

_________1.Smith is a professor who does research on ancient buildings.He has been to many historical sites and discovered a lot of valuable materials.This month, his university gives a reward to him for his great contributions.So now an idea of traveling to a new place to continue his study has come into his mind.

_________2.Though Lola is a woman reporter, she is brave enough to go deep into any places even those at conflicts.This year, she was honored as “Rose of Front ”, which made her very proud of herself.She has been working to tell the truth in her reports, since she believes it’s journalists’ duty to inform people of what’s going on around the world, good or bad.

_________3.Alice and Simon are going to get married.Interested in skiing much, they are also fond of ball games and water sports.They are planning their wedding in a special place, which has beautiful scenery, silver sand and delicious seafood as well as luxurious hotels, where they can enjoy themselves.

_________4.Jane is a modern girl, who is a crazy fan of rock music and films.She has a romantic dream; that is, one day, she will go to a beautiful place to appreciate all the attractive music and films with a cup of coffee in her hand.

_________5.Tom is really depressed these days.Owing to his bad management, his company closed.He wants to go to a place to try his fortune so that he can start his business again in the near future.

A.Las Vegas

Las Vegas is really a fascinating city, where you can dine in the finest restaurants, shop in the most luxurious stores, and watch world-class entertainment.Among them, the most attractive thing is gambling.Maybe you will become a millionaire or lose all your money overnight.What’s so clever about Las Vegas is that it makes absolutely certain that you have such a good time you don’t mind losing a bit of money along the way; that’s why they don’t even call it “gambling” any more, but “gaming”.


The old Nile brought about the civilization of Egypt; people there regard it as “the mother river” of them.On both sides of the Nile stand noble pyramids which were built as the bombs of the ancient pharaohs.And the constructions are beyond people’s imagination.Along with the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, the Great Sphinx is one of the greatest and most studied monuments of human history.

C.Parisian street

Few cities leave the visitors with such vivid impressions.The whole city is something of a work of art.The quiet River Seine, the Eiffel Tower, Palais du Louvre and so on are really feast to your eyes.And annual film festival is held with a refreshing emphasis on art.Few cities can compete with the thousands of cafés, bars and restaurants that line every Parisian street.And along the street you will be fascinated by the beautiful window shows of various clothes.


Kitzbuhel is a paradise for all the skiers.With fine weather and breath-taking scenery, it is a world-class ski resort.Every winter, thousands of people come from all parts of the world to challenge themselves.If you can’t ski, don’t worry.The town offers many shops, café and a variety of entertainment.


As the cultural center and biggest center and biggest city in the region, Jerusalem is regarded as a holy place by Jews, Muslims and Christians.For Jews, it is where their ancestors built the first and second temples.Muslims knew it was the place where the Prophet Mohammed passed up to heaven.For Christians the city was the scene of Jesus’ life.However, since the war broke out, people there have suffered a lot; the situation has been tense; and peace is just a dream.


Mauritius is an island lying off the southeast Africa in the Indian Ocean, which is rich in history, natural beauty and culture.The pleasant climate and scenery provides the perfect setting to enjoy everything.The sea is full of colorful life that lives around the coral reef.This makes Mauritius a wonderful place for swimming and diving.The larger number of interesting fish means it is also an exciting place for those who like to go fishing.


1.B 2.E 3.F 4.C 5.A



1.Ray and three of his friends would like to spend a whole weekend driving around in nice scenery and enjoying some local food.________

2.Phil and Adam want to go on a comfortable trip which takes them quickly to an interesting city.Then they want to enjoy at least two days of sightseeing.________

3.Mike, Kathy and their three children don’t have much money, but they want a special day out this Saturday.They must be back home at 7 p. m.________

4.Kirsten is a Dutch student who is studying in Scotland.She doesn’t drive, but she wants a day trip to see some beautiful scenery and spend a little time by the sea.________

5.Clare and Robert want to enjoy some good food, but they would also like to give their two young children a day to remember.They don’t mind if they spend a lot of money.________


Marine Life, France

The chance to experience the oceans of the world.Children will love the observatory, with water all around them and big fish swimming above their heads! Afterwards you eat at a world-famous local restaurant before boarding the ferry at 9 p.m.Not cheap, but a great day out!



Sail out in the evening and enjoy over 12 hours on the Netherlands, returning the following night.After a good Dutch breakfast you travel by train direct to the heart of the wonderful city of Amsterdam.The sightseeing and places to shop will make this a day to remember.Weekends only.


