

  Mr Brown liked to be exact. One day, he was sitting at the door reading a book carefully when a stranger came up to him and asked, “Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the nearest hospital?” “Sure,”answered Brown. “You must go across the bridge and then turn right. The bridge is only 20 meters long.”

  The stranger thanked him and went on his way. He was still walking across the bridge when someone suddenly called out from behind him. “Look out!” the stranger turned around and found it was Mr Brown. “I'm sorry,”said Mr Brown,“I just gave you the wrong direction. I have come to tell you that the bridge is 40 metres long, not 20 metres. If you go 20 metres and then turn right, you will fall into the river.”

1.From the story we know that the stranger ________.

[  ]

A.had to cross a bridge

B.wanted to see a doctor

C.would ask Mr Brown for help

D.had been there many times

2.After the stranger heard Mr Brown's last words, he would probably ________.

[  ]

A.thank him a lot

B.go another twenty metres

C.turn back with a smile

D.laugh at him

3.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.Mr Brown told the stranger the bridge was not 20 metres long but 40.

B.Mr Brown was afraid that the stranger would fall into the river.

C.Mr Brown knew he gave the wrong direction and caught up with the stranger.

D.Mr Brown didn't catch up with the stranger until he had crossed the bridge.

4.What does “Look out” mean in the text?

[  ]

A.Come back.
C.Go away.

When you have a post-office box, the postman doesn’t bring letters to you, but you go to the post-office and get your letters and parcels from your box. The box is locked, only you have the key, so the letters and parcels are safe.

One day the headmaster of a school wrote to the post-office and asked for a post-office box for his school. He soon got an answer. It said, “We will give you a post-office box in one month.”

Three months later, the headmaster wrote to the post-office and said, “Why haven't we got a post-office box yet?”

This was the answer from the post-office:

“Dear sir,

We gave you a post-office box two months and wrote to you then to tell you. Here is the key to your box. You will find our letter to you in it.”

When you have a post-office box, _____.

A. it is easier for you to write letters                  B. you will have more letters than parcels

C. you get your letters in front of your house             D. you got to the post-office to get your letters

The word “key” in this passage means _____.

A. 邮件                     B. 密码                             C. 编号                             D. 钥匙

The headmaster _____.

A. wrote many letters to the post-office              B. didn’t like the postman

C. didn’t know how a post-office box worked     D. forgot to pay for the post-office box

When the post-office said that you could get a post-office, he meant _____.

A. you may go to the post-office to get your mails

B. you must wait to get the post-office box

C. you must write again to get the key               

D. you must pay for the box before you got it

Which of the following might not be true?

A. If you want to get a post-office box, you must let the post-office know.

B. When you get a post-office box, you have to do the work of a postman.

C. You go to the post-office to get the key to your box.

D. After you get a post-office box, the post man will not send mails to your house.

A few days ago I asked my sons’ governess(女家庭教师)Julia to come into my study. “Be seated, Julia, ” I said, “Let’s settle our accounts. I guess you most likely need some money, but maybe you’re too polite to mention it. Now then, we agreed on thirty dollars a month...”

? “Forty.”

? “No, thirty. I made a note of it. I always pay our governess thirty. Well, um, you’ve been here two months, so...”

? “Two months and five days.”

? “Exactly two months. I made a special note of it. That means you have sixty dollars coming to you. Take off nine Sundays... you know you didn’t work with Tom on Sundays, you only took walks. And three holidays... ”Julia was biting her finger nail nervously, her face red, but - not a word.

? “Three holidays, therefore take off twelve dollars. Four days Tom was sick and there were no lessons, as you were occupied only with Dick. Three days you had a toothache and my wife gave you permission not to work after lunch. Twelve and seven - nineteen. Take nineteen off ... that leaves. hmm.... forty one dollars. Correct?

? Julia’s left eye reddened with tears welling up. Her chin trembled; she coughed nervously and blew her nose, but-still not a word.

? “Around New Year’s Day you broke a teacup and a saucer; take off two dollars. The cup cost more, it was a treasure of the family, but- forget it. When didn’t I take a loss! Then, due to your neglect(疏忽), Tom climbed a tree and tore his jacket; take away ten. Also due to your carelessness the maid stole Dick’s shoes. You ought to watch everything! You get paid for it. So, that means five more dollars off. The tenth of January I gave ten dollars.”

