¡¡¡¡I live in a distant village in the mountains£¬there people like raising dogs£®I have an adult dog and he was big in size£®Last week£¬the relative sent me two little dogs£®They were unable to walk well£¬even fall to the ground now and then£®They moved like two fur balls£¬funny and lovely£®
¡¡¡¡However£¬I feared that if the adult dog might dislike them and even attack them£®So I kept the two little one in a box£®One day£¬I was astonishing to see the adult dog lying in the box£®Under them comfortably lay the two little dogs!Now the three dogs get along well one another and live happy together£®
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½â´ð I live in a distant village in the mountains£¬there people like raising dogs£®I have an adult dog and he was big in size£®Last week£¬the relative sent me two little dogs£®They were unable to walk well£¬even fall to the ground now and then£®They moved like two fur balls£¬funny and lovely£®
¡¡¡¡However£¬I feared that if the adult dog might dislike them and even attack them£®So I kept the two little one in a box£®One day£¬I was astonishing to see the adult dog lying in the box£®Under them comfortably lay the two little dogs!Now the three dogs get along well¡Äone another and live happy together£®
8£®them¸ÄΪit£»¿¼²é´ú´Ê£¬´Ë´¦´ú´ÊÖ¸´úÉÏÒ»¾äµÄthe adult dog£¬¹ÊÓõ¥ÊýÐÎʽit£®
9£®wellºóÃæ¼Ówith£»¿¼²é½é´Ê£¬get along well with sbÊǹ̶¨¶ÌÓÒâΪ"ÓëijÈËÏà´¦µÃºÜºÃ"£®
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A£® | might choose | B£® | might have chosen | ||
C£® | should have chosen | D£® | could choose |
A£® | looking into | B£® | looking up | C£® | looking out | D£® | looking for |
At a gathering£¬we were all telling stories of our most embarrassing moments£®It came around to Frank£®
Frank began to tell us of his childhood£®"I £¨41£©Bin San Pedro£®My Dad was a fisherman£¬and he
loved the sea£®He had his own boat£¬but it was£¨42£©A making a living on the sea£®He worked hard and would stay out until he caught enough to £¨43£©C the family£®"
He looked at us and said£¬"I £¨44£©D you could have met my Dad£®He was a big man£¬and he was strong from pulling the nets and fighting the seas for the £¨45£©A£®When you got close to him£¬he £¨46£©Clike the ocean£®He would wear his old coat and his overalls£®No matter how much my mother£¨47£©Bthem£¬they would still smell of the sea and of fish£®"
Frank's voice dropped a bit£®"When the weather was bad he would £¨48£©A me to school£®He had this old truck that was older than he was£¨49£©D he would drive toward the school£¬I would shrink down into the seat hoping to disappear£®He would£¨50£©Cright in front of the school gate£¬and it seemed like everybody £¨51£©Bbe standing around and watching£®Then he would £¨52£©A over and give me a big kiss on the cheek and tell me to be a good boy£®It was so £¨53£©C for me£®I was twelve years old£¬and my Dad would lean over and kiss me goodbye!"
He£¨54£©Band then went on£¬"I remember the day when I said'No'"
It was the first time I had ever talked to him that£¨55£©D£¬and he had this surprised look on his face£®I said£¬'Dad£¬I'm too£¨56£©A for a goodbye kiss£®'
My Dad looked at me for the longest time£¬and his eyes started to tear up£®I had never seen him£¨57£©C£®
He turned and looked out the windshield£¨µ²·ç²£Á§£©£®'You're right£¬'he said£®'You are a big boy¡a man£®I won't kiss you anymore£®'"
Frank got a sad look on his face£¬and the tears began to £¨58£©C in his eyes£¬as he spoke£®"It wasn't long after that when my Dad went to sea and never came back£®"
Tears were running down Frank's cheeks£®He spoke again£®"Guys£¬you don't know what I would£¨59£©Bto have my Dad give me just one more kiss on the cheek¡to feel his rough old face¡to smell the ocean on him¡to feel his arm around my neck£®I wish I had been a man then£®If I had been a£¨60£©D£¬I would never have told my Dad I was too old for a goodbye kiss£®"
41£®A£®kept up | B£®grew up | C£®came up | D£®started up |
42£®A£®hard | B£®absurd | C£®easy | D£®necessary |
43£®A£®remove | B£®reach | C£®feed | D£®urge |
44£®A£®prefer | B£®request | C£®suggest | D£®wish |
45£®A£®fish | B£®favorite | C£®benefit | D£®glory |
46£®A£®sounded | B£®looked | C£®smelled | D£®felt |
47£®A£®processed | B£®washed | C£®handled | D£®managed |
48£®A£®drive | B£®limit | C£®adapt | D£®devote |
49£®A£®Before | B£®After | C£®Since | D£®As |
50£®A£®back up | B£®pick up | C£®pull up | D£®speed up |
51£®A£®could | B£®Would | C£®Should | D£®might |
52£®A£®lean | B£®hold | C£®run | D£®watch |
53£®A£®frightening | B£®challenging | C£®embarrassing | D£®entertaining |
54£®A£®recovered | B£®paused | C£®requested | D£®admitted |
55£®A£®day | B£®time | C£®aspect | D£®way |
56£®A£®old | B£®delighted | C£®anxious | D£®proud |
57£®A£®sigh | B£®shout | C£®cry | D£®yell |
58£®A£®break down | B£®hold back | C£®well up | D£®start off |
59£®A£®demand | B£®give | C£®rush | D£®infer |
60£®A£®boy | B£®seaman | C£®backbone | D£®man |
A£® | sense | B£® | room | C£® | choice | D£® | effort |
I'm sorry to tell you that we ______ it when we found how much it _____£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | have abandoned£¬costs | B£® | abandoned£¬cost | ||
C£® | had abandoned£¬cost | D£® | abandoned£¬would cost |