
During a state of deep relaxation, several physiological changes take place in the body: the body’s oxygen consumption is reduced; the heart beat decreases; muscle tension and sweating ease, and there is decreased sympathetic (交感的) nervous system activity.This restful state not only allows the body to repair and restore itself, but it has a calming effect on the consciousness.
How to achieve this state of relaxation, however, is a matter of opinion, and in some medical circles, a matter of controversy.A recent report by Dr.David Holmes of the University of Kansas in the journal “American psychologist” said that simply sitting in an armchair has just as many beneficial characteristics for the body as meditation (冥想) does.Researchers of other relaxation techniques disagree.These experts believe that more structured techniques, such as meditation, lead to a condition of deep relaxation.
The debate goes on, but one thing appears to be clear: the relaxation response can be reached by a number of methods, and the methods themselves are not as important as getting there.One day, one method may work best; on another day, an alternative method may be more appropriate.Once you are aware of all the methods, you can find the one that works best on you.
Some of the relaxation techniques are meditation, auto analysis and progressive muscle relaxation response.More than just sitting quietly in a chair, they have the added benefit of structure and discipline, and for these reasons appear to be more effective for most individuals.
小题1:According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true when a person is in a state of deep relaxation?
A.The body takes in less oxygen.
B.The heart beats less frequently.
C.Muscles become tense and the body sweats easily.
D.The consciousness becomes more or less calmed.
小题2:People seem to agree that ____.
A.sitting in an armchair benefits a person as meditation does
B.structured relaxation techniques are more beneficial for a person
C.to achieve a state of deep relaxation is possible through various means
D.what people are all struggling for is a state of deep relaxation
小题3:In the third paragraph, the phrase “getting there” means _____.
A.arriving at one’s destination
B.getting what one wants most
C.finding out a suitable relaxation technique
D.reaching a state of deep relaxation
小题4:The author’s attitude toward relaxation discussed in the passage is best described as ______.
A.scepticalB.objectiveC.optimistic D.critical


小题1:细节题:第一段的内容可知ABD都是对的,而muscle tension and sweating ease,可知肌肉紧张和流汗都会缓解。C不对。
小题1:细节题:从第三段的句子:but one thing appears to be clear: the relaxation response can be reached by a number of methods可知放松是可以通过几种办法获得的。选C
Yesterday I totally changed my views about life after a talk with one of my friends. He told me despite being  36  , he was happy and   37   that it was because of something he saw in India.
A few years ago he was  38  feeling sad and was touring India.He said right in front of his very eyes, he saw an Indian mother 39 her child’s right hand with a knife.The helpless  40  in the mother’s eyes and the painful scream of the 41 four-year-old child still remained in his mind.
The 42 mother made the child handicapped (disabled)  43  he could go out on the streets to beg.  44  by the scene, he dropped a small piece of bread he was eating.And almost at once, several children  45  around this small piece of bread covered with sand,   46 bits from one another.It was the 47  reaction of hunger.He then went to the nearest bakery and bought every single loaf of bread.  48   he gave out the bread to the children (mostly handicapped), he  49   cheers and bows from these  50   children.For the first time in his life, he understood  51  people could give up their  52  for a loaf of bread.He came to   53   how fortunate he was to be able to have a sound body, have a job, have a family, have the chance to  54   about food that didn’t taste good, and have the many things that these people in front of him   55   dreamed of having.Perhaps life wasn’t bad at all.
A.in poor healthB.on a dietC.in debt D.out of work
A.explained B.recalledC.mentionedD.insisted
A.took offB.carved fromC.scratched onD.cut off
A.unlessB.so thatC.in caseD.because
A.complain B.commentC.argueD.decide
Holding a cell phone against your ear or stalling it in your pocket may be hazardous to your health.
This paraphrases a warning that cell phone; manufacturers include in the small print that is often tossed aside when a new phone is purchased.Apple, for example, doesn’t want iP hones to come closer to you than 1.5 centimeters; Research In Motion, Blackberry’s manufacturer, recommends 2.5 centimeters.
If health issues arise from cell phone use, the implications are huge.Voice calls - Americans chat on cell phones 2.26 trillion minutes annually - generate $109 billion for the wireless carriers.
