
_________ native plants, this garden contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas.Which of the following is not right?

  1. A.
    As well as
  2. B.
  3. C.
    In addition to
  4. D.
    Except for
as well as置于句首时,可表示“除……之外”,这时与介词in addition to和besides同义,而except for表示排除关系。


  Caloundra, a city in Queensland, Australia gives away, on average, 7000 trees per year to its residents(居民).The local council’s Free Tree Program, which has been running for the past 16 years, allows residents to have two free native trees per year for free.Nursery Manager Phil Rolton, who has worked at the council’s nursery for the past 23 years, has given away thousands of those trees.“We give most of the trees away at the free tree days organized throughout the city.However, residents can also come into the nursery at certain times to collect their trees,”Phil said.“All the trees we give away are natives.I speak with people about and try to make sure they always get plants that are native to their area.When residents receive their free trees, we also give them a native plant book which covers information on how to care for the plants.”

  As well as supplying plants for the free tree days, the nursery also grow trees to be used for beach protection, environmental projects and for parks and gardens.“Trees that are hard for us to find or expensive to grow, we grow here at the nursery.We also grow a lot of endangered species(种类)to improve our environment,”Phil said.


Why do you think the city gives away trees for free?

[  ]


Because there are more than enough trees in the city.


So that the area will be covered by more trees.


Because the residents are too poor to pay for the trees.


So that more land can be cleared for buildings.


The underlined word“nursery”here is a place where ________.

[  ]


babies are taken care of


old trees are protected


young trees are grown for planting somewhere else


all kinds of trees are on display


What kind of trees can the residents have for free?

[  ]


Those that are hard to find.


Those that are expensive to grow.


Endangered species.


Those that can grow well where they live.


What can we infer from the passage?

[  ]


The nursery receives money from the government.


The nursery makes a lot of money every year.


The Free Tree Program won’t last long.


Very few residents get free trees from the nursery.



In this unlikely place, researchers are putting the seeds from flowering plants and trees in a sleeplike state. Many years from now, other workers will wake the sleeping seeds up to plant them     

1  they are most needed. These seeds are  2  the legendary Rip Van Winkle, who fell asleep under a tree and woke up 20 years later.

    The small farm, called the Greenbelt Native Plant Center, is part of a global effort to save  3 (threaten) plants and trees. Around the world, native plants are being crowded out by invasion newcomers. Native plants have less room to grow now   4   a result of the growth and spread of cities. And global warming is making some places hotter, drier, or different from  5   native plants are used to.

Experts used to think  6  possible to protect big-city plants such as American bittersweet because growth space is limited in urban environments. Crowding increases competition between natives and invaders, and the latter often win the battle.

7  , scientists have found ways  8  fighting back. So far, workers at the Greenbelt Native Plant center   9   (gather) seeds from about 300 of those plants and put them in a sleeplike state. When  10  (plant) in the future ,these seeds could help restore damaged parkland and forests.


       In this unlikely place, researchers are putting the seeds from flowering plants and trees in a sleeplike state.Many years from now, other workers will wake the sleeping seeds up to plant them

       1  they are most needed.These seeds are  2  the legendary Rip Van Winkle, who fell asleep under a tree and woke up 20 years later.

       The small farm, called the Greenbelt Native Plant Center, is part of a global effort to save  3 threaten) plants and trees.Around the world, native plants are being crowded out by invasion newcomers.Native plants have less room to grow now   4   a result of the growth and spread of cities.And global warming is making some places hotter, drier, or different from  5   native plants are used to.

       Experts used to think  6  possible to protect big-city plants such as American bittersweet because growth space is limited in urban environments.Crowding increases competition between natives and invaders, and the latter often win the battle.

       7  , scientists have found ways  8  fighting back.So far, workers at the Greenbelt Native Plant center   9   (gather) seeds from about 300 of those plants and put them in a sleeplike state.When  10  (plant) in the future ,these seeds could help restore damaged parkland and forests.



       In this unlikely place, researchers are putting the seeds from flowering plants and trees in a sleeplike state.Many years from now, other workers will wake the sleeping seeds up to plant them

1.they are most needed.These seeds are  2.the legendary Rip Van Winkle, who fell asleep under a tree and woke up 20 years later.

       The small farm, called the Greenbelt Native Plant Center, is part of a global effort to save  3.threaten) plants and trees.Around the world, native plants are being crowded out by invasion newcomers.Native plants have less room to grow now   4.a result of the growth and spread of cities.And global warming is making some places hotter, drier, or different from  5.native plants are used to.

       Experts used to think  6.possible to protect big-city plants such as American bittersweet because growth space is limited in urban environments.Crowding increases competition between natives and invaders, and the latter often win the battle.

7., scientists have found ways  8.fighting back.So far, workers at the Greenbelt Native Plant center   9.(gather) seeds from about 300 of those plants and put them in a sleeplike state.When  10.(plant) in the future ,these seeds could help restore damaged parkland and forests.


     Superman had it right if you want to keep something safe, build a mountain fortress (堡垒) above the
Arctic Circle. That's the thinking-more or less-behind the Svalbard Global Seed Vault (地窖). Almost every
nation keeps collections of native seeds so local crops can be replanted in case of an agricultural disaster.
The Global Seed Vault, opened on the far-northern Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, is a backup for the
backups. It's badly needed-as many as half the seed banks in developing countries are at risk from natural
disasters. The vault can hold up to 4.5 million samples, which will be kept dry at about -18℃. Even if the
facility (设施) loses power, the Arctic climate should keep the seeds alive for thousands of years.
     On an unusual old farm in New York City, workers are also storing away the seeds of the future. In this
unlikely place, researchers are putting the seeds from flowering plants and trees in a sleeplike state called
suspended animation (假死状态). Many years from now, other workers will wake up the sleeping seeds and
plant them where they're most needed. These seeds are like the legendary (传说中的) Rip van Winkle, who
fell asleep under a tree and woke up 20 years later. The small farm, called the Greenbelt Native Plant Center,
is part of a global effort to save threatened (受到威胁的) plants and trees. The most important step is to
collect seeds at exactly the right time-when they are just about ready to fall from the plant. The seeds are
being kept in storage at the Greenbelt Center. When planted in the future, these seeds could help restore
damaged parklands and forests.
1. Why is the Global Seed Vault located in a far-northern Norwegian island?
A. Because it is a place to keep everything safe.
B. Because half the seed banks in developing countries are at risk.
C. Because the climate there is fit for keeping seeds for a long time.
D. Because it is the best place to fight against agricultural disasters.
2. The Greenbelt Native Plant Center in New York City is unusual because _____.
A. it is an old farm in a big city
B. it is the largest seed company in the world
C. it is set up to save the threatened plants and trees
D. it stores the seeds of most kinds of plants in New York City
3. To store the seeds well and last as long as possible, the most important thing is to _____.
A. collect seeds at the right time
B. store them at a constant temperature
C. dry them in specially designed rooms
D. make it enter a state of suspended animation
4. The passage is mainly about _____.
A. Global Seed Vault
B. saving seeds for the future
C. the challenges of collecting seeds for storage
D. the efforts made by Greenbelt Center to save plants

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