Cook wanted for Busy London Restaurant Experience (经历) required (需要). Call Tom 020 0451 87. |
Dance teacher We are looking for a dance and singing teacher to teach 4 to 7-year-old children. You only work three hours on Saturdays. You should have teaching experience. Send a CV (求职信) to Steve Reed, 9 Lenton Close, London or telephone 020 8334 47. |
Babysitter(保姆)needed Friendly family needs someone to look after 2 small children. Some light housework. Good pay. Live in our house. Tel: Mrs. Smith 020 0562 78 |
Waiters required Have restaurant knowledge and some bar experience. You will need to love learning new things. Tel: Cathy 020 4563 12 |
A. Babysitter. B. Dance teacher. C. Cook. D. Waiter.
2. What kind of job can Jack do if he cooked in a restaurant from 1998 to 2004?
A. Babysitter. B. Waiter. C. Cook. D. Dance teacher.
3. John has just come to London from another city. She needs a place to live in.
So she may call________________.
A. 020 0451 87 B. 020 4563 12 C. 020 0562 78 D. 020 8334 47