? “You didn’t. ”sobbed Julia.

? “But I made a note of it.”

? “Well... if you say so.”

? “Take twenty seven from forty one -that leaves fourteen.”

? Both her eyes were filled with tears. Beads of sweat stood on the thin pretty little nose. Poor girl!

? “Only once was I given any money,” she whispered, her voice trembling, “and that was by your wife. Three dollars, nothing more.”

? “Really? You see now, and I didn’t know that! Take three from fourteen.. leaves eleven. Here’s your money, my dear. Three, three, three, one and one. Here it is!”

? I handed her eleven dollars. She took them and pocketed them.

? “Merci(法语: 谢谢),” she whispered.

? I jumped to my feet and started pacing the room. I was overcome with anger. “For what, this - ‘merci’?” I asked.

? “For the money.”

? “But you know I’ve cheated you - robbed you! I have actually stolen from you! Why this‘merci’?

? “In my other places they didn’t give me anything at all.”

? “They didn’t give you anything? No wonder! I played a little joke on you, a cruel lesson, just to teach you... I m going to give you all the eighty dollars! Here they are in the envelope all ready for you... Is it really possible to be so spineless(懦弱)? Why didn’t you protest? Why were you silent? Is it possible in this world to be without teeth and claws(爪)-to be such a fool?”

? Embarrassed, she smiled. And I could read her expression,“It is possible.”

? I asked her pardon for the cruel lesson and, to her great surprise, gave her the eighty dollars. She murmured her little“merci”several times and went out. I looked after her and thought,“How easy it is to crush the weak in this world!”

1.While talking to Julia, the writer expected from her________.

A. a protest   B. gratitude ? C. obedience   D. an explanation

2.What shocked the writer was Julia’s ________.

A. nervousness in front of her boss???????

B. acceptance of injustice

C. shyness when talking about money?????

D. unwillingness to express herself

3.The writer said, “Is it possible in this world to be without teeth and claws?” He was actually telling the governess ________.

A. to be more aggressive??????? B. to be more careful in her work

C. to protect her right?????????? D. to live independently

4.At the end of the story, the writer said,“ How easy it is to crush the weak in this world!” to show ________.

A. his understanding of Julia’s anxiety

B. his worry about Julia’s future

C. his concern on the living condition of working-class people

D. his sympathy for the mental state of those exploited

5.From the story, we can tell that Julia’s employer was________.

A. greedy but honest?????   B. ill-tempered but warm-hearted

C. strict but forgiving??????? D. none of the above


“Little lies” sometimes come to easily to us that we don’t even consider them to be lies. Read about these lies of everyday life:

1.   Lying about your age or your kid’s age to get a cheaper ticket.

2.   Telling the host of a dinner party that the terrible food he prepared is wonderful.

3.   Lying to your aunt about how much you love the gift she gave you---the one that you really hate.

4.   Telling a friend with a terrible haircut that she looks great.

5.   Lying to a friend about how much you want to see her again when you really don’t

6. Telling the salesperson who calls when you’re watching TV that you’re very busy.

   Are these serious lies? Probably not, but if you would lie about your age to a stranger, what’s going to stop you from lying about something more serious later? If we tell a lie or act dishonestly and get what we want, that might make us feel good today. But what about tomorrow? The future results of our lies are uncertain.

    Still, no one is saying that everyone can or should be completely honest all the time. More people lie, often for a good reason. Lies are told all the time and are part of our everyday social life. Many times people lie to protect the feelings of other people, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Honesty is usually the best policy, but like any other policy, you have to make exceptions. 

1.The author tries to persuade the readers to accept his argument by___________.

    A. making suggestions.              B. explaining reasons and results.

    C. providing examples and facts.       D. discussing questions.

2.The author’s attitude towards little lies is that_________.

A. he feels very fond of them.            B. he feels they are necessary sometimes.

C. he feels strongly against telling little lies.  D. he feels ashamed of telling little lies.

3.According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Some people are born liars.               B. People often lie to avoid hurting others.

C. Some people can be honest all the time.         D. Little lies are not serious things.


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