Devra Davis, an epidemiologist who has worked for the University of Pittsburgh, has published a book about cell phone radiation, "Disconnect." The book surveys scientific research and concludes the question is not settled.
  Brain cancer is a concern that Ms. Davis examines. Over all, there has not been an increase in its incidence since cell phones arrived. But the average masks an increase in brain cancer in the 20-to-29 age group and a drop for the older population.
  "Most cancers have multiple causes," she says, but she points to laboratory research that suggests low-energy radiation could damage cells that could possibly lead to cancer.
  Children are more vulnerable to radiation than adults, Ms. Davis and other scientists point out. Radiation that penetrates only five centimeters into the brain of an adult will reach much deeper into the brains of children because their skulls are thinner and their brains contain more absorptive fluid. No studies have yet been completed on cell phone radiation and children, she says.
  Henry Lai, a research professor in the bioengineering department at the University of Washington, began laboratory radiation studies in 1980 and found that rats exposed to radiofrequency radiation had damaged DNA in their brains.
  Ms. Davis recommends using wired headsets or the phone’s speaker. Children should text rather than call, she said, and pregnant women should keep phones away from the abdomen.
小题1:We can infer from the passage that________.
A.Cell phone may do harm to our health if we hold it against our ear or store in our pocket
B.Devra Davis thinks that there are many factors contributing to cancer.
C.The increase in brain cancer in the young adults may have something to do with cell phone
D.Children are more likely to be affected by radiation
小题2:According to the passage, how could children avoid being hurt by cell phone radiation?
A.They can keep cell phones away from the abdomen.
B.They can send short massage instead of making phone calls directly.
C.They can pay more attention to the small print on the phone.
D.They should use more advanced cell phones.
小题3:From this passage we can learn that.________.
A.American cell phone manufacturers did not give any warning to their customers
B.American cell phone manufacturers benefit greatly from their products
C.Scientists have found the connection between brain cancer and ceil phone
D.Cell phone should be banned because of the increase in brain cancer
小题4:In which column can we most probably read this passage?
A.Advanced technology.B.Entertainment.
C.Science and life.D.Celebrity.
Driving Offence Points System
What is Driving Offence Points System?
After the introduction of this system, certain traffic offences will earn the driver points besides other punishment. If a driver makes any of these offences, the points will be recorded. When the driver gets a certain number of points, he will be forbidden to drive for a certain amount of time.   
What are the purposes of this system?
This is a system designed to make road much safer. It can improve standards of driving and reduce the accident rates.
Which traffic offences will result in Driving Offence points?
Of course, not all traffic offences are covered by this system. Only those that have direct effect on road safety are included. There are altogether fourteen items.
Causing death by dangerous driving
Dangerous driving
Careless driving
Driving after drinking or taking drugs
Driving over speed limit by more than 15 km/hour
Driving in a motor race on the road
Failing to stop after an accident
Failing to give information after an accident
Failing to report an accident
Failing to obey directions of police officers
Crossing double white lines
Failing to obey traffic signals
Failing to give way to walkers at a crosswalk
Failing to stop for people walking
Failing to stop at school crossing
What will happen if you have got up to 10 points?
If you have got 10 points or above, but still less 15 points, you will receive a warning letter from the Transport Department. This letter will tell your record of Driving Offence Points and remind you of the result of getting more points. It is hoped that this warning will change your driving behavior for the better.
What will happen if you have got 15 points?
If you have got 15 points or more within two years, a court will take away your driving license. The first time you are found guilty you will not be able to drive for three months, but if you are caught a second time you will not be able to drive for six months.
小题1:The underlined word “Offence”(paragraph 1)refers to ________.
A.a driving habitB.an official of road safety
C.bad behavior in the officeD.an action against the traffic law
小题2:The Driving Offence Points __________.
A.is a system that helps to improve the driving standards
B.are points earned because of dangerous driving
C.shows traffic offences of different kinds
D.is a guide dealing with traffic offences
小题3:What will happen to you if you have got 13 points?
A.You will be punished for the points.
B.Your driving license will be taken away.
C.Your record will be sent to the Transport Department.
D.You will get a warning letter from the Transport Department.
