
Jungle country is not friendly to man, but it is possible to survive there. You must have the right equipment and you must know a few important things about woodcraft. Then your chances of staying alive are very good.

No one should go into the jungle without the right equipment. You need light weight clothing, a good knife, and a compass. Fishhooks and a line, a rifle, matches in a waterproof container and a poncho are necessary too. So is a mosquito net to protect the head.

In the jungle you can get hopeless lost within five minutes after leaving a known landmark. That is why you should always carry a compass. In open country, during the day, you can tell which way o go by studying the sun. At night the stars are sure guides o direction. But in most places the jungle rooftop is so thick that it is impossible to see the sun or the stars. Again and again you must check your position by the compass.

Keep alert. Watch the ground in front of you carefully. Stop and listen now and again. Avoid haste, and rest often. In a place that is hot and humid, the person who sets a fast pace will soon become tired. A steady, even pace is wisest in the long run.  

If you lose your way, don’t panic. Try to desire how long it has been since you were sure of your position. Mark the spot where you are with blazes on a tree. Put them on four sides of the tree, so that you will be able to see them from any direction. Then you can begin retracing your steps, knowing that you can always find the spot from which you started. Except in an emergency, never try to travel through the jungle at night.

Whenever possible, it is wise to follow streams and rivers that are going in your general direction. This may cause you many extra miles of travel. But in the end it will save time and energy. Nothing is more exhausting than hacking a trail cross-through umbrella jungle.

If a river is broad and deep and has no rapids, rafting is the best means of travel. Bamboo grows along the banks of many jungle streams. Since it is hollow and extremely strong, it makes a perfect raft.

Surviving in the jungle is a science. The jungle people have become perfect in this science, and you can too. Learn as much as you can about what to expect in the jungle. Make sure you have the right equipment. Then no part of the jungle will be able to “live off” it for a long time.

The author probably advises against traveling at night because ________.

one tends to move too slowly at night

some animals will attack you

emergencies occur most frequently at night

it is more difficult to check your position

Following streams and rivers will help you to ________.

avoid animal’s attacks

save many extra miles of travel

avoid crossing unbroken stretches of jungle

have a constant source of drinking water  

The word “blazes” in Paragraph 5 means _________.

A. marks where bark (树皮) is removed          B. light-colored spots

C.bursts of flame                            D. sides of knife







【小题3】猜测词义题。根据第五段的内容,blaze 在此涉及的是在树上留下印记以确认方向,避免迷路,只有A项与该段中blaze 一词的意思相符。 Blaze 作名词时一词多义,A、B、C均是blaze 的意思,但与文章意思不符。



  When I was about 11, I inherited(继承)my older brother's paper route. It was a good job, though it meant waking up at the crack of dawn and hopping on my bike in Rockford, to deliver papers.

  Punctuality was critical. People expected the paper on their front porch by 6 a. m. .If I ran late, they would be standing in their doorways and I would definitely hear about it. On the other hand, doing the job professionally often resulted in much appreciated tips.

  Ever since, I have tried to do as professional a job as possible-whether it be bagging groceries, painting houses or tarring(用柏油覆盖) roofs. Acting is not different. I believe if you work hard and behave like a pro, it will pay off, and you will be offered more and better roles.

  This means giving your all. If a scene requires another character to react to my jumping into the water, I will jump in as many times as it takes to help him and the director get the shot. Several years ago, while filming a movie in the mountains of Brazil, my fellow actors and I all pitched in to help the crew move heavy equipment through rugged jungle.

  Acting is a job like any other, and you can't let it go to your head. The things that made a difference delivering papers-being thorough, punctual, doing your best-also count on the movie set. And I still have to wake up at the crack of dawn.

1.What does the underlined word “punctuality” in the second paragraph mean?

[  ]

B.On time.

2.From the sentence “Acting is no different. I believe if you work hard and behave like a pro,…”, we can infer________.

[  ]

A.acting is as different as other jobs

B.nothing is different but acting

C.the author worked hard in acting

D.acting is the same as other jobs

3.Which of the following statements is NOT correct according to the passage?

[  ]

A.Doing the job professionally often gets mote pay.

B.The author has done a lot of jobs, such as bagging.

C.Better work and behavior will result in better pay and better roles.

D.As an actor, he doesn't have to help others.

4.The author used the sentence “Acting is a job like any other, and you can't let it go to your head.” to mean ________.

[  ]

A.acting is a good job and you should not give up the position

B.acting is a common job like others and you should not be arrogant(骄傲自大的)

C.acting is just a job and you needn't be proud

D.acting is a good job and you should work hard anyway

5.Which of the following would be the best title?

[  ]

A.My First Job


C.How to Get a Good Job

D.My Attitude Toward Working



  Although earliest men had little difficulty in judging quantities by naming individual members or items of a group, they weren't, as such, able to count them and would be unable to make the connection between saying three leaves and three apples.

  Anthropologists (人类学家) say that counting methods were extremely basic, with words for “one” and “two”and then a word which just meant “many” (much the same as today we talk about “crowds” of people, “herds” of animals and “handfuls” of sweets.) As recently as 1972, a tribe of cave - dwellers in the Philippines couldn't answer the question “How many people are there in your tribe?”, although they could individually list all 24 members of their group. And one tribe who lives on the edge of the Amazon jungle, even today, has no system of numbers, simply a verb meaning “to be two alike”.

  Some languages still remain some difference between one, two and many, in what is grammatically known as the “dual form”. in Arabic for example “bait” means “house” and “baiten” means “two house”. Similar forms exist in the pronoun “you”, where there is a distinction (区别) between you singular, you two and you many.

  The earliest counting system, binary, was also based on this one two system. Hands and fingers were used to express both numbers and measurements, and the fact that we have ten fingers probably answers the development of the decimal system (十进制), though this doesn't explain the English and American aversion (厌恶) to such a system (one theory is that theyoriginally had 12 fingers!)

  The actual writing of numbers progresses from using notch (刻痕计数) through to symbols. The Arabic system of numbers is now the most widely used, with Roman numerals being for more specialized use.

1.What does the text mainly tell us?

[  ]

A.The origin of counting.

B.The way of counting.

C.The development of counting.

D.The counting and measurement.

2.From the text we know that until now some tribes have been unable to ________.

[  ]

A.judge quantities by naming individual members

B.know how to count in numbers

C.tell their members from those in the other tribes

D.answer the easy questions about leaves and apples

3.The two examples given in the text to show what is grammatically known as the “dual form” are ________.

[  ]

A.English and Arabic
B.house and pronoun
C.similar forms
D.baiten and singular

4.The earliest way to count numbers is to use ________.

[  ]

A.hands and fingers
B.Arabic system.
C.Roman numerals

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