
Computer voice: Welcome!
Joe: Welcome!
Computer voice: You've got mail!
Joe: Thanks. Who does it come l. f______?
Computer voice: A friend called Catherine.
Joe: Oh, Catherine? This is the 2.f______ time I've got her mail. Let me see.
Catherine's voice: Hi, dear friend, I'd like to start 3.m______ notes to you as if we're already in the 
                          middle of a 4.c______. I pretend that we are the 5.o ______ and dearest friends 
                          although we are 6.a______ people who don't know each other's names and meet
                          in a chat room 7.w______ we both claim we've never been before. What will you,
                          NY152, say to me today, I 8.w______?I turn on my computer, I wait impatiently
                          as it connects, I go online and my breath 9.c______ in my chest until I hear the
                          three little words:"You've got mail!" I hear nothing, not even a sound on the streets
                          of New York, just the beat of my own heart. I'm 10.e______ mail from you!
Joe: Hello, my new friend.
1. from  2. first  3. my  4. conversation  5. oldest
6. actually  7. where  8. wonder  9. catches  10. expecting
(A journalist talks to the Head Teacher of a new kind of school.)
Journalist: Hi! May I ask you some questions?
Head Teacher: Sure!
Journalist:        In what way is your school different from others?
Head Teacher: 1_____ A few children are physically disabled and some others have learning difficulties. We
                      have faster and slower learners.
Journalist:       And is yours the only school like this?
Head Teacher: 2_____ Disabled children were usually sent to special schools. They grew up in a different
Journalist:       3_____
Head Teacher: We realized disabled children had no knowledge of children in ordinary schools. The opposite
                      was also true. But all human beings should grow together.
Journalist:        Do the slower learners hold up the faster learners?
Head Teacher:  4_____ For some classes, they are separated. In other classes they work together.
Journalist:        5_____
Head Teacher: Well. The faster become skilled as teachers when helping the slower. Thus the faster learners 
                      also do a task more quickly and better.
Journalist:       Thank you! Head Teacher: You are welcome.
A. Our school is for all children.
B. Well, ours is the only school built for disabled children.
C. That's correct.
D. What made you decide to start this new school?
E. No.
F. How does that work?
G. Where do they have class?