
 Demands for stronger protection for wildlife in Britain sometimes hide the fact that similar needs are felt in the rest of Europe. Studies by the Council of Europe, of which 21 countries are members, have shown that 45 per cent of reptile (爬行动物) species and 24 per cent of butterflies are in danger or dying out.

  European concern for wildlife was outlined by Dr Peter Baum, an expert in the environment and natural resources division of the council, when he spoke at a conference arranged by the administrators of a British national park. The park is one of the few areas in Europe to hold the council’s diploma for nature reserves of the highest quality, and Dr Baum had come to present it to the park once again. He was afraid that public opinion was turning against national parks, and that those set up in the 1960s and 1970s could not be set up today. But Dr Baum clearly remained a strong supporter of the view that natural environments needed to be allowed to survive in peace in their own right.

  “No area could be expected to survive both as a true nature reserve and as a tourist attraction,” he went on. The shortsighted view that reserves had to serve immediate human demands for outdoor recreation should be replaced by full acceptance of their importance as places to preserve nature for the future.

  “We forget that they are the guarantee (保证) of life systems, on which any built-up area depends,” Dr Baum went on. “We could manage without most industrial products, but we could not manage without nature. However, our natural environment areas, which are the original parts of our countryside, have become mere islands in a spoiled and highly polluted land.”

59. Recent studies by the Council of Europe have declared that ____ .

 A. wildlife needs more protection only in Britain

 B. all species of wildlife in Europe are in danger of dying out

 C. there are fewer species of reptiles and butterflies in Europe than elsewhere

 D. many species of reptiles and butterflies in Europe need protecting

60. Why did Dr Baum come to a British national park?

 A. Because he needed to present it with a council's diploma.

 B. Because he was concerned about its management.

 C. Because it was the only national park of its kind in Europe.

 D. Because it was the only park that had ever received a diploma from the council.

61. The last sentence in the second paragraph implies that ____ .

 A. people should make every effort to create more environment areas

 B. people would go on protecting national parks

 C. certain areas of the countryside should be left intact (完整的)

 D. people would defend the right to develop the areas around national parks

62.Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?

 A. We have developed industry at the expense of countryside.

 B. We have forgotten what our original countryside looked like.

 C. People living on islands should protect natural resources for their survival.

 D. We should destroy all the built-up areas.

59.D。60.A。61.C。62. A。


Passage B 本文主要是谈论环保专家Dr Baum提出整个欧洲都应该重视对野生动植物的保护,他通过一些事实让读者明白了保护野生动植物的重要性。

59.D。本题为细节考查题。从第一段最后一句“Studies by the Council of Europe, of which 21 countries are members, have shown that 45 percent of reptile species and 24 percent of butterflies are in danger or dying out.”可以得知有许多爬行类动物种类和蝴蝶都面临危险和灭绝,从而得出正确答案。

60.A。本题为细节考查题。由第二段第二句“...Dr Baum had come to present it to the park once again.”可知Dr Baum到这儿来是再次向该公园授予证书的。

61.C。本题为推理判断题。由该句话可以得知,Dr Baum坚持认为自然环境需要平静地存在,暗示出某些地区不应该被人类打扰。

62. A。本题为推理判断题。最后一段告诉读者没有自然界人类就无法生存,而现在美丽的乡村已经成为重度污染的工业区。at the expense of短语的意思是“在损坏某物的情况下”。



  Ashley and Chris work in the same department designing postcards.Chris had a college degree in art and deeply felt that the degree of his designs was excellent.Chris last postcard showed the depth of a desert’s beauty and delights.

  “It’s just a picture of the desert,” Ashley said.“Not deep at all”.

  “Some people desire seeing beauty,” Chris replied.“Mine delivers that”.

  Ashley laughed and said.“Well, that depends on what you think beauty is.”

  Days later, someone delivered a letter to Ashley.The letter said.“You are worthy of the bad things that will come your way.You will know the taste of defeat, and I will destroy you.”

  Ashley suddenly felt very cold.It was as if the room temperature had dropped 30 degrees.“Who would do such an awful deed?” she wondered.“I will not let a simple letter defeat me.”

  Just then, Chris came into the room and offered Ashley a piece of his sandwich.

  “Try some.” He smiled widely, “It’s delicious.”

  “Are you trying to poison me?” Ashley asked.Chris’s reaction was delayed from confusion.“What’s your problem?” he asked.

  The next day, Ashley brought a bat to use to defend herself.When Chris saw her bat, he joked.“Defend and win one for the team.”

  Ashley took no notice of him.She spent the whole day reading self-defending books and placed her work on delay.“You can’t delay your work.Our job demands us to do our work on time,” Chris said.“We must meet the demands of our job.”

  “You’re not the boss.” Ashley replied.“Don’t make demands of me.”

  Because Ashley failed to do her work, she was fired.

  Chris glanced at Ashley’s empty desk and smiled.


What kind of work did Chris and Ashley do?

[  ]










What did Ashley think of the last postcard designed by Chris?

[  ]


It’s totally a failure.


It didn’t show the real beauty of the desert.


Too bad but worthy of praise.


Excellent but not deep.


Which is the proper order of the events that happened in the story?

a.Ashley got a letter.

b.Chris felt happy in the end.

c.Chris designed a postcard.

d.Ashley showed her dislike for the postcard.

e.Ashley brought a bat to defend herself.

f.Ashley failed to meet the demands of her work.