Ireland by Car

Once you arrive in Ireland you’re quickly on beautiful country roads, with friendly villages where you can stop for a delicious bite to eat.The special price allows you to take you car and up to five people away for 48 hours, and two nights’ hotel accommodation can be arranged for a little extra.


French Hypermarket Day Trip

Whether you want to buy or just look, you’ll love this tour.The large Darney shopping center is a shopper’s dream! You will find a great number of local goods on sale, and clothes and kitchen goods are excellent value.Free children’s entertainment all day.Leaves 10∶00, back at 19∶00.


Belgium by Hydrofoil

A four-day trip.From England you cross to Belgium in just 100 minutes by hydrofoil(水翼船)! You are served food and drinks during the crossing, then continue your journey to Brussels, or another beautiful city, on the fast Belgians railway network.


Northern Ireland

Explore the Northern Ireland countryside, including the amazing Mountains of Mourne and the small seaside holiday town of Newcastle.Their ferry leaves the port in Scotland at 7∶30 and arrives back at 22∶20.Transport in Northern Ireland is by air-conditioned coach.


_________1.You run a billboard advertising business you inherited(继承)from your father, and you are looking to expand in new directions.What do you do?

_________2.You are a successful talk-show host, and have just achieved national recognition(认可).You want more control over your show, and a greater share of its profits.What do you do?

_________3.You are still in college, but together with a friend you have established a software company that deals with major corporations.What do you do?

_________4.You are a successful business analyst(分析师), and come to think that the mail-order business model could be adapted to online book sales.What do you do?

_________5.You own several highly profitable waste-collection routes.The government has recently issued the Solid Waste Disposal Act, increasing standards of hygiene(卫生)in waste disposal.What do you do?

A.In 1968, H.Wayne Huizenga teamed with a partner to create a nationwide company for waste collection, a business traditionally made up of small, local companies.The new company, Waste Management, Inc., became the foundation of his fortune.

B.While attending Harvard University in 1975, Bill Gates teamed with Paul Allen to develop a version of the BASIC programming language for the Altair 8800, the first personal computer.They licensed the software to the manufacturer of the Altair and formed Microsoft(originally Micro-soft)to develop versions of BASIC for other computer companies.Gates decided to drop out(退学)of Harvard in his junior year to devote his time to Microsoft.

C.In 1963, Ted Turner took over his family billboard-advertising business.In 1970 he bought a failing UHF(ultrahigh frequency)television station in Atlanta, Georgia, and by 1975 Turner had transformed it into the first“superstation”-WTBS, by transmitting(传送)low-cost sports and entertainment programs via satellite to cable systems throughout the country.

D.In 1986, Oprah Winfrey formed Harpo Productions to produce her own show and other projects.With distribution rights(销售权)to her shows, Winfrey used profits to expand her business activities.By 1998 Winfrey was worth $675 million.

E.Microsoft founder Bill Gates planned to give away almost all of his vast fortune, largely to the cause of global health.Having already the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with $24 billion to address global health issues, Gates said that eventually his entire fortune would be put towards the cause except“a few percent left for the kids”.

F.Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos grew interested in online retailing(零售业)in 1994 while working as a business analyst in New York City.After researching the success of different mail-order companies Bezos decided that books were the perfect product to see via the Internet.That year he left New York to establish his new company in Seattle, chosen for its being near to major book wholesalers and the advanced high-tech industry.In July 1995 Amazon.com developed its Website, and has since expanded to offer many other retail products in addition to books.



1.Doctor Allen

Doctor Allen is a dentist.The dentist is a doctor who is specially trained to care for teeth.When you visit your dentist for a checkup, he or she will look at your teeth and gums to check for any problem.The dentist also wants to make sure your teeth are developing properly as you grow.It's important to visit your dentist every 6 months to make sure you're taking good care of your teeth and that your teeth and gums are healthy.

2.Doctor Philips

Doctor Philips is a pediatrician.Basically, pediatricians focus on the physical, emotional, and social health of infants, children, adolescents, and young adults from birth to 21 years.Their patient-care lens is focused on prevention, detection, and management of physical, behavioral, developmental, and social problems that affect children.Even more basically, pediatricians take care of children.This might involve treating an ear infection, talking to parents about school or behavioral problems, or seeing them for well child checkups and giving them their shots.

