
【题目】__________ he or his friends going to the party?

He as well as his friends __________ going.

A. Are;are

B. Is;is

C. Am;is

D. Is;are


【解析】句意为“——他或者他的朋友们去参加聚会吗?——他和他的朋友们都去。or连接并列主语时,谓语动词遵循就近一致原则;主语后跟as well as引导的词组时,谓语动词就前一致。


【题目】Ever wonder why there are so many people polluting the earth?Ever say to yourself:Hey,I wish that I could do more to help the environment?Have you ever thought about trying to help the earth but never really did?Well,here are some pretty easy and skillful ideas for that greenearth desire inside you.

●Turn off your computer.By leaving it on all day you are creating more CO2 than a regular passenger would,driving to and from work in one day.

Ride your bike or carpool (合用汽车).Obviously,you are creating less CO2,which will help the ozone (臭氧).

Make a garden.Even simply grow some plants in your kitchen,which will help produce more oxygen while eating up some of that evil CO2.

Buy local groceries.It creates less impact on the environment.Besides,youre supporting your local farmers.

Recycle.You had to see this coming.But you have no idea how much you are helping the environment by simply reusing a water bottle instead of buying a huge pack at the store.

Dont run the water while brushing.It saves you money and helps the water resources.

Open the curtains.Natural light is much prettier and it will keep the energy usage down.

Rechargeable batteries.You have no idea how much it takes to get rid of batteries.Do yourself a favor.Save some money and some energy.

【1】The underlined word impact in the fourth suggestion means________”.





【2】If you dont want to create more CO2,you may________.

A.turn off your computer or open the curtainsB.turn off your computer or ride your bike or carpool

C.reuse a water bottle or buy local groceries

D.use rechargeable batteries or make a garden

【3】Which of the following can best describe the function of the first paragraph?



C.Main body.


【4】The main idea of the passage is about________.

A.the importance of environmental protection

B.some ways about how to prevent pollution

C.some suggestions about how to save energy

D.some suggestions about environmental protection

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