小题4:What will happen to you if you are caught driving dangerously and two months later you are caught driving after drinking?
A.Your license will be taken away.
B.You will be taken to the police station.
C.You will not be able to drive for 3 months.
D.You will not be able to drive for 6 months.
I’ll never forget my first daughter, who died too early from a bad accident. During those years, life was   36  . One Christmas I found my 3-year-old daughter   37  with a roll of golden wrapping paper. I had bought the paper to finish a rather important project. So I became   38  and scolded her loudly, “You are not good. And you are   39  your father’s money. You don’t know how hard your parents are working.” She was   40  and cried bitterly, running away.
    41 , she brought a gift, a golden   42  made of golden wrapping paper to me the next morning and said, “This is for you, Daddy.” I was   43  of my earlier hurting words, but my anger rose again when I found out the box was   44 . I shouted at her, “Don’t you know, when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something inside?” She   45  at me with tears in her eyes and cried, “Oh, Daddy, it’s not empty at all. I blew   46  into the box. They’re all for you, Daddy.”
I was completely   47 . I put my arms around her and begged for her   48 . A year later, a serious   49  took the life of my daughter. I was so sad that I   50  in bed for three days and three nights, saying nothing with tears rolling down my cheek. From then on, I hated cars and kept the golden box by my bed for many years. Whenever I was   51  , I would take out an imaginary kiss and   52  the love of my daughter who had put it there.
In a very real   53  , each one of us, as humans beings, has been given a golden container   54  with unconditional love and kisses ... from our children, family members, friends, and God. There are   55  no other possessions that anyone could hold more precious than this.
A.nice B.hardC.instructiveD.dull
A.looked aroundB.looked awayC.looked upD.looked down
A.eventB.illness C.operationD.accident
A.way B.stateC.directionD.sense
A.decorated B.filledC.coveredD.linked
A.onlyB.naturallyC.simply D.actually
Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A--F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.
A. TV’s Influence on Children’s Life
B. Argument Against Violence on TV
C. TV’s Influence on People’s Leisure Activities
D. The Importance of Violence in Real Life
E. Attractions of Violence on TV
F.  TV’s Power
Television has probably been the most powerful medium in shaping the new community. The electronic community gives us our mutual friends, our significant events and our daily chats. The “produced” relationships of television families become our models for intimacy. We know media stars better than we know our neighbors. Most of us can discuss their lives better than we can discuss those of our relatives. We think a man who plays a doctor on TV actually know something about medicine
TV isolates people in their spare time. People spend more time watching music videos but less time making music with each other. People in small town now watch international cable networks instead of driving to their neighbor’s house for cards. Women watch soaps instead of attending church circles or book clubs. When company comes, the kids are sent to the TV room with videos.
Parent are not the main influence in the lives of their children. Some of the first voices children hear are from the television, the first street they know is Sesame Street. A child playing Nintendo is learning different lessons than a child playing along a creek or playing dominoes with a grandfather.
The time devoted to violence on TV in no way reflects its importance in real life. In real life, most of us exercise, work, visit our friends, read, cook and eat and shop. Few of us spend any significant amount of our time solving murders or fleeing psychotic killers. On television there are many more detective and murderers than exist in the real world. A rule of thumb about violence is “If it bleeds, it leads.” Violence captures viewers’ attention. Our programs have become increasing violent.
Some might say that there is nothing new under the sun. Of course, in a narrow sense, they are correct. There have always been murderers, and stories about violence have been the theme of literature and song. However, things are different now. Children are exposed to hundreds of examples of violence every day. The frequency and intensity of these images is unprecedented in the history of humanity. We have clear records that this exposure makes it more likely that children will be violent and increase their fear levels about potential violence.
A car that runs on coffee is unveiled(shown to the public for the first time)today but at between 25 and 50 times the cost of running a car on petrol, the invention won’t please any motor industry accountants.
Nicknamed the Car-puccino, it has been created using a 1988 Volkswagen Scirocco bought for £400 and it was chosen because it looked like the time-traveling DeLorean in the movie Back To The Future.The car will be driven the 210 miles between Manchester and London powered only by roasted coffee granules (颗粒).It has been built by a team from the BBC1 science programme Bang Goes The Theory and will go on display at the Big Bang science fair in Manchester to show how fuels other than traditional petrol can power vehicles.
