
Father Christmas is at risk of serious illness because of his bulging waistline and needs to cut down on the mince pies, doctors warned.

A survey of shopping centre Santas in Scotland revealed an average waist size of 47 inches - seven inches more than is considered safe.

Dr Miles Fisher, consultant physician at Glasgow Royal Infirmary said: "The image of Santa is of a round, jolly person but if you have obesity around your tummy, then it is very bad for you.

"Before, we thought it was just not good to be overweight but now we know that having fat around your middle is particularly bad.

"That fat produces hormones, which have been associated with heart disease and other conditions."

According to health guidelines, having a waist circumference of more than 40 inches for men or 35 inches for women is a key indicator of abdominal obesity.

It is associated with a greater risk of heart disease or type 2 diabetes. And people who have rounder stomachs, known as "central obesity", are more at risk than people who are merely overweight.

Perhaps Santa should consider cutting back on the sherry as well.

1.What is the best title for the passage?

A. Doctors order Santa to go on a diet

B. Overweight Causes Many Diseases

C. A Survey on Father Christmas

D. Father Christmas should be Jolly

2.Generally speaking, if a man’s waist size is about _____ inches, he is likely to be healthy.

A. 54                   B.25                 C. 47                D. 37

3. What does the underlined word probably mean in the first paragraph?

A. 强壮的          B. 鼓起的          C.扁细的           D. 修长的

4. According to the passage, Father Christmas should be _______.

A. funny and strong.                B. amusing and a little fat

C. quick and handsome              D. healthy and serious

1--4      ADBB


1.A   主旨大意题。整篇文章说的是圣诞老人的超重问题,医生建议他们应该减肥,无论从健康角度,还是公众形象角度。B、D项文章中只是提了一点,而C项文章没有提及。       

2.D.   数字推算题。根据第二段,腰围47英寸比安全尺寸多了7英寸,而据第六段,男人腰围不要超过40,女人腰围不超过35就是健康的。

3.B.  词义推测题。从下句医生建议少吃馅饼类的食品可猜测出圣诞老人是胖了,根据常识看,胖人腰围大,肚子鼓,这也符合全文大意。

4.B.   推理判断题。由Dr Miles Fisher的话可知,圣诞老人应该是round(圆乎乎的)jolly(快乐,有趣的)的形象。


Bestsellers for last week

A Special Relationship

This novel is about a woman whose entire life is turned upside down in a very foreign place despite the fact that people there speak her language. Sally Good child is a 37-year-old American who, after nearly two decades as a highly independent journalist, finds herself pregnant and in London. She married an English foreign correspondent, Tony Thompson, whom she met while they were both on assignment in Cairo. From the beginning, Sally’s relationship with both Tony and London is an uneasy one: She finds her husband and his city to be far more foreign than imagined. But her adjustment problems soon turn into a nightmare(噩梦). She discovers that everything can be taken down and used against you, especially by a spouse (配偶) who now considers you an unfit mother and wants to prevent you from ever seeing your child again.

Born in 1955, Douglas Kennedy is the bestselling author of romances such as “The Big Picture”. He is also the author of several praised travel books.

White Hot

   Sayre Lynch decided never to return to her hometown Destiny, after she changed her last name and finally escaped from the influence of her controlling father, Huff Hoyle, who owns the iron foundry that the town is built around.

       But when Danny, her younger brother, is found dead with a shotgun in his mouth, Sayre unwillingly goes back for his funeral and is annoyed when her father’s handsome lawyer, Beck Merchant, tries to please her.

       When the young officer investigating(调查) the case notes that some of the evidence points to murder rather than suicide(自杀), Sayre finds herself unable to leave Destiny. She’s annoyed by Beck’s constant presence, and she is not sure if he’s trying to help or throw her off the trail. Nor does she trust her father or her older brother, Chris, who is as prime suspect in Danny’s murder.

       As she tries to figure out how the handsome, charming Beck fits into the picture, she finds herself deeply attracted to him.]

       Sandra Brown is the author of 51 New York Times top-five bestsellers. She began her writing career in 1981 and has since published 65 novels.

From the brief introduction of “A Special Relationship” we can imagine _____.

       A. Sally and Tony’s marriage is pleasant.         B. Sally and Tony may break up.

       C. Sally and Tony often quarrel about their jobs.        D. Sally is hard to get on with.

The story of Sally and Tony mainly happens in _____.

       A. America    B. London     C. Cairo        D. Cairo & London

It can be learned from the passage that______.

    A. Chris killed Danny.                   B. Lynch is Sayre’s real family name.

    C. Huff Hoyle knows who killed Danny.    D. Sayre fell in love with Beck.

In the introduction of White Hot, the underlined phrase suggests_____.

