

Bike-sharing has taken off in China far faster than in any other market. The market has become flooded with new companies in recent months. The bike-sharing companies operate in a similar way. They use apps that allow users, after paying a deposit, to unlock the wheels with their smartphones. After the journey, users can leave bikes anywhere in public and pay a little money for the use. The service is very popular as it provides an effective solution to “the last kilometer” problem.

The promoting of the bike-sharing service is also raising questions about profitability, wide-spread bike vandalism (破坏) and theft, and growing government regulation. A Hong Kong man who was arrested for throwing several shared bikes into rivers said he had no regret destroying them because ‘the GPS devices in the bikes give away users' personal information, such as their locations.”







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【答案】Possible version one

The passage conveys to us the bike-sharing boom across the country, with more companies springing up in the market. The service not only brings great convenience to people, but causes some problems as well.

From my standpoint, bike-sharing system has become an essential part of public transportation in cities and should be actively promoted. Firstly, with an increasing number of people choosing the service to get around, the number of cars on the roads will decrease dramatically, which really helps the environment and reduces traffic jams. Furthermore, this service also benefits individuals in various ways. For example, it provides locals and tourists with a convenient, cheap and healthy means of transport. Those who would otherwise use their own bicycles don’t need to be concerned about such problems as theft, storage and maintenance.

In a word, bike sharing is an innovative service, which relieves urban traffic pressure and brings citizens enormous benefits. And more shared bikes should be launched into the market. (163 words)

Possible version two

The passage conveys to us the bike-sharing boom across the country, with more companies springing up in the market. The service not only brings great convenience to people, but causes some problems as well.

In my opinion, bike-sharing should not be promoted at present for the following reasons. In order to attract more subscribers, the bike-sharing companies are flooding walkways and other public spaces with hundreds of bikes in the hope of promoting their services, which brings great inconvenience to pedestrians. Furthermore, for lack of relevant regulations, some uncivilized people deliberately damage shared-bikes, for example, by throwing them into rivers or piling them up randomly. A fairly high deposit fee has also been criticized in a country familiar with accessing inexpensive public services.

In conclusion, bike-sharing system shouldn’t be promoted before regulations and policies are put in place. The government, companies and users should all play their role in making bike-sharing sustainable and enjoyable. (156 words)

【解析】这是一篇材料作文。写作内容需要结合材料中所给信息。同学们在写这篇文章时,要注意以下几点:1. 通篇以一般现在时态为主。2.要按照所给提纲进行写作,第一段用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:(1)支持或反对共享单车的推广;(2)用2-3个理由或论据支撑你的观点。注意使用高级词汇和高级句型,以提高文章的档次;注意使用一些连接词,使得文章表达自然、流畅。注意文章的字数控制,两方面的内容都各自有字数限制

【范文亮点】所给范文观点不同,分别是支持和反对共享单车,但写作构思,文章结构相似。分析第一篇范文:文章层次分明,开头是简述信息主要内容,中间一段阐述观点时用了Firstly,Furthermore来衔接两个观点,使文章具有连贯性,结尾用in a word 来进行总结,同时文章多处运用从句,例如"the number of cars on the roads will decrease dramatically, which really helps the environment and reduces traffic jams"中运用了which定语从句,给文章增彩



【题目】In 1885, the Republic of France, important friend during the American Revolution, donated the largest statue in the world, Liberty Enlightening the World, to the United States of America. The statue would celebrate its century of independence. To ship it, the statue was broken down into 350 pieces. And now, spread across Bedloe’s Island in New York Harbour, it sat in 214 wooden packing boxes. The problem was that New York had no money to re-assemble it. Six other cities, less affected by the recent economic decline, had the money and bid to build it.

But a Hungarian immigrant, Joseph Pulitzer, the owner of America’s biggest newspaper called the World, wouldn’t let “Liberty” go. When he heard that the Statue of Liberty was about to die from lack of funds, he saw his chance.

Pulitzer set the fund-raising goal of the World at $ 100,000. In its pages he laughed at the rich, thus increasing the paper’s appeal among working-class people, and firmly planted the idea that the statue was a monument not just for New York City but, indeed, for all of America.

Perhaps Pulitzer’s cleverest trick was the promise 10 publish the name of every single contributor in the pages of the World, no matter how small the contribution. The editorial that opened the fund-raising campaign set its tone. He wrote: “The World is the people’s paper and it now appeals to the people to come forward and raise the money for the statue’s base.” The statue, he said was paid for by “the masses of the French people. Let us respond in like manner.” The circulation of the World increased by almost 50,000 copies.

African American newspapers joined in the effort, encouraging their readers to contribute to a monument that would, in part, celebrate the end of slavery. So the money poured in, as single-dollar donations from grandmothers and pennies from the piggybanks of schoolchildren.

On August 11, 1885, the front page of the World announced, “ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS!” The goal had been reached, even slightly beyond, thanks to more than 120,000 contributions.

1What does the underlined word “re-assemble” (Para. 1) probably mean?

A. Put together. B. Take apart.

C. Transport. D. Repair.

2Which of the following was the greatest move in Joseph Pulitzer’s success?

A. Attacking the rich people.

B. Celebrating the end of slavery.

C. Printing every contributor’s name in the World.

D. Persuading children to donate their pocket money.

3What did Joseph Pulitzer try to convey to his readers about the Statue of Liberty?

A. It was a symbol of independence.

B. It was a monument for the whole USA.

C. It was a wonder in the building history.

D. It was a favor from the rich French people.

4What was the main purpose of Joseph Pulitzer’s efforts?

A. To protect the Statue of Liberty.

B. To win working-class readers over.

C. To expand the circulation of his paper.

D. To raise money for the Statue of Liberty.

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