The team calculates the Car-puccino will do three miles per kilo of ground coffee (咖啡粉) — about 56 cups of espressos (浓咖啡) per mile.The journey will use about 70 kilos of ground coffee which, at supermarket prices of between £13 and £26 a kilo depending on brand and quality, will cost between £910 and £1,820, or between 25 and 50 times the £36 cost of petrol for the journey.In total, the trip will cost 11,760 espressos, and the team will have to take ‘coffee breaks’ roughly every 30 to 45 miles to pour in more granules.They will also have to stop about every 60 miles to clean out the ‘coffee filters’ to rid them of the soot and tar which is also generated by the process.So despite a top speed of 60mph, the many stops mean the going will be slow, with the journey taking around ten hours.
Sadly, the inventors will still have to pay duty on their coffee fuel---even though tax collectors at Her Majesty’s Revenue and Custom haven’t yet worked out how much.
Nick Watson, producer of Bang Goes The Theory, said, “Coffee, like wood or coal, has some carbon content so you can use it as a fuel.The coffee needs to be very dry and in granules to allow the air to move through the pile of coffee as it burns.The brand doesn’t matter.” He said the same technology could be used to power a car on other unusual fuels, such as woodchips or nut shells, construction or agricultural waste.
小题1:Which is the right way to choose the coffee used as fuels to run the Car-puccino?
A.It should be very dry.B.The stronger, the better.
C.The smaller the granules are, the better.D.It should be of a certain brand.
小题2:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.All kinds of materials can be used as fuels.
B.The Car-puccino will be put into the market soon.
C.Nick Watson is the designer of the Car-puccino
D.Much remains to be improved for the Car-puccino.
小题3:The Car-puccino has its disadvantages EXCEPT that ________.
A.it makes a lot of noise
B.it runs at a very high cost
C.it has to stop to be refueled very often
D.it’s not good enough for long-distance journey
小题4:How much ground coffee will be used to cover a distance of 126 miles in this car?
A.About 70 kilosB.About 42 kilos.C.About 32 kilosD.About 30 kilos
小题5:Why can coffee be used as a fuel?
A.It looks like wood or coal.B.It contains some carbon content.
C.It is very cheap.D.It is much better than woodchips or nut shells.
Watercolor(水彩画) is the oldest paints known. It dates back to the early cave men. They discovered that they could mix the natural colors found in the earth with water. In this way they could add lifelike qualities to drawings of animals and other figures on the wall of caves.
Fresco(壁画), one of the greatest art forms, is done with watercolor, it is created by mixing paints and water and applying these to wet plaster(灰泥). Of the thousands of people who stand under Michelangelos’ works in the Sistine Chapel, very few know they are looking at perhaps the greatest watercolor painting in the world.
The invention of oil painting by the Glemish masters in the fifteenth century made fresco painting go downhill, and for the next several centuries watercolor was used mainly for doing sketches(素描) or as tool for study. It was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that English painters put back watercolor as a serious art form. The English have widely-known love for the outdoors and also for small, private pictures. The softness of watercolor had a strong attraction for them.
The popularity of watercolor continued to grow until the twentieth century. The United States took the place of England and became the center of watercolor. It produced such well-known watercolor artists as Thomas Eakins and Andrew Wyeth.
小题1: The first watercolor users were___________
A.the early cave men
B.Italian fresco artists
C.Flemish masters
D.the English artists in the 18th century
小题2: In the 16th and 17th centuries the artists thought__________.
A.watercolor was more costly, but better
B.oil painting lasted less long, but clearer and brighter
C.watercolor was not suitable for serious works
D.oil painting was difficult to use
小题3: According to the passage, watercolor painting was put back in England because ______
A.it was easy to use outdoors
B.it was a strong tool
C.it was extremely bright in color
D.it was well suited to popular tastes
小题4: What is the passage mainly about?________
A.the gradual weakness of fresco painting.
B.Oils having more power of influence over watercolor.
C.The rediscovery of watercolor in England.
D.The start and development of watercolor.

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