3.Doctor Smith

Doctor Smith is a surgeon, who is a physician specializing in surgery.General Surgeons perform comprehensive general surgery examinations, consultation, diagnosis, and treatment planning, which includes:trauma, wounds, and conditions of soft tissue, including aspiration, biopsy, and repair, etc.

4.Doctor Steward

Doctor Steward is a clinical psychologist, who is trained and educated to perform psychological research, testing, and therapy.Clinical psychologists may simply, but importantly, provide an opportunity to talk and think about things that are confusing and worrying.They would also discuss with you different ways of understanding or interpreting your problems or situations.Clinical psychologists are trained to use a range of different approaches aimed to help you become more expert about yourself, and more able to overcome or cope with life problems.

5.Doctor Lisa

Doctor Lisa is an excellent school consultant.Educational consultants counsel students and their families in the selection of programs, schools and treatment centers, based on the student's individual needs.When students graduate from high school, some of them want to continue their study; they may be not sure which university is more appropriate for them, or what subject they will choose.In that case, most of them will turn to their educational consultants.


A.Tom's mother is worried because Tom's wounded this morning when he jumped off the speeding bicycle.The soft tissue of his right leg was broken.

B.Alex is going to take a course of computer.But he is not sure whether this course will be useful when he goes to the university.

C.Mummy is unhappy because she feels painful when she bites into something cold or hot.Her teeth are really a trouble to her.

D.Mary's younger brother Tim, who is 8 years old, felt uncomfortable, because he had eaten too much ice-cream.

E.Lily wants to visit some places of interests during the long holiday.But she doesn't know where to go and how to have a good tour and not waste money.

F.Lee is really frustrated nowadays.He doesn't know why other students don't want to speak to him.What's wrong? It seems that he can never get out of it.He gets angry easily recently.He wants to talk to someone to get out of it.

A.Mauritius,an island lying off the southeast Africa in the Indian Ocean. The pleasant tropical climate
and scenery provides the perfect setting to enjoy everything. The sea is full of colorful life that lives around
the coral reef. This makes Mauritius a wonderful place for swimming and diving.
B.Las Vegas is really a fascinating city,where you can dine in the finest restaurants,shop in the most
chic stores,and watch worldclass entertainment. Maybe you will become a millionaire or lose all your
money overnight. What's so clever about Las Vegas is that it makes absolutely certain that you have such
a good time that you don't mind losing a bit of money along the way. That's why they don't even call it "
gambling" any more,but "gaming".
C.Few cities leave the visitors with such vivid impressions;the whole city is something of a work of
art. And annual film festival is held with a refreshing emphasis on art. Few cities can compete with the
 thousands of cafes,bars and restaurants that line every Parisian street. And along the street you will be
fascinated by the beautiful window shows of various clothes.
D.Kitzbuhel is a paradise for all the skiers. With fine weather and breathtaking scenery,it is a worldclass ski report. Every winter,thousands of people come from all parts of the world to challenge themselves.
E.Jerusalem is regarded as a holy place by Jews,Muslims and Christians. For Jews,it is where their
ancestors built the first and second temples. For Christians,the city was the scene of Jesus' life. However,
since the war broke out,people there have suffered a lot,the situation has been tense,and peace is just a
F.The old Nile brought about the civilization of Egypt;people there regard it as "the mother river" of
them. On both sides of the Nile stand noble pyramids which were built as the tombs of the ancient
pharaohs (法老). Along with the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt,the Great Sphinx is one of the greatest
and most studied monuments of human history.
1.Smith is a professor who does research on ancient buildings. This month,his university gives a reward
to him for his great contributions. So now an idea of traveling to a new place to continue his study has
come into his mind.
2.Though Lola is a woman reporter,she is brave enough to go deep into the places at war. This year,
she was honored as "Rose of Front". Next month,she will go to a place at war. She is confident to do
her work well and give people the most brief and real reports.
3.Alice and Simon are going to get married. They want to hold an underwater wedding in a special
place,which has beautiful scenery,silver sand,delicious seafood and luxurious hotels,where they can enjoy
4.Jane is a modern girl,who is a crazy fan of rock music and films. She has a romantic dream,that is,
one day,she will go to a beautiful place to appreciate all the attractive music and films with a cup of coffee
in her hand.
5.Tom is really depressed these days. Owing to his bad management,his company closed. He wants to
go to a place to try his fortune so that he can start his business again in the near future.