[  ]


c, d, a, b, e, f


c, d, a, e, f, b


a, e, f, c, d, b


a, c, b, d, e, f


We may infer from this passage that ________.

[  ]


It may sometimes bring about bad luck to speak out one’s mind


Ashley really wanted to have Chris


It’s clear that Chris and Ashley were friendly to each other


Chris was not a good designer


  Many children first learn the value of money by receiving an allowance.  1  

  The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family.Timing is another consideration.  2   Others get a monthly allowance.

  In any case, parents should make clear what, if anything, the children is expected to pay for with the money.

    3   If they do this, they will learn the hard way that spending must be done within a budget.Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until the next allowance.

  The object is to show young people that a budget demands choices between spending and saving.Older children may be responsible enough to save money for larger costs, like clothing or electronics.

  Many people who have written on the subject of allowances say it is not a good idea to pay your child for work around the home.These jobs are a normal part of family life.

  Paying children to do extra work around the house, however, can be useful.  4  

  Allowances give children a chance to experience the three things they can do with money.  5   They can spend it by buying things they want.Or they can save it.

A.They can share it in the form of gifts or giving to a good cause.

B.The purpose is to let children learn from experience at an age when financial mistakes are not very costly.

C.They are not less likely to make mistakes.

D.Some children get a weekly allowance.

E.It can even provide an understanding of how a business works.

F.Their parents will teach them a hard lesson.

G.At first, young children may spend all of their allowance soon after they receive it.


  Holidays are often associated with no work and all play.People seek to enjoy their holidays in different ways.Vacation packages(一揽子交易)have been in existence for a long time.  1   So now people can choose from the different packages according to their own tastes.

  Sky diving, hiking and many other extreme sports are packaged with hotel tours to attract the younger generation.Tour service providers enjoy the benefits of the increase in bookings from hotel tours.Holiday-makers enjoy the exciting experiences without making efforts to look for hotels.  2  

    3   These holiday-makers enjoy student discount and packages while learning about history and culture of different places.

  Summer vacation packages have never fallen down the rankings.  4   Having a warm sunny day at the beach is one of the fast selling vacation packages in the leisure industry.

  Safari(游猎)adventures have always attracted some of the modern adventurers.The animals of Africa continue to amaze crowds that have only seen these creatures on educational channels.Many activities like outdoor camping, safari day tours and hiking in protected parks are always welcomed by holiday-makers.

    5   Alaways try something new or fun to do and your days of relaxation will be always exciting.

A.Picking out a vacation package can keep yourself from boring vacations.

B.Everyone is in a winning situation.

C.You can’t miss vacation packages if you want to have a good vacation.

D.Educational vacation packages are quite suitable for students.

E.They are one of the favorite choices for most holiday-makers who like sunny beaches.

F.They are continually being improved to meet people’s demands.

G.Vacation needs your plan.


  Time is the most valuable thing that mankind has.  1   Many people try to manage their time.They arrange information and tips in order to effectively do so.

    2   Time can be managed easily by finding out what is important and arranging these things in the order of importance.In this way you know your direction before making any plans and do not waste time and energy unnecessarily.

  Now comes the next question.  3   The answer is that you need to find out what steps you need to take to do and what you want to do.Then you know how much time to spend for each thing.These steps are like goals.

    4   Not having them is like walking blindly in a dark room, trying to find the door.

  Time management also demands a set schedule that works best for you.In this way you will be able to arrange your tasks based on their importance and finish them.In this way you will not waste your time in beating around the bush.

    5   There are lots of things that we need to do in a short time.Therefore, having good time management skills is at the top of the list of things we all need.

A.We all live in a fast paced world now.

B.Using every passing second effectively can benefit us.

C.Could you divide your time equally while doing your work?

D.How do you manage time and what type of information is needed to do so?

E.Setting goals is the most important part of time management.

F.Managing time is not that hard.

G.The aim of time management is to give us a feeling of satisfaction.


  You should make thorough plans before you do a camping trip.Just follow these simple camping guidelines to make your trip safe and rewarding.

  Selecting a suitable tent

    1  .When determining the size of your tent, you should take into account the number of campers as well as the camping equipment necessary for your trip.There should be enough room in the tent for the camping equipment.  2  .

  Importance of food

  While camping, you will need enough food to give you enough energy for your outdoor work.  3  .You should use a two burner stove to do all your cooking.Insist on simple cooking and use vegetables and ready-made food during your trip to reduce cooking time.


    4  .Nights are generally cooler than the days so you need to have enough warm clothes to feel comfortable enough to sleep during the night.When buying a sleeping bag, check that you feel comfortable in it.Extra air mattresses(气垫)may be included in your camping equipment to make your bed more comfortable.

    5  .Keep these camping guidelines in mind and make sure you are fully prepared to enjoy your camping trip.

A.All campers should have adequate sleep during the night.

B.Thus you must have an efficient arrangement(安排)for food preparation.

C.The best camping trips are had by those people who prepare the best.

D.Take healthy food with you to meet energy demands during your trip.

E.The comfort level in a tent determines(决定)the success of a camping trip.

F.The size is the most important thing you should carefully consider when choosing a tent.

G.It will destroy the mood of the entire camping trip if you don’t have a good sleeping bag.

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