eat. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and this wasn’t a(n)    10    day. Besides maybe it would    11    me a little. But I doubted it. I left the kitchen because even the    12    made me feel sick.

    I finished getting ready and tried to settle down. It didn’t    13   , so I decided that my mum and I should go. We had    14    time, so I thought we could practise parking. I   15   , with the wheel hitting the pavement(人行道). After that, the little bit of confidence I had was    16   . I tried two more times, but did not improve much. Then we went towards the driving    17    site (地点).

    I waited twenty minutes---just enough time to make myself believe that I was going to fail. Then, finally, it was my    18   . I wasn’t sure of myself at all. I just wanted to get it over and make sure that I had to come back next Thursday.

    The first thing I had to do was parking, which I did quite well. The   19   that came with it hit me like a wave. The rest of the test went well and I passed it.

    The    20    of my mum made her face softer. I knew her worry was gone and she was happy for me.

1.A.cried                B.woke                C.told                D.shouted

2.A.up              B.over          C.out                D.in

3.A.smiling at              B.worrying about  C.looking at            D.talking with

4.A.sad             B.eager         C.unwilling           D.willing

5.A.convenience         B.friendship     C.quiet            D.comfort

6.A.out of bed           B.onto bed    C.into bed              D.in bed

7.A.eat                   B.rest         C.drink                D.work

8.A.large           B.small      C.delicious           D.good

9.A.might            B.could           C.should              D.hated

10.A.important          B.necessary        C.lucky                D.ordinary

11.A.calm                   B.hurt                     C.stop                    D.like

12.A.milk                    B.bread              C.smoke              D.smells

13.A.work              B.do                       C.calm                   D.use

14.A.little                  B.plenty of              C.no                      D.a little

15.A.cried                   B.succeeded            C.failed                  D.left

16.A.back                   B.gone                    C.there                   D.greater

17.A.start          B.office                  C.race                    D.test

18.A.try                      B.turn                     C.car                     D.chance

19.A.happiness            B.pride                    C.confidence          D.disappointment

20.A.tears               B.lines                 C.smiles                D.eyes

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