
(2013·高考江西卷)Diane Ray was completely self?centred and very spoilt.Her parents gave her____she wantedknowing that she would throw a temper tantrum(耍小孩脾气)if they did not.She would scream and kick and____on the floor drumming her heels.Her parents always____.

That was why she was alone on the____wearing an expensive swimsuit.It had taken a massive tantrum to___her parents to buy it.They were back at the beach?house____from the tantrum she had thrown when they told her that it was too dangerous to go diving____.“Dangerous ”she had said.“You just don’t want me to have____.I’m going and if you try to stop meI’ll scream.”

“What are you doing ”a voice asked.Diane jumped.She did not know that the man was there____he spoke.

“I’m going diving”she answered.

“You shouldn’t swim today” the man____.“There is a storm coming up.”

“You should mind your own____”Diane replied and walked into the gentle waves.

“If you go out there you’ll be____”the man called after her.She did not bother to reply.

Diane slipped into the water and dived____until white caps began rolling in and it became harder to___against the current (水流)Saltwater hit against her facemaking it____to breathe.Ohwhy had she not listened to advice?

Panickingshe began to____.Thenjust as it seemed as if she would slip beneath the surfaceshe heard a____voice.“Hold on! I’m coming.”With____she saw the old man rowing an ancient?looking boat towards her.“I hope you’ve learned a lesson.You put us both in____”he shouted angrilyas he dragged her over the side of the____.GratefullyDiane thanked him and ran towards the beach?house.

1.A.either? Bneither

Cnothing? Deverything

2.A.jump? Blie

Cspin? Dsleep

3.A.set out? Bset in

Cgave in? Dgave out

4.A.beach? Bbed

Cfloor? Dship

5.A.allow? Bwarn

Cget? Dprefer

6.A.changing? Brecovering

Cappearing? Dtraveling

7.A.alone? Baway

Cagain? Daside

8.A.time? Bmoney

Cfood? Dfun

9.A.when? Buntil

Cafter? Donce

10.A.decided? Bintended

Cadvised? Drepeated

11.A.business? Bswimsuit

Cfriends? Dparents

12.A.angry? Bsorry

Cconfused? Dexcited

13.A.nervously? Bsadly

Cshyly? Dhappily

14.A.rise? Bswim

Cstop? Drow

15.A.difficult? Beasy

Ccomfortable? Dsuitable

16.A.speak? Bsing

Csniff? Dscream

17.A.calm? Bfrightening

Cbeautiful? Ddisgusting

18.A.regret? Brelief

Cinterest? Dease

19.A.power? Bsafety

Cdanger? Dthought

20.A.house? Bwave

Cbeach? Dboat


























3.3】解析:选C。设空所在句的句意为她的父母总是屈服。由前文可知她总是发脾气,因此她父母只好屈服。give in意为屈服,符合语境。




7.7】解析:选A。设空所在句的句意为“……独自去潜水太危险了。由本段第一句中“...why she was alone...”可知答案为A

8.8】解析:选D。设空所在句的句意为你们只是不想让我玩得高兴have fun意为玩得高兴,故选D


10.0】解析:选C。老人所说的你今天不应该游泳是建议,从倒数第二段最后一句话“Ohwhy had she not listened to advice也可得出正确答案。

11.1】解析:选A。由前文所讲的她的性格可知,她应该是说你少管闲事mind one’s own business意为少管闲事,符合语境。











(2013·高考江西卷,A)The light from the campfire brightened the darknessbut it could not prevent the damp cold of Dennis’s Swamp (沼泽地) creeping into their bones.It was a strange place.Martin and Tom wished that they had not accepted Jack’s dare.They liked campingbut not near this swamp.

“So”Martin asked as they sat watching the hot coals.“How did this place get its name? ”

“Are you sure you want to hear it ? It’s a scary story”warned Jack.

“Of course”cried out Tom.“If there were anything to be scared ofyou wouldn’t have chosen this place

“Okbut don’t say I didn’t warn you” said Jackand he began his tale.

“Way back in timea man called Dennis tried to start a farm here.He built that cottage over there to live in.In those daysthe area looked quite different—it was covered with tall trees and the swamp was a crystal?clear river.After three hard yearsDennis had cleared several fields and planted crops.He was so proud of his success that he refused to listen to advice.

“‘You are clearing too much land’warned one old man.‘The land is a living thing.It will hit back at you if you abuse it.’”

“‘Silly fool’said Dennis to himself.‘If I clear more landI can grow more crops.I’ll become wealthier.He’s just jealous’”

“Dennis continued to chop down trees.Small animals that relied on them for food and shelter were destroyed.He was so eager to expand his farm that he did not notice the river flowing slowly towards his door.He did not notice salt seeping to the surface of the land.He did not notice swamp plants choking all the native plants.”

“What happened”Martin asked.It was growing colder.He trembledtwisting his body closer to the fire.

“The land hit back—just as the old man warned”Jack shrugged.“Dennis disappeared.Old folks around here believe that swamp plants moved up from the river and dragged him underwater.His body was never found.”

“What a stupid story”laughed Tom.“Plants can’t...”Before he had finished speakinghe screamed and fainted(晕倒)The other two boys jumped up with frightstaring at Tom.Suddenlythey burst out laughing.Some green swamp ivy (常春藤) had covered Tom’s face.It was a while before Tom could appreciate the joke.

1.The underlined word “dare”in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to________.

Acourage Bassistance

Cinstruction Dchallenge

2.Why did Jack tell Tom and Martin the story?

ATo frighten them.

BTo satisfy their curiosity.

CTo warn them of the danger of the place.

DTo persuade them to camp in the swamp.

3.Why did Dennis ignore the warning of the old man?

AThe old man envied him.

BThe old man was foolish

CHe was too busy to listen to others.

DHe was greedy for more crops.

4.Why did Tom scream and faint?

AHe saw Dennis’s shadow.

BHe was scared by a plant.

C.His friends played a joke on him.

DThe weather became extremely cold.

5.What lesson can we learn from the story of Dennis?

AGrasp alllose all.

BNo sweatno sweet.

CIt is no use crying over spilt milk.

DHe who makes no mistakes makes nothing.


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