²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£º¶ËÎç½Ú The Dragon Boat Festival Ͷ½ drown oneself in river
ôÕ×ÓZongzi Å´Ã× glutinous rice
Dear Sara£¬
Knowing that your are interested in the Dragon Boat Festival in Hainan£¬ £®
Wish you a pleasant journey around Hainan£®
Li Hua£®
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Knowing him to be a good man£¬local people rowed boats along the river in search of him£®
I also recommend that you watch the grand dragon boat competition in Chengmai County£®
½â´ð Dear Sara£¬
Knowing that your are interested in the Dragon Boat Festival in Hainan£¬I am writing to tell you about it and give you some advice£®
The Dragon Boat Festival£¬which falls on May 5th at lunar calendar£¬is an important Chinese festival in memory of a great poet named Qu Yuan£®It is said that Qu Yan committed suicide by drowning himself in the Miluo River£®Knowing him to be a good man£¬local people rowed boats along the river in search of him£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©£®They also threw rice into the river to feed the fish so that they would not eat Qu's body£®That's why Chinese people celebrate the festival by eating Zongzi and holding dragon boat competitions£®
Zongzi is a kind of dumpling made of glutinous rice with meat and eggs inside£®The most famous Zongzi in Hainan are those made in Danzhou City and Ding'an County£®I suggest you try some£®I also recommend that you watch the grand dragon boat competition in Chengmai County£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©£®It is one of the most exciting competitions across Hainan£®You won't forget it£®
Wish you a pleasant journey around Hainan£®
Li Hua
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2£®Now please ask the speaker three questions£®
3£®Now please get ready to answer five questions in English£®You're allowed 10 seconds to prepare the answer£®£¨Çë°ÑÓ¢Óï»Ø´ðдÔÚ´ð¾í4-8µÄºáÏßÉÏ£©
A£® | that | B£® | which | C£® | who | D£® | what |