    A. Sayre thinks Beck has something to do with Danny’s death.

    B. Sayre thinks Beck is the right person she wants to marry.

    C. Sayre likes the handsome Beck in the picture.

D. Sayre doesn’t know whether Beck likes her.

Do you like sitting on the edge of your seat? How about falling off it laughing? If so, "Rush Hour 1" is the perfect movie for you. Although it didn’t get the best reviews, it is perfect for those who like a good comedy.

Just as in the first "Rush Hour," Inspector Lee (Jackie Chan) and LAPD Detective James Carter (Chris Tucker) are partners. This time, they are on vacation in China and Carter is looking for a good time, but they are on the job again when a bombing at the American Embassy kills two customs agents. Lee and Carter go to look for a suspect named Ricky Tan. For Lee this is a serious case because Tan killed his father. Will Carter and Lee be able to capture Tan?

Another reason to see this movie perhaps is for the thrilling action, which includes karate fights with Jackie Chan. One of my favorite scenes shows Carter and Lee in a massage parlor (店堂) when everything goes crazy.

"Rush Hour 2" is, of course, really funny with Chris Tucker in the lead role. Chan and Tucker have many clever jokes and remarks. Some of the jokes aren’t enjoyed by the critics, but most will find them entertaining.

With no doubt, the movie was great. I was filled with anxiety about what was going to happen next. Many critics say that sequels (续集) are not as good as the original but this one is great. I especially enjoyed it because the special effects are minimal so everything looks as though it actually happened. The lighting effect is great as well as the sound.

So, if you are looking for a great action movie that leaves you at the edge of your seat and makes you laugh quite a bit, you should rush to see “Rush Hour 2.”

1.According to the author, "Rush Hour 2" is a perfect movie particularly ______.

A.full of special effects

B.with the best actors

C.full of humors

D.with great lights

2.In "Rush Hour 2”, the two leading roles are on duty again because ______.

A.their vocation in China is limited to a short term

B.inspector Lee doesn’t want to have a good time

C.the American Embassy in China was attacked

D.a suspect named Ricky Tan killed Lee’s father

3.In Rush Hour series, the following are usually included EXCEPT _____.

A.thrilling actions                         B.maximal special effects

C.karate fights                           D.clever jokes and remarks

4.If "Rush Hour 3" is shot, what kind of the movie will it be? ______.

A.Stage tragedy                          B.Action movie

C.Soap opera                            D.Situational comedy


Bestsellers for last week

A Special Relationship

This novel is about a woman whose entire life is turned upside down in a very foreign place despite the fact that people there speak her language. Sally Good child is a 37-year-old American who, after nearly two decades as a highly independent journalist, finds herself pregnant and in London. She married an English foreign correspondent, Tony Thompson, whom she met while they were both on assignment in Cairo. From the beginning, Sally’s relationship with both Tony and London is an uneasy one: She finds her husband and his city to be far more foreign than imagined. But her adjustment problems soon turn into a nightmare(噩梦). She discovers that everything can be taken down and used against you, especially by a spouse (配偶) who now considers you an unfit mother and wants to prevent you from ever seeing your child again.

Born in 1955, Douglas Kennedy is the bestselling author of romances such as “The Big Picture”. He is also the author of several praised travel books.

White Hot

   Sayre Lynch decided never to return to her hometown Destiny, after she changed her last name and finally escaped from the influence of her controlling father, Huff Hoyle, who owns the iron foundry that the town is built around.

         But when Danny, her younger brother, is found dead with a shotgun in his mouth, Sayre unwillingly goes back for his funeral and is annoyed when her father’s handsome lawyer, Beck Merchant, tries to please her.

         When the young officer investigating(调查) the case notes that some of the evidence points to murder rather than suicide(自杀), Sayre finds herself unable to leave Destiny. She’s annoyed by Beck’s constant presence, and she is not sure if he’s trying to help or throw her off the trail. Nor does she trust her father or her older brother, Chris, who is as prime suspect in Danny’s murder.

         As she tries to figure out how the handsome, charming Beck fits into the picture, she finds herself deeply attracted to him.]

         Sandra Brown is the author of 51 New York Times top-five bestsellers. She began her writing career in 1981 and has since published 65 novels.

1.From the brief introduction of “A Special Relationship” we can imagine _____.

         A. Sally and Tony’s marriage is pleasant.             B. Sally and Tony may break up.

         C. Sally and Tony often quarrel about their jobs.   D. Sally is hard to get on with.

2.The story of Sally and Tony mainly happens in _____.

         A. America      B. London       C. Cairo          D. Cairo & London

3.It can be learned from the passage that______.

    A. Chris killed Danny.                       B. Lynch is Sayre’s real family name.

    C. Huff Hoyle knows who killed Danny.          D. Sayre fell in love with Beck.

4.In the introduction of White Hot, the underlined phrase suggests_____.

    A. Sayre thinks Beck has something to do with Danny’s death.

    B. Sayre thinks Beck is the right person she wants to marry.

    C. Sayre likes the handsome Beck in the picture.

D. Sayre doesn’t know whether Beck